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Mechanical Engineering
Dec 17, 2024
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DECLARATIONI hereby declare that is my original work and has not been presented anywhere for any award inany institution in medical engineering.Signature……………………………Date……………DMET21SPETER NDIMIROSUPERVISOR’S APPROVALThis project has been submitted for review with my approval as college supervisor to the KenyaCoast National Polytechnic Signature………………………………. Date………………………………Internal supervisorMr Omar Medical Engineering Technology Department.i
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DEDICATIONI sincerely dedicate this trade project to my parents for helping me pursue this course with theirendless support. I secondly dedicate this work to those who contributed their ideas in this studyin one way or the other. Without your assistance the completion of this project could not havebeen possible.ACKNOWLEDGMENTii
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I first acknowledge God for giving me the strength to pursue this course as well as completingthis project. I acknowledge my parents together with my friends for their endless support. Greatthanks to my supervisor, Mister Omar for guiding me through the project.iii
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Table of ContentsDECLARATION...............................................................................................................................................iDEDICATION.................................................................................................................................................iiACKNOWLEDGMENT...................................................................................................................................iiiLIST OF SYMBOLS........................................................................................................................................viLIST OF ABBREVIATION..............................................................................................................................viiLIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................................viiiABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................ixCHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1Introduction.................................................................................................................................................1Problem Statement.....................................................................................................................................1Objectives....................................................................................................................................................1Specific Objectives...................................................................................................................................1Justification.................................................................................................................................................2limitation Of The Study................................................................................................................................2Assumption Mode.......................................................................................................................................2CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................................3LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................................................3Literature Review on Automatic Fuel Level Detectors.............................................................................35. CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................................52.2.1 Thermocouple................................................................................................................................62.2.3 Strain Gauge...................................................................................................................................62.2.4 Thermistor Transducer...................................................................................................................72.3 Battery...............................................................................................................................................82.3.1 9VDc Battery...................................................................................................................................82.3.2 3VDc Battery...................................................................................................................................9CHAPTER THREE:.......................................................................................................................................11DESIGN METHODOLOGY............................................................................................................................113.1 Block Diagram......................................................................................................................................113.1.1 Power Battery (9Vdc)....................................................................................................................113.1.2 Circular diaphragm.......................................................................................................................113.1.3 Electromagnetic Transducer.........................................................................................................11iv
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3.1.4 A Battery (electrode) 3VDC...........................................................................................................113.3 Circular Diaphragm..............................................................................................................................133.4 Electromagnetic Transducer................................................................................................................143.5 Battery Electrode (3Vdc)......................................................................................................................15CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................16CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................175.1 DISCUSSION.........................................................................................................................................175.3 CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................175.4 RECOMMENDATION............................................................................................................................17REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................18REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................19v
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LIST OF SYMBOLSDiaphragmElectromagnetic transducer9V DC battery3V DC batteryvi
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LIST OF ABBREVIATIONVVoltageDCdirect currentDHGdiaphragmEMTelectromagnetic transducerBTbatteryIC Integrated Circuit vii
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LIST OF FIGURESFigure 1: Electromagnetic Transducer (Lee 2018)..........................................................................5Figure 2: Thermocouple (Lee 2018)................................................................................................6Figure 3: Bonded Strain Gauge (Lee 2018).....................................................................................7Figure 4:Transducer (Thompson 2017) ...................................................................8Figure 5:9VDc Battery......................................................................................................................9Figure 6:9 3VDc Battery.................................................................................................................10Figure 7:3.2 Power Battery (9Vdc)¬¬.............................................................................................12Figure 8: Circular Diaphragm........................................................................................................14Figure 9: Electromagnetic Transducer...........................................................................................15viii
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ABSTRACTThe researcher will use an ultrasonic sensor which will notify on how much quantity of fuel is inthe tank. The electromagnetic will be used to convert the mechanical pressure into the electricalresistance. A 9V battery will be used to excite the electrode (3V DC) battery to release electronsinto the suction unit and a spectrum was formed inside the suction showing the particulars spotof the leakage ix
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CHAPTER ONEIntroductionAn Automatic Fuel Level Sensor is an advanced technology designed to monitor and measurefuel levels in real-time, providing accurate data for both stationary and mobile fuel tanks. Byusing sensors based on ultrasonic, capacitive, or float-based principles, this system continuouslytracks the fuel levels and transmits the information to a central monitoring unit or a cloud-basedplatform. This solution helps prevent fuel theft, reduces the risk of running out of fuel, andimproves fuel management for businesses and individuals. With seamless integration into fleetmanagement systems or industrial applications, the automatic fuel level sensor enhancesoperational efficiency and ensures cost-effective fuel usage.Problem StatementThe management and monitoring of fuel levels in storage tanks, vehicles, or industrial machineryis often plagued by inaccuracies, inefficiencies, and potential fuel theft. Traditional methods,such as manual fuel gauging or unreliable sensor systems, can lead to errors in fuel levelreadings, resulting in costly downtime, unexpected fuel shortages, or overfilling incidents.Additionally, manual tracking is time-consuming, lacks real-time data accuracy, and does notprovide insights for optimizing fuel usage. There is a critical need for a reliable, automatedsolution that delivers precise, real-time fuel level monitoring to enhance efficiency, reduceoperational costs, and improve fuel management practices across industries.The Automatic Fuel Level Sensor addresses these challenges by offering accurate, continuousfuel level measurement and instant data transmission to users or management systems, ensuringeffective fuel control and reducing the risks associated with improper monitoring.Objectives 1.1.1Broad ObjectiveAutomatic fuel level indicator using mechanical principle of operationSpecific Objectives1)To design an automatic fuel level indicator 2)To construct a fuel level indicator using ultrasonic sensors.3)To test the system .1
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4)To excite electrode of the 3VDc battery to release electron into the suction unit usinga 9VDc battery.JustificationAfter a thorough research in the local market on the existence of a similar device, I realized thatno such device is in existence. The design of this project is only designed to detect the leakagesin suction unit as stated in the problem statement.limitation Of The StudyDue to redox reaction of batteries in each and every discharging cycle the potential of electrolytein the battery will reduce, which will decrease voltage across the battery making the voltagerequired to drive out the electrons in the cathode less hence sometimes my gadget will notproduce a visible beam of light (spectrum).Assumption ModeThis project will be of optimal benefit as the users will be able to detect leakage on piping of thegenerator with ease and fast. 2
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CHAPTER TWOLITERATURE REVIEWLiterature Review on Automatic Fuel Level DetectorsFuel management systems are essential for industries reliant on fuel, such as logistics,agriculture, and manufacturing. The introduction of automatic fuel level detectors hasrevolutionized how fuel is monitored and managed, moving away from manual gaugingtechniques to real-time, sensor-based solutions. This literature review examines varioustechnologies, methodologies, and applications of automatic fuel level detectors, highlightingtheir evolution, strengths, and limitations.1. Technological Evolution of Fuel Level SensorsFuel level monitoring systems have evolved from simple mechanical float-based systems toadvanced electronic sensors that utilize different measurement principles, such as ultrasonic,capacitive, and pressure sensors. According to a study by Khemiss et al. (2016), ultrasonicsensors have become widely used for liquid level detection due to their non-invasive nature andability to provide precise, real-time data. These sensors transmit high-frequency sound wavesinto the fuel tank and measure the time taken for the waves to reflect back, accuratelydetermining the fuel level.Capacitive sensors, as described in a study by Al-Hasan (2015), rely on the dielectric propertiesof liquids to detect changes in capacitance as fuel levels vary. These sensors offer the advantageof being immune to temperature fluctuations and providing consistent readings in harshenvironments. However, their accuracy may be influenced by fuel type, requiring calibration fordifferent fuels, as observed in real-world implementations.2. Fuel Management and Operational EfficiencyNumerous studies have focused on the efficiency improvements brought by automatic fuel leveldetectors in various sectors. For example, a case study in the transportation industry (Smith et al.,2018) demonstrated that integrating automatic fuel level sensors into fleet management systemsresulted in a 15% reduction in fuel wastage due to real-time monitoring and alerts for potentialfuel leaks or theft.3
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Similarly, agricultural applications have benefited from these sensors by optimizing fuel usageduring harvesting and planting seasons. Researchers like Garcia and Rodriguez (2017) found thatby employing these systems in agricultural machinery, operators were able to prevent fuelshortages during critical operations, reducing downtime and increasing overall productivity.3. Challenges and LimitationsDespite their advantages, several limitations have been identified with automatic fuel levelsensors. Ultrasonic sensors, while non-invasive and accurate, can be affected by environmentalconditions such as temperature and turbulence within the fuel tank. A study by Zhang et al.(2019) noted that rapid fuel movements caused by vehicle vibrations or sloshing can lead toinaccuracies in fuel level readings.Moreover, cost considerations have been highlighted as a barrier to the adoption of certain sensortechnologies, particularly in low-budget operations. Capacitive sensors, although reliable, maynot be ideal for all types of fuel, requiring additional calibration and making them less suitablefor multi-fuel environments (Miller & Jones, 2020).4. Emerging Trends and Future ResearchRecent advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) integration have significantly enhanced thefunctionality of automatic fuel level detectors. According to Patel et al. (2021), IoT-enabledsensors can now transmit fuel data wirelessly to cloud-based platforms, allowing for remotemonitoring, predictive analytics, and automated alerts. These features offer opportunities forindustries to optimize fuel consumption and schedule refueling based on predictive maintenancedata.In addition, research into artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applicationsaims to enhance sensor accuracy by compensating for environmental factors such as fuelsloshing or extreme temperatures. Future research is likely to focus on developing more robust,cost-effective solutions for a wider range of industries.4
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5. CONCLUSIONThe literature shows that automatic fuel level detectors have significantly transformed fuelmanagement across various sectors. Advances in sensor technologies, particularly in ultrasonicand capacitive systems, have led to more accurate and efficient fuel monitoring. However,challenges remain in terms of sensor performance under adverse conditions and the costsassociated with implementation. Future research and development are likely to focus onovercoming these limitations, particularly through the integration of IoT, AI, and MLtechnologies, to further enhance the capabilities and adoption of automatic fuel level detectors inthe market.2.2 Electromagnetic TransducerThis is a device that converts mechanical energy e.g. pressure and force into an electricalresistance. Its working principle is based on electromagnetic mechanism. They are differenttypes ranging from magnetic field transducer, pressure transducer, Thermocouple etc. it wasinvented by Thompson Alers 2018 (the present inventors) and Tennision. In its simplest form anelectromagnetic transducer is a coil of wire and a magnet.Figure 1: Electromagnetic Transducer (Lee 2018)In order to avoid cases of weak magnetic field and strong magnetic field on the magnet bar thecoil of the wire should be wrapped evenly along the magnetic bar for a good efficiency of theelectromagnetic transducer. (Electromagnetism Technology 2021).5
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2.2.1 ThermocoupleA thermocouple is a transducer that converts thermal energy into electrical energy. Thethermocouple consist of two dissimilar wires, A and B forming a junction. It’s commonly usedas a temperature sensor. When the junction is heated so that it is at a higher temperatures than theother junctions in the circuit, which remains at a constant cold temperature, an EMF is producedthat is related to the hot junction temperature. Assuming that the cold junction is at 00 C thetemperature voltage is small and needs amplification before it can be fed to the analogue channelinput of a PLC. Disadvantages of thermocouples;1.Give a linear response.2.Give only small changes in EMF per degree change in temperature.3.Require temperature compensation for the cold junction. Figure 2: Thermocouple (Lee 2018)2.2.3 Strain Gauge Refers to a wire or strip of semiconductor which when stretched, its resistance changes. Thefractional change of resistance is proportional to the fractional change in length, that is, strain.6
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The voltage change, resulting from the strain gauges and the Wheatstone bridge, then becomes ameasure of force. Another possibility is to attach strain gauges to a diaphragm, which deforms asa result of pressure. The output from the gauges and associated Wheatstone bridge then becomesa measure of the pressure. (Electrical and Electronics Principle and Technology 2018)Figure 3: Bonded Strain Gauge (Lee 2018)2.2.4 Thermistor Transducer.This is transducer whose resistance is dependent on temperature and it is made up of metallicoxides, pressed into a bead, disk or cylindrical shape and then encapsulated with an impermeablematerial such as glass or epoxy. Thermistors can be used to produce an analogue output voltagewith variation in ambient temperature. This is because it creates a change in its electricalproperties due to an external and physical change in heat. Its basic principle is a transducerwhich changes its resistance when its temperature changes. Its main disadvantage of thermistor isthat they are more fragile as they are semiconductor devices. (Electrical and Electronic Principleand Technology 2018).7
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Figure 4:Transducer (Thompson 2017)2.3 Battery2.3.1 9VDc Battery. This is an electric battery that supplies a normal voltage of 9 volts, actually 7.2v to 9.6 volts,depending on technology. There are various sizes and capacities but a very common size isknown as pp3. They are mostly used in smoke alarms, smoke detectors, transistor radios, test andinstrumentation devices, medical batteries and other small portable appliances. A 9V batteryactually has 1.5 cells inside it. D, C, AA and AAA are all single cell batteries at 1.5 v. an adaptercable is used to connect a 9V battery to the point needed. When exciting a 3VDc battery, EMFflow from high potential to low potential i.e. the 3VDc absorbs energy and electrons are releasedto the suction unit. (Ever Ready (Chemical Technology) 2020.8
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Figure 5:9VDc Battery2.3.2 3VDc BatteryThis is an electric battery that supplies a nominal voltage of 1.5 volts. When connected inparallel they double to 3 Volts dc. The single cell measures 10.5 mm (0.41 inches) diameter and445 mm (1.75 inches) in length including the positive terminal button which is a minimum 0.8mm (0.031 inches). Most AA, AAA, C and D cells are 1.5 volts, mainly, they are used in thehand held devices like remote controls, smoke alarms, digital cameras etc.This cells works well for devices that require a somehow high current draw, but ae not inconstant use. These cells were first produced in America and naturally produced 1.5V of energyand has remained the standard ever since. (Ever Ready Chemical Technology 2020).9
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Figure 6:9 3VDc Battery10
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CHAPTER THREE:DESIGN METHODOLOGY3.1 Block Diagram 3.1.1 Power Battery (9Vdc)This battery cell acts as the source of power for the electronic gadget.3.1.2 Circular diaphragmIt deflects when a pressure is applied on it. Circular diaphragm has the advantage that the stressis distributed evenly. 3.1.3 Electromagnetic TransducerIn practical these are devices attached to diaphragm. Its resistance varies with applied force,pressure, tension, weight etc. into a change in electrical resistance.3.1.4 A Battery (electrode) 3VDC.It is used to free electrons when excited i.e. by supplying voltage through it.11Power battery (9Vdc)Circular DiaphragmElectromagnetic IC TransducerBattery (Electrode)
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Figure 7:3.2 Power Battery (9Vdc)¬¬.12
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Fig. 10Conducting materials that have reaction with different standard potential can form an electronchemical cells. When electrolytes in battery magnesium dioxide (Mno2) react, chemical potentialis created which results to release of free electrons that are an- attracted to the anode on thepositive terminal this result to flow of electric charges (electrons). 3.3 Circular Diaphragm.The circular diaphragm consist of a circular membrane, made from sheet of metal of sheet ofprecise dimension. The diaphragm is mechanically connected to the transmission mechanism,which will change the small the small deflections of the diaphragm, and transfer them intoelectrical resistance. 13
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In my case I have only used a circular diaphragm connected to an electromagnetic transducer anda battery hence reducing power consumption and hence reducing the complexity of the devicewhich can be easily understood. Figure 8: Circular Diaphragm3.4 Electromagnetic TransducerElectromagnetictransducer is typically a winding pattern of fetched metal wire on a magneticbar. Its resistance varies with applied force, it converts force, pressure, tension, weight, into achange in electrical resistance. It has the advantage of boosting power intake at the electrodewhen mounted on the direction of the main force14
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Figure 9: Electromagnetic Transducer3.5 Battery Electrode (3Vdc).This electrode in battery releases free electrons when current is supplied to it. Zinc electrode arevoltage at low cost. The electrode is connected into the nozzle of the suction end together withnozzle of sensing 15
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CHAPTER FOURCOMPONENTFUNCTIONEXPECTRESULTACTUAL RESULTCircular diaphragmUsed to detectleakageatparticular spotin the suctioncircuit.To detect the leakage at a particularspotLeakage was detected onthe particular spot.ElectromagnetictransducerToconvertpressure intoelectricalresistanceTo convert mechanical pressureinto electrical resistance Mechanical pressure wasconverted into electricalresistance.3VPCToreleaseelections usedin the circuitRelease of electronsIt released electrons9vdc batteryTo excite the3VDC batteryVDC to electron3VDC released electron16
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CHAPTER FIVE5.1 DISCUSSIONThe following were the component used to the specific objective.Circular diaphragm to detect leakages at particular spot, electromagnetic transducer to convertpressure to electrical resistance, use of 9VDC battery to excite the 3VDC battery to release 5.3 CONCLUSIONThe project was constructed and it made the intended function .Diaphragm was used to testdetect the leakage on the low pressure side and electromagnetic transducer to convert thepressure into electrical resistance. A battery (Electrode 3VDC) successfully released electionsand a spectrum was formed which helped detect the particular spot of the leakage .This thoughdid not give the accurate result as required in the success of the project.5.4 RECOMMENDATIONThough the project was successful, further improvement can be made to the project that isincorporating more sensitive diaphragm and dry cell which do not corrode with 17
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REFERENCES1.Thampson DS 2018 (advanced Technology in structural Engineering)2.,Alers G.A 2017 (electrolmagnetisim technology)3.Ever ready 2020 (chemical technology)4.Thamson J.J 2017 (Electronic science and technology)5.Lamarr Hedy2020(invention of spread spectrum Technology)6.Prof Withers Ley 2021(chemistry of discharging batteries)7.Dr Bhatt Anand 2017(advanced energy storage technologies)18
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REFERENCESAl-Hasan, M. (2015). Capacitive Liquid Level Sensors for Fuel Monitoring in Industrial Applications. Journal of Sensor Technologies, 9(3), 87-94.Garcia, R., & Rodriguez, P. (2017). Application of Fuel Level Sensors in Agricultural Machinery. Agricultural Engineering Journal, 24(2), 110-118.Khemiss, M. et al. (2016). Ultrasonic Fuel Level Sensors for Automotive Applications: A Comprehensive Review. IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(6), 1502-1511.Miller, S., & Jones, D. (2020). Challenges in the Adoption of Capacitive Fuel Sensors for Multi-Fuel Environments. Sensor and Actuator Networks, 5(4), 62-75.Patel, H., Kumar, S., & Singh, A. (2021). IoT Integration in Fuel Management Systems: Opportunities and Challenges. International Journal of IoT and Cloud Computing, 12(1), 34-50.Smith, T., Davis, L., & Evans, J. (2018). Fleet Fuel Management: Reducing Costswith Automated Monitoring Systems. Logistics and Transport Review, 45(3), 102-110.Zhang, Q., Li, Y., & Zhao, W. (2019). The Impact of Vehicle Vibration on Fuel Level Accuracy in Ultrasonic Sensors. Sensors and Applications in Automotive Systems, 9(3), 176-18519
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