Brian Perez Aguilar - Jackson Wanted or Hero 2023

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Information Systems
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by EarlBookHummingbird38
APUSH: UNIT 4TIME PERIOD 4 ASSIGNMENT:ANDREW JACKSON--HALL OF FAME OR HALL OF SHAMELEARNING TARGETS:5.1: DESCRIBE THE RISE OF “MASS POLITICS” AND JACKSON’S BELIEFS REGARDING THE COMMON MAN, PRESIDENCY,AND ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN NATION’S ECONOMY5.2: EVALUATE THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF THE NULLIFICATION CRISIS, NATIVE AMERICAN POLICY, AND BANKINGCRISIS.After reviewing your notes and slides, create an online poster nominating Andrew Jackson for thePresidential “Hall of Fame” by praising his accomplishments AND a poster condemning him for hisfaults and nominating him for the Presidential “Hall of Shame” (so you should have TWO SEPARATEposters). Your online posters should be created to give viewers a clear understanding of the divisiveviews surrounding Andrew Jackson.Requirements:1.FIll out the Graphic Organizer (use your notes/slides and online reading...many will fall on justone side of the Hall of Fame or Shame columns) then start your poster...2.a title, such as dcv“Wanted: Andrew Jackson,” in bold annotated and embellished drawing of Jackson (hint:google is not just a made up number)4.Four,one-sentence main idea statementsfor why Jackson should be praised (one for eachtopic)includebullet point detailsto support each main idea sentence5.Four,one-sentence main idea statementsfor why Jackson should be condemned (one foreach topic)includebullet point detailsto support each main idea sentence6.Bold, detailed visuals to represent each main idea statement of why he should be praised orcondemned.Find photos/memes/gif’s of Jackson off the internet. Then, work neatly and carefully to create thefinal versions of your posters. Use color and other creative touches to make sure they are visuallyappealing and clearly represent the various perspectives. the rubric is at the end of this document.Main Ideas To Think About:Mass PoliticsIndian PoliciesTariff/NullificationBank
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APUSH: UNIT 4TIME PERIOD 4 ASSIGNMENT:ANDREW JACKSON--HALL OF FAME OR HALL OF SHAMEDirections:Using the slides and your reading notes, write down key points that help support the position that PresidentAndrew Jackson should be in the Presidential “Hall of Fame” or that President Andrew Jackson should be in thePresidential “Hall of Shame”. You will use this information to make both a poster praising President Jackson for hispolicies and criticizing President Jackson for his policies.Most sub-topics will only have to go one side of the GraphicOrganizer.TOPICHALL OF FAMEHALL OF SHAMEMASS POLITICSExpand VoteCommon ManRise DemocracyKing Caucus &CampaigningCorrupt BargainRotation of OfficeSpoils SystemHe helped the white Males byexpanding their voting powerRepresented the Common Man dto his upbringingEnded the campaign of Adamsafter winning unfairly in theprevious election with his CorruBargainCreated the Spoils SystemEstablished 2 party systemNATIVE AMERICANPOLICIESIndian RemovalActCherokeesCherokee v.GeorgiaWorcester v.GeorgiaTrail of TearsBlack Hawk WarSeminolesGot More land with the Trailof TearsTreated the Native’s like the had norightsThrew them out of their homelandA lot of Natives died due to beingkicked out of their home landTIME PERIOD 4 ASSIGNMENT:
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APUSH: UNIT 4ANDREW JACKSON--HALL OF FAME OR HALL OF SHAMETOPICHALL OF FAMEHALL OF SHAMETARIFF/NULLIFICATIONStates’ rightsCalhounWebster-HayneDebateJefferson DayToastSouth CarolinaOrdinanceClaySupported theidea of state’s rightsIgnored the South CarolinaOrdinance and enforced tariffsWasn’t in agreeance with thenullification and addressed itwith his Jefferson day ToastBANKBUSBiddleJackson VetoElection 1832MonsterRemoval Govt.depositsPet BanksSpecie CircularGave more powers to thestates with the State BanksShut down BUS and replaced themwith State Banks insteadStarted the Bank WarVetoed the reauthorization of theSecond BankRequired the Purchase ofGovernment land to be in only Goldand Silver
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APUSH: UNIT 4APUSH Jackson rubricCATEGORY25201510RequiredElementsMeets all 5 posterrequirementsMeets 4 of 5PosterrequirementsMeets 3 of 5posterrequirementsMeets 2 or less ofthe posterrequirementsUse of Graphicsand OriginalityPoster has a widevariety of photosand uses originalideas andlanguagePoster has avariety of photosand uses mostlyoriginal ideas andlanguagePoster uses thesame photosthroughout theproject and useslanguage mostlyfrom othersourcesPoster has nophotos and istaken fromsomeone else'sworkGraphicOrganizerEach section ofthe graphicorganizer iscompletely filledout with detailedand accurateinformation3 of the 4 sectionsof the graphicorganizer aremostly filled outwith detailed andaccurateinformationMost of thegraphic organizeris filled out withmost of the topicscoveredgraphic organizeris not filled out ordoes not containaccurateinformationOrganizationPoster'sinformation isvery organizedwith clear titlesand subheadingsPoster'sinformation isorganized withtitles andsubheadingsPoster'sinformation isorganized buttitles andsubheadings arenot easy forteacher to figureoutPoster'sinformation isunclear and notorganized
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