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University of Santo TomasGraduate SchoolFinal ExaminationCourse: MENG 705 – Value Analysis and ManagementProfessor: Prof. Nancy L. Eleria, PhDDate: 20 May 2023Instructions: Answer the questions professionally, honestly and originally. No copying of the topic. Write the answers using Microsoft Word (Portrait). Tables/graphs/figures should be copied into Word file. Submit your answer/s in my email account, or before 2:00PM of May 20, 2023.Question/s:Aside from the topics presented by the different groups in the class, discuss a situation/case by which a value engineering job plan can be applied. Use the following format. Be systematic in the presentation/discussion.1.Title2.Rationale (for choosing the topic). 5 pts.3.Six phases of a VE Job Plan. 15 pts. /phase (=90pts.) 3.1Support the discussion with tools, methodologies, tables, graphs and/or figures.3.2Present the needed calculations.3.3State the assumptions used or bases for assumptions.4.Recommendation. 5 pts.ERWIN V. CIARFINAL EXAMVAM SAT 11-2PMDR NANCY ELERIA
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1.Title:Optimization of High-Rise Buildings Structural System for Cost andPerformance Efficiency. BGC Residential Tower Project2.Rationale:This topic focuses on studying different structural systems andcomponents to identify opportunities for cost optimization without compromisingperformance and safety. With rising prices of concrete and steel and the carbonfootprint the material produces, this study may help to find innovative andefficient solutions that provide the best value for the BGC Residential TowerProject.3.Six Phase of VE Job Plan3.1Information Phase- this phase, data is collected and analyzed in order to better understand the problem at hand. The information gathered during this phase is used to create a baseline of current functions and performance levels.Item of WorkPossible Issues and Description of the ScopeCode Base Design Vs Performance Based DesignDesign Not Optimized (Concrete and Reinforcing Steel Requirement):This are two different approaches in structural design, Code Base are used to strictly comply with regulationsof codes and standards, a simplified approach and prescriptive requirements. While Performance Based Earthquake Design (PBED)is aimed to achieve specific performance such as limiting damage and ensuring safety. PBED focuses on evaluating actual behavior and tailored design on the intended design performance, that results to design optimization and performance criteria. Fly Ash an additive to ConcreteHigh Quantity of Cement Volume Required: With the high and continuous rise in cement prices , the use of fly ash as a supplementary cementitious material is a widely recognized practice in the construction industry to reduce the amount of cement required in concrete mixtures. Fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion in power plants, possesses pozzolanic properties, which means it reacts with calcium hydroxide in the presence of moisture to form cementitious compounds.3.2Functional Analysis- involved a systematic process of breaking down eachsub-components’ functions. Only the essential sub-components were
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identified and defined with their functionality to focus on the significant costdrivers.ComponentsSub -ComponentsFunctionVerbFunctionNounFunctionTypeCost -PhpMillionStructural ElementsConcrete Form Structural ElementsCompressiveStrengthBasic200.89Structural ElementsReinforcing Steel BarsForm Structural ElementsTensile StrengthBasic339.01ConcreteFly AshBinder AdditiveStrength andDurabilitySecondary95.633.3Creative Phase- generates ideas and hypotheses for how the componentsper subsystem can improve its function, make the design more efficient andreduce the cost,IdeaNoIdea DescriptionVE OpportunityDescription1Optimization of Structural Design using Performance Based Earthquake DesignReduction of Concrete Volume and Identify specific design requirement in structural elementsCurrent use of traditional code base design is meantonly for code and standardcompliance, where Performance based designoptimized the design usingspecific performance requirement and tailored for design for concrete structural elements2Optimization of Structural Design using Performance Based Earthquake DesignReduction of Reinforcing Steel Bars and identify design requirement in structural elementsCurrent use of traditional code base design is meantonly for code and standardcompliance, where Performance based designoptimized the design usingspecific performance requirement and tailored for design for concrete structural elements3Maximize the use of fly ash admixtureReduction of cement weight The use of limited fly ash in concrete mix, can
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in cement volumeratio using fly ash in concrete mix, to increase strength and durability, Increase Fly Ash ratio to 40% vs Cementenhance the strength, durability, workability and cost of concrete structural elements. Currently concrete allow 15% Fly ash and 85% Cement3.4Evaluation Phase -The Evaluation Phase is the fourth phase in the ValueAnalysis process. This is where the ideas generated from the Creative Phaseare systematically evaluated, screened, prioritized, and short-listed for theirpotential to save cost and/or value.Impact AssessmentVE Idea No 1. Optimization of Structural Design usingPerformance Based Earthquake Design (Reduction ofConcrete Volume)Construction ImpactHigh impact in Time and Safety Performance of theconcrete elementsCost/ EconomicImpactHigh Impact – Reduction of Cost due reduction ofconcrete elements sizes or volumeEnvironmentalImpactHigh Impact - Concrete has a high carbon footprint(410kg CO2/m3 of Concrete) 8500psiAdvantagesPerformance Based:specific performance objectives Tailored Design ApproachPerformance CriteriaAdvance Analysis and TechniquesRisk AssessmentDesign OptimizationDisadvantagesPerformance Based:More higher design fee.More time is needed to design.Impact AssessmentVE Idea No 2. Optimization of Structural Design usingPerformance Based Earthquake Design (Reduction ofReinforcing Steel Bar Weights) 60 ksiConstruction ImpactHigh impact in Time and Safety Performance of thestructural elementsCost/ EconomicImpactHigh Impact – Reduction of Cost due reduction ofreinforcing bars weight requirementEnvironmentalImpactHigh Impact - steel has a high carbon footprint 1.4 tonsCO2 per ton steel produced.AdvantagesPerformance Based:specific performance objectives Tailored Design Approach
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Performance CriteriaAdvance Analysis and TechniquesRisk AssessmentDesign OptimizationDisadvantagesPerformance Based:More higher design fee.More time is needed to design.Impact AssessmentVE Idea No 3. Maximize the use of fly ash admixture incement volume (Reduction of cement weight) from15% to 40% ratioConstruction ImpactHigh Impact – Time and Workability of CementCost/ EconomicImpactHigh Impact – Fly Ash cost is 10% of the PortlandCementEnvironmentalImpactCement Carbon footprint: 800 kgCO2/ metric ton ofcement producedAdvantagesFly Ash:Cement ReductionEnhance WorkabilityImproved StrengthReduced Heat of HydrationDisadvantagesFly AshMay extend curing time of concrete.higher quality control and testing – consistencyof the materialTedious Mix Design Optimization3.5Development Phase - involves exploring in detail the ideas selected in the Evaluation Phase. The process involves obtaining costs, creating drawings, schedules and any other data that will allow the idea to be compared to the original solutionStrategy No.1DescriptionOptimization of Structural Design using Performance BasedEarthquake Design (Reduction of Concrete Volume)Stakeholders Project Owners, Construction Company, Engineers, ConcreteSuppliers, Building OccupantsJustificationOptimization of the design using Performance Based earthquake Design will improve the overall performance of the building structure in terms of safety, durability, cost and time of construction, and benefit of reducing the carbon footprint in using concrete.Summary Current: Code BasedOptimized -PBED
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Cost AnalysisVolume : 25,501 m3 of ConcreteX Ave Cost Php 7,877.93/m3 = Php 200,899,625.65Volume : 22,951.42 m3 of ConcreteX Ave Cost Php 7,877.93/m3 = Php 180,809,680.16SavingsPhp 20,089,945.49Carbon FootprintCF = 25,501m3x 410kg CO2/m3 = 10,455,647.80 kgCO2CF = 22,951.42 m3x 410kg CO2/m3 = 9,410,082.20 kgCO2Carbon Reduction1,045,565.60 kgCO2 (1.045ton) CO2Performance MeasuresConstruction6/109/10Cost6/108/10Environment6/109/10Improvement+44.44%Strategy No.2DescriptionOptimization of Structural Design using Performance BasedEarthquake Design (Reduction of Reinforcing Steel BarsWeight)Stakeholders Project Owners, Construction Company, Engineers, RebarsSuppliers, Building OccupantsJustificationOptimization of the design using Performance Based earthquake Design will improve the overall performance of the building structure in terms of safety, durability, cost and time of construction, and benefit of reducing the carbon footprint in using steel barsSummary Cost AnalysisCode BaseWeight = 5,820,413.65 kgs x Php58.25/kg = Php 339,014,230.38PBEDWeight = 4,947,351.60 kgs x Php58.25/kg = Php 288,183,230.70SavingsPhp 50,830,999.68Carbon FootprintCF = 5,820,413.65 kgs x 1.4tons CO2/ton= 6053.2264 tons CO2CF = 4,947,351.60 kgs x 1.4 tons CO2/ton = 5145.244 tons CO2Carbon Reduction907.9824 tons CO2Performance MeasuresConstruction6/109/10Cost6/109/10
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Environment6/109/10Improvement+50.00%Strategy No.3DescriptionMaximize the use of fly ash admixture in cement volume(Reduction of cement weight) from 15% to 40% ratioStakeholders Project Owners, Construction Company, Engineers, Fly Ashand Cement Suppliers, Building OccupantsJustificationThe use of fly ash as a supplementary cementitious material is a widely recognized practice in the construction industry to reduce the amount of cement required in concrete mixtures. Fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion in power plants, possesses pozzolanic properties, which means it reacts with calcium hydroxide in the presence of moisture to form cementitious compounds.Advantages: enhance the strength, durability, workability and reduce cost cementSummary Cost AnalysisCurrent: Code BasedVolume : 25,501 m3 of Concrete x 15 bags/m3 = 382,523.70 BagsCost = 382,523.70 bags x Ph225/bag = Php 86,067,832.50Optimized -PBEDVolume : 22,951.42 m3 of Concrete x 11bags/m3 = 252,465.62 bagsCost = 252,465.62 x Php 225/bag = Php 56,804,764.50SavingsPhp 29,263,068.00Carbon FootprintCF = 382,523.70 Bags x 40kgs x 0.159kgCO2/kg = 2,432,850.73 kgsCO2CF = 252,465.62 bags x 40kgs/bag x 0.123kgCO2xkg = 1,242,130.85kgsCO2Carbon Reduction1,190,719.880 kgCO2 or 1,190.720 tonCO2Performance MeasuresConstruction6/1010/10Cost6/1010/10Environment6/1010/10Improvement+66.67%3.6Presentation Phase– Summary of opportunities to present the proposals theyhave generated, and that they believe represent better value than the originally proposed solutionExecutive Summary of VE/VA Job Plan
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VE ProposalPriorityCostReduction in %Change inPerformanceIn %ReducedCarbonin %Action PlanVE No 1:Optimizationof StructuralDesignusingPerformance BasedEarthquakeDesign(Reductionof ConcreteVolume)3rdPriority34%44.44%10%Appoint VETeam withStructuralDesigner aslead to optimizethe design usingPBEDVE No 2:Optimizationof StructuralDesignusingPerformance BasedEarthquakeDesign(ReductionofReinforcingSteel BarsWeight)2ndPriority14.99%50%15%Appoint VETeam withStructuralDesigner aslead to optimizethe design usingPBEDVE No 3:Maximizethe use of flyashadmixture incementvolume(Reductionof cementweight) from15% to 40%ratio1stPriority34%66.67%48.94%Perform variousConcrete MixTrials withdifferent fly ashcontents to(15%, 30% and40%) comparestrength andperformancecriteria
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4.0 Recommendation:Based on the data presented in VE/VA Job Plan Phases, the significantimprovements on the cost, construction impacts, performance, andenvironmental impact, its highly recommended that the stakeholders study indepth and established the team of experts to use of performance-basedearthquake design (PBED) in designing the structure of the building. The oldCode Based Design (CBD) approach may be flexible and cheaper in professionalfees and time to develop the design, however the benefits and advantages fromPBED outweighs the advantages of CBD as presented in the creative phase ofthe job plan, the executive summary of values has given the overview of theCost, Construction and Environmental improvements of the proposed VE for thestructural design of the Project.References:BGC Residential Project Quantities and ValuesCurrent Code Based Design Supply and Delivery ofReady-mix ConcreteUnitQty Rate(Material costonly)"Amount 3000 PSI (210 kg/cm²)643.13 6,211.863 3,995,035.45 5000 PSI (345 kg/cm²)10,872.81 7,371.546 80,149,419.06 6000 PSI (420 kg/cm²)8,753.22 8,034.222 70,325,312.69 7000 PSI (480 kg/cm²)3,838.02 8,696.898 33,378,868.46 8500 PSI (580 kg/cm²)1,394.40 9,359.574 13,050,989.99 Total25,501.587,877.93200,899,625.65Supply and Delivery ofDeformed Steel BarsUnitQty Rate(Materialcost only)"Amount Grade 40 (GR280)Kgs625,214.80 57.130 35,718,521.52 Grade 60 (GR420)Kgs5,195,198.85 58.380 303,295,708.86 Total5,820,413.65 58.25 339,014,230.38
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ICE (Inventory OF Carbon & Energy) ContentsThis original ICE database was joint funded under the Carbon Vision Buildingsprogram by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) andthe Carbon Trust (before they became a private organisation).MaterialsEmbodiedCarbon -kgCO2e perkgCommentsGEN 0(6/8 MPa)0.07044Assumed 150 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete. Compressive strength designation C6/8 Mpa. 28 day compressive strength under British cubemethod of 8 MPa, under European cylinder method 6 MPa. Possible uses: Kerb bedding and backing. Data is only cradle to factory gate.GEN 1(8/10 MPa)0.097Assumed 220 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete.Possible uses: mass concrete, mass fill, mass foundations, trench foundations, blinding, strip footing.GEN 2(12/15MPa)0.105Assumed 240 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete.GEN 3(16/20MPa)0.113Assumed 260 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete. Possible uses: garage floors.RC 20/25(20/25MPa)0.121Assumed 285 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete.RC 25/30(25/30MPa)0.129Assumed 305 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete. Possible uses: reinforced foundations.RC 28/35(28/35MPa)0.136Assumed 325 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete. Possible uses: reinforced foundations, ground floors.RC 32/40(32/40MPa)0.149Assumed 360 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete. Possible uses: structural purposes, in situ floors, walls, superstructure.RC 35/45(35/45MPa)0.161Assumed 390 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete.
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RC 40/50(40/50MPa)0.172Assumed 420 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete. Possible uses: high strength applications, precasting.PAV10.136Assumed 325 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete. Possible uses: domestic parking and outdoor paving.PAV20.149Assumed 360 kg cementitious content per m3 concrete. Possible uses: heavy duty outdoor paving.ICE (Inventory OF Carbon & Energy) ContentsThis original ICE database was joint funded under the Carbon Vision Buildingsprogram by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) andthe Carbon Trust (before they became a private organisation).Steel,Wire rod2.27World average steel. Wire rod is a rolled steel product,produced from a semi and having a round, rectangular orother cross-section. Particularly fine cross-sections may beachieved by subsequent cold forming (drawing). Wire rod iswound into coils and transported in this form. Systemexpansion was used on the steel, e.g. for blast furnace slagand other co-products. The influence of system expansionto the GWP for steel products is 3 to 7% lower GWP.Contact Worldsteel for more information. At an EOLrecovery rate of 85%. Module D impact of -1.15 kg CO2eper kg ('-' magnitude is a benefit, '+' magnitude a burden).This gives a net life cycle inc Mod D, of 1.12 kg CO2e perkg.Steel, HotRolledCoil2.28World average steel. Steel coil rolled on a hot-strip mill. Itcan be found on the market in coil or in sheets and is furtherprocessed into finished products by the manufacturers. Thevarious types of hot rolled steel have applications in virtuallyall sectors of industry: transport, construction, shipbuilding,gas containers, pressure vessels, energy pipelines, etc. Hotrolled steel sheet with an anti-slip surface and a diamond orteardrop pattern are typically used for stairs, industrial floorsand tailboards for goods vehicles. Typical thicknessbetween 2 - 7 mm. Typical width between 600 - 2100 mm.System expansion was used on the steel, e.g. for blastfurnace slag and other co-products. The influence of systemexpansion to the GWP for steel products is 3 to 7% lowerGWP. Contact Worldsteel for more information. At an EOLrecovery rate of 85%. Module D impact of -1.21 kg CO2eper kg ('-' magnitude is a benefit, '+' magnitude a burden).This gives a net life cycle inc Mod D, of 1.07 kg CO2e perkg.Steel,1.99World average steel. For European rebar see seperate
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Rebardata. A steel reinforcing bar is rolled on a hot rolling mill. Itcan be found on the market for direct use or is furtherprocessed into finished products by the manufacturers. Thisproduct is used to strengthen concrete in highway andbuilding construction also as primary product for the wirerod process. System expansion was used on the steel, e.g.for blast furnace slag and other co-products. The influenceof system expansion to the GWP for steel products is 3 to7% lower GWP. Contact Worldsteel for more information.At an EOL recovery rate of 85%. Module D impact of -0.79kg CO2e per kg ('-' magnitude is a benefit, '+' magnitude aburden). This gives a net life cycle inc Mod D, of 1.2 kgCO2e per kg.Steel,Section1.55World average steel. A steel section rolled on a hot rollingmill. Steel Sections include I-beams, H-beams, wide-flangebeams, and sheet piling. It can be found on the market fordirect use. This product is used in construction, multi-storybuildings, industrial buildings, bridge trusses, verticalhighway supports, and riverbank reinforcement. Systemexpansion was used on the steel, e.g. for blast furnace slagand other co-products. The influence of system expansionto the GWP for steel products is 3 to 7% lower GWP.Contact Worldsteel for more information. At an EOLrecovery rate of 85%. Module D impact of -0.34 kg CO2eper kg ('-' magnitude is a benefit, '+' magnitude a burden).This gives a net life cycle inc Mod D, of 1.21 kg CO2e perkg.MaterialsEmbodied Carbon -kgCO2e per kgComments% CementReplacement -Fly Ash15%30%40%Fly AshGEN 0 (6/8MPa)0.0640.0570.052"Estimated from ICE Cement,Mortar, Concrete model with anestimate of realistic cementcontents, not minimum cementcontents. More cement is oftenadded into a mixture, e.g. to curequicker. Concrete has a widevariation of cement contents for thesame strength class of concrete.This adds additional uncertainty tothis data by strength class. There isno substitute for finding out theactual cement content used in aGEN 1 (8/10MPa)0.1280.1440.071GEN 2 (12/15MPa)0.0960.0850.076GEN 3 (16/20MPa)0.1030.0920.081RC 20/25(20/25 MPa)0.1110.0990.088RC 25/30(25/30 MPa)0.1180.1050.093RC 28/35(28/35 MPa)0.1260.1130.099
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mixture (not specified min cementcontent - actual cement contentused by the contractor). The cementcontent for your mixture at thisstrength class might be a verydifferent value than assumed here."RC 32/40(32/40 MPa)0.1390.1250.109RC 35/45(35/45 MPa)0.1490.1330.115RC 40/50(40/50 MPa)0.1590.1420.123PAV10.1260.1130.098PAV20.1390.1250.109
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