08 Task Performance 1 - ARG - 08 Methods of Analyzing an Enterprise Architecture

STI College (multiple campuses)**We aren't endorsed by this school
Information Systems
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by ElderPowerGoat45
1.Answer the following risk-related questions based on Figure 1:a.Based on your analysis, identify three (3) vulnerabilities in Figure 1. Indicate onwhat level of risk impact each vulnerability falls. (3 items x 5 points each)According to my analyzation, the first vulnerability based on the above figureis the model's CRM system's ability to respond quickly to users when a floodof incoming data occurs. Since the model performance and systemeffectiveness may be impacted if the CRM system's response time is poor.(Level of Risk Impact – High risk)The second vulnerability is the model's poor processing speed, which maybe affected if there is an excessive amount of data pouring in. The model isinefficient since it takes longer to generate a given product or result whenusing a delayed method. (Level of Risk Impact – Moderate Risk.)The third vulnerability is the model's capacity to process data in a timelymanner, which could be compromised by issues with the model's responsetime, delayed processing, or an influx of too much data. This has an impacton the model's ability to complete a single instance of a procedure. (Level ofRisk Impact – Moderate Risk.)b.What are the possible ways to address each vulnerability that you have identified?(3 items x10 points each)By assessing the amount of incoming data that each process in the modelcan manage, it may be able to develop a countermeasure solution to thesluggish response issue and speed up the response, which would addressthe first vulnerability.The fastest data to process should be organized, as doing so makes theprocess more efficient and provides a quick response to the threat, whichcould be one strategy to mitigate the second risk.To improve and fix disruption in the entire process completion time process,the third vulnerability must be addressed. To do this, it is planned to treat
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each event problem one at a time and have a backup plan for the threatagain in the model.c.Based on your analysis, identify three (3) possible threats in Figure 1. Indicate onwhat level of risk impact does threat falls. (3 items x 5 points each)My analysis shows that the throughput the model can handle is one of themodel's first vulnerabilities based on the picture. Because a system's ability toprocess as many transactions as possible or requests per unit of time isimpacted by the amount of data it receives and processing times. (Level ofRisk Impact – Moderate risk)Since it takes longer to analyze each bit of data that can be lost or erroneous,the second vulnerability is the reaction time of data arriving at the model.(Level of Risk Impact – Moderate risk)The third vulnerability is the issue with the model's utilization process, whichhas only been effective in processing half of the incoming data if the modelhas much incoming data. Make the model's use insufficiently efficient tohandle all the incoming resource data. (Level of Risk Impact – Moderate risk)d.What are the possible ways to mitigate each threat that you have identified? (3items x 10 points each)The first threat needs to be addressed in a systematic manner to bemitigated. For example, the model must be able to handle a certainquantity of data at a given moment to solve the issue of sluggishprocessing time and excessive data pouring in.The second threat can be reduced by coming up with a way to speed upprocessing while maintaining the validity of the data.To arrange the incoming data and determine how much resource isrequired to complete the data are potential countermeasures to the thirddanger. The complete half process can be avoided by organizing the
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incoming information and understanding the number of resourcesrequired.e.Do you think it is also necessary to identify the risk analysis criteria of each threat?Why or why not? (10 points)Why? Because to provide an appropriate solution and prevention to the current model, it isrequired to establish the risk analysis criteria of each threat. Additionally, it will improve the model'sability to provide its customers with high-quality service. The model is improved, making it moreeffective and efficient. Identifying the weaknesses will help to ensure that the produced model willadhere to the necessary criteria. to provide each customer with the precise and suitable servicethey require. Addressing these kinds of dangers can also help to improve and fix disturbance in thecomplete process. By identifying the risk analysis criteria for each threat, the designer can betterprepare for prospective issues by getting a head start on the
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