FC GEOG 102L - Lab 11 - fillable.S23

California State University, Fullerton**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 17, 2024
Uploaded by DukeSeaUrchinPerson1120
1 Name _________________________ Lab Eleven: Biogeography The purpose of this exercise is to help you familiarize yourself with the spatial distribution of plant communities. We will also focus on plants found in the Mediterranean Woodland and Shrub biomes. Objectives: Identify the distribution and adaptive nature of Mediterranean Woodland and Shrub plantsIdentify various plants found in the Mediterranean Woodland and Shrub biome.Part 1: Biogeography Biogeography is the study of the spatial distribution of the earth’s plant communities. Every plant has a specific range, or geographic area, based on the types of conditions that it can tolerate. Conditions that determine where a plant can grow include: Climate: growing season, sunlight, temperature, precipitation Soils: nutrients, drainage Elevation: temperature, moisture (windward vs. leeward) Landforms: rivers, coast, valley, mountain, desert Exercise 11.1: Map of Mediterranean Woodland and Shrub Biome 1. What is the spatial pattern you observe with regards to the location of the Mediterranean Woodland andShrub Biome?2. What climate is associated with this biome?3. Describe the temperature and precipitation characteristics of this biome.
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2 Part 2: Research Southern California’s Mediterranean Woodland and Shrub biomeWithin Southern California’sMediterranean Woodland and Shrub biome, are various plant communities that thrive under local environmental conditions such as slope effect. Exercise 11.2: You will identify plants native to our Mediterranean Woodland and Shrub biome. The Crystal Cove Conservancy has created a virtual guide to some common Coast Sage Scrub plants. In addition, I have included some Oak Woodland, Chaparral, Riparian and Desert Scrub plants. Coastal Sage Scrub Community- Vegetation: Mostly drought-deciduous and odiferous. 3-4 ft in height and not densely packed.Location: Coastal areas with alluvial soils at low elevation with dry, rocky slopes.Rainfall ranges from 10 12 inches with a long dry period.Moderate temperatures and cool, not cold winters.North facing slopes have drought deciduous plants, while south facing slopes haveevergreen shrubs.This community shares many plants with the Chaparral including Toyon and WhiteSage1.Review Plant Guide from Crystal Cove Conservancy (CCCPlantGuide.pdf).2.List two ways in which these plants have adapted to our environment.Chaparral Plant Community - Vegetation: Woody shrubs with small, leathery, evergreen leaves. 4-8 ft in height and densely packed.Fire adapted with many forms germinating after a burn.Location: Higher on slopes of mountains.More rainfall than the coastal sage scrub community with a shorter summer drought.Warm summer temperatures and frost tolerant1.Review the FCPlantIdentification.pdf and research the following plants:a.Manzanita Arctostaphylossp.b.Toyon Heteromeles arbutifolia2.List two ways that these plants have adapted to our environment.
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3 Location: Canyon bottoms along streams or on shaded canyon hillsides near streams. Permanent water source needed.1.Review the FCPlantIdentification.pdf and research riparian habitats:a.Fremont’s Cottonwood –Populus fremontiib.Western Sycamore Plantanus recemosa.2.Are these plants evergreen or deciduous?3.Why are riparian habitats important to local ecosystems?Oak Woodland Plant CommunityVegetation: Trees and shrubs with huge root systems. Location: An open park-like woodland up to 5000ft. Common community in the flat valleys of southern California where rainfall reaches only 25 inches and freezing temperatures are unusual. Fog important to this habitat. 1.Review the FCPlantIdentification.pdf and research the following plant:a.Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia2.Is this plant evergreen or deciduous?3.How has it adapted to our environment?Desert Scrub Plant Community - Vegetation: Xerophytes Location: Dominant scrub community of the deserts, up to 4500ft. South-facing Slopes within the Coastal Sage Scrub Community1.Review the FCPlantIdentification.pdf and research the following plants:a.Prickly Pear Cactus Opuntialittoralisb.Coast Cholla OpuntiaProliferac.Palo Verde - Cercidium floridum2.Special adaptations make these plants: xerophytes or hygrophytesa.What adaptations do these plants exhibit?Riparian Plant Community Vegetation: Trees and shrubs
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4 Crystal Cove Conservancy: Plant 1: _______________________ Plant 2: _______________________ Plant 3: No Picture Plant 4: _______________________ Plant 5: _______________________ Plant 6: _______________________ Plant 7: _______________________ Plant 8: _______________________ FC Plant Identification (FCPlantIdentification.pdf): Plant 1: _______________________ Plant 2: _______________________ Plant 3: _______________________ Plant 4: _______________________ Part 4: Find Examples of Native Plants in your Neighborhood. Exercise 11.4: Use Seek by iNaturalist to identify two native plants in your neighborhood (or nearby park). See instructions for using Seek in the CCCExplore at Home.pdf. Plant 1: Name and Screen shot of plant in the Seek app Part 3: Identify Southern California’s Mediterranean Woodland and Shrub biome Exercise 11.3: Identify the plants listed in the Identifying Plants Presentations (CCCIdentifyingPlants.pdf)
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5 1.Did you find plants similar to those listed in the lab? If not, why do you think you found differentplants?Plant 2: Name and Screen shot of plant in the Seek app
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