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Dec 16, 2024
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To: Profesor NucumFrom: Esmeralda FloresDate: November 20, 2024Subject: Evaluation of the Claim: “Online Communications College Classes Need GroupWork”The assertion that online communications college classes require group work is a viewpointthat merits careful consideration. However, upon evaluation, I strongly disagree with thisclaim. While group work can be beneficial in certain educational contexts, its necessity inonline communications courses is overstated.Reason 1: Individual Learning and AutonomyFirst, online communications courses often prioritize individual learning and self-directedstudy. In a digital environment, students have the opportunity to engage with course materialsat their own pace, which fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Researchconducted by the Online Learning Consortium indicates that self-paced learning can lead tohigher retention rates and improved academic performance (Online Learning Consortium,2020). This autonomy allows students to tailor their learning experiences to fit theirindividual needs and learning styles, which is often not achievable in a group setting.Moreover, the nature of online communication itself often necessitates a focus on personalexpression and critical thinking. According to a study published in the Journal of EducationalTechnology & Society, students who engage in individual assignments in online coursesdemonstrate enhanced critical thinking skills compared to those who participate in groupprojects (Garrison & Akyol, 2015). This finding suggests that emphasizing individual work in
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online communications courses may be more effective in developing essential skills thanrequiring group collaboration.Reason 2: Logistical Challenges of Group WorkSecondly, the logistical challenges associated with group work in an online setting can hinderrather than enhance the learning experience. Coordinating schedules, managing differingwork styles, and ensuring equitable participation can be particularly problematic in a virtualenvironment. A survey conducted by Educause revealed that 70% of students reporteddifficulties in collaborating effectively with peers in online courses due to these logisticalbarriers (Educause, 2019). These challenges can lead to frustration and disengagement,ultimately detracting from the educational experience. Furthermore, the reliance ontechnology for group work can introduce additional complications. Issues such astechnological malfunctions, varying levels of digital literacy, and inconsistent internet accesscan create disparities among students, further complicating collaborative efforts. Thesefactors can result in a lack of cohesion and a diminished sense of community, which are oftencited as benefits of group work.In conclusion, while group work may have its merits in certain educational contexts, it is nota requisite component of online communications college classes. The emphasis on individuallearning and the logistical challenges of group collaboration present compelling reasons toreconsider the necessity of group work in this setting. By focusing on individual assignments,online communications courses can better foster critical thinking, enhance retention, andcreate a more equitable learning environment for all students.
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References:1.Online Learning Consortium. (2020). The Impact of Self-Paced Learning onStudent Achievement.2.Garrison, D. R., & Akyol, Z. (2015). The Community of Inquiry Framework:A Review of the Literature. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 18(1), 1-12.3.Educause. (2019). Student Perspectives on Online Learning: A Survey ofHigher Education Students.
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