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EBH 413
Dec 17, 2024
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1Safety in the WorkplaceStudent’s NameCourse DetailsInstitutional AffiliationDate
2Safety in the WorkplaceSafety tops the list of issues that organizations consider a priority. Many studies support the need for a safety culture within an organization to counter safety issues that appear to threaten employees' workmanship (Bisbey et al., 2021). The primary goal of safety in the workplace is to prevent workplace injuries and fatalities, which can be managed through the formulation of rules and regulations, the development of incentive programs, employee training, and personnel selection, as will be the focus of this paper. Safety rules and regulations are an important aspect of an organization to help eliminate or reduce unsafe behaviors by employees. Most workplace accidents result from unsafe practicesby employees, prompting the need to use safety rules and regulations to curb the ever-rising prevalence of these incidences in the workplace. Safety concerns are prevalent when workers regularly encounter hazardous or risky tasks (Bisbey et al., 2021). The employees must adopt safety practices, which may only be achieved by formulating rules and regulations to reduce accidents. It is possible to achieve a safety culture by offering incentives for safety outcomes. When combined with unsafe behavior, the risk factors in the workplace can produce unacceptable outcomes (Karakhan & Gambatese, 2018). Incentives are motivation managers can offer employees and reward them accordingly after positive safety outcomes. A well-designed safety behavior training protocol for new and existing employees can go a long way in reducing accidents. Employees need training to understand the severity of issues in the workplace and adopt safe behaviors (Al-Swidi et al., 2021). Personnel selection by managers in the digital spaceduring the hiring process may focus on sourcing employees with a track record in safety and cultural practice (Woods et al., 2020). The human resources can conduct digital interviews to
3select highly qualified candidates who will uphold safety behavior and influence others positively. Organizations conduct thorough needs analysis if they plan on being more proactive in offering solutions to pressing matters before they escalate to tragedies. One way to perform the needs analysis in identifying an organization's safety requirements is by digitizing the organization's data and automating the workflow (Caburao, 2023). The organization may also need to find gaps in the safety requirements from the salient data acquired during inspections andmeetings. Afterward, it can characterize the identified issues and use the necessary analytics to get decision-making insights while at the same time assigning corrective and preventive actions (Caburao, 2023).in other scenarios, the employees must be provided with courses to be studied or trained, and at the same time, document the whole training process and generate reports. Most importantly, the organization must monitor and track the employees' progress continuously to ensure that the provided solutions are effective.Any program to prevent illnesses and occupational injuries starts with gathering and analyzing the actual data on hospitalizations and deaths from injuries. This provides information on the major causes of the injury and the specific group of individuals greatly affected. After getting the necessary data on the target population and injury, the sole focus goes to the prevention strategies aimed at reducing the severity and frequency of the injury. The next step involves examining the various factors involved in the occurrence of a specific injury. The factors may be limited to the individual, environmental conditions, and injury causes.In conclusion, most organizational tasks pose risks and hazards that may result in accidental outcomes. Reducing safety issues in the workplace can be managed by adopting an organizational culture where employees are conscious of safety and uphold safety behaviors.
4Focusing on the formulation of rules and regulations, developing incentive programs, employee training, and personnel selection will help organizations avoid unnecessary safety issues, such as accidents that may cause financial problems.
5ReferencesBisbey, T. M., Kilcullen, M. P., Thomas, E. J., Ottosen, M. J., Tsao, K., & Salas, E. (2021). Safety culture: Integrating existing models and a framework for understanding its development. Human factors,63(1), 88-110., A., & Gambatese, J. (2018). Hazards and risk in construction and the impact of incentives and rewards on safety outcomes.Practice Periodical on Structural Design andConstruction,23(2), 04018005.Al-Swidi, A. K., Gelaidan, H. M., & Saleh, R. M. (2021). The joint impact of green human resource management, leadership, and organizational culture on employees' green behavior and organizational environmental performance.Journal of cleaner production,316, 128112.Woods, S. A., Ahmed, S., Nikolaou, I., Costa, A. C., & Anderson, N. R. (2020). Personnel selection in the digital age: A review of validity, applicant reactions, and future research challenges. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,29(1), 64–77. Caburao, A. (2023, December 13). The fundamentals of needs analysis. SafetyCulture.