Mercer County Community College**We aren't endorsed by this school
PHY 101
Computer Science
Dec 16, 2024
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Mercer County Community College \ v• '.:)la....L\ , I I 'f t O T Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Atwood Machine Objectives To study Newton's Second Law To study uniformly accelerated motion using the skills learned in free fall 2021-2022 Students design the three parts of the experiment: number of repetition in measurements; distance; weights Theory 1. This experiment is similar to the free fall experiment in terms of a motion with constant acceleration. The Atwood machine is used to study a system of two objects with mass m1 and m2 connected by a non-elastic string. Draw a 2. 3. 4. diagram of the system. _ __,-.---J t\ I Draw force diagrams for both objects. Is tension force the same on both sides? /Jo, n 2.. M~ ,~O'>'\ j),__&w\ M, Do the ~o objects have the ";!,'Jle,,i;on? • !),,_ J,,,. ,,rJ -8"""'1 ~. I M I ,t;tv M 2. *6W\1 What's the equafi~n for Newton's 2nd Law on the first o'6'ject? M , °' -:::..T-1""1 C\ . I I J 5. What the equation for Newton's 2nd Law on the second object? Given mass values and gravity, find out how the acceleration can be expressed in terms of mass m1, m2, and gravity g. a. general solution M '--Ct I .<" . 1,--_z.. ___ ,_l""X '3 . ":' M I + l"V\ ,-z..:: b. What Is '"/;:;:'.on of ~lo, the sped al case of m, = O? Q I = ,~ ,1"1 I 1 .:::: q_ I a -'.'.i c. What is the Son of a for the special case of ri:11 = rJ'l2 = I'\: (\ I = t M~TmJ·') or ( !-)v J OR . • d" I d by a height of h after the system is released to move, how much time does it take the system to If each obJect Is Isp ace • • ~;h~O; ii?functlo~:~ 4.(-~~ • --~--~ 42 ,{:1---
I Mercer County Community College 2021-2022 • Laboratory Skills • This Week's Laboratory Instruments Equipment Safety & Precautions Atwood Parts: clamp, pulley, string, and two weight hangers. Use cardboard box to catch the falling weights!!! machine set Wind the string around the two weight hangers after experiment. Stop watch Please absorb the battery out after usage. Use of Atwood machine The experiment is designed to work when the two weights close to each other. The system has to start with no velocity. Hold the system while adding weight. Never drop a piece of weight onto the weight hanger. Practice balancing equal weights and then adding weights to move the system. Draw a diagram that illustrates how the distance is measured. Indicate ~hat the size of the hanger is taken into consideration. Practice measuring the displacement and time of the motion before one object reaches the bottom. The experiment works only when the two weights don't swing. Procedure and Data Analysis Practice how the system works. Design data table for measurement values of displacement and time. Add a 10.0 gram weight on one side Measure and tim~ it takes to reach the floor. Repeat three times using the same· setup and calcuiate the average time. M 0.9 s Analysis: use the time as a function of ml, m2, g, and h, calculate the time it should take for th~to reach the floor. °' = ( rvi "'-~, ) "r MI~ I · -t v \ i,. ( l)r-" i,tJ~s
Mercer County Community College \ 2021-2022 Is your measured time longer or shorter than the theoretical value? Could you think of any reason that might have caused that? Our IV\...L~Lu--e_J ~mL WCiS SV)o~ +-h.o·n ~or--d\<:__t;_\. of\.Q... £)0'i~ ·,b~ ~~f'I \~ h.v.Mar"\ ~-rrox-clt,..r,l"I~ -tk rr-oc~s.s, Clean up Carefully return the weight pieces to storage. Return the rest of the equipment including the metal stand. Peer Inspector Signature: _______ _ Recommendations 44 • •