Screenshot 2024-10-25 064454

York University**We aren't endorsed by this school
POL 3300
Computer Science
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by LieutenantRain12788
Consider the following relational database schema, consisting of 5 relation schemas: PLAYERS table PENALTIES table } [PLAYERNO i 7 | [PAYMENTNO NAME | | | “—{PLAYERNO [INITIALS | PAYMENT_DATE BIRTH_DATE (NULL) AMOUNT SEX JOINED TEAMS table | STREET { | TEAMNO HOUSENO (NULL) | —{PLAYERNO i POSTCODE (NULL) 'DIVISION [TOWN PHONENO (NULL) MATCHES table LEAGUNO (NULL) IMATCHNO TEAMNO PLAYERNO Teel 'WON [LOST COMMITTEE_MEMBERS table ————H PLAYERNO + | BEGIN DATE END_DATE (NULL) | POSITION (NULL) Single-headed arrows indicate foreign keys. Double-headed arrows indicate primary keys. There is an additional foreign key (not illustrated in the schema) from the MATCHES table to the TEAMS table, concerning the TEAMNO attribute. Moreover, the PLAYERNO attribute of the TEAMS table, identifies the player who is the captain of the corresponding. team.
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