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Information Systems
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CT046-3-2 SDM – SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHODSAPU DEGREE – LEVEL 2ASIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITYCT046-3-2 SDM – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODS - APU DEGREE – LEVEL 2COURSEWORKHand-out: Week-3, Submission: Week 12LEARNING OUTCOMES:Construct the different views of a system using tools and techniques.Demonstrate appropriate analysis, design, and implementation techniques through a simple prototype. CASE STUDY:JobFinder: Online Recruitment SystemJobFinder is a job recruitment company, currently operating within the city. They receive vacanciesfrom companies (employers) through emails and calls. Employers can offer many vacancies at thesame time. Each vacancy comes with minimum criteria that the applicant needs to meet. At the same time, JobFinder also receives personal profiles (resumes or CVs) from job seekers(applicants or candidates) via calls, emails and walk-ins. All this information are recorded into booksand occasionally in spreadsheets. On a typical day, the clerk at JobFinder will compile all the vacancies received and manually matchthe jobs against the potential candidates’ profiles (resumes). If a match is found, both the applicantand the employer will be notified for an interview. If both parties agree for the employment,JobFinder will draw up a contract for a small service fee from both parties. However, if the interviewfails, the matching cycle is iterated until a suitable match is found. Lately, JobFinder is expending their business and have been receiving many applications from bothjob seekers and employees from out of the city and even abroad. With the new expansion, the staffsof JobFinder are facing tedious problems and customer complaints. Therefore JobFinder have decidedto establish an Online Job Recruitment System.In the new system, an employercould directly advertise their vacancies by filling up a standard online‘Job Offer’ form through the employer’s web portal. Each employer is given a personal account tomodify their advertisement within their portal. They can input information such as job position,description, and required qualification along with the information about the offered remunerations.An employercould view the responses for their ads from time to time. ASIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY1092024
CT046-3-2 SDM – SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHODSAPU DEGREE – LEVEL 2jobseeker (applicant / candidate) need to register with JobFinder before applying for a job. Theycould create an e-resume (CV) by filling-up an online formwith their details such as qualifications,education, etc. They would be able to check and update their records at any time. The online system would frequently matchthe Employer’svacancy ads with the appropriate CV of theapplicants. (This could be done manuallyby JobFinder’s administrator as well). If a match is found,the applicantwill be notified of their match, at which time the applicant can choose to apply for thejob via the JobFinder website. Successful applicantwill then be notified for an interview. Payment canbe made through the website for service rendered for both parties.The information in the system will be maintained by the JobFinder staffs, performing task such asbacking-up data, removing old vacancies, managing account information, etc. The admin, however,are not authorized to change personal information of the applicant or employers. The managers ofJobFinder would also be able to print standards reports such as a list of applications, vacancies at ad-hoc basis. Basic System RequirementJobFinderwebsite/application containing it’s basic company information, services and terms.A portal for employers to advertise vacancies.A portal for job applicants (candidates) to create CVs A section where employers can see the received applications for their vacancies, where they can choose to accept or reject the applications.A section where applicant can see and apply for available vacancies. Applicants could also see if their applications were accepted.Facilities for admin to perform maintenance of information.Facilities for managers to print relevant reports.Similar Sites: you are a profession Software House, your company (group) is hired to develop the“ – Online Recruitment System”.You have been given the task to analyze, design and develop a prototype for the given Case Study.Your class will be divided into groups. Each group will comprise of 4-6team members. Part-A (70%) isa ‘Group Component’, to be completed in a collaborative manner. Part-B (30%) is an ‘IndividualComponent’, to be completed by each member of the group respectively. ASIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY2092024
CT046-3-2 SDM – SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHODSAPU DEGREE – LEVEL 21.Project Planning (Group Task)1.1.Introduction- Provide a brief introduction to JobFindercompany including its stakeholders,users, current business process, etc.1.2.Problem Statements– Discuss the existing business problems of the JobFindercompany. 1.3.Suggested System– Briefly explain the suggested system that you would propose for theabove project. Include a conceptual diagram to show your initial idea of the new system (youmay use any diagram such as a Rich Picture, Context Diagram, etc.). 1.4.Scopes, and Objectives – Definethe Scopes and Objectives for the JobFindercompany.1.5.Project Scheduling- Create a project schedule (such as a Gantt Chart) according to one ofthe system development methodologies that you have suggested in Part 2.2 below. Clearlyshow the duration, tasks (and sub-tasks), and predecessor (parallel, sequential, iterative, ifany) recommended for the project. 2.Agile Principles and IS Methodologies (Individual Task)2.1.Agile Principles- In the initial stage, your team has decided that Agile Methods could bebeneficial to be applied to the JobFinderproject. Each studentis to discuss in detail TWO (2)Agile Principlesthat you would implement to make your projects more agile. Explain thestrategies that you would take to implement them.Group members are to suggest and discuss different Agile Principleswith each other.2.2.IS Methodologies – Asystem development methodologyrefers to the steps that are used tostructure, plan, and control the process ofdevelopingan informationsystem. Each studentisto suggest and discuss in detail ONE (1) of the IS methodologies. Explain how you wouldcarry out your JobFinderproject according to the methodology. Members are to suggest and discuss different IS methodologies with each other.Your answers in a group should include methodologies from Structured Methodology,Agile-based Methodology including Process Oriented Methodology, and People-OrientedMethodology.3.System Analysis (Group Task)Assume that you have collected ample data and information for the JobFinderproject during the‘Requirement Elicitation’ stage. Describe in detail TWO (2) analysis methodsthat you would useto analyze data gathered from your investigations. Justify your selections.4.Design(Individual Task)Design often comprises the modelling of the system. Each studentis to discuss ONE (1)modelling techniquethat you would adopt for the JobFinderproject and is relevant to yourselected methodology (in Task 2.2). Then, based on your selected modelling technique, eachstudent is also required to create ONE (1) diagramfor the JobFinderproject. Group members are to discuss different modelling techniques and create differentdiagrams from each other e.g., Use Case diagram, State Machine Diagram, ClassDiagram, etc.ASIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY3092024
CT046-3-2 SDM – SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHODSAPU DEGREE – LEVEL 25.Implementation and Deployment (Group Task)5.1.Construction– List and explain the functions and purpose of the major software(and tools)that you would consider in the construction of the new system for the JobFindercompany. 5.2.Proof of Concept- Create a‘throw-away’ prototypefor the JobFindersystem (a simple formof a prototype that is for demonstration purposes). 5.3.Testing- Discuss in detail any TWO (2) testing methodsthat are suitable for the JobFindersystem. Explain in detail how these tests will be carried out for your system.5.4. System Deployment– Compare any TWO (2) types of ‘system change over method(s)’available. Based on your comparison, choose only ONE (1)change-over method that is bestsuited for the JobFinderproject. Explain in detail how and why the selected method is carriedout.ASSIGNMENT DELIVERABLES AND CONDITIONS:Final Documentation must be word-processed; submission is done online through Moodle. Amaximum of 10,000 words in length is recommended. Note: Please exclude the cover page, table of contents, workload matrix, and references pageswhen you do a word count. Make sure to only count words/answers to the questions. Include a ‘Workload Matrix’ (to be given by the lecturer), indicating the contribution of eachindividual for each required component (shown in percentage), and should be signed off by eachteam member, attached to the APPENDIX part of the final document. Citation of facts is mandatory. Obtain your facts from credible sources in references/bibliography.Avoid ‘dumping of data’. Instead, the facts that you discuss should be made relevant to yourcase/project. Kindly use the 7thEdition of APA referencing style. It is acceptable for the discrete activities of this assignment to be undertaken by individual groupmembers. However, all group members must understand the presentation in its entirety. At theend of the submission, your group might be asked a series of questions to explore yourunderstanding and analysis of the given problem. Late submissions will not be assessed unless extenuating circumstances are upheld.ASIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY4092024
CT046-3-2 SDM – SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHODSAPU DEGREE – LEVEL 2Marking Criteria ASIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY5092024ComponentsAllocated MarksProject Planning(Group Task)10Agile Principles and IS Methodologies (Individual Task)20System Analysis (Group Task)10System Design (Individual Task)25Implementation and Deployment (Group Task)30Documentation & Report (Layout, writing, formatting, referencing, etc.) (Group Task)5Total100
CT046-3-2 SDM – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODSAPU DEGREE – LEVEL 2Performance Criteria Distinction (75% and above)This grade will be assigned to work where the documentation is complete and describes in detail,with little or no errors, the following components: introduction, feasibility study, usage of SDLC,selection, and application of investigation techniques, and analysis / logical design following excellentdocumentation standards. To obtain this grade, the candidate’s assignment should show alltechniques of process applied with little or no errors. All deliverables of the individual componentshould be coherent with detailed descriptions to explain the diagrams. Overall documentationstandards for both the group project as well as the individual assignment should be of excellentquality. To obtain a grade at this level, individuals should be able to address all issues concerning notonly their component of the module but also those of the other group members. Individual’scontribution to the project, at this level, should be more than 75% and overall peer evaluation shouldindicate excellent standards.Credit (56% – 69%)This grade will be assigned to work where the documentation is complete and describes briefly, withsome errors, the following components: introduction, feasibility study, selection and application ofinvestigation techniques, and analysis / logical design following good documentation standards. Toobtain this grade, the candidate’s assignment should show all techniques of the methodology appliedbut some errors. All deliverables of the individual component should be coherent with detaileddescriptions to explain the diagrams. Overall documentation standards for both the group project aswell as the individual assignment should be of excellent quality. To obtain a grade at this level,individuals should be able to address most issues concerning not only their component of themodule but also those of the other group members. Individual’s contribution to the project, at thislevel, should be more than 65% and overall peer evaluation should indicate excellent standards.Pass (40% - 55%)This grade will be assigned to work where, most of the basic requirements of the documentationlisted above, such as introduction, feasibility reports, logical process models, and data dictionary areof an adequate standard which is evident in the hardcopy of the documentation. The physical designof the system in terms of the interactive screen design and report maps adequately against thelogical design presented in the documentation. The documentation should be of adequate standardin terms of language, layout, and flow. Some accurate, relevant and up-to-date referencing wasvisible. Group presentation of the team should have adequate visual aids with relevant informationpresented and adequate coordination among group members. Individuals should display anadequate level of professionalism and project knowledge. Peer-to-peer evaluation of an individual’scontribution should be adequate.Fail (Below 40%)This grade will be assigned to work where, most of the basic requirements of the documentationlisted above, such as introduction, feasibility reports, logical process models, and data dictionary areof a poor standard which is evident in the hardcopy of the documentation. The physical design of thesystem in terms of the interactive screen design and report shows little or no mapping / linking withthe logical design presented in the documentation. The documentation is of poor standard in termsof language, layout, and flow. Minimal or no referencing was done. The group presentation of theteam has poor visual aids with irrelevant information presented and poor coordination among groupASIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY6092017
CT046-3-2 SDM – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT METHODSAPU DEGREE – LEVEL 2members. Individuals display on average a poor level of professionalism and project knowledge.Peer-to-peer evaluation of an individual’s contribution is poor.EndASIA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY7092017