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BSE 101
Dec 16, 2024
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Name: James S. Rosario Year and Course: BPA 1-1Self-Assessment1. I think that reason is precise because it is indeed true that motivation is very important to performwell because motivation will serve as an inspiration to every employee to work hard. Aside from that, anemployee will perform well if he/she love the job, and it is only possible if he/she is highly motivated.2. Yes, I agree because every employee has a different sense of responsibility. And the one who is reallydedicated and responsible to his/her job deserves to be rewarded. It will also serve as the motivation forother employees to work hard. 3. Expectancy Theory, because as I have observed people nowadays are being competitive and they arekeeping their eyes on the prize. They believe that it is really necessary to excel in their job not becausethey love doing so, but they want to excel in their job because they want to impress other people bytheir performance. The reason why they are working so hard is because they are expecting something itis either promotion, money or other incentives.4. The concept of expectancy, instrumentally, and valence means that an individual needs to exerteffort, and perform well, in order for them to get a reward. Like for example: I am working as a companydriver and my goal is to get higher salary, since I am aiming for something, I know that I have to workhard for it. Therefore, I will impress my boss and I will show him that I deserve a higher rate.Case Study No. 5Discussion Question1. People-centric organizational change, if they will continuously do what they are doing they might losea skilled employee. Instead of training the employee to work permanently in the company they will justkeep on training new hired employees and this process will continuously happen it may cause a badeffect to the company.2. The techniques that Zappos are doing is, they are giving a challenge to their employees to test theirloyalty. They are offering money to test the dedication of an employee to the organization. If he/shechoose the money over the job or the company that simply means that he/she don’t deserve the job. 3. They are offering money to test the loyalty of the employee. If an employee will choose the moneyover the company that means that they just kicked out a lousy employee and thus only means thathe/she does not deserve to work from that company.4. If I were a worker from Zappos I am sure that I will not waste an opportunity to serve from a companythat does not only look for a worker but they are looking for someone that they could trust.
Exercises1. I think that reason is precise because it is indeed true that motivation is very important to performwell because motivation will serve as an inspiration to every employee to work hard. Aside from that, anemployee will perform well if he/she love the job, and it is only possible if he/she is highly motivated.2. Yes I agree with Maslow’s particular ranking of employees needs, because it is true that physiologicalneeds is the least of employees needs among the five needs. Because physiological needs only refers tothe need for food, water, and other biological needs. Aside from the physiological needs, employeesalso seek for their safety especially while they are working from the company. Social need means thateveryone has the needs to bond or interact with other people. And esteem needs is more salient, it isthe desire to be respected by the other people and be appreciated. Lastly, and the most important needof an employee is the self actualization, it means that you are becoming all you are capable of being.Because an employee is a human and not a robot, which means he/she shouldn’t be dictated by thethings that he/she must do.3. An organization can satisfy the needs of each employee by respecting everyone, treat them as aperson who is willingly serving them and don’t treat them as a slave or a robot, give a salary that theydeserve, give benefits and ensure their safety while they are working from a company. 4. Expectancy Theory, because as I have observed people nowadays are being competitive and they arekeeping their eyes on the prize. They believe that it is really necessary to excel in their job not becausethey love doing so, but they want to excel in their job because they want to impress other people bytheir performance. The reason why they are working so hard is because they are expecting something itis either promotion, money or other incentives.5. Yes. I think the salary and security should be considered as motivators, because salary and security isalso factors, which greatly help the employee. It is also one of the reasons why an employee ismotivated.6. I will advice that she must become more responsible because a managerial position is indeed a greatachievement but it will also bring bigger responsibility.Exercises1. I think it is unfair for every employee to keep the pay secret, because if they would keep the paysecret that only means that they are not equally paid. There is a possibility that the other employee isgetting a higher salary even if that employee doesn’t deserve it. Or maybe you are the one who isgetting a higher salary which you think might be unfair for your co-worker.2. I would ensure perceptions and pays by observing how that certain employee doing his/her job andby looking at his/her salary or bonus rate.
3. The differences between distributive justice, procedural justice and interactional justice is that; thedistributive justice refers t the degree which the outcomes received from the organization are perceivedto be fair. Procedural justice refers to the degree to which fair decision making procedures are used tobe arrived at a decision. And lastly, the interactional justice refers to the degree for which people aretreated with respect, kindness and dignity in interpersonal interactions.4. The concept of expectancy, instrumentally, and valence means that an individual needs to exerteffort, and perform well, in order for them to get a reward. Like for example: I am working as a companydriver and my goal is to get higher salary, since I am aiming for something, I know that I have to workhard for it. Therefore, I will impress my boss and I will show him that I deserve a higher rate.5. I oppose to the belief of practitioners and researcher that OB Mod is unethical, because I think thereis nothing wrong with what is indicated in that passage because it only states the responsibility of eachindividual which would cause a great benefit to their peers.Exercises1. There is a connection between the company’s reward system and the level of ethical behavior of anindividual. Ethical behavior means honestly and integrity of an employee or a person. In an organizationthe company’s reward system serves as a prize for doing great. And the ethical behavior of eachemployee depends on how high the reward is. But somehow being ethical is within the person or theperson’s behavior and beliefs.2. I think it is the reinforcement theory that was based by the work of Ivan Pavlov on behavioralconditioning. Every country has different beliefs, culture, traditions and behavior that’s why it is hard tointeract with them, but with a thought that we can still relate with each other by understanding eachdifferences. We could be motivated and work with unity despite of the differences. Discussion Question1. I believe that Trader Joe can possibly reach higher success rate because they are accommodating andresponsible. They are not just simply selling but they are serving their costumers well. That is a positivetrait that employees from Trader Joe possess, that will serve as the reason why the customers will keepcoming back to that store.2. I believe that money is not the only reason why we are looking for a job. For my opinion I would notstay on a job that I did not like even if they pay a high amount of money.3. I think the offer from the company is not the only reason for being dedicated, because dedication isalways a choice. Even if their job description is good, and dedicated employee that is not enough reason
for you to stay, even if you don’t feel like it. A person will become responsible, good and dedicated ifhe/she really possess that attitude. No, because high salary in not enough to keep an employee. Ethical DilemmaI think they are not being ethical, because they are not giving a free will to the employees. Well, it has agood affect because they can protect their employee’s health but I think there is other alternative waysto motivate their employees. One of those alternative ways is to encourage each employee to engage insport or self destruction that has good effect. Case Study No. 6Discussion Question1. Employees are encouraged to fix the things that they see as wrong and have real power on their jobs.Employees are responsible because if they encounter a problem they will voluntarily over time even iftheir supervisor did not ask for it.2. This company is the highest paid steelworkers in the world. Therefore I believe that the level ofemployee in this company is high.3. Everyone has an opportunity to earn money if the company is doing well and there is no upward limitof how much they can make. 4. Unity and cooperation in an organization is really necessary to make the company successful. Nucor’sformula for success is align the company goals with employee’s goal and give employees real power tomakes everything possible.5. The least thing that the company can do to keep the employees is giving them a free will. And that willalso make them happy.Exercises1. I believe that everything is possible. Higher level in an organization can also have job rotation.2. Job enlargement means to expand the tasks performed by employees to add more variety. By givingemployees several different tasks to be performed, as opposed to limiting their activities to a smallnumber of tasks, organization hopes to reduce boredom. While job enrichment is a job redesigntechnique that allows workers more control over how they perform their own task. This approach allowsemployee to take on more responsibly. The job enlargement is more useful in dealing with the boredomof monotomy.
3. I worked as a driver and delivery boy before. I had the opportunity to have that job because I amskilled worker. I see its task significance even if it is not a very important job I am still proud f it becausethrough this job I’ll be able to provide for my family needs. 4. Yes, because the only way for the employee to become motivated is from the motivation of thecompany where they are working. 5. The empowerment of employee can be increased by motivating and complimenting them. A bossshould act as a leader and not just simply a boss. Because a boss will just state and order, while a leaderteaches and trains his/her employee, in that sense the employee can be empowered.Exercises1. Smart goals stands for specific, measurable, aggressive, realistic and time bound. An example of smartgoal is one employee who is being specific on his goal, he is able to measure or make proper decisionson his goal. He is aggressive to achieve his goal. He is realistic and time-bound.2. Yes, it is effective because the manager is not pressuring the worker which will make him/hermotivated.3. A manager can ensure that an employee is committed to the goals if he /she is dedicated and honestto his/her work.4. Setting companywide goals derived from corporate strategy, determining team and department levelgoals. Develop an action plan, and periodically reviewing performance and revising goals.5. My self experience in setting goals is not related with work or being an employee but I think it stillcounts. When I was in high school my goal is to become honor student. Therefore I study hard andbecome responsible in order for me to achieve my goals. I believe that goals will help us to becomemotivated and inspired.Exercises1. I think the disadvantages of making supervisors and customers as raters are that, they might not rateyou accurately. 2. Yes. Because you are the one who really know what you are capable of doing and self appraisal willstill count on motivating yourself as an employee. I think the downside of self appraisal is that; if you willkeep on praising yourself or making yourself believe that you do great you might start being bossy andproud. 3. Maybe because they think that if the employee will be praised he/she will work hard. Biased ratingwill result to being unfair to the other employee which might cause a war between the employees.
These happenings will be prevented if the managers or supervisors will rate the employee honestly andaccording to what they observe. 4. Performance appraisals are very important therefore it should not be abolished.5. Absolute rating versus relative ranking appraisals. I think that this appraisal is the only thing that canrate the employees honestly. Nowadays, getting a job is being hard, because some of the applicants arepassive to the job description but the one who get hired are the ones who have relative in thatcompany. I think that would be unfair not just for the applicants but also to the company. Because theyare losing the skilled worker and hiring the one who only have relative in that company.Exercises1. Yes, since I experienced working, I experienced getting individual bonus. It is when I completed theattendance. 2. The advantages of getting a bonus is that, employee will be motivated and work hard to be able to geta bonus again. The same is true with merit pay. Employees will be more motivated and inspired to workhard. But the disadvantages are; it may also result to laziness.3. Employees will be more motivated if they will receive an award. Let us use a students as an example,a student’s goal is to receive medals and certificates to show that he/she is excellent or achiever. As anemployee if you receive a certificate for being great it will serve as a motivation for you.4. Stock options give employee the right but not the obligation, to purchase company stocks at apredetermined price. I think company offers stock option so that they could have investment to thecompany.5. The best incentive system is the team bonuses, because team bonuses means they cooperate witheach other in order to gain that bonus and cooperation is really important in an organization. Givingteam bonus is like hitting two birds with one stone. You gave incentive to your employees which willserve as a motivation for them and they had unity and cooperation.Exercise1. Not yet.2. I think it is ethical because CEO worked hard to get into that position therefore I believe that he/she iswell deserve of higher rate. I couldn’t see any situation of it being unethical.3. Not all employees from around the globe are motivated by goal setting. Even thought there is alimited research in this area existing finding point to some differences.
Discussion Question1. Help each other to make the company rise again. Every employee and even the owner of thecompany should stay motivated and keep fighting for the sake of the company. I think they’d been ableto make it a success again because they never stopped believing.2. It is always a choice to communicate with every employee. 3. She has close relationship with all of the employees which provide a level of comfort and teamwork.4. They will be able to keep those kind of employees because they are dedicated employees.Ethical DilemmaI would advice James that he should rate the employee honestly. If Maria really deserve to get bonusshe work for it. It will be a big mistake if James will rate her wrongly because Maria might abuse James’kindness.