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BSIT 206
Information Systems
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by CaptainPower12374
Mark Aian SeeNetwork TechnologyA703Task PerformancePart 1. Creating VPC, Subnet, and Security Group (20 points)SUBNETS INBOUND RULES:
Part 2. Communication Between Two Elastic Cloud Servers (20 points)ECS Servers:Enter the same password. Now that you are logged in to the second ECS, ping the first ECS. Screenshotthe entire console. (10 points)Part 3: In exactly four (4) sentences, discuss the benefit of implementing a security group. (10 points) Implementing a security group is highly relevant; it controls both incoming and outgoing traffic to and from resources in the cloud; hence it allows organizations to put in place particular rules that allow only trusted traffic, thereby minimizing exposure to potential threats. Security groups also make firewall ruleseasier to manage because they can be applied consistently across numerous resources, easing compliance and governance for an organization. They also offer flexibility to alter security policies almost in real-time with changing business needs or new threats.