Copy of Module Two Post-Assessment -2

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BIO 134
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Dec 16, 2024
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be examined bya forensicanalysis.the suspect brokethrough the windowBlood- A typeof physicalevidence thatcan be used tolink a specificclass of peopleto a crime.The dog bit theman as heentered thehome. Typicallywhen a dog biteoccurs there aresmall drippingsof blood leftbehind from thewound. Thisevidence wouldbe collected andsent to aforensicpathologist.This is physicalevidence as wellas classevidencebecause theblood can besampled andnarrow downthe possiblesuspects to acertain bloodtype.This is circumstantialevidence because itdoes not prove thefact he robbed themhowever it doesallow us to make aninference that he didbecause his DNAwas found at thescene.Footprints-Impressionsleft by the soleof the shoeIt is said thesuspect leftthrough the wetgrass upon exitit is possiblethere areimpressions ofhis shoes in thegrass. This typeof evidencewould bemarked andphotographedfor a forensicscientist toexamine.This is physicalevidence as wellas class andindividualevidence. Thisis becausespecificcharacteristicssuch as thewear patterncan show howlong the shoehas been wornas well as theuser walkingpattern. This issomethingindividual andunique to eachindividual.However thingsThis is circumstantialevidence because itdoes not prove ourclaim that he wasthe one who robbedthe home however itdoes let us make aninference since thesuspects exact shoeprints were found atthe scene.
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likedesign,brand, orstyle of theshoe are classcharacteristicsbecause it linksit to a generaltype instead ofa specificindividual.Bite markimpressionsIt is said thesuspect was bitby a dog as heentered thehome. We cantake impressionsof the dog'steeth and thebite mark andsee if the twoare possiblyrelated. Thistype of evidencewill be collected,photographed,and marked tobe examined bya forensicodontologist.This is individualevidencebecause toothimpressions areall unique toeach individualThis is circumstantialevidence because itdoes not prove hecommitted therobbery directly butit does allow us toinfer he was the onebit by the familydog.Interview Questions:1. Fingerprints can not link my client to the crime it only allows us toinfer and assume to draw the lines to the facts, it is unjust for us tomake inferences when it comes to one's freedom2.Small trace evidence of my clients blood could have been at thescene were these samples collected and tested for a matching bloodtype?3.Bite mark impressions should be used as comparison evidence to seeif it could have occurred from a similar size and breed of dog.
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4.The shoes that left footprints have also not been recovered forphysical evidence. I believe it needs to be retrieved and used ascomparison evidence to see if any of the small scratches or dentsmatch up from those of the scene.5.The trace evidence of my client's torn sleeve is also unreliablebecause examining small difference can look similar in certainenvironments.
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