Experiment 6 - Data and Result BIOL 1121

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Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by BrigadierViperPerson1199
Virtual Laboratory Activity - BIOL 1121 - Unit 8Data Collection and ResultWhile you are working on this virtual lab activity, please record your data in the tables below.1)Data Collection TablesSection 1: ExpressionGene 1Table 1. Expression Gene 1ASet 1ResultsInferencePositive Transcription FactorPolymeraseHighlevelofgeneexpression. mRNA synthesisbegins due to the activationby the positive transcriptionfactor, which enhances thebinding of RNA polymeraseto the regulatory region.The presence of a positivetranscriptionfactorpromotes gene expressionbyfacilitatingRNApolymerase binding andtranscription initiation.Table 2. Expression Gene 1BSet 2ResultsInferenceNegativeTranscriptionFactorPolymeraseLow or no gene expression.The negative transcriptionfactor inhibits the binding ofRNA polymerase to theregulatoryregion,preventing transcription.The presence of a negativetranscriptionfactorrepresses gene expressionbyhinderingRNApolymerase's ability toinitiate transcription.Table 3. Expression Gene 1CSet 3ResultsInferencePositive Transcription FactorPolymeraseRibosomeHighlevelofgeneexpression and translation.mRNA is produced, andribosomes translate it intoprotein efficiently.The combination of apositive transcription factorand RNA polymerase startsstrong gene expression,which is then translated into
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protein by ribosomes.Gene 2Table 4. Expression Gene 2Set 1ObservationsInferencePositiveTranscriptionFactors (Type 1 and Type 2)PolymeraseRibosomemRNA DestroyerModerate to low geneexpression. At the start,mRNA is synthesized andtranslated into protein, butthe presence of the mRNAdestroyer quickly degradesthe mRNA, reducing overallprotein synthesis.Evenwithpositivetranscriptionfactorspromoting expression, themRNAdestroyercansignificantly reduce thelevels of gene expression bydegrading mRNA before itcan be fully translated.Gene 3Table 5. Expression Gene 3ASet 1ResultsInferencePositive Transcription Factor(Type 1)PolymeraseRibosomeModerate gene expression.The Type 1 positivetranscriptionfactorenhances the binding ofRNA polymerase to thegene, but the expressionlevel might be lowercompared to scenarios withadditionaltranscriptionfactors.Single positive transcriptionfactors can promote geneexpression,butthepresenceofadditionalfactors could enhance thiseffect further.Table 6. Expression Gene 3BSet 2ResultsInferencePositive Transcription Factor(Type 1 and Type 2)PolymeraseRibosomeHigh gene expression. Thecombined effect of bothtranscriptionfactorsstrongly promotes RNApolymerase binding andtranscription, resulting inMultiplepositivetranscription factors can insynergy enhance geneexpression,leadingtohigher levels of transcriptionand translation.
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high levels of mRNA andsubsequentproteintranslation.Section 1: mRNATable 7. mRNA 1Set 1ResultsInferencePositive Transcription Factor(middle concentration andlow affinity)RNAPolymerase(lowaffinity)Low to moderate levels ofmRNA. The low affinity ofthe transcription factors andRNA polymerase results inweak binding and reducedtranscription.Low affinity and moderateconcentrationoftranscription factors andpolymeraseleadtosuboptimal gene expression.Table 8. mRNA 2Set 2ResultsInferencePositive Transcription Factor(high concentration andhigh affinity)RNAPolymerase(highaffinity)High levels of mRNA. Thehighaffinityandconcentrationoftranscription factors andpolymerase result in strongbindingandrobusttranscription.Highaffinityandconcentrationoftranscription factors andpolymerase lead to maximalgene expression.Section 3: Multiple CellsTable 9. Multiple cells 1Set 1ObservationsInferencePositive transcription factors- High concentration.Highinitialproteinproduction followed byrapid degradation. AlthoughRapid protein degradationcan limit the overall proteinyield despite strong gene
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mRNA destroyer – Low concentrationPositive transcription factors- High affinities Polymerase– High affinity Protein Degradation– Fast gene expression is initiallystrong, the fast degradationlimits the overall proteinlevels.expression.Table 10. Multiple cells 2Set 2ObservationsInferencePositive transcription factors- High concentration.mRNA destroyer – High concentrationPositive transcription factors– High affinitiesPolymerase– High affinityProtein Degradation– Slow Moderateproteinproduction.Thehighconcentration of mRNAdestroyer limits the mRNAavailable for translation, buttheslowproteindegradation allows theproducedproteinstoaccumulate over time.Slow protein degradationcan offset the impact ofmRNA destroyer, allowingfor sustained protein levelsdespite reduced mRNA.2)ConclusionWrite a conclusion about this virtual lab activity in 5-6 sentences.This virtual lab exercise thoroughly examined the regulation of gene expression by manipulating transcription factors, RNA polymerase, and other molecular elements. Through simulating different experimental scenes, we witnessed the effects of positive and negative transcription factors on gene expression, as well as how mRNA stability and proteindegradation play a role in determining the final result. The experiments revealed the delicate balance needed for ideal gene expression and the possible consequences of slight alterations in molecular interactions. This activity showed the complexity of genetic regulation and the need to comprehend these mechanisms for their applications in biotechnology and medicine. In summary, the virtual laboratory effectively showed important concepts of gene regulation and provided useful understanding of the dynamic mechanisms that control cellular activity.
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