Wk 5 Summative Assessment

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Dec 16, 2024
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Wk 5 Summative Assessment: Change Management MemoSharice FranklinUniversity of Phoenix HCS/370 Organizational BehaviorDavid Olsen11/18/2024Memo:To: All StaffFrom: Sharice FranklinDate: 11/18/2024 Hello team,I would like to address some things but firstly let me thank eachone of you for always being here and getting the job done. Covid-19 has made us evaluate how we handle recent problems and canadapt to the changes. As your new practice manager, I would liketo thank you all for how you have handled changes up to thispoint and keeping an open mind on the chances of continuing tobe able to provide the best support to our staff, providers, andpatients. I know that change can be difficult, and the past fewyears have tested everyone and their ability to adapt to change.Change is never easy, but we can all work together to make thetransition as smooth as possible. Covid-19 has allowed us to beable to look at how well we can handle change and how quicklywe can adapt. Because of this, we have decided we will be
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moving forward with telehealth visits. This will be offered to allpatients, and they will be given the opportunity to schedule in-person or via telehealth moving forward. As a mental healthhospital, we must be available to our patients and some patientsjust are not able to make it into the office due to personal reasonsand we can no longer allow them to go unseen or withoutmedications. That said faith that everyone will succeed in theirroles. Because many people fear change, we may see somepushbacks from some patients that would like to be seen inperson, and we w, not every patient will qualify for telehealthappointments. Depending on the severity of the patient andtreatment, they must come into the office. We will allow ourproviders and therapists to direct us to some of the patients. Thenumber one priority has always been to provide the best patientcare, and I believe that this will allow us to continue striving forthat goal. Our plan is to offer a continuous line of telehealthappointments beginning in 60 days (about 2 months), which willbe limited and will continue to increase if we can accommodate.The long-term plan is to be able to offer all patients who meetcriteria telehealth appointments within the next 12 months. Forthat to happen, all employees must be adequately trained in theirrole in telehealth appointments and must be able to train any newemployees during this time. The leadership team has the mostwill continue to accommodate them as well. We want to beunderstanding and accommodating as much as possible for allour patients.
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