Amalena SITXCOM007 Assessment 1

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SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 11Student Name:Student ID:SITXCOM007Show social and cultural sensitivityAssessment 1
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Learner Information This Learner Assessment Packis designed for you to complete the assessment for SITXCOM007 -Show social and cultural sensitivity (Release 1). It may refer to your own workplace/organisation, orto a simulated business provided by your assessor. The assessment tasks include Knowledge Assessmentwhere you need to demonstrate yourknowledge and understanding of the unit, and the Practical Assessment,where you need todemonstrate your skills required in the unit. It is recommended that you complete the PracticalAssessments in your own workplace/organisation. If you don’t have access to a real workplace, youcan complete the assessment in a simulated environment where resources and conditions similar toa workplace must be accessed. Ensure to discuss this with your assessor prior to commencing withthe assessment.Each Learner Assessment Pack is made up of four parts:Assessment DeliveryLearner InformationSteps for LearnerAssessment AgreementAssessment TasksAssessment Tasks, including:Knowledge AssessmentPractical AssessmentRecordingRecord of AssessmentBefore you commence your assessment, ensure that you have a good knowledge of the subject,have thoroughly read your Learner Resource, and clearly understand the assessment requirementsand the expectations of the industry to which the assessment is related.Assessments are designed to be completed using your industry/organisation, but your RegisteredTraining Organisation (RTO) may assist you by contextualising the unit to be completed in asimulated workplace environment. You will be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills which must be observed directly by yourassessor. Where the observation task may be difficult for the assessor to directly observed, a videorecording of the practical observation task must be submitted as supplementary evidence.Verification from at least one third-party signatory, and preferably two or more witnesses is requiredto confirm your demonstration of these practical knowledge and skills. These witnesses wouldusually be your current or recent supervisors, or your assessor. SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 12
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The practical assessment tasks may be completed using your own workplace, a simulatedenvironment, or a mix of both, as instructed by your assessor. To contextualise this assessment toyour industry/organisation, you may be asked by your assessor to provide additional informationbased on your industry/organisation.Instructions are given for each task. If you have questions, or unclear how to proceed, consult withyour assessor.Records of all aspects of the assessment must be kept in your Learner Assessment PackThe record of assessment is a legal document and must be signed, dated, and a copy stored asrequired by your Registered Training Organisation (RTO).Steps for LearnerYour Learner Assessment Pack:1.Upon receiving your Learner Assessment Pack, discuss with your assessor the expectationsand requirements of this assessment. You may also need to supply contact details of one ortwo work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry. Discuss with your assessor if you intend to undertake the practical assessment tasks basedon your employing organisation, in a simulated business, or in a mix of both.2.Your Learner Assessment Pack is where you will get the task information. Complete eachtask as instructed using either your own workplace, or using a simulated business, asdiscussed with your assessor.3.After you complete your assessment, gather and submit your evidence documents asdetailed in the task(s) in the timeframe agreed with your assessor.Your assessor will advise you if there are any further steps for you to take to satisfactorilycomplete this assessment.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 13
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Reasonable Adjustment Adapted Reasonable Adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment for learners with a disability -November 2010 - Prepared by - Queensland VET Development CentreReasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning environment or makingchanges to the training delivered to assist a learner with a disability. A reasonable adjustment can beas simple as changing classrooms to be closer to amenities or installing a particular type of softwareon a computer for a person with vision impairment.Why make a reasonable adjustment? We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that learners with a disability have: The same learning opportunities as learners without a disability, andThe same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without a disability. Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching, learning and assessment activities caninclude:Customising resources and assessment activities within the training package or accreditedcourseModifying the presentation medium Learner supportUse of assistive/adaptive technologiesMaking information accessible both before enrolment and during the courseMonitoring the adjustments to ensure learners needs continue to be metAssistive/Adaptive TechnologiesAssistive/Adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been specifically designed toassist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’ (World Wide Web Consortium - W3C). Itincludes screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, alternative keyboards, devices forgrasping, visual alert systems, digital note-takers.IMPORTANT:Reasonable adjustment made for collecting learner assessment evidence must not impact on thestandard expected by the workplace, as expressed by the relevant unit(s) of competency. Forexample, if the assessment were gathering evidence of the learner’s competency in writing,allowing the learner to complete the assessment verbally would not be a valid assessmentmethod. The method of assessment used by any reasonable adjustment must still meet thecompetency requirements.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 14
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Resources Required for Assessment To complete the Practical Assessment tasks, you will require access to:Computer with internet and email access, and a working web browserInstalled software: Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader A workplace, or a simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:oDocuments/sources of information on the assistance channels to support resolutionof language barriers in Workplace Assessment Task 1, such as:Government websitesCultural brochures Government service listingsoOrganisational policies and procedures relating to anti-discrimination in theworkplaceoPeople, including:At least three people from different social and cultural groups whom youwill communicate with in Workplace Assessment Task 1Collective, these people must include the following:At least one person from a different social groupAt least one person from a different cultural groupPeople refer to customers or colleagues that you interact with in theworkplace.Social groups are composed of two or more people who interact with eachother because of common social characteristic like interest, opinion, gender,and religion.Cultural groups are composed of two or more people who share the samerace, ethnicity, traditions, customs and beliefs.At least two other people whom you will seek help from in WorkplaceAssessment Task 2Other people refer to people in the workplace who can help learner findsolutions to difficulties and misunderstandings, such as team members, teamleaders.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 15
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At least one person involved in the difficulty or misunderstanding inWorkplace Assessment Task 2Person refers to a colleague or customer who is directly involved in theidentified difficulty or misunderstandingAt least one relevant stakeholder whom you will communicate theunresolved issue and problem to in Workplace Assessment Task 3Relevant stakeholder refers to the person with higher authority than thelearner to whom they can report unresolved issues and problems in theworkplace, such as supervisor or manageroAt least two assistance channels to use when seeking help during communicationwith at least three people in Workplace Assessment Task 1Assistance channels refer to sources of assistance that can help in resolving languagebarriers when communicating with people from different social and cultural groups,such as government agencies, diversity groups, diplomatic services.oOpportunity to:Communicate the identified topic to at least three people in WorkplaceAssessment Task 1Seek help using at least two channels to assist in resolving barriers found inWorkplace Assessment Task 1Demonstrate attempts to resolve language barriers inWorkplaceAssessment Task 1Seek help from at least two other people to address each difficulty andmisunderstanding identified in Workplace Assessment Task 2Demonstrate attempts to resolve the identified difficulties andmisunderstandings in Workplace Assessment Task 2Escalate the unresolved issue and problem from Workplace Assessment Task2to at least one relevant stakeholder in Workplace Assessment Task 3SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 16
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Accessing Intranet Pages and External LinksSome assessment tasks may require you to access specific pages from the simulated business, TheContinent Hotel and/or external webpages. Links to these pages are formatted in Blue Text. To access these, hold the Ctrl key for Windows userswhile clicking on these links. For Mac users,directly click the link.The simulated business, The Continent Hotel, can be accessed by going to Login to The Continent Hotel using the username and password provided by your RegisteredTraining Organisation (RTO).SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 17
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Assessment AgreementInstructions:Discuss and accomplish this section with your assessor before commencing then sign theconfirmation at the end of this Agreement.Please tick at least one of the following for each section:Delivery MethodClassroomSmall Group One-on-OneOnlineOther (please describe)Assessment Pathway (for Practical Assessment)Learner’s Organisation (Pre-assessment meeting conducted)Simulated Workplace Environment (Contextualised by RTO) Assessment ConditionsSkills must be demonstrated in an operational business environment with diverse customers andcolleagues. This can be:an industry workplace; ora simulated industry environment set up for the purposes of assessmentAssessment must ensure access to:current organisational anti-discrimination policiesplain English documents issued by government regulators that provide information on anti-discrimination lawscustomers and other colleagues from a diverse range of social and cultural groups with whom the individual can interact. These can be:SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 18
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customers and colleagues in an industry workplace who are assisted by the individual during the assessment process; orindividuals who participate in role plays or simulated activities, set up for the purpose of assessment, in a simulated industry environment operated within a training organisationAssessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations’ requirements forassessors.I confirm that the activities and assessment completed for this unit are my own work, and complywith all relevant copyright and plagiarism rules. I understand that if there is any doubt in the authenticity of any piece of my assessmentsubmission, I can be orally examined, and the signatory of evidence records may be contacted. Learner’s nameIDLearner’s signatureDateAssessor’s nameAssessor’s signatureDateEnd of Assessment AgreementSITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 19
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Knowledge Assessment Question 1 Read the scenarios below. Answer the questions that follow about the principles of fairness andequity. Fairness requires everyone to treat each other the same, regardless of age, race, sex, status, andculture.Equity requires providing special support to people considering their age, sex, status, and culturefor equal opportunities. Scenario 1 Cristina is a human resource officer at The Continent. As HR officer, she needs to keep track of hercolleagues’ attendance and tardiness. She noticed in the records that two of her colleagues oftencome late to work. She consulted each colleague and found out the following details:Gemma is 32 years old and a single mother of two kids, aged 4 and 6. She often arriveslate in the morning because she has to tend to her kids and send them to school. She isstill looking for a nanny. She is okay with working both days of the weekend to make upfor her tardiness. Her mother can take care of the kids on weekends.Annie is 20 years old with an ill grandmother. She arrives late to work because she helpsher bedridden grandmother eat breakfast. Her cousin will be arriving in two days to help.She can work extra hours after her regular shift to make up for her tardiness. Her cousincan tend to their grandmother on those hours.Cristina must help each colleague make up for their tardiness in a fair and equitable manner. Thisincludes ensuring that they follow the request guidelines and adjusting their schedules.Answer the questions below based on the scenario.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 110
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a.Complete the table below about each colleague.i.Identify why each colleague often arrives late.ii.Identify when each colleague can make up the hours they missed.ColleagueReason for Arriving LateAvailability to Make Up forMissing Hours1.GemmaShe has to tend her kids toschoolDealing with company full time30 hours/ week, she has to workinstead of hour her missing2.AnnieShe helps her bedriddenGrandmother eat breakfast.If she can make up the missinghours at weekend.b.Below are some principles that Cristina can apply to help her colleagues.In 30 words or more, describe how Cristina can apply each principle. Principle of FairnessHow the Principle Can be Applied to Both ColleaguesProvide each colleagueequal chances to requestto make up for missinghours, regardless of age orsituation-Dealing with them to work extra hours for the missing workinghours.-Reducing fill-time or part-time employee ordinary hours based onemployee agreement-Make up the working time during weekendPrinciple of EquityHow the Principle Can be Applied to Each ColleagueGemmaAnnieAdjusttheoptionsavailableforeachcolleague to make up fortheir tardiness based ontheir situationsAdjusting the options availablefor each colleagues to make uptheir tardiness based on theirsituationReduce full-time or part-time Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 111
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Scenario 2 The Continent receives guests from various cultural backgrounds regularly. Today, two groups ofguests approached the receptionists at the front desk:Two men with a lot of visible tattoos who want to stay overnight. They request for awakeup call at 5:30 AM.A mother with her visually impaired child on a 5-day vacation. She requests for a room onthe ground floor, so her child does not have to move up or down any stairs. The Continent prides over being able to treat all their guests fairly and equitably. This includesaccommodating all the guests needs during their stay, regardless of which guest it is. Answer the questions below based on the scenario.a.Identify the request of each group of guests in relation to their stay at The Continent. i.Two menSet alarm at 5:30PM through online alarm system where the alarmmessage will appear together with pre-selected sound.ii.Motherand childPrepare room at Ground Floor including details such as color,texture, shape and landmarks. Do touch their arm or using namewhen addressing them. This enable you to know that you’respeaking to them and not someone else in the room.b.Below are some principles that the receptionists can observe as they accommodate theguests.In 30 words or more, describe how each principle can be applied. Principle of FairnessHow the Principle Can be Applied to Both GuestsEntertain each guest regardless of appearance, race, age, sex, or cultureDo introduce yourself and ask the person if they require anyassistanceDo provide assistance if it is requested.Principle of EquityHow the Principle Can be Applied to Each GuestTwo menMother and childAdjust services provided to consider each guest’s needsSmile during greetingsAsk questions for helpDo respect the wishes ofperson who is blindDon’t insist upon trying tohelp if your offer ofassistance is declined.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 112
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Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: Question 2 Read the scenario below about the practices of the main Australian social groups.Social groups are composed of two or more people who interact with each other because ofcommon social characteristic like interest, opinion, gender, and religion.Answer the questions that follow.Josephine is a Christian waitress in The Continent’s Peetalrestaurant. Today, a group of Muslimwomen arrived to dine in the restaurant. As she served them, she noticed that:the women were wearing face coveringsthe women ordered only the halal foods in the menu as required in Islamthe women recited their individual prayers silently before eating.After her shift, she reflected on these practices. She realised their difference from the usualpractice of Christian women. She realised that:Christian women are not required to wear face coverings if unnecessarywomen can eat all they want as there is no religious ban on any foodthere is usually one person nominated to lead the prayer before eating.Answer the questions below based on the scenario.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 113
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a.Complete the table below about the practices that Josephine observed when serving thegroup of Muslim women.i.Identify the cultural practice the Muslim women followedCultural practices refer to ways that people from the same social or culturalgroup can uphold their traditions and customs.ii.Identify the two religious practices the Muslim women followedReligious practices refer to ways that people from the same social or culturalgroup can uphold their religious beliefs and spirituality.Cultural PracticeReligious Practicei.As The Prophet (SAAS) says:Women are the (equal) sistersof men. Women make up halfthe society and they areresponsibleinnurturing,guidance and reformation ofgeneration of men andwomen. It is female whoimbue principles and faith intothe nation souls.i.Four major Sunni schools(Hanafi, Shafi’I, Maliki andHanbali) hold consensus thatwomen is mandatory to covertheir hair, and their entirebody expect her hands andface while in presence withpeople of opposite sex otherthan close family members.ii.As wife, she is expected toserve her husband, preparefood, clothing and otherpersonal needs. As mother,she has to take care of theirchildren and their needs. Asworker, she has to beprofessional, disciplined andbe good employee.b.Complete the table below about the practices that Josephine remembered she and otherChristian women do.i.Identify the cultural practice that Christians followii.Identify the two religious practices that Christians followCultural PracticeReligious Practicei.Christianity began movementwith Judaism when Jews aredominated culturally andpolitically by foreign powersand found their religion thei.Set ideas and new way of life,practices and artefacts thatbeing handed down fromgeneration to generation sinceJesus first become object ofSITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 114
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linchpin of their community.faithii.Christian believe in justificationby faith and through theirbelieve in Jesus as the Son ofGod and in his death andresurrection, they have rightrelationship with God whoforgiveness was made onceand for all through the deathof Jesus Christ.Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: Question 3 Read the scenarios below about the practices of the main Australian cultural groups.Cultural groups are composed of two or more people who share the same race, ethnicity,traditions, customs and beliefs. Answer the questions that follow.Scenario 1The management of The Continent offers diversity training to all the newly hired employees.Today, the focus is the cultural and religious practices of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderpeople. The training aims to increase the appreciation and awareness of the new hires forAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people colleagues and guests. As a new hire, Brent wasrequired to attend this training. He learned about the following cultural and religious practices: Direct eye contact with a person during a conversation may be considered rude. In social settings, it is courteous for men to communicate with men and women tocommunicate with women.When discussing specific ceremonies with others, it is essential to have a local Aboriginalperson present.Indigenous people celebrate spiritual and social significance events, including birth,SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 115
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initiation, death, and those based on seasons.Answer the question below based on the scenario.a.Complete the table below about the practices of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderpeople that Brent learned. i.Identify the two cultural practices Cultural practices refer to ways that people from the same social or culturalgroup can uphold their traditions and customs.ii.Identify the two religious practices Religious practices refer to ways that people from the same social or culturalgroup can uphold their religious beliefs and spirituality.Cultural PracticeReligious Practicei.Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander people have strongsense of belongings to theircountry and have no desires toown other people lands.i.They believe that all thingshave souls and spirit and lifeafter death, belief in multiplegods, believe in one god andreincarnation (individual wasreborn in another body afterdeath) and prevent marriagebetween relativesii.Territory is defined by spiritualand physical links. Landformhave deeper meaning andrecorded in art, stories, songsand dance.ii.Sacredspiritualityarepresented in the storiesperformedbyAboriginalAustralianwhereeachlanguagegroupacrossAustralia in their ceremonies.This include Dream time (thedreaming), song lines, andAboriginal oral literature.Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: Scenario 2SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 116
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After the diversity training, Brent realised the difference between the practices of the Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islander people and his own practices. Brent’s parents are non-indigenousAustralians. He reflected on the practices he observed growing up in his community. He realisedthat in his community:Direct eye contact with a person during a conversation is a sign of attentiveness. In social settings, it is okay for men and women to communicate with each other. Ceremonies can be discussed with others freely.Celebrations do not typically include celebration for initiation and those based onseasons.Answer the question below based on the scenario.a.Complete the table below about the practices of non-indigenous Australians that Brentobserved growing up. i.Identify the two cultural practices ii.Identify the two religious practices Cultural PracticeReligious Practicei.The Australia value are basedon freedom, respect, fairnessand equalityi.Opportunity are central tocommunityremainingasecure,prosperousandpeaceful place to live.ii.Open-hearted and Open-minded and think thateveryone has the right to get afair go.ii.Australia is an egalitariansociety where dinner bills arespit equally and friend oftenpay for one another.Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: Question 4 Assume that you are working as a receptionist for The Continent. Read the scenarios below aboutthe practices of main Australian inbound tourist markets. SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 117
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Inbound tourist markets refer to countries with citizens that visit Australia for tourism purposes.Answer the questions that follow. Scenario 1 Today, you are expecting to receive a group of Chinese guests. To promote positive relations withthe guests, you must adhere to some key cultural and religious practices when you receive them. You must access The Continent’s Diversity Policy. Diversity PolicyAnswer the questions below based on the document. a.Identify the points they must consider when accommodating the Chinese guests for eachcultural practice below.Cultural practices refer to ways that people from the same social or cultural group canshow their tradition and customs.Cultural PracticesPoints to Consider for Each Practicei.GreetingsWelcome different people perspective and listen toeveryone’s ideas.Respectful to all cultures and look to learn from othersPlay active role in communities which we operateii.Eye contactOnly brief eye contact are considered acceptable. This limitedeye contact custom is particularly true in Asian culture wherepeople from different professions or social levels. Example:China and Japan, children show respect to elders by not makingintense eye contact. iii.LanguageIt notify their employee to speak only English rile and generalcircumstances when speaking only English is required andnotify employee on the consequences of violating the rule. There are few circumstances which policy meet “businessnecessity” test. Such as supervisor can’t understand whatemployee are saying. English speaking employee may suspectthat non-English speaking employee are talking about them.The policy enhance public image are not sufficient to meetbusiness necessity requirement. SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 118
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Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: Scenario 2A group of your Muslim guests from the United States wanted to dine at one of the hotel’srestaurants. They require that the restaurant offer ‘halal’ foods on the menu. That is because theirIslamic belief require them to eat only ‘halal’ food.To recommend the appropriate restaurant, you must access and review The Continent’sFacilitiesand Guest Services Guide.Facilities and Guest Services GuideAnswer the questions below. a.Identify the food requirement of the Muslim guests.Muslim eat halal (lawful) foods, which include fruit, vegetables, and eggs. Any meatproducts that they consume must be halal slaughtered animal. Milk and dairy foods arehalal, cheese also considered halal depending on its ingredients.b.Identify the religious practice behind the guests’ food requirement.Religious practices refer to ways that people from the same social or cultural group canshow their religious beliefs.Religious factors can have major influence on what foods we buy. Example: Muslims willnot eat meat such as beef or lamb that has not been slaughtered by halal method, whilethose of Jewish religion will only eat Kosher food.c.Identify the two restaurants that can cater to your guests’ food requirements.i.Halal restaurant for Muslim guestsii.Restaurant food for law food.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 119
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Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: Scenario 3Today, two Jewish American guests approached you to inquire if there are any restaurant in thearea that can cater to their food requirement. You already know, as part of your diversity training,that Jews can only eat kosher meals as mandated by the Judaism religion. To recommend the appropriate restaurant, you must access and review The Continent’sFacilitiesand Guest Services Guide.Facilities and Guest Services GuideAnswer the questions below. a.Identify the dietary requirement of your Jewish guests.Kosher dietary law are comprehensive and provide framework that not only outline thefoods allowed or forbidden but also mandate how permitted foods must be produced,processed and prepared for consumptions.b.Identify the religious practice behind the guests’ food requirement.Land animal must have split hooves and must chew the cud (they must eat grass). Seafoodmust have fins and scales. Eating shellfish is not allowed and forbidden to consumer birdsof prey.c.Identify the restaurant that can cater to your guests’ food requirement.Kosher restaurantMeat: mammals or fowl, as well as products derived from them, including bones and broth.Dairy: milk, cheese, butter and yoghurtPareve: food that is not meat or dairy, including fish, eggs, and plant-based foods.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 120
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Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: Question 5 Assume that you are a receptionist at The Continent. Read the scenarios below about thefollowing:Different types of disabilitiesApproaches to overcome communication barriers in the workplaceAnswer the questions below.Scenario 1Today, you noticed that a guest is standing by the entrance of the hotel. The guest is wearingsunglasses and holding a guiding stick. The Continent prides over providing the best service to alltheir guests, including those with disabilities. So, you must assist the guest according to theguidelines outlined in Customer Service Standards Policy and Procedures of The Continent Hotelfor assisting guests with disabilities.Access the document. Answer the question below.Customer Service Standards Policy and Proceduresa.Identify what disability the guest has.Disability: BlindnessCategory 1: Moderate visual impairment – presenting visual acuity worse them 6/18 andbetter than 6/60Category 2: Severe visual impairment – presenting visual acuity worse than 6/60 andbetter than 3/60Category 3: Blindness – presenting visual acuity worse than 3/60 and better than 1/60b.Based on the guest’s disability, outline the three guidelines that you need to follow tohelp them.i.Offering Assistance to GuestsStating name and ask “May I help you?”Using normal tone of voice and speaking directly to the person, notthrough someone with them.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 121
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ii.Check-in: the desk clerk should state their name and ask “May I help you?”iii.Housekeeping Assistance: during cleaning, do not move their personal items(toothbrushes, shampoo, clothing, paperwork, etc.)c.Assuming that the guest has accepted your assistance, outline what you need to do toprovide guidance for each area listed. Areas Needing GuidanceHow to Provide Guidance for Each Areai.Establishing theguiding arm Use direction such as “right” or “left” – NEVER use thephrases such as “over there” or “that way”Using distance clues such as “about 20 feet away” or “about 10 steps straight ahead”ii.WalkingIf the guest have dog, speak to the guest and not the dog.The dog is working and should never be distracted.iii.Doorways Pause the steps: letting them know if they are downand location of the handrailNever leave individual standing in open area, showthem the side of room, next to table or back of thechair.iv.Seating Either the desk clerk or bellman should explaining the basiclayout of the hotel where there are two restaurant on theground floor and exercise room located on 5thfloor and twopools one on the roof and one on the ground floor.Scenario 2Today, a Japanese guest approached the front desk to ask for directions to the FederationUniversity Australia. As you are explaining to the guests how to get to the grocery store, younoticed that keep asking you to:i.repeat your words as they could not hear them clearlyii.make your voice louder as the area is a bit noisySITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 122
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This is when you realised that the guest has a disability. To ensure that the guest gets to theuniversity, you provided a map. You also explained with the help of hand signs that at certainpoints in the map the guest should go straight, or they should turn right.Answer the questions below based on the scenario.a.Identify what disability the guest has. Hard of hearing where people having hearing loss ranging from mild to severe. Peoplewho has hard of hearing usually communicate through spoken language and can benefitusing hearing aids, cochlear implants and other assistive devices as well as captioning.b.Using simple English, describe the directions from The Continent in 40 Creek St to theFederation University Australia on the map. Using simple English language refers to using everyday terms to communicate anddescribe information like situations or locations.The Continent in 40 Creek St is marked with a green square. The Federation UniversityAustralia is marked with a red circle.Speak slowly and clearlyFace to faceShow a map to guest using pen to mark the point“ You are on The Continent in 40 Creek St. now, you have to go straight about500m then you see Central Station, make turn to right and go straight about300m. You’ll meet your destination on the left.”SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 123
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c.List the two hand signs you used to help in explaining directions to the guest. i.Slowing down and stopping: indicate by extending your arm downward with palm facingbackward.ii.Left turn – Indicated by an arm straight out through the windowRight turn – indicated by extending arm at 90°angle upwards.d.In 30 words or more, explain why using hand signs is important in the scenario.Gestures is a form of non-verbal communication which is visible bodily actions are usedto communicate important messages, either in place of speech or together and inparallel with spoken words.Scenario 3At The Continent, it is required that when guests approach the front desk, you greet them usingsimple English. This includes greetings like “Hello, how can I help you?” or “Hello, what do youneed?” This is to ensure that guests whose first language is not English can easily understandyou.Today, you and Jasmine are manning the front desk. A Japanese guest approached the desk forhelp. After greeting the guest, they showed you and Jasmine a picture of a headache medicineand asked how they can buy this at the pharmacy. Jasmine confirmed first if the object in thepicture is medicine. She pointed to the picture while asking the guest if the object is a “Kusuri” ormedicine in Japanese. The guest confirmed it. Jasmine then told the guest that to buy medicine,they can say: “I would like to buy medicine for headache.” Answer the question below based on the scenario.a.Identify at least one simple greeting you can say to the guest.Ohayo gozaimasu (Good Morning), Konnichiwa (Hello or Good Day) and Konbanwa(Good Evening). Bow can ranges from small nods to head deep bend at waist. The deeperand longer the bow it indicate respect and conversely small nod with head is casual andinformal. If the greeting takes places on tatami floor, people will get their knees to bow.b.Identify the reason using simple English in greeting guests is important.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 124
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Using simple English language in greetings enable the message delivered across inshortest time. More people can understand the message and less chance the documentwill be misunderstood, so you spend less time explaining to people.c.Identify the reason Jasmine used the Japanese word for medicine (“kusuri”) to confirm ifthis was what they needed help purchasing. They want to purchase medicine because Japanese word for medicine is “kusuri” whichmeans ‘medicine’ or ‘drug’. d.Identify the statement that Jasmine taught the guest for buying medicine at thepharmacy.Show the picture of pharmacy or symbols of illness and the ingredients or medicine.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 125
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Preliminary TaskQuestions 6, 8 and 9 of this Knowledge Assessment require you to refer to the anti-discrimination laws and policies for your workplace, its industry, and the state/territory where itis located.For your assessor’s reference, identify the information required in the spaces below.When answering Questions 6, 8 and 9, you must refer to the information you provided below.Workplace/organisation name:ABC HotelIndustry:HospitalityYour work role:ManagerThe state/territory where your workplace/organisation is based or located.Australian Capital TerritorySouth AustraliaNew South WalesTasmaniaNorthern TerritoryVictoriaQueenslandWestern AustraliaResult Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 126
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Question 6 Answer the questions below about the anti-discrimination policy applicable to yourorganisation’s industry.a.Identify at least one anti-discrimination policy applicable to your organisation’s industry.Racial Discrimination Act is legislation that prohibits acts that are likely to offend, insult,humiliate, or intimidate another person where the act is done because of race, colour, ornational or ethnic origin of the person.b.Identify the policy statement of the anti-discrimination policy.Equal Opportunity Act 1995 are made against the law to sexually harass or treatsomeone unfairly because of their age, status, disability, industrial activity, lawful sexualactivity, marital status, parental status, physical features, pregnancy, race, religiousbelief, sex, etc. c.Identify at least three actions that are considered discriminatory in the policy.i.Ageii.Raceiii.SexSITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 127
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d.Identify at least two areas in the organisation’s practices related to employees that must be checked to ensure compliance to the policy.i.Educate all employees on discriminationii.Encourage employee to respect each other difference.e.Identify at least two areas in the organisation’s practices related to customers that must be checked to ensure compliance to the policy.i.Critical Documentation: procedures and policies are important for business operations, business continuity, consistency in organization, training new employees, control risk, meet compliance requirements, meeting clients requirements, etc. ii.Consistent apply policies and procedures: Policies and procedures are important part in the organization. Policies and procedures provide guideline in daily operations. It ensure the policies comply according to laws and regulations, provide guidance for decision-making, and streamline the internal processes.Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 128
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Question 7 Access The Continent’sDiversity Policy. Answer the questions below based on the document.Diversity Policya.Identify the purpose of the policy.Diverse workplace enable employee to feel valued for their differences by organizationand create opportunities for advancement. The company is committed to identifying andremove barriers for diverse employees in recruitment, advancement, and retention.Create working environment that is free from bullying, harassment and unlawfuldiscrimination, promote dignity and respect to all individual difference and contributionof all staff recognized and valued.b.Identify at least two grounds that employees and guests should not be discriminated against. i.Harassment in workplace based on protected classes is prohibited under state and federal lawii.Workplace Discriminationc.Identify The Continent’s stand on accepting diverse staff in the workplace.Diversity and Inclusion in workplace is related to productivity, innovation and workforce of well-being, yet too little is being done to promote them, especially in minority groups, meaning the company, employee and societies are missing out potential benefits.d.Identify The Continent’s policy on serving guests with cultural differences.Strengthen the importance of customer diversityUnderstand customer and seek culture specific knowledgeListen actively and recognize the communicate patternCreate a welcoming environment by having diverse workforce.e.Identify The Continent’s policy on bullying and harassment.Spreading malicious rumoursUnfair treatmentPicking on regular undermining someone.Deny someone training or promotion opportunitiesSITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 129
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Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: Question 8 Answer the questions below about the commonwealth anti-discrimination laws relevant to thehospitality industry. a.Access the Workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying page in the link below. Workplace discrimination, harassment and bullying the following questions.i.Outline at least three characteristics of people that federal discrimination lawsprotect. 1.Protecting men and women from sex-based wage discrimination in theirwages or benefits who perform substantially equal work in sameestablishment2.Protect person 40 years or older from aged-based employmentdiscrimination. The Older Workers Benefit Protection Act amends severalsections of the ADEA and establish conditions for waiver of ADEAprotections3.Covers qualified employees and job applicants with disabilities. It alsorequire Federal Agencies to make reasonable accommodation of anyknown disabilities such as accommodation would cause an unduehardship.ii.Identify what is the purpose of the commonwealth laws listed below.Commonwealth Anti-discrimination LawsPurpose of Each Law1.Sex Discrimination Act1984 Sex Discrimination Act 1984 is federal law which make it unlawful to discriminate againstSITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 130
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you due to sex, marital status, pregnancy or potential becoming pregnant. Dismissal from job because of family responsibilities or sexually harassment.2.Racial Discrimination Act 1975 It promote the equality for all people regardless of race, colour, national or ethnic origin. It is unlawful to discriminate against people on basis of colour, race, descent or national or ethnic origin. 3.Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Make it unlawful to discriminate against a person in many area of public life including employment, education, using services, renting or purchasing house unit and access topublic space due to their disability.b.Access the Racial discrimination page in the link below. Racial discrimination Answer the following questions.i.Outline the statement of the Racial Discrimination Act in relation to unlawfuldiscrimination of customers.It promote equality to all people regardless of their race, colour, national orethnic origin. It is unlawful to discriminate people based on their race, colour,descent, national, age, disability, race, sex, intersex status, gender identity andsexual orientation including public life, education and employment.ii.Outline the three unlawful actions against customers under the RacialDiscrimination Act. 1.Discrimination against people based on colour, race, descent, national orethnic origin2.Harassment including sexual harassment, unfair treatment based on sex,sexual orientation, gender, intersex status, marital or relationship status,pregnancy and breastfeeding.3.Religious Discrimination, example: refuse bank loan because you’reJewish or refuse allow you to enter restaurant because you’re Muslim.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 131
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Question 9 Access summaries of state/territory acts with requirements relevant to the following in relation to customers and colleagues: Fair treatment in the workplace:Equitable treatment in the workplace:Not discriminating people based on their social and cultural attributesNot being partial to people based on their social and cultural attributesNot showing offensive behaviour to people because of their social and cultural attributesSummary documents that you access must be issued by government regulators in your state/territory. Answer the questions below about state/territory legislation relevant to the hospitality businesses.Employeesa.Identify the link to the summary document of state/territory anti-discrimination act relevant to treatment of employees in the workplace - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 133
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Answer the following questions based on the state/territory anti-discrimination act summary relevant to treatment of employees in the workplace thatthey accessed.a.Identify at least two areas related to hotel operations that must be free from any form of discrimination.i.Racial discrimination in workplaceii.Sex and gender discrimination in workplaceb.Identify the at least four actions that are considered as offensive behaviours under anti-discrimination laws. i.Provide enquiry services for people about their rights and responsibilities under Anti-Discrimination Law.ii.Investigate and conciliates discrimination complaintsiii.Intrusive questions about sexual activity or offensive jokes on sexual contentiv.Complaints about discrimination to you or organization like Anti-Discrimination Board.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 134
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c.Outline at least three reasonable steps that the organisation must do to prevent any offensive behaviour from occurring. Preventing offensive behaviour refers to ensuring that any action towards employees do not intimidate, humiliate, and threaten them.i.Implement Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) policies, harassment policies and grievance procedures. ii.Training employee ensue they aware of their rights and responsibilities in relation to anti-discrimination legislationiii.Making clear what is not acceptable behaviour in workplaced.Complete the table below by identifying:i.At least one employment practice applicable to their organisation where the identified characteristics can be appliedEmployment practice refers to specific processes in an organisation that directly affects the hiring, retention, and dismissal of employeesin the organisation. ii.What the organisation must do to apply the identified characteristicsCharacteristicsEmployment PracticesHow to Apply Each Characteristic1.Fair This refers to treating each otherthe same, regardless of age, race,sex, status and culture.Providing Fair OpportunitiesFairness in organization refer to the aspect oforganizational justice regards of both process outcomeimpartially. Some factors support fair treatment inworkplace such as strong interpersonal relationship andhonest communication.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 135
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2.Equitable This refers to being able to providespecialised support to peopleconsidering their age, sex, status,and culture for access to equalopportunities.Employment Equity and AccessibilityAware of unconscious biasCommunicate the importance of managing biasPromote pay equityDevelop strategic training programAcknowledge holiday of all culture.3.Free from any form of discrimination or partiality Free of discrimination means beingfree from unfair treatment becauseof own’s race, sex, age, status, orculture, where one person is beingfavoured over the other.Free of partiality means being fairto everyone without showingspecial favour to one person morethan the others due to their race,sex, age, status, culture, orrelations.Prevent Discrimination1.Familiar with applicable discrimination laws2.Develop and implement comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Policy3.Develop mandatory anti-discrimination TrainingPrograms.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 136
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Customersa.Identify the link to the summary document of state/territory anti-discrimination act relevant to treatment of customers in the workplace the following questions based on the state/territory anti-discrimination act summary relevant to treatment of customers in the workplace thatthey accessed.a.Complete the table below by identifying:i.At least one area related to providing goods and services to customers where the identified characteristics can be appliedii.What the organisation must do to apply the identified characteristicsCharacteristics Area Related to Providing Goods and Services toCustomersHow to Apply Each Characteristic to the Area1.Fair Provide good customer service1.Understanding your products2.Maintain positive attitude3.Solve problem creatively4.Respond on customer complaints quickly.5.Personalized your service6.Help customer and help themselves7.Focus on supporting customer8.Listen activelySITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 137
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2.Equitable Equity in providing public servicesEquity is fairness or justice. It means that people shouldbe treated uniquely by public policy to compensatedifference circumstances and consequent need for helpfrom government. It commonly associated with equality inoutcomes.3.Free from any form of discrimination Discrimination in the provision of goods and servicesRefuse to provide you with goods and servicesGive you worse quality of services, example:charging you more or making you wait longer.Causes any other harm or disadvantages whenproviding goods and services.4.Free from any form of partialityPrevent Partiality1.Keep Track2.Setting Example3.Preventing Inner Circle Mentality4.Being Frequent and Consistent with recognition5.Appreciation for “Doing the Job”6.Recognition for Action7.Maintain Reward System8.Employee Attendance5.Free from any form of offensive behaviourThis refers to being free of any action that can intimidate, humiliate, and threaten customers.Evaluate if there is any kind of favouritism. Taking time to review work ethic and performance details in relation to favoured employee.1.Document the Unfair Treatment2.Report The Unfair Treatment3.Stay Away from social media4.Take Care of Yourself5.Contact an Experienced lawyer.SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 138
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Question 10 Read the scenarios below. Answer the questions that follow on the sources that can assist you incommunicating with the following:ColleaguesCustomers Scenario 1Your organisation recently hired a Japanese employee who is hard of hearing. The employee is arecent migrant who is still adjusting to their new life. They need some guidance on how toproperly communicate in the workplace without accidentally violating the rights of theircolleagues.However, you and the other employees should also exert effort in maintaining goodcommunication with the migrant employee.Answer the questions below based on the scenario.a.Identify at least two agencies that will help the Japanese employee check thecommunication rights they and their colleagues have. i.Japanese Federation of the Deaf: the organization support individual withhearing impairments by offering resources, advocacy, and advice incommunication rights, accessibility and inclusionii.Equal Employment Opportunity Office: A division of Japan Labour Bureau, thecompany handle issues related to workplace discrimination, including thoseaffected individuals with disabilities and migrants.b.Identify at least two diplomatic service providers that will help the Japanese employeeincrease their awareness about diplomatic relations with colleagues. Diplomatic relations refer to the having good working relations between people fromdifferent countries. i.Japan Foundation: dedicated to promote international cultural exchange andmutual understanding. It offer program, workshop and resources to helpindividuals understanding cultural differences and build harmonious relationship.
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ii.Embassy of Japan: Japan embassies and consulate will provide services to citizensliving abroad including cultural orientation and support to navigate social andworkplace challenges.c.Identify at least two disability groups that can help you and the other employees learnways to communicate with your colleague who is hard of hearing. i.Face the hearing impaired person directly on the same level and good lightwhenever possible.ii.Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggeratingmouth movement.d.Identify at least two interpreter services the Japanese employee can access to helpimprove their understanding of English words in communicating with colleagues. i.Body languageii.Learn sentences instead of wordsScenario 2 Assume that you are a receptionist at The Continent. Your hotel’s management decided toincrease the employees’ awareness of the Australian indigenous culture. It will help theemployees become more culturally sensitive in their communication with these customers. Yourorganisation decided to reach out to different educational institutions and cultural organisations.Answer the question below based on the scenario.a.Identify at least two institutions that can help employees undergo training on how tocommunicate with Australian indigenous customers properly. i.Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS):national institution dedicated to preserving and promoting cultures, languagesand histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It offer educationalSITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 141
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resources and cultural training programs.ii.Reconciliation Australia: independent organization that promote reconciliationbetween Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and broader AustralianCommunity. It runs initiatives such as cultural awareness training andReconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program.b.Identify at least two local cultural groups that can help employees understand thecommunication practices of Australian indigenous customers. i.Local Aboriginal Land Councils: community based organization represent heinterest of Aboriginal people in specific religions. They provide cultural educationand workshop on indigenous traditions and practices.ii.Indigenous Language Centres: preserve and promote indigenous languageswhich are keys to understand cultural communication practices.Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 142
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Question 11 Identify what hand gestures are being portrayed below.Hand GesturesLabel of Each Gesturea.One, Two, Three, Four, Five handgesture to count on numbers.b.This gesture are used to addressaudience as speaker. It is authoritativebut honest since the palms is in openposition.c.When flashing palm at someone, youwant them to pause or stop.Result Satisfactory Not SatisfactoryFeedback: SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 143
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ReferenceErich, T. (2023).Greetings and Customs Around the World.[ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed on 30thNovember 2024]Fazal, B. (2016).6 Faith based needs of Muslim travellers.[ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed on 30th November 2024]Harvard University (2024). Women in Islam.[ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed on 30th November 2024]Jim, R. (2024). What is Christian Culture?[ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed on 30th November 2024]Kathy, W. (2023). Kosher Food: Everything You Need to Know.[ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed on 30th November 2024]Shadiya, F. (2022). Hand Gesture Recognition for Disabled Person with Speech Using CNN.[ONLINE]Available at:,when%20they%20use%20sign%20language. [Accessed on 30thNovember 2024]Shaima, M. (2022). Religious practices of Muslim women in the UK during maternity: evidence-basedprofessionalpracticerecommendations.[ONLINE]Availableat:[Accessed on 30thNovember 2024]WHO (2024). Blindness and vision impairment.[ONLINE] Available at:[Accessed on 30th November 2024]SITXCOM007 - Show social and cultural sensitivity (Version 1, November 2022)Assessment 144
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