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ECE 120
Electrical Engineering
Dec 16, 2024
Uploaded by BaronSheep1623
Your Name: __________________________________ netid:________________ Group #: Name: ______________________________________ netid:________________ Name: ______________________________________ netid:________________ Name: ______________________________________ netid:________________ 1 ECE 120 Worksheet 15: LC-3 Control Unit In this discussion, you will work with the LC-3 control unit defined in the appendix of Patt & Patel. In particular, you will extend the LC-3 ISA by introducing a new instruction, and will modify the microsequencer in order to extend the ISA. The problems presented in this discussion are taken from final exams from prior semesters. You may detach and keep the last two pages of this discussion booklet.
2 1. Extending the LC-3 ISA You are charged with adding a new instruction, called ADS(add and store), to the LC-3 instruction set. This instruction adds two values, just like the ADD instruction, and stores the result to memoryinstead of the register file. The destination memory address is provided in the BaseR register specified by IR[11:9] bits (so M[BaseR] sum). The binary encoding of this instruction is: 11011514131211109876000543210BaseRSR 1SR 2110115141312111098761543210BaseRSR 1Imm5ADSregister modeADSimmediate modea)In RTL form, give a sequence of (at most four) microinstructionsthat implement the execute phase of the ADSinstruction. Make sure that your implementation does not modify any values in the general-purpose register fileand does not set condition codes. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ b)Determine the control ROM microinstructions that implement the RTL statements from part (a). Complete the table below by filling in 0, 1, or xas appropriate. Use don’t cares wherever possible. Specify ROM addresses in decimal. Note that your first state number is implied by the decode strategy used in the P&P microarchitecture. Be sure to reuse the memory write state used by all other store instructions in the design (see the state diagram attached to the back of this document). If you need additional states, state numbers 55, 56, 57, and 58are available for your use. ROM address IRD COND(3) J(6) LD.BEN LD.MAR LD.MDR LD.IR LD.PC LD.REG LC.CC GateMARMUX GateMDR GateALU GatePC MARMUX PCMUX(2) ADDR1MUX ADDR2MUX(2) DRMUX(2) SR1MUX(2) ALUK(2) MIO.EN R.W
3 2. Modifying the LC-3 Microsequencer Add a new instruction, LOGIC, with opcode 1101, to the LC-3. The LOGICinstruction performs one of four logic operations (NAND, NOR, XOR, and OR) based on the IR[11:10] bits. To implement this new instruction, we need five new states in the LC-3 FSM and need to modify the microsequencer circuit. The first state performs a secondary decode phase before executing the four logic operations. a)Use COND = 110 to determine the next state during the secondary decode phase of the logic operation. Adding at most four gates, modify the microsequencer circuit so that it can correctly decode the LOGICinstruction. A few modifications have already been made to give you a hint. b)Based on your microsequencer circuit above, choose a set of viablenext states for the execute phase states. Don’t worry if the states are already in use by the LC-3 FSM.
4 The LC-3 Microsequencer from Patt & Patel (As shown below)—For ECE 120 the simplified version of the microsequencer (shown above) is used.CAR (Control Address Register) ← {00||opcodeJ OR 1J OR 2J OR 4Jif IRD = 1 (during decode)if IRD = 0 AND COND = 011 AND IR[11] = 1 if IRD = 0 AND COND = 001 AND R = 1if IRD = 0 and COND = 010 AND BEN = 1otherwisewhere IRD indicates that the current state is the decode state, J is the 6-bit next state address contained in the current state’s control word, COND is a condition contained in the current state’s control word, R is the memory ready signal, and BEN is the branch enable signal. Again, INT and PSR[15] are outside the scope of our class, so we have left them out of the equation above.