Integumentary System Unit Intro

El Camino Real High School**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 17, 2024
Uploaded by AmbassadorPrairieDog2211
Integumentary System Unit IntroEpidermisP much ur skin Skin is largest organFunctions of skin include:Protection (from water, air, infection, UV radiations, etc), Sensations (such as pressure, heat, cold, and pain), Temperature regulation (body can be heated/cooled by sweat and blood flow near surface)Excretion of waste through sweat Productionof Vitamin D (go touch grass) Layers of the skin:1. Epidermis- Superficial region2. Dermis - Middle region3. Hypodermis- Deepest region-Subcutaneous layer deep to skin (not technically part of skin) -Mostly adipose tissue Epidermis: ● Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
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● Cells of epidermis○ Keratinocytes - produce fibrous protein keratin ○ Melanocytes■ 10-25% of cells in lower epidermis■ Produce pigment melanin● (Langerhans) cells = macrophages that help activate immune system ● Tactile (merkel) Cells - touch receptors What are the layers of epidermis?The top layer of the skin● Composed of stratified squamous epithelial tissue
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Stratum lucidum is only on palms and soles of ur feet (NOT EVERYWHERE) Dermis:
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How do melanocytes protect the body?Melanocytes are spider-shaped epithelial cells found in the bottom 2 layers of the epidermis (stratum basale and stratum spinosum).Melanocytes produce a pigment called melanin, which is absorbed by the nearby epidermal cells.Darker skinned people have the same number of melanocytes as light-skinner people. The difference is inthe amount of melanin produced from those cells. Melanin protects the skin against harmful UV rays.WhenUV radiation mutates a skin cell’s DNA, the cells begin to divide uncontrollably. This is calledskin cancer ○ Types of skin cancer
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■ Melanoma - uncontrolled division of melanocytes■ Basal cell carcinoma- uncontrolled division of cells in the stratum basale layer■ Squamous cell carcinoma- uncontrolled division of cells in the stratum spinosum layerDermis What are the characteristics of the dermis? Composed of dense irregular connective tissue Containsnerves, blood vessels, sweat glands andhair follicles.The boundary that separate theepidermis anddermis is a wavy layer called thedermal papillae This irregular surface is the cause of your fingerprints(epidermal ridges) These ridges increase friction allowing us to pick up objects more easily.
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Dermis● Strong, flexible connective tissues● Cells include fibroblasts, macrophages, and occasionally mast cells and white blood cells.● Two layers: ○ Papillary○ ReticularThe dermis is composed of 2 layers: ● The papillary layeris made of loose connective tissue ● Thereticular layeris made of bundles of collagen fibers
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● The arrangement of the collagen fibers causes lines of cleavage or lines of tension.Layers of the Dermis: Papillary layer:● Areolar connective tissue with collagen and elastic fibers and blood vessels ● Dermal papillae (folds) containCapillary loops○ Touch receptors○ Free nerve endings (detect pain) Layers of the Dermis: Reticular layer:● Reticular layer○ Around 80% of the thickness of dermis○ Dense irregular connective tissue○ Collagen fibers provide strength and resilience○ Elastic fibers provide stretch-recoil propertiesWhy are the lines of cleavage important?● Lines of cleavage are important to surgeons Cuts should be made parallelto the lines of cleavage for quicker healing and less scar tissue formation Skin color:
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Three pigments contribute to skin color:1. Melanin■ Yellow to reddish brown to black, responsible for dark skin colors ■ Produced in melanocytes; migrates to keratinocytes where it forms “pigment shields”for nuclei ■ Freckles and pigmented moles 2. Carotene ● Yellow to orange, most obvious in the palms and soles 3. Hemoglobin ● Responsible for the pinkish hue in skin ● Because of blood How can blood flow in the dermis change?During exercise, the blood vessels in the dermis swellcausing skin to appear red.● This allows heatfrom the blood to dissipate, coolingthe body.● When blood supply to the skin is restricted for a prolonged time, decubitus ulcers(bedsores) can form
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What are the characteristics of hypodermis?Hypodermis - also known as the subcutaneouslayer ● Not actually a part of the skin ● Composed of loose, fatty connective tissue that connects the skin muscle or bone ● Also insulatesand stores nutrients.
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