Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 15, 2024
Uploaded by ProfessorFoxMaster759
11. Be able to address the range of communication requirements in own role1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must beaddressed in own job roleAs Team Leader with Deputising Responsibilities, I have to interact with a broad range ofindividuals and companies. Every day I have to pay close attention to the communicationrequirements of the service users, with whom I usually adopt a laid-back, informal tone and,sometimes short words and phrases to help me to simplify my English. Makaton is obsoletetoday as every one of our service users speaks loudly (Cheng, 2014). When speaking withmanagement, CQC, other agencies, professionals, parents or relatives, I would use more complexjargon; nevertheless, given the vast spectrum of expertise within this group, I frequently findmyself simplifying things here as well. In all spheres of communication verbal, written, physical,and facial—as well as interactions, I have to be very cautious about confidentiality issues tomake sure I do not expose anything that has not been expressly allowed for release to the targetaudience.1.2 Explain how to support effective communication within own job roleBuilding and sustaining solid personal connections with everyone I interact with is crucial to mywork because it serves as a foundation for all forms of communication. Employees at mycompany are better able to maintain efficient communication when they have quick access tosimple template sheets that they may use whenever they have information to share. Byconsidering the demands of the local workforce, I have attempted to streamline the system.Maintaining harmony between the modifications also makes it easier for everyone tocommunicate flawlessly every day. I make an effort to speak with employees in a way thatmakes them feel valued as team participants. Staff members who speak English as a second language may have to use less language. Helpingthese workers when they want written reports or documentation is also crucial since they couldrequire more assistance (Cheng, 2014). I could ask a service user to share their knowledge abouta topic that has been discussed or about the items I have informed them about in order toguarantee proper communication. I would jot down the main ideas or answers to queries toprovide specific answers for certain service users who have trouble remembering, as a visualreminder, or if they are worried about a given problem. I make an effort to be specific enough todraw attention to the problems in reports I write for management or other businesses withoutneedlessly filling them with extraneous details.1.3 Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role
2Due to a variety of challenges, I find it challenges to communicate clearly at work. Due to timeconstraints, problems often emerge before the preceding one has been properly resolved andrecorded. Service users often want staff support for the whole amount of hours given to them, butthey are unaware that this time must include documentation, such as case file papers or chat logs,which are required for other staff to properly collaborate with them. Confidentiality requirementsmay also make it difficult to provide information that might assist one party better comprehendthe problems that another is experiencing (Larisa Kh. Gazgireeva & Burnyasheva, 2022). Staffmembers may find it difficult to share information due to the abundance of information sources,including notice boards, log books, communications books, staff folders, emails, diaries,conversation/observation recordings, handover books, etc. When their shift begins, some staffmay find it difficult to get the necessary information before their service user need their aid.1.1-1.3 The student should write a reflective piece in which they review the range of groupsand individuals whose communication needs must be addressed within their own job role.They should move on to explain how to support effective communication within their ownjob role. Lastly, the student should analyse the barriers and challenges to communicationwithin their own job role.As the hospitality manager at ECC, I deal with a variety of both companies and individuals on adaily, weekly, and maybe less frequent basis. Other supervisors, customers, housekeepers,salespeople, site visitors, and sales order employees are among them. I communicate with eachof these individuals by writing, speaking, and listening. I must use a range of skills to interactwith the several people on the list. For instance, I may need to adjust my approach when takinginto account my customers' dietary requirements since they might want to feel understood,supported, and valued (Larisa Kh. Gazgireeva & Burnyasheva, 2022). Instead, I could have beenpatient, explained to her how her extensive experience had made me a good manager, and madesure she knew that any changes I made would be advantageous to the business, her, and me.Alternatively, like the employee, I might have put up a barrier by feeling horrible. Beforemaking any adjustments, I would talk to her about any concerns and make sure we both agreed.Additionally, I would put in the time and effort to resolve this for the benefit of both of us.A reflective piece is a piece of writing written in the first person (l... or We...) and focussingupon your own experience.1.4 Implement a strategy to overcome communication barriersMy job compels me to analyze service users first. I may determine their communicationrequirements and hurdles during this meeting to provide the best treatment. I must find a wayaround difficulties. My team and I can achieve this by working with other specialists to provideservice user and require information. Ensure that those with speech problems attend speechtreatment and that those with language barriers have a translator. Vision problems may be helped
3by seeing an optician and getting the right glasses (Shen & Qian, 2020). I would educate myworkers to read body language and facial expressions since they're so vital in understanding aperson's needs. Speaking slowly and clearly, paying attention to detail, and making sureeveryone understands are helpful. Allowing people to raise questions while being heard andunderstood is crucial. Turn off the TV and music, make sure the place is comfortable, and buildup enough environmental obstacles to talk. Service users may connect in their own rooms or aquiet lounge for good lighting and atmosphere. Service users and others will feel moreconfidence and communicate better if you eliminate communication obstacles. 1.5 Use different means of communication to meet different needsAmong the many ways individuals may communicate are verbal, nonverbal, sign language,visual, written, electronic, assisted, personal, organizational, formal, informal, and public. Theperson I'm speaking to will choose which mean I use. This also depends on how official orcasual the communication is(Shen & Qian, 2020). I have to make sure I'm using intelligibleEnglish rather than jargon when I interact orally with a service user who has significant learningdifficulties on a daily basis. Since children may need gestures in addition to words tocomprehend what is being spoken to them, I also employ nonverbal communication.
4References:Cheng, B.-L. (2014). Service Quality and the Mediating Effect of Corporate Image on theRelationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in the MalaysianHotel Industry. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 15(2), 99.https://doi.org/10.22146/gamaijb.5474Larisa Kh. Gazgireeva, & Burnyasheva, L. A. (2022). Using Scripts and Overcoming Barriers toEffective Communication Between Staff and Guests in Hospitality Organizations:Problem Analysis. Springer EBooks, 535–545. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93244-2_59Shen, L., & Qian, J. (2020). Effective Communication Strategies of Sustainable Hospitality: AQualitative Exploration. Sustainability, 12(17), 6920. mdpi.