Stats Method Study Guide

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STAT METHO 33:623:385
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by ProfessorSheepPerson1068
Conceptual Questions:The basis of statistical inference defined by Tufte and others iscomparisonLinear regression is the most commonly used and abused form ofanalysisThe most important question in data analysis is: How do you know that?Continuous DistributionsMeans and standard deviationsAt the center of a sampling distribution constructed for the mean ofthe population is the population mean
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Changing μ shifts the distribution left or right
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Changing σ increases or decreases the spread
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Z-distributionStandardized normal distribution (Z) always has amean of 0and astandard deviation of 1.Z =Z = z-score, how many standard deviations x is? − µ σfrom the meanX =data points in normal distribution= population meanµ= standard deviation ( =if not given orσσ(?𝑖−?)2?need to calculate it)Z-score calculation example problem:If X is distributed normally with a mean of $100 and a standard of $50, findthe Z value of X. (Space can be used to solve problem)
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Empirical rule and NormalityA normal distribution is bell shaped (symmetrical) when:Mean = medianEmpirical rule applies to the normal distributionInterquartile range of a normal distribution is 1.33 (4/3)standard deviationsCentral Limit TheoremCLT allows to approximate the shape of sampling distribution with anunknown populationAsnincreases, distribution of sample means narrow in on pop meanµ
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Large enough sample = disregard actual pop shape and treat it as if it’sa normal distributionN > 30 to apply CLTSampling distributions and EstimationSampling Error (e) = x̄-µBias = E(x̄) —µConfidence IntervalsPoint and Interval EstimatesPoint estimate is a single numberA confidence interval provides additional information about thevariability (spread) of the estimate
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Confidence Interval Formula:X +/- Zα/2+ is for upper bound– is for lower boundσ?Zα/2is found on the Z table with confidence levelsUpper bound — lower bound = confidence intervalZ andused only if population st. dev is knownσExample problem: A sample of 11 circuits from a large normal population hasa mean resistance of 2.22 ohms. Population standard deviation is 0.35 ohms.Determine a 95% confidence interval for the true mean resistance of thepopulation.
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Confidence interval forif population st dev is unknownµStudent’s t distribution is used insteadConfidence Interval Estimate:X +/– ta/2??ta/2= critical value of t distr. w/n–1 degrees of freedom (df)S = sample standard deviationdegrees of freedom (d.f.) = n — 1i.e if n = 10, df = 9Determining Sample SizeIf needed to fit the mean:n =with e(accepted sampling error )= Za/2()(𝑍α/2)2σ2?2σ?If needed to fit the confidence interval width and confidence level:n = 2)2((𝑍α/2) σ 𝐶???𝑖????? 𝑖?? ?𝑖??ℎTo narrow confidence interval while keeping confidence level constant:Increase nTo narrow c.i. while keeping population constant:Lower confidence levelHypothesis TestingAhypothesisis a claim (assertion) about a population parameter
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Hypothesis always consists of:1.TheNull Hypothesis, H0Always a population parameter sois used instead of xµBegin with assumption that the null hypothesisis trueAlways contains “=”, “≥”, “≤”Null hypothesis may or may not be rejectedEx: H0:=30µ2. TheAlternative Hypothesis, H1Opposite of null hypothesisTwo hypotheses aremutually exclusiveandcollectivelyexhaustedEx: H1:≠ 30µTest statistic and Critical valuesIf sample mean is close to stated population mean, H0isnotrejectedIf instead far, H0isrejectedCritical Value ApproachConvert x to Z to get test statisticDetermine critical values based on confidence level and tableDecision rule: If test statistic falls in the rejection region, reject H0;otherwise do not reject H0.Ex: H0= 30, H1≠ 30
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Two tailed test:If –Zstat < –CritValue, Reject H0If –Zstat > –CritValue, Do not reject H0If +Zstat < +CritValue, Do not reject H0If +Zstat > +CritValue, Reject H0ANOVAHypothesis:H0:1=2=3= … =cµµµµAll population means are equali.e., no factor effect (no variation in means among groups)H1: Not all means are equalAt least one mean differs from the restDoesn’t always mean none of them are equal
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Partitioning the VariationTermDefinitionFormulaSSTTotal sum of squares(Total variation)SST = SSA + SSWSSASum of SquaresAmong/Between Groups(Among GroupVariation)Won’t be calculated,will already be given onthe testIf not given but SSWand SST is known:SSA = SST – SSWSSWSum of Squares WithinGroups (Within groupvariation)Won’t be calculated,will already be given onthe testIf not given but SSAand SST is known:SSW = SST – SSAMSAMean SquareAmong/Betweend.f1=c–1??𝐴? −1MSWMean Square Withind.f2=n–c???? − ?MSTMean Square Totald.f=n–1????−1FstatRatio ofamongestimate of varianceand estimatewithinvariance𝑀?𝐴𝑀??n = number of values in groupc = number of groups
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Find Fcrit using df1=n-1 and df2=n-c with F tableIf Fstat > Fcrit:Reject null hypothesisEx:SourceofvariationSSdfMSFP-ValueF-critBetweenGroups(A)210.27780.064139WithinGroups(W)148374.15Total (T)2113.833
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