Persuasive Speech Rubric

Carlsbad High, Carlsbad**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by BailiffSnakePerson1951
Performance is:SUPERIORGOODSATIFACTORYLIMITEDUNSATISFACTORYTotalPurpose and topicSpeech is persuasive. The speaker indicates a clear specific purpose such as continuance, deterrence, or discontinuance. 9-10 points will be awardedSpeech clearly appears to be persuasive. The speaker my not indicate a clear specific purpose such as continuance, deterrence, or discontinuance. 7-9.9 pts will be awarded.Speech is persuasive. The topic however is trite and uninteresting for the audience. 4-6.9 pts will be awarded.The speech is minimally persuasive in nature. There is some evidence of persuasice arguments. 2-3.9 pts will be awarded.Speech is not persuasive but informative. Speaker has clearly not considered the goal. The topic may not be appropriate. 0-1.9 pts will be awarded.Audience RelevanceThe speaker is clearly trying to persuade this specific audience. The persuasive arguments are relevant to this specific audience. 17-20 pts will be awardedSpeech is relevant to the audience and the speaker makes a statement relating the content to the audience. 14-16.9 pts will be awardedSpeech is relevant to the audience. 10-13.9 pts will be awarded.Speech is somewhat relevant; however, the speaker does not explicitly relate the content to the audience. 6-9.9 pts will be awarded.Speech is completely inappropriate for the audience. It is clear the speaker has not considered the audience at all. 0-5.9 pts will be awarded.Organization and DevelopmentSpeech is well organized and its content is well developted. Speaker appears to have a sound grasp of organizational patterns and strategies for persuasive speaking. 26-30 pts will be awarded.Speech is fairly well organized and its content fairly well developed. Speaker appears to have some knowledge of organizational patterns and strategies for persuasive speaking. 20-25.9 pts will be awarded.Speech is fairly well organized but the content is poorly developed. Speaker needs to increase his/her knowledge of strategies for persuasive speaking. There may be some evidence of an organizational pattern. 14-19.9 pts awarded.Speech was poorly organized but some of the content was developed in a limited but satisfactory manner. Speaker needs to demonstrate knowledge of organizational patterns and strategies of persuasive speaking. 10-13.9 pts will be awarded.Speech was poorly organized and its content poorly developed. Speaker needs to increase his/her knowledge of both organizational patterns and strategies for persuasive speaking. 0-9.9 pts will be awarded.Use of Persuasive Appeals (other than ethos)Speaker creatively uses multiple (in number and variety) persuasive appeals throughout the speech. 26-30 pts will be awarded.Speaker uses at least two persuasive appeals. 20-25.9 pts will be awarded.Speaker uses at least one perusasive appeal. 14-19.9 pts will awarded.Speaker uses at least one identifiable persuasive appeal (either through reasoning or emotion) but applies it in an inappropriate spot. 10-13.9 pts will be awarded.There is no evidence of any use of persuasive appeals. 0-9.9 pts will be awarded.CredibilitySpeaker creatively establishes credibility initially and continually reinforces credibility through the use of competence, charisma, and character development. 26-30 pts will be awarded.Speaker establishes credibility and reinforces credibility throughout the speech in a proficient manner. 25-34.9 pts will be awarded.Speaker establishes credibility initially and satisfactorily reinforces credibility throughout the speech. 14-19.9 pts will be awarded.Speaker attempts to establish credibility initially but does not reinforce credibility throughout the speech. 10-13.9 pts will be awarded.Speaker does not attempt to establish credibility initially and/or undermines her/his credibility throughout the speech. 0-9.9 pts will be awarded.Persuasive Speech Rubric
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ResearchSpeaker draws from and appropriately cites more than the minimum number of required sources. 26-30 pts will be awarded.Speaker draws from and appropriately sites the minimum number of required sources. 20-25.9 pts will be awardedSpeaker draws from and appropriately cites fewer than the minimum number of required sources. 14-19.9 pts will be awarded.Speaker draws from but does not appropriately cite at least the minimum number of required sources. 10-13.9 pts will be awarded.Speaker does not draw from not cite the minimum number of require sources. 0-9.9 pts will be awarded.DeliverySpeaker's delivery is very good and demonstrates many of the positive characteristics described in lecture and text. 25-30 pts will be awarded.Speaker's delivery is good and demonstrates more than several of the positive characteristics described in the lecture and textbook. 20-25.9 pts will be awardedSpeaker's delivery is fair and demonstrates several of the positive characteristics described in the lecture and textbook. 14-19.9 pts will be awarded.Speaker's delivery is good at points but is generally poor. Speaker demonstrates some familiarity with the principles of good delivery as outlined in the lecture and textbook. 10-13.9 pts will be awarded.Speaker's delivery is poor and demonstrates very few of the positive characteristics described in lecture and textbook. 0-9.9 pts will be awarded.Add’lSpeaker meets all requirements for due date, time limit, outline format. AND live audience has more than the required number. 17-20 pts will be awarded.Speaker meets requirements for the requirements of due date, time limit, outline format, and live audience. 14-16.9 pts will be awardedSpeech doesn't meet two of the requirements for time limit, due date, outline format, and live audience. 10-13.9 pts will be awarded.Speech did not meet three of the requirements of due date, time limit, outline format, and live audience. 6-9.9 pts will be awarded.All requirements were not met sufficiently. 0-5.9 pts will be awarded.
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