Exam 4 study guide

ECPI University**We aren't endorsed by this school
BIO 116
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by alilane58
1.Understand the 2 stages of dying. a.Preactive dying- May take up to 3 months, some are aware and begin process to accept their mortality, lose interest in news, friends, conversation and food. May sleep a lot and may develop problems with swallowing. b.Active dying- Has distinct signs, sleeps often, but can be awakened, may confuse time, place and people. Loses appetite, organ systems shut down slowly. 2.Differentiate between complete dominance, incomplete dominance, and co-dominance. a.Complete Dominance= One allele completely masks the other allele in the phenotype b.Incomplete Dominance= Neither allele is fully dominant in the phenotype c.Co-dominance= Both alleles are visible in the phenotype 3.Understand the process of gastrulation and the 3 germ layers. Understand what structures will develop from those germ layers. a.Early stage of embryonic development i.Ectoderm 1.Forms nervous system, some special sensory organs, epidermis, hair, nails, skin glands, linings of mouth and anal canal. ii.Mesoderm 1.Forms muscle tissue, bone tissue, blood, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, internal reproductive organs, kidneys, epithelial linings of body cavities. iii.Endoderm 1.Forms pancreas, gallbladder, and linings of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, urinary bladder and urethra. 4.Know the normal number of chromosomes in a a haploid and diploid cell. Differentiate chromosomes that are autosomal and those that are sex chromosomes. a.Haploid= 23 b.Diploid= 46 c.Autosomal= 1-22 d.Sex= 23 5.Describe the corpus luteum and its function. a.Corpus luteum makes your uterus a healthy place for a fetus to grow. It produces progesterone that prepares your uterus for pregnancy. Once
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it is no longer needed to make progesterone it goes away until the next menstrual cycle. 6.Describes the 3 stages of prenatal development. Understand the timing of each stage and what is occurring during each. a.Pre-embryonic stage- i.From fertilization to second week ii.Includes cleavage, blastocyte formation, implantation, development of extra embryonic membranes. b.Embryonic Stage- i.From 3rdweek to end of 8thweek ii.Includes gastrulation and organogenesis iii.Most critical period of development, since embryo implants into uterus and all body parts form. c.Fetal stage- i.Begins at the 8thweek of development and continues till birth ii.Growth is rapid, body portions change significantly iii.Head is very large at the beginning of this stage iv.In 3rdmonth, body lengthens and head growth slows. v.By 12thweek external reproductive organs can be distinguished if male or female. vi.During 4thmonth, lower limbs lengthen significantly and skeleton continues ossification vii.During 5thmonth growth slows, hair grows, muscle contract viii.During 6thmonth fetus gains weight skin is wrinkled ix.During 7thmonth eyes open, fat is deposited, skin gets smoother x.During final trimester organs specialize and grow, brain cells form networks xi.Digestive and respiratory systems are last to mature 7.Describe the layers of the oocyte and parts of the sperm. Explain fertilization and implantation and where they are occurring. a.Corona radiata- layer of follicular cells that surround oocyte b.Zona pellucida- glycoprotein layer that closely surrounds secondary oocyte. Hardens after sperm head enters. c.Head, midpiece, tail 8.Define teratogens. a.Factors that cause malformations by affecting an embryo during droids of rapid growth, development, or specialization. 9.Describe the hormones involved in milk production (action of the hormone and where they are formed). a.Prolactin stimulates milk production formed in the anterior pituitary gland
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b.Oxytocin stimulates milk let down/ release formed by the hypothalamus. 10.Analyze GTPAL problems. 11.Describe pre and postnatal periods. a.Prenatal- fertilization-birth b.Postnatal- birth- death 12.Analyze Punnett square problems. 13.Describe fetal blood flow and the differences from adult blood flow. a.Placenta, umbilical vein, ductus venous, right atrium, left ventricle, aorta, umbilical arteries. It differed from adult blood flow due to bypassing the lungs and liver 14.Define phenotype, allele, and genotype and apply these terms. a.Phenotype- Appearance of a traitor health condition that develops as a result of the ways the genes are expressed. b.Allele- various forms of a gene, which differ in DNA sequence (one from mom, one from dad) c.Genotype- Particular combination of alleles for a particular gene or genes. 15.Define the postnatal stages. a.Neonatal b.Infancy c.Childhood d.Adolescence e.Adulthood f.Senescence 16.Describe and label the stages of early prenatal development from fertilization to gastrulation. a.Fertilization b.Cleavage (forming a zygote) c.Morula (solid ball of about 16 cells) d.Blastocyte (hollow ball of cells that attaches to endometrium) e.Gastrulation (where primary germ layers are formed)
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