A. Y. Jackson Secondary School**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 17, 2024
Uploaded by ChancellorElectron11246
:U3N.9T ± ,eological 5Processes
&rtifact ²³. picked this artifact because of howeffective it was in establishing myunderstanding of the rock cycle´ 4On a personallevelµ the cyclical placement of the differentrock forms and simple titles truly cater to myvisual learning preference´ .t was able to turna lot of information into a concise organizeddiagram that allowed me to digest the largeamounts of content´ &dditionallyµ aftertranslating a similar diagram into my notesµ .felt much more confident before taking the ±´³quiz´7Retrieved from lesson ±´³ 5Plate tectonics andthe rock cycleF:ONYtRQKJ78Stages in the 7Rock (ycle6SGYtKJ7n´d$ZuYtNMUTWr7:UnknownEUTZuWrIHKJ7hhttps ¶¶tdsb´elearningontario´ca¶content¶enforced¶·¸¹º¸»º¸¼e1)8S_8S*8S±:U*¼³³³·_·½·±½¾·¸_¿±»¹½½_·±·º8Sem³¶course_content¶assets¶img_full¶ses±u_½¹´½¹´·º_full´html$ou#·¸¹º¸»º¸
&rtifact ²·. picked this artifact that displays the,izmos assignment for sections ±´·¼±´¹because it was the most enjoyable assignmentof the unit´ 9The gizmos lab experiment wasfun by allowing me to directly interact withexperiment variables´ 9The live demonstrationsof 8S¼waves and 5P¼waves allowed me toconnect the concepts taught in ±´· and ±´¹ to areal example of application´ &dditionallyµ thisassignment allowed me to apply data fromgraphs to meaningful conclusions thatallowed me to understand the functionality ofrecording stations´F:ONYtRQKJ7±´·¼±´¹ ,izmos 1iveworksheets ¼ *arthquake ³6SGYtKJ73Nov ³³µ ·½·±$ZuYtNMUTWr7&rianna 1iuI=UTWrQPXsNMKJKJYt EUTZuWrIHKJ71iveworksheets´com
&rtifact ²¹:Utilizing the acronym “W*)”µ this shortvideo explained the processes of weatheringµerosionµ and deposition and how they shape the*arth’s surface over time´ . chose this video asone of my artifacts because it helped connecteverything . learned in this unitµ showing hownatural forces work together to changelandscapes´ +rom breaking down rocks tomoving and depositing sedimentsµ the videoand its narrator made it clear how suchprocesses create the landforms we see aroundus´ Watching it provided me a deepenedunderstanding of *arth’s constant changes andthe importance of its processes´F:ONYtRQKJ7Weatheringµ *rosionµ )eposition6SGYtKJ7/an ± ·½³¸EUTZuWrIHKJ7(hristopher 7RafalikEUTZuWrIHKJ7https ¶¶www´youtube´com¶watch$v#Z)_sm5Pºl½e¾7Retrieved from lesson ±´± *rosion and Weathering
:U3N.9T ± +inal 7Reflection:Unit ± truly dove deep into the processes that the *arth is constantly sculpted by´ . mostenjoyed the ,izmos assignment for sections ±´·¼±´¹ because of its visual and interactive appealµevident by its inclusion in my three artfacts´ . found that this unit was a bit more mundane incomparison to the ¹ previous unitsµ likely due to the fact it tackled extremely rudimentary processesthat often overlooked´ 3Neverthelessµ learning about landscapes and how they were shaped was stillan interesting topic to learn´ 9This unit could have benefited with the addition of another interactiveassignment similar to the ,izmosµ perhaps a lab that encourages us to investigate the impact of timeon geological structuresµ such as timelapse simulators´ 4Overallµ like all the units in this courseµ . felt. have meaningfully learned something newµ especially in regards to 8S¼waves and 5P¼waves´ 8Shorttermµ . hope to carry my knowledge learned this unit about rocks into the next unit about *arth’smaterialsµ in order to succeed´ 1ong termµ . hope continue researching *arth’s geological processesin order to gain a better understanding of my natural surroundings´