
South University, Savannah**We aren't endorsed by this school
BIO 102
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by MinisterCrown14364
Week 5 ProjectFibrous, Cartilaginous, and Synovial Jointsincludes shoulder, elbow, and wrist jointsSynovial jointsincludes joints between the vertebral bodies and the pubic symphysisCartilaginous jointssutures are memorable examplesFibrous jointsfound in the epiphyseal plateCartilaginous found in a gomphosisFibrous jointsall are freely movable or diarthroticSynovial joints A.Joint cavity B.Articulate cartilage C.PeriosteumD.Ligament E.Fibrous capsuleF.Synovial membrane G.Articular capsule
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3. How does a tendon sheath differ from a bursa?Tendon sheaths are a form of fibrous tissue that are found near flexor tendons, wrapping around. Bursae are sacs of fluid which help reduce the friction createdbetween moving joints. The structure in the synovial joint that produce the synovial fluid is the synovial membrane.4. Which structure in the synovial joint produces synovial fluid?A thin membrane of joints comprised of smooth connective tissue and that is what secretes synovial fluid.joint between the axis and atlasPivot hip jointBall-and-Socketintervertebral joints (between articular processes)Condylarjoint between forearm bones and wristSynovial jointelbowSynovial jointinterphalangeal jointsBall-and-socketintercarpal jointsFibrous jointsjoint between talus and tibia/fibulaFibrous joint joint between skull and vertebral columnCondylar joint joint between jaw and skullSaddle jointjoints between proximal phalanges and metacarpal bonesCondylar joint
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a multiaxialjointFibrous jointbiaxial jointsBall-and-socketuniaxialjointsPivot joints8. The shoulder joint is built for mobility. List three factors that contribute to the large range of motion at the shoulder.Subacromial/subdeltoid bursa, structure lying between the deltoid muscle and joint capsule in the superolateral aspect of the joint being superficial to the supraspinatus tendon.This bursa reduces friction underneath and deltoid muscle allowing an increased range of motion. There are 3 basic types of range of motion passive , active assistive, and active being defined by whether and to what degree , the patient can move the joint voluntarily.Selected Synovial Joints6. Which joint, the hip or the knee, is more stable?The knee is structurally less stable than the hip it’s also far more restricted the knee is a stable joint.Functioning best as a true hinge , the hip is a mobile joint that offers movement through multiple planes.Name two important factors that contribute to the stability of the hip joint.Acetabular labrum and the ligamentum teres.Name two important factors that contribute to the stability of the knee.Deep cruciate ligaments being anterior and posterior also including the meniscusA.Anterior cruciate ligament B.FibulaC.Fibulae collateral ligament
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D.Lateral Condyle of the femurE.Lateral meniscusF.Medial meniscusG.PatellaH.Patellar ligament I.TibiaJ.Tibia lateral ligamentMovements Allowed by Synovial JointsA.Flexion B.Circumduction C.FlexionD.Plantar FlexionE.EversionF.Supination
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Clinical/Critical Thinking10. The glenoid labrum can become torn from overuse or direct injury to the shoulder shoulder joint. Considering the function of the glenoid labrum, describe some of the consequences of a large tear in the glenoid labrum.Providing the primary attachment for the glenohumeral ligaments and gives riseto the long head biceps tendon, capsule, and scapular neck.It conforms to the curvature of the humeral head and as such contributes to approximately 50% of the depth of the shoulder joint.A tear can occur anywhere that the labrum connects to the glenoid.Common causes of a torn shoulder labrum include overuse of the shoulder or trauma to the joint. A labrum tear can make a shoulder weaker and less stable causing pain that can range from things like decreased range of motion, shoulder stiffness ,shoulder instability, and shoulder weakness mainly often being on one side .11. A physician diagnoses you with "olecranon bursitis." Predict the location and cause of the swelling that you are experiencing.Location being in the elbow and the cause is due to fluid being in the elbow becoming inflamed, inflammation of the elbow bursa is usually visible and palpable so the physical exam is vital for diagnosis.To determine if the bursa is infected it would simply be a comparison of the skin temperature of the affectedelbow to the other.12. The menisci in the knee joint can be torn for a variety of reasons. Considering the structure of the menisci, would you expect these tears to heal on their own?  Why or why not?Menisci tears do not heal on their own due to the fact that the menisci are composed of fibrocartilage and do not have an extensive blood supply.
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