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Chapter 4: Finding, Result, and Discussion 4.1 Introduction The findings section helps in identifying the information that is gathered from the survey. Theresearcher has been collecting the primary data by the survey method. However, the SPSSanalysis is also evaluated in the following for a better understanding of the data collected by theresearcher. 4.2 Primary data analysis through surveyQuestion 1Figure 4.1: Name (Source: Google Forms)From the graph, the names of the participants have been identified. However, the 16 responseshave been achieved for identifying the basic identity of the participants.Question 2
Figure 4.2: Age (Source: Google Forms)The graphical representation reflects the age of the participant. From the graphical representationit is clear that 34% of the participants are from the 25 to 34 age group and 58% of theparticipants are between the 18 to 24 age group. Question 3Figure 4.3: Working years (Source: Google Forms)56% of the participants have their working experience of 1 year in the construction industry ofIndia. 27% of the participants have 2-3 years of working experience in the constructionindustry.Question 4
Figure 4.4: Position (Source: Google Forms)In the question, it is reflected that 34% of the participants are positioned as a project manager indifferent construction companies. And 23% of the participants are working as ground staff.Question 5Figure 4.5: Framework (Source: Google Forms)As per 34% of the participants, sustainable project management is a Framework that helps inmaking a smooth adaptation of the green initiative in the construction project. These sustainableproject management help in giving a structured process and breakdown into different stages foradopting the sustainable initiative (Carboni et al.2024). However, as per 26% of the participants,the triple bottom line is another important framework that helps in making successful projectmanagement in the Indian construction industry. Question 6
Figure 4.6: Sustainability framework (Source: Google Forms)The graphical representation reflects the fact that 33% of participants are very familiar with thesustainability framework like sustainable project management and triple bottom line. Howeversustainable project management and the triple bottom line both are important for increasing thestructure where of the sustainable initiative in a construction project (Gunduz and Almuajebh,2020). On the other hand, 202% of the participants stated that their somewhat families are withthe sustainable project management triple bottom line.Question 7Figure 4.7: Drivers for adopting green building (Source: Google Forms)It is noted that the main factor for adopting green initiatives by the construction organization iscorporate social responsibility (Zhang et al. 2022). According to 25% of the participants, coppersocial responsibility makes the organization engage in increasing sustainability. On the other
hand, 29% of participants stated the regulatory comprehensive for adopting the sustainabilityinitiative. Question 8Figure 4.8: Geen building regulation (Source: Google Forms)From the graph, it is identified that 36% of participants found the green building codes andenvironmental regulations very effective for promoting sustainable practices. However, 26% ofthe participants stated that they think the codes and regulations are moderately effective.Question 9Figure 4.9: Green construction certificates (Source: Google Forms)From the above, it is clear that as per 33% of the participants, the LEED is majorly adopted byconstruction organizations for the green construction certificate. LEED is the leadership inenergy and environment design which makes the construction project more environment friendly
(Shafique. and Mollaoglu, 2022). However, according to 26% of participants, the IGBG has beenused as a green construction certificate for better sustainability. However, the green rating forintegrated Habitat assessment is also another construction certificate by 25% of the participantswhich is adopted in construction projects in their organization.Question 10Figure 4.10: Challenges Implementing Green Initiatives (Source: Google Forms)As per 34% of the participants, the high initial cost is one of the major challenges experienced bydifferent organizations in the construction project for implementing the green initiative. The highinitial cost helps increase the overall expense of the full-fill construction project (Gao et al.2022). On the other hand, the lack of expertise is also creating barriers to implementing greeninitiatives. Question 11Figure 4.11: Sustainable practice
(Source: Google Forms)The graphical representation helps in giving an understanding of the type of sustainabilitypractices that adopt sustainability in the construction project. In this graph, 28% of participantsstated that the use of Sustainable materials is one of the measures of sustainable practices whichis adopted by construction projects. However, the construction projects are also using energyefficiency technology and use renewable energy sources. This is stated by 34% As per thegraphical representation.Question 12Figure 4.12: Effect of institutional pressure (Source: Google Forms)29% of participants stated that the institutional pressure is affecting the organization's decision toadopt green initiatives to some extent. However, according to 30% of the participants,institutional pressure is extremely important for deciding to adopt the green initiative.Question 13Figure 4.13: Challenges
(Source: Google Forms)From the graph, it is clear that 27% of participants think that one of the major challenges that impact sustainable project management in the construction project is resource efficiency. Poor resource efficiencies make the sustainable initiative not as accurate as it is planned (Kumar et al. 2021). On the other hand, 30% of participants stated that monitoring and controlling sustainability goals is one of the major challenges for implementing sustainable project management in the construction project.Question 14Figure 4.14: Tracking sustainable initiatives (Source: Google Forms)The graph is related to the tracking system in the success of the sustainable initiative in theconstruction project. As per the 24% of the participants, the tracking system is basically viaproject causing and efficiency. The environmental impact assessment helps in identifyingwhether the construction project is impacting directly the environment or not (Johnsson et al.2020). Due to this reason, 40% of the participants are taking that it is through an environmentalimpact assessment.Question 15
Figure 4.15: Recommendation (Source: Google Forms)From the graphical representation, it is reflected that one of the major recommendations that theparticipants give is to increase access to sustainable materials for adopting the green initiative inconstruction projects in India. The sustainable material helps improve the efficiency of the greeninitiative in the construction project and makes it smoother to adopt the environment-friendlyway (Garg et al. 2021). On the other hand, other recommendations are to incorporategovernment initiatives better education in sustainability, and improvement of the regulatoryframework.4.3 SPSS analysis4.4 Discussion of the Findings and Results 4.4.1 Expected outcome and achieved outcome The expected outcome of the research is the understanding of the sustainability practices that areused in construction projects in India. The sustainability practice is used in the constructionproject to help evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative adopted by different constructioncompanies in India and also helps to maintain CSR (Zhang et al. 2022). However, After theresult and analysis section, it is identified that the effectiveness of the sustainability initiative inthe construction project is tracked by environmental impact assessment, and the Indiancompanies are using the energy efficient Technology for adopting the sustainability initiative inthe construction project. However, the construction companies are using the triple bottom linetheory to identify the influence of the green initiative taken by them in the project. As perMojumder and Singh, (2021), the triple bottom line theory helps in indicating the successfulcompletion of a complicated project depending on the outcome social, economic, and
environmental. However, it is proven that the sustainability practice is identified by theresponses from the interview. On the other hand, the effectiveness of sustainability practices isidentified from different information taken from the literature.4.4.2 Linking with result and findings and Literature review to the research objective The first objective is related to identifying the most suitable sustainable theoretical frameworkthat applies to sustainable project management. From the findings section, it is noted that theparticipants stated about sustainable project management Framework for successful projectmanagement. As per Carboni et al.(2024), sustainable project management Framework gives astructured process and breaks down different stages for adopting green initiatives by theconstruction Industries. The second objective is to highlight the sustainable practice for adoptinga construction industry towards the green initiative. In the space, the finance section gives anidea to adopt the use of renewable energy in construction causes. The third and fourth objectivesare to evaluate the practical implementation of the initiative and the future recommendations foradopting the green initiative. From the findings section, it is identified that two improvedresource allocations are one of the major feature recommendations, and adopting the leadershipin energy and environmental design as a green construction certificate is a major factor foradopting the green initiative. To connect the first objective of identifying the suitable sustainability-related theoreticalframework from the literature review, it is identified that the triple bottom line is one of themajor from that helping giving ideas for the successful completion of the complicated project. Inaddition to this, the second objective is to highlight the sustainable practices adopted by theconstruction industry for the green initiative. However, from the literature review, it is noted thatusing sustainable materials and Technology is one of the major factors used by the Indianconstruction industry, especially for economic Sustainability. According to Ika and Pinto,(2022), the specific focus of the socially sustainable project in India is affordable housing, goodinfrastructure, Employment of the population, and less environmental impact. Another objectiveof the research is the evaluate the practical implementation of the proposed green initiative. Fromthe literature review section, it is identified that the Indian construction industry is incorporatingthe life cycle assessment for the sustainable project management tool that helps in giving apractical model for sustainable project management and offers an opportunity for measuring thecapability of efficient implementation of green initiative (Oladazimi et al. 2021). Lastly, the
objective for the future recommendation for the better sustainable initiative in the Indianconstruction project is identified that the Indian construction industry is facing challenges inadopting the triple bottom line theory maintaining a balance between social economic, andenvironmental sustainability. Due to this reason, the companies in the Indian constructionindustry should incorporate the connection between the three frameworks triple bottom linesustainable project management and institutional theory which make them a proper structure foradopting sustainability in every aspect. 4.4.3 Linking the result with the theoretical aspect Three types of frameworks are identified from the overall research. They are famous for thetriple bottom line framework, sustainable project management framework, and institutionaltheory. However, the Framework helps link with the result as the famous health in identifyingthe effective means of approaching the green initiative in the construction process. Theinstitutional theory helps to identify the organization in the construction theory which is shapedby different external forces. Different external forces like energy consumption wastemanagement natural resources carbon emission at the major factors for sustainability (Breesamand Jawad, 2021). After the identification of the external force and the nature of the organizationin the construction industry, the triple bottom line theory helps in identifying the need for social,environmental, and economic sustainability. Lastly, sustainable project management helps inBreaking Down different states for implementing the green initiative in the construction project.4.4.4 Unique contribution The overall research is extremely significant as it helps in identifying the impact of thesustainable initiative by the construction project. However, in India, the government has differentrules and regulations for sustainability. Due to this reason,n the research helps give a uniquecontribution to the construction companies present in India by giving them different idea forincorporating green initiatives. Along with these the efficiency of the literature review and thesurvey process help in identifying more information related to the challenges of implementingand different certificates for the green initiative present in India.4.5 Summary From the above, it is summarized that the construction Industries present in India is using theLEED as a certificate of the green initiative. Along with these, it is also not that most of the
participants who are participating in the survey have 1 to 2 years of experience in theconstruction industry in India.Chapter 6: Recommendations6.1 IntroductionSustainability in project management is now essential for achieving organisational goals ofconstruction as well as environmental, social, and economic goals. Given the flattening of globalgrowth and rising expectations from the regulatory and civil society, firms can no longer waitand watch what happens and then react accordingly (Tyler et al. 2024). Based on this study, fivespecific suggestions on how practiced sustainable construction can be further promoted are givenas follows: Training in sustainable practices, improvement of engagement with the stakeholders,apply efficient and effective use of the resources, integration of advanced technology and,development of conformity to the international benchmarks. 6.2 RecommendationsRecommendation 1: Sustainability indices in the process of the Project Life Cycle Generally, project managers should set clear sustainability goals in construction projects thatwould call for demonstrating specific measures of sustainability, as an example by reducingcarbon emissions cut by 20% as well as the waste cut by 15% within the project life cycle. Thiscan be achieved through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools during the planning andimplementation and phasing procedures, they should be obliged to use renewable energy of thebuilding as well as using efficient energy such as solar power and efficient lights for instance theLED bulbs (Scherz et al. 2022). The project team should check the progress at some timeintervals to ensure that calculated metrics are followed and some new strategies have beenadopted at times like the middle of the project. This approach enables on schedule attainment ofsustainability objectives and at the same time enabling the overall project delivery timelines. Itmust also point to sourcing of materials from certified sustainable sources where supplierauthenticity should be proved through audit. The regulation of certified construction materials inthe Indian market is by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) which accredits materials withcertain quality and safety (Kaur et al. 2024). Holding and measuring concrete goals and
objectives and reporting in a bi-annual basis can ensure sustainable environmental goals withinthe construction firms to capture the stakeholder and regulatory requirements.Recommendation 2: Improving Communication with Stakeholders for Local ChangeUsing semi-structured interviews, construction firms must spend at least a day per quarter inmeetings with stakeholders such as the community, regulators, and clients; at least 75% ofstakeholders should be allowed to contribute to the design of projects. Such engagement isdefined as the means of creating a partnership for the cooperation between all stakeholdersneeded to ensure that sustainability considerations are implemented appropriately and followstakeholder goals and objectives (Adebayo et al. 2024). This ensures that projects meet standardneeds the community requires, for example, housing that will be affordable as well as jobopportunity provisions while at the same time meeting other objectives of green building whichinclude, for instance, decreasing energy use by 10%. Other means of checking the social impactinclude town hall style meetings, surveys which allow for feedback before the project continues.For instance, hiring local people and procurement of materials locally may cause a breakdown ofproject cost by up to 20% and raise the issue of social sustainability (Idehen, 2023). These shouldbe integrated right from the planning phase and a balanced annual performance report submittedpublic domain. Through integration of project commitments with the achievement of communitywelfare as well as setting of quantifiable and realistic levels of engagement, firms buildcredibility and guarantee adherence to societal and market demands hence improving projectacceptance and sustainability.Recommendation 3: Risk Management for Sustainability ComplianceA risk management approach that outlines sustainable risks, for example scarce resources orlegal changes, in the construction firms has to be administered during the initiation of the project.However, the goal is to minimise 90% of such risks by using the tools like Environmental ImpactAssessments (EIA) checklist or any compliance checklist (Nakwaya-Jacobus et al. 2021). It isrecommended that organisations be engaged with the regulatory authorities on a semi-annualbasis to assess communication of the compliance to standards such as LEED and IGBC to avoidany project related delays or hefty fines. IGBC Rating Systems pool a host of sustainablepractices along with sustainable solutions to mitigate impacts on the environment significantly
(IGBC, 2024). For example, installing water-saving technologies and effective drain solutionswhich are now allowed in wastes can help avoid possible penalties for violating the water usagepolicies, as well as enhance relations with the public. Current projects under LEED certificationare expected to reduce 120 million metric tons of CO2 emissions (Verdinez, 2024). Firms shouldmake risk considerations bi-annually that they constantly monitor all their projects, conform tolegal standards, reduce the impacts on the environment and remain on track.Recommendation 4: Training Programs for Successful Project Management In order to attain sustainable long-term strategic objectives and to ensure enhancedorganisational resilience, construction firms are required to invest in teaching their projectmanagers from levels one to levels higher sustainable project management skills. Companiesshould design and apply training to the adequate achievement of having 90 percent of the projectmanagers competent in sustainable project management by 2026. Such programs should includefor instance LCA and Strategic Project Management Maturity Model (spm3) with outcomes thatcan be evaluated in terms of improvement in efficiency in the use of resources (Fabbro andTonchia, 2021). It was agreed that training should be provided quarterly and involve acombination of theory and an analysis of projects meeting international standards, such as ISO14001 (Camilleri, 2022). The subsequent assessments should determine sustainability practicesknowledge when engaging participants during the project implementation stage. For instance,sharing with managers information about energy saving in construction and design results inenergy-saving technologies’ application and effective building management. Energy efficiency isup to 30-40% lower than in typical facilities; corporation long-term operating costs decrease atthe same time (, 2024). Such initiative supported development of internal capacity,complies with international legislation and improves firm’s place in the market by promotingsustainability.Recommendation 5: Application of Green Technologies in execution For construction firms, achieving herein referred to goals should indicate that there is a need toembrace green technologies by the integration of renewable sources of power, and the usesustainable materials. Their goal should be to use environmentally friendly technologies in atleast 80 percent of their construction projects by the year 2025. Targets range from using
renewable power systems; photovoltaic systems on all. Commercial buildings above a hundredthousand square feet should be utilising low percent of recycled steel and low-emission concrete(Assaad, 2024). During project implementation, teams should undertake energy audits aiming atminimising energy use by 15 percent in relation to initial rates. These should be reviewed dailyat project milestones so as to ensure that they are still achievable objectives. For instance,implementing innovations such as the smart buildings’ technologies can decrease operationalenergy users by as much as 30 percent and as well as impact the environment least (Wirepas,2024). The adoption of this strategy is in compliance with the LEED and IGBC certification andadditionally puts the firm at par with innovative industry practice in sustainable practice.6.3 SummaryThe application of sustainable project management practices guarantees steady achievement ofeconomic, environmental as well as social goals. The recommendations offered are more focusedon specific actionable targets concerning staff education, participation of stakeholders, andenhanced sustainability that all lead to enhanced project effectiveness and efficiency as well asthe impact on society. These efforts show the need for calling for necessary action towardsustainable development in construction.Reference Carboni, J., Duncan, W.R., Gonzalez, M., Pace, M., Smyth, D. and Young, M., 2024.Sustainable Project Management: The GPM Practice Guide. GPM Global.Gunduz, M. and Almuajebh, M., 2020. Critical success factors for sustainable constructionproject management. Sustainability, 12(5), p.1990.
Zhang, Q., Oo, B.L. and Lim, B.T.H., 2022. Linking corporate social responsibility (CSR)practices and organizational performance in the construction industry: A resource collaborationnetwork. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 179, p.106113.Shafique, F. and Mollaoglu, S., 2022. Shared transformational leadership for green architectureengineering and construction project teams: a study of LEED projects. Journal of ConstructionEngineering and Management, 148(12), p.04022137.Gao, Y., Gao, T., Wu, Y., Wang, P. and He, Q., 2022. Low-construction-emission cross-sectionoptimization for mountainous highway alignment designs. Transportation Research Part D:Transport and Environment, 105, p.103249.Kumar, P., Singh, R.K. and Kumar, V., 2021. Managing supply chains for sustainable operationsin the era of industry 4.0 and circular economy: Analysis of barriers. Resources, conservationand recycling, 164, p.105215.Johnsson, F., Karlsson, I., Rootzén, J., Ahlbäck, A. and Gustavsson, M., 2020. The framing of asustainable development goals assessment in decarbonizing the construction industry–Avoiding“Greenwashing”. Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 131, p.110029.Garg, R., Chhikara, R., Singh, R., Agrawal, G., Talwar, V. and Mehra, V., 2021. A qualitativestudy to understand the factors affecting the adoption of glass fiber-reinforced gypsum (GFRG)as a sustainable building technology: insights from the Indian construction industry.Construction Innovation, 21(2), pp.321-344.
Appendix 1. Skills, Knowledge, and Competencies DevelopedWhile discovering various frameworks of sustainable construction in India, including triplebottom line or TBL, Sustainable Project Management (SPM), and Institutional Theory, Iacquired skills, knowledge, and competencies critical for solving multifaceted challenges ofconstruction industries. This involved a review of previous literature and a conducted literaturereview that expounded on the research questions and proposed required actionable insightsapplicable to construction firms.First, I needed to figure out how to apply theories into practice and factor into consideration thegeneral socio-economic reality of India. However, the stronger I felt building knowledge withinparticular specialised content areas, the more comfortable I became with integrating contentknowledge and providing specific recommendations suitable for the given project.This I found most helpful and this experience helped me to improve my research and analyticalabilities. On the positive side, I enhanced a good understanding of sustainability frameworks andhow to analyze the relationships between them and project management. Nevertheless, what Ifound somewhat difficult to find was the regional data for some cases where global models wereapplied and adjusted to the Indian conditions.My competency in Project Management added up and more so how to incorporate sustainabilityinto the regular modules like costs and scope. Moreover, I cultivated the abstraction ability andanalysis by applying the Institutional Theory in identifying the impacts of the external.An area that has shown considerable growth in development is the capacity to undertake researchat the academic level. This included gathering information and processing and integrating asmuch information as possible from trustworthy sources. For instance, when writing a paper onsustainable construction in India, I used techniques in conducting research relating toframeworks such as the TBL and institutional theory. This enhanced my comprehension of theprinciples of sustainability heads and related them to the building construction industry. Further,I developed the skills of defining research gaps and tried to fill the gaps to ensure that importantgaps are filled.It also helped me develop my project management skills after I finished this degree. I was able toplan, organize, implement, and evaluate various academic projects which were time-bound. Forexample, in a group project where a topic was SPM, I called on fellow students to share roles for
the project to be accomplished within the required time. My studies enhanced the higher-orderskills of analysis synthesis and problem-solving. Understanding issues such as the high cost ofgreen technologies in construction in India enabled me to come up with recommendations thattook into account economic; environmental as well as social impacts. By comparing the variousanalysed theories and the implications of their application in practice, I enhanced my skills inapproaching issues logically and suggesting creative solutions. The degree also entailed a gooddeal of teamwork and this helped to develop interpersonal and communication skills. Morefeedback was gained from group discussions which encouraged the formulation of better andpersuasive arguments in group presentations. For instance, I convinced my target audience whichcomprised my peers, academic, and industry players why construction should conform withuniversal sustainability standards. Pressures towards sustainability adoption within theconstruction sector.2. Demonstration of Skills, Knowledge, and CompetenciesThroughout the completion of the project and attainment of my degree, I revealed several skills,knowledge, and competencies that I feel need further enhancement. Knowing these weaknesseshas given some useful information about one’s potential for self-improvement and for enhancingexecutive and professional competence.Advanced Statistical Analysis:Though I received a general introduction to data analysis in my degree, I saw problems withperforming complex statistics. For example, while working on my project studying sustainableconstruction in India, I had one time been working on a set of data that required me to interpretthe results of a multivariate analysis. This pointed me to the fact that I require training in otherstatistical software like the SPSS that will enable me to make complex data analysis with easeand come up with proper conclusions.Time Management Under Pressure:The multiplicity of assignments and timelines has been an eye-opener on the poor timemanagement regimes I have been handling. At the end of my dissertation writing process, I wasfaced with too many priorities simultaneously that made me run through the analysis phases andskimp on the editing phase. Meant for taking hey-lo steps, this experience highlighted howimportant it is to enhance the skill of effective triaging in high-pressure situations.Public Speaking and Presentation Skills:
There is mention of how I was able to develop communication skills but public speaking still is afield that needs fine-tuning. For example, whilst in a group presentation discussing InstitutionalTheory, I realized that while presenting, I was less animated and convincing compared to the restof the group. The improvement of this competency would enable me to articulate ideas moreeffectively in formal business and academic environments.Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration:Interdisciplinary endeavours suggested the possible lack of effective stakeholder engagementcompetencies. Some issues of conflict, especially with large groups working on a sustainableproject management assignment, were sometimes challenging to moderate, specifically trying toaccommodate and resolve disputes to be fair to every member. Enhancing the provision offacilitation and conflict management would enhance my weak area regarding effective leadershipamongst diversified groups.In-depth Knowledge of Emerging Technologies:I also became accustomed to numerous sustainability frameworks and tools but am still not thataware of the development of new technologies such as different kinds of project managementtools.3. Areas for Further DevelopmentAlso, during my learning process, I realized that there is a lack of knowledge of usingcomplicated statistical methods on the side. For instance, when working on the statistical parts ofmy dissertation involving sustainable construction practices in India, finding meaning in amultivariate distribution was a real endeavour. This gap reduces my ability to produce well-grounded conclusions especially due to a lack of advanced training in software such as SPSS Strengthen this would enhance my ability to fully participate in future projects that requireanalysis of data and generate better conclusions.Another key domain for development that was identified concerned time management when thepressure is on. However, there were instances where while working on several papers at a go, Iwould mainly focus on those with the nearest due dates no matter the quality to be produced. Anexample was the times when prewriting a dissertation and a group assignment, poor timeplanning resulted in the loss of further optimization. Improvement in this skill is useful inmeeting organizational deadlines without any compromise to the quality.
Another competency that is still a weakness is public speaking. While I have had multipleopportunities to do group presentations, sometimes, I could not push myself to give out powerfulnarratives. For instance, a presentation on theories of sustainability I would give less engagementcompared to my counterparts and therefore had a diminished squared influence. Enhancing thisskill will enable me to suitably communicate influential messages in stakeholder meetingsconferences and teamwork. Parity, I also realized that there should be a better approach toappealing to more stakeholders. Up to the time of the research, one of my challenges incollaborative academic projects in particular was conflict or compromise resolution. This wasseen and illustrated by the following example, a sustainable workshop where differing opinionsmade key decisions to postpone. Improving the existing knowledge and strategies of how tofacilitate with a main focus on understanding all participants will improve decision-makinginclusion in workplaces.Finally, I will increase my awareness of sustainability frameworks, while remaining relativelyignorant of some of the most innovative technologies such as AI-driven project tools. It becameobvious during lively group deliberations on how the innovations could be implemented, adomain in which I lagged comparable to fellow team members. This can be overcome by fillingthe gap of the above points so that I can remain relevant in dynamic industries characterized bytechnology.4. Benefits to the Organization and WorkplaceThis will greatly help organizations I collaborate with because the above-mentioneddevelopment areas of focus will. More refined statistical analysis techniques will benefitorganisational research and strategic business decision making offering solid, result-orientedsolutions to deep-seated issues. For example, the correct determination of data characteristics andanalysis will be effective for improving the organization’s performance and using actualindicators for market forecasting.Time management is expected to positively change and influence the productivity and timelydelivery of schedules. Through practising this particular competency, I can excellently performmultitasking and consequently meet deadlines in addition to delivering quality work. This isespecially true where the environment demands optimization and focus on core deliverables toensure success. Of the aspects of public speaking, confidence will enable me to present theorganization’s solutions coherently when dealing with clients or even in keynotes and leadership
meetings. This will also serve to enhance the reputation of the company as well as establish agood working relationship with the stakeholders and hence the needed long-term relations. Theseskills of higher levels of stakeholder engagement and conflict-resolving abilities will enableefficient team dynamics and fair decision-making. For instance, in arguing the point as a memberof cross-functional teams, during client-sensitive negotiations, the process of finding a middleground will foster good relations. Such abilities are necessary to become a manager of peopleand cope with complex problems in organizations. Last but not least; developing proficiency inadvanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Building Information Modeling willpreserve the value of my affordances to any enterprise. Some of them might increase thepotential of planning in the project, contribute to the improvement of the accuracy of predictiveanalysis and improve the efficiency of the process. For example, applying released AI systems inmanaging sustainability projects can guarantee accuracy and creativity, which help to achievebusiness advantages in the marketplace. Only if these areas of development are dealt with, thenone is better placed as a versatile, well-rounded, and more resourceful team player capable ofdelivering on organizational goals and objectives and at the same time, championing change.