North Carolina State University**We aren't endorsed by this school
ST 114
Computer Science
Dec 17, 2024
Uploaded by JudgePartridgeMaster1231
ST 114 Lab 9 (Week 10)Learning Objectives:•Practice with classes.•Practice using old code to create new code.Problems:You have been given a .py filelabweek10.pytouse for this lab. Please download that file and edit it to complete theproblems below.1. Create a class called SummaryStats that has the following meth-ods in it:(a) sample size(b) sample mean(c) sample minumum(d) sample maximum2. Create an instance of the class using a list of at least eight num-bers.3. Create a second instance of the class using a different list of atleast eight numbers.4. Discuss with a classmate whether you prefer the class instancesyntax to obtain the minimum and maximum or using themin()and/ormax()functions. What are pros and cons of each ap-proach?1