Guided Notes - Domestic Policy

Desert Vista High School**We aren't endorsed by this school
Political Science
Dec 17, 2024
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Domestic Policy Objective In this lesson, you will Making Domestic Policy Domestic policy, also known as ____________ policy, describes government programs and actions aimed at addressing a nation's ______________ issues. Public policy focuses on issues such as health care, __________________, public transportation, and environmental protection. As society changes, domestic policy plans must be _______________. For instance, consider how farming in the United States changed. A farm law from ________ probably wouldn't apply to US agriculture in _________. US politicians, citizens, and other groups continually ___________ how to best address current ______________ issues while also taking into account how the country will ____________ in the short term and in the long term. There are three main groups that political scientists and others argue account for public policy formation: Elites direct policy over the masses because elites ___________ vast resources and wealth. Bureaucrats, or government ______________, can use their political institution, experience, and power to direct public policy. Interest groups and ______________ have gained increasing power to sway public officials. These interest groups, which include corporations and nonprofit organizations, represent a variety of views. Overview Document: 7 Steps of Policy-Making 1. Problem Recognition 2. Agenda _________________3. Policy Formulation 4. Policy Adoption 5. __________________6. Policy Implementation 7. Policy ____________________
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Policy Implementation There are four main methods for the government to apply a new policy (or enforce a law): 1.Authoritative techniques create stiff , such as fines, for engaging in destructive or immoral behavior. For example, people can be severely punished, in the form of heavy or even , for drinking alcohol and driving. 2. Incentive techniques give citizens an individual for following a public policy that benefits society. An example is a state government providing to citizens who insulate their homes to reduce energy use. 3. Capacity techniques are used when people want to follow public policy and improve society but lack the or to do so. Capacity techniques provide citizens with or education. 4. Hortatory techniques appeal to people's and to follow beneficial public policy. For example, a city might post anti-littering signs that urge people to protect nature. Important Domestic Policies The _________ and __________ of the US federal government has changed greatly since the end of the eighteenth century, leading to the federal government becoming more _____________ in domestic issues. Education In the mid- to late-nineteenth century, the federal and state governments became more active in making public education, especially higher education, more ______________ for students. Local schools began to receive funds from local and state governments through ___________. In 1862, Congress authorized the transfer of _____________ __________ to state governments to build more public colleges and universities. After World War II, Congress passed the _____ _________ to provide returning veterans with the opportunity for a better education, helping send 1.5 million returning veterans to college. In 2001, Congress passed the No Child ________ ___________ Act with broad support. The program required public schools to use more _________________ testing to track student achievements. If struggling schools were unable to raise scores, the federal government would have the ability to ________________ funding to those schools._______________________ ____________________________ _______ ____________ ____________ _______________ _____________ ____________ _____________
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Health Care President Harry __________ was one of the first presidents to try to address the US health care system. In the late 1940s, he attempted (___________________) to create a _____________ health care system. In the 1960s, President Lyndon _____________ worked with Congress to pass numerous progressive laws, including laws that created the Medicare and Medicaid systems. Medicare provides health care coverage for the . Medicaid provides health care for the . Since their creation, Medicare and Medicaid have provided ______________ of Americans with health care, but the ________ of these programs has since climbed into the billions of dollars. In the early twenty-first century, the ____________ and _____________ systems became increasingly debated. More and more politicians question whether the increasing cost is worth the programs' benefits. Politicians have _____________ ending or transforming these two programs. In 2010, President Barack __________ worked with Congress to pass the most comprehensive health care law in US history. This new law, known as the __________________ _________ ________, placed new regulations on insurance companies to protect the average consumer and also required Americans to have health insurance or pay a tax. The law also provides a government subsidy, or ___________, for individuals who can't ____________ health insurance on their own. Supporters argued that more people having health insurance would _____________ the cost for everyone. Critics claimed that _______________ Americans to purchase health insurance is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court weighed in and _______________ the constitutionality of the law. Energy and the Environment During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the United States was the world's top _______ ______________. Costly wars (World War II and Vietnam), however, _________________ a large portion of the country's oil reserves. After the 1960s, as domestic production declined and demand soared, the country began to ___________ vast quantities of oil from the Middle East and Venezuela. Following US assistance to _______________ in the Yom Kippur War, __________ (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) began an oil embargo, halting oil sales to the United States in 1973. US oil supplies became scarce, and the federal government ordered oil _______________. In addition, the government imposed new rules for increased energy efficiency, particularly with __________________. With energy becoming an increasing problem, Congress and President Jimmy Carter worked together to create the __________________ _____ _____________ to handle national energy issues. _______________ _________
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In the twenty-first century, energy concerns have only increased. As more nations industrialize, _____________________ energy sources, such as oil, become increasingly scarce. Interest groups that support oil, coal, and natural gas companies argue that improved technologies allow corporations to tap _______ ____________ of the nation's energy resources. Opponents contend that the United States needs to ________________ to renewable energy sources, such as solar power and wind. Environmental protection has become an increasingly important issue, given ______________ from burning ___________ ___________, harmful new methods of extracting resources such as natural gas, and warnings about climate change. In the early 1970s, Americans exercised their rights to free speech and peaceful assembly to promote environmental protection. This effort influenced domestic policy at the state and national levels. The federal government created the _____________________ ________________ _______________ (EPA) in 1970. Other important domestic policy from the federal government included the Clean _______ Act and the Clean _________ Act. In 1980, the government also passed the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, commonly known as the ___________________, to provide funding to clean ________________ __________ sites. Throughout most of the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, environmental protection policy was largely ignored. Some argue that increasing efficiency, reducing energy demand, and innovating new energy sources are the keys to solving _________-_________ US energy needs. In recent years, President Obama pushed to increase efficiency levels, including a requirement that cars average _______ miles per gallon by 2025. He also worked to _______________ pollutants from power plants and factories. Social Security and Welfare For the first _______ years of US history, state and federal governments didn't maintain significant social security or welfare programs. That changed in the 1930s when the ____________ _______________ shocked the national economy. President Franklin __________________ and Congress passed numerous ________ ________ programs, including the Social Security Act, to address problems of poverty and joblessness. The Social _____________ Act set up a system in which retirees are supported by taxes from the income of the working population.
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Social Security currently faces problems because of ________________ changes. Most Americans are having __________ children, resulting in a decline in the potential working population. Adding to the problem, the large population of _________ _____________, those people born immediately after World War II, is reaching retirement age. With such a ____________ in the number of retirees and a ________________ workforce to maintain them, the benefits awarded through Social Security are in danger. The 1960s also were an important time in the establishment of programs to address the general welfare of US citizens. During this time, President Lyndon Johnson developed the Great Society programs which focused on improving poverty, civil rights, and health care. Welfare programs provide assistance for Americans. Two kinds of welfare programs exist: tested and non−means tested. Means-tested programs consider a recipient's while non-means-tested programs do not. Social Security follows a non-means-tested approach because receives the benefits. The US food program, also known as SNAP, uses means testing because only those who earn under a certain can access the assistance. Some individuals argue that the US government has a _____________ __________________ to provide a safety net for disadvantaged citizens. Others believe that the programs' ___________ have grown out of control and that some Americans simply take advantage of the programs. With the US __________ in the trillions of dollars, politicians must carefully weigh domestic policy decisions. Summary What are some of the reasons why domestic policies change overtime?_____________ ___________ ___________ _________________ _________ _____________
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