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Dec 17, 2024
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1Strategic Management Analysis of Robert Walters: Internal and ExternalPerspectivesStudent Name Student ID Date
21.Executive SummaryThis report focuses on the strategic analysis of Robert Walters, a UK-based recruitmentconsultancy firm. For internal analysis, the work utilizes the Resource-Based View(RBV) framework; for the external competitive environment analysis, the Porter’s FiveForces Model framework. The first section of the report highlights Robert Walters’operations, formation, achievements, and location within the recruitment industry. Itdescribes the company stating its main strategic management activities, focusing onhow it relates to the issue of differentiation within the competitive recruitment industry. Inthe context of corporate governance, corporate leadership structure and corporateownership is looked at focusing on the main players and Corporate Governancepractices.The internal assessment examines Robert Walters’ strengths and analyzable resourceswithin RBV analysis, including such valuable elements as brand image, advancedtechnologies, and human resources. In pursuing the external analysis, Porter’s FiveForces Model that seeks to determine the level of competition within the recruitmentindustry is used the following forces are of concern; This is the threat posed by newentrants in the industry. The research findings show that the company has managed tobuild a strong brand that competes globally thereby targeting highly specializedmarkets. Nonetheless, threats like increasing & falling competition are the majorunsettling factor affecting its future progression. The last part of the report discussesgeneral and specific recommendations for the Bobert Walters as the organization seeksto maintain competitive dominance in the recruitment business, key recommendationsbeing the need for the Robert Walters raise its profile to be more digital conscious,penetration into new markets and deepen relations with its clients.
3Table of Contents1.Executive Summary......................................................................................................22. Company Overview.....................................................................................................3Company Business Unit and Company Timeline.....................................................3Key Milestones:............................................................................................................3Industry and Competitors...........................................................................................3Primary Competitors:..................................................................................................4Competitor Analysis:...................................................................................................43. Business Strategy.......................................................................................................4Business Strategy Overview.......................................................................................4Prospective Management of Organizational Development for Market Positioning........................................................................................................................................5Strategy in the largest revenue generating sector...................................................5Alignment with Industry Trends and Challenges.....................................................54. Corporate Governance................................................................................................6Governance Structure.................................................................................................6Family Business Information......................................................................................6Ownership and relationships within family members.............................................65. Stakeholder Management.......................................................................................7Stakeholder Identification.......................................................................................7Strategies for Engaging the Stakeholders................................................................7Issues of Social Reports and Corporate Responsibility..........................................7Strategic Analysis of Robert Walters Management Approach................................8The concept of core competencies and Competitive advantage...........................9Competitive advantage appraisal...............................................................................97. External Analysis: Porter’s Five Forces Model........................................................9How external environment affects Competitive advantage...................................118. Discussion..................................................................................................................11Measuring and Managing Competitive Advantages Influenced by Internal and External Forces..........................................................................................................11
52. Company OverviewCompany Business Unit and Company TimelineRobert Walters was established in 1985 in London; it was established by Robert Waltersand its specialty is high quality recruitment service for professional jobs only (Yu et al.,2020). While it originally focused only on the finance and accounting field, the companygrew to other areas including the legal, technology and engineering fields later. Itexpanded its operation within the home country and in other countries, which define itskey stages of evolution.Key Milestones:1985: Specialized in the financial and accountancy sectors, the company which isbased in London was formed in the 21st century.1996:Imported with establishments of the company’s first office outside of the UnitedStates in Hong Kong.2004:Publicly traded on the London Stock Exchange Platform, thus creating a platformfor more growth.2010s: Expanded the areas of services offered to legal, technology, and engineeringsegments and fortified the digital recruitment venues.2020:It strengthened its digital recruitment service offering due to the rigor of theCOVID-19 pandemic.
6Today, Robert Walters has operations in more than 30 countries, across five continentsto offering permanent position recruitment being Contract Staffing & Executive Search.The fact that it is an international company and is focused on sectors that employersoften seek employees for, has made it an important participant in the global recruitmentindustry (Wimelius et al., 2020).Industry and CompetitorsThe recruitment industry lies within the Standard Industrial Classification, SIC code78109 Other Activities of Employment Placement Agencies which embracesorganizations that offer placement, staffing and recruiting services in the marketplaceacross different industries (Wandosell et al., 2021). The market is rather saturated, dueto the increasing needs of a workforce with well-developed skills and the furtherdevelopment of technologies within the HR industry.Figure 1 Growth over last ten years (Patricia, 2023)Primary Competitors:Hays:International company with a focus on the European, Asian and Australianmarkets that offers services in recruitment within the finance, information technology,engineering and healthcare industries.
7Michael Page:Recruitment solutions for various industries – financial, legal, andtechnology, in addition to having the same scale of international presence as RobertWalters.Adecco:Among the largest international suppliers of recruitment services focusing onpermanent and temporary staffing solutions but having a wider specialization in fieldssuch as manufacturing and logistics.Competitor Analysis:SIC Comparison:All competitors are grouped into the same SIC code but havedifferent orientation in the market. Hays and Michael Page focus on the field ofprofessional recruitment, as Robert Walters does. Nonetheless, Adecco has moreservices in terms of temp staffing than Robert Walters since it covers a broaderspectrum than the latter company (Walters and Zeller, 2023). Nonetheless, RobertWalters continues to hold its ground well due to the following reasons with a saturatedmarketplace, the firm only targets professional areas and benefits from worldwidepresence and deck, specialized recruitment specialized in professionals.3. Business StrategyBusiness Strategy OverviewThe strategic management of Robert Walters aims at differentiation through deliveringsuperior and niche recruitment services for mid- senior level employees. This isbecause Robert Walters is a specialist recruitment firm in sectors like finance, legal,technology and engineering, something which enables it to work at premium fees thanthe common generalist recruitment firms. The company’s strategic development hasbeen focused on organic growth by the opening of new regional offices and ITopportunities in recruitment (Walter, 2020). This is typical of a broader sectoral trendtowards the automation of recruitment and has involved the adoption of digital platformsand data analytics as crucial elements of its strategy for pairing candidates with jobsquickly.Prospective Management of Organizational Development for Market PositioningAnother strategic development that started at Robert Walters is internationalization andsector broadening. This firm has over 30 offices around the world and is thus able tosource talent globally but especially in emerging markets. The company also specializes
8in sector-based personnel recruitment, which makes it easier for the firm to secureprofessional staffing for any business as required. This specific strategy eliminates thecompetition from the firms which are not specifically focused on these sectors andestablishes a much more powerful position in the sectors which are most in demand(Waheed and Zhang, 2020).Figure 2 Robert Walters global job index (Siti Norida Wahab, Tan and Roche, 2024)Strategy in the largest revenue generating sectorIn the finance and accounting sector the company stick to the differentiation strategyand highlights expertise and industry knowledge. This sector is very sensitive,challenging and wide as it involves understanding of competition, market and clients.Robert Walters builds on this expertise to provide faster and more accurate placementsand better satisfaction of clients which leads to their retention.Alignment with Industry Trends and ChallengesRobert Walters’ strategy captures the current recruitment industry shift towardsdigitalization (Thuli Ngonyama-Ndou, 2023). The use of AI in relation to recruitmentplatforms, efficiency and speed is one more example of similar approaches applied bythe contemporary firm. These technologies help the firm to minimize the candidatesourcing process, increase the accuracy in match, and increase the satisfaction level of
9the clients. However, competition is greatly intensifying. On one hand, there are largeinternational giants like Hays or Adecco, with extensive international contacts; on theother hand, there are web-based services such as LinkedIn or Indeed that provide muchlower cost and significantly more extensive access to potential candidates.Nevertheless, these challenges remain a major threat and Robert Walters has remainedrelevant through sector and international focus. Whereby the firm majored in therecruitment of specialized skilled human resources, especially within the finance, legaland technologically inclined sectors it sets itself apart from other general recruiting firms(Sun, Zheng and Xiao, 2023). The above strategic focus places Robert Walters in aproper stead to grow particularly in a world that is rapidly shifting towards digitalizationand competitiveness.4. Corporate GovernanceGovernance StructureRobert Walters’ corporate governance system has its CEO, Board of Directors, andmajor shareholders as its decision-makers. According to recent information, RobertWalters holds the position of Chief Executive Officer and oversees decisions on thecompany’s further evolution. Currently, the Board comprises both executive and non-executive directors with profound experience in recruitment, financing and theinternational business environment (Song et al., 2022). Great institutional investorsconsist of legal & general investment management, and great retail shareholders withlength stake in the company and participate in company growth and corporate affairs.Leadership and ownership refer to nature, quantity and distribution of leadership inrelation to ownership of assets, business or other forms of investment.There is the presence of the board of directors which is responsible for executive andnon-executive directors to ensure that there are enough checks and balances in themanagement of the company (Siti Norida Wahab, Tan and Roche, 2024). The functionsof the company are run by a senior management team who works directly under theCEO in charge of business operations. Private ownership is dominant, but the scriptsare listed in the London Stock Exchange.
10Family Business InformationIt was confirmed that Robert Walters is not a family business. Although it started byRobert Walters in 1985, it became public in 2004 to become a public limited company.None of the family members are involved today in the ownership or management of thefirm; today it has transitioned from a privately held company to a public limited company.Ownership and relationships within family members.There is no family foundation and family operations mode for Robert Walters as it is nota family business enterprise. Ownership is widely dispersed among institutionalinvestors and public investors (Siti Norida Wahab, Tan and Roche, 2024). 5. Stakeholder ManagementStakeholder IdentificationRobert Walters identifies key stakeholders essential to their operations:Employees:It is the people in the firm, particular the recruiters and the seniors in thefirm which plays the central role in ensuring that a firm delivers quality recruitmentservices.Clients:Employers who depend on Robert Walters, for qualified individuals innumerous industries are one of the primary stakeholder groups (Peter, Kraft andLindeque, 2020).Investors:In particular, it is shareholders and institutional investors because thecompany has a public nature and therefore its financial development and strategicorientation directly depend on them.Society:The main social responsibility of an employer is reflected through thecompany’s ability to transform the social landscape through job creation and overalldriving of the economy being observed by Robert Walters company (Patricia, 2023).Strategies for Engaging the StakeholdersRobert Walters uses several strategies to engage stakeholders:Employees:As can be seen through training and development, staff promotion, andstaff bonding exercises.Clients: By sharing our services with our target audience and customer acquisitionstrategies that develop long-standing relationships since recruiting needs are not static(Nandi et al., 2020).
11Investors: By reports and other forms of communications, including report on annualbasis and in other meetings with new shareholders.Society:With respect to the choice of future topics for its communication strategy, thecompany should focus on the topics connected with diversity and inclusion, as well assupporting various charitable projects all over the world (Mio, Costantini and Panfilo,2021). Issues of Social Reports and Corporate ResponsibilityThe company provides clients with an Annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)report to outline its sustainability and ethical measures (Matarazzo et al., 2021). Suchare the programs that relate to the negation of environmental footprint, company’s socialinclusiveness, and charitable causes to uplift the community. The environmentalsustainability initiatives used by the firm involves, Cutting down on office power andminimizing waste.Strategic Analysis of Robert Walters Management ApproachCurrently, the company’s Environmental, Social, Governance or ESG is compatible withinternational business standards, and this include Diversity, Ethical recruitment, andsustainability. This makes its stakeholder relation strong focus on cutting on theenvironment impact and improving on the corporate governance as reflected in RobertWalters. Its commitment towards diverse and equal opportunities in the recruitmentprocess correlate well with modern culture and equality in workplaces (Marcon andRibeiro, 2021).
12Figure 3 CSR of Robert Walters (Matarazzo et al., 2021)6. Internal Analysis: The Resource-Based View (RBV) AnalysisResource and capability analysis of Robert WaltersHuman Capital:For Robert Walters Company, its workforce is its most importantstrategic resource. The employees include experienced and skilled recruits whospecialize in particular fields like finance technology, and engineering (Lo and Liao,2021). It gives the firm a niche that enables it to properly match the employees with thebest candidates greatly increasing the value of the firm’s services. Also, the companyfocuses a good percentage on training and development, and therefore its recruiters areknowledgeable as well as updated on-going trends in the recruitment business.Brand Reputation:In several years of its operation, Robert Walters has established itsbrand image about quality and reliability. The area of specialization of the firm has to dowith executive search/Recruitment primarily for specific and unique markets.Furthermore, the continued company’s activity on the global level and its history ofsuccessful placements gives it the credibility needed for employers and candidates(Kraus et al., 2022).Technology:Currently Robert Walters has extended its capital in procuring advancedtechnology in its operations in recruitment. This covers AI innovations, data analyticsand finding the right candidates, an efficient online presence that improves thecandidate search and placement. Technology helps the company to issue quicker
13matches, enhance its facility and expand worldwide while keeping up high qualityservice.The concept of core competencies and Competitive advantageSome of Robert Walters’ strengths are its suitability to offer specialized recruitmentservices to higher industry standards. These competencies enable the firm to create acompetitive advantage against firms offering standard, all-purpose solutions in themarket. Further, due to good relations with the client organization and the candidates,along with the global operation of the company, it can provide outstanding recruitmentsolutions and sustain its leading edge in the industry of temporary help services (Islamand Wahab, 2021).Competitive advantage appraisalStrengths:Specialized Expertise:Robert Walters specializes in many narrow marketsegments which gives them advantage of understanding the needs of bothemployers and employees.Global Reach:The geographical spread of the firm makes it easy to serviceinternational clients, thus making it a plus to the firm.Technological Integration:The lenses in its recruitment technologies are that itenhances efficiency and scalability within the recruitment processes (Islam andWahab, 2021).Weaknesses:Cost Structure:It often means that the operation of the given personalized servicemodel may involve high costs, and therefore it is not as scalable as platforms that useautomation(Hervas-Oliver, Sempere-Ripoll and Boronat-Moll, 2021).Reliance on Human Capital:One weakness is the high turnover and the factthat capital has always to be spent on acquiring talented employees.7. External Analysis: Porter’s Five Forces Model Threat of New EntrantsCurrently the threat of new entrants is moderate in the recruitment industry. There arelow barriers to entry, but the problem is getting a good market share as a recruitmentfirm. Entering new entrants would have challenges in competing with Robert Walters on
14issues to do with branding, specialized knowledge, and network (He et al., 2020). Butwith the advent of App based Recruiting and AI help, the entry barriers haveprecipitously plunged making it easier for small or starts to grab a slice of the pie on amore sustainable and economic model.Figure 4 Porter’s Five Forces Model (Forrest, 2021)Threat of SubstitutesSubstitutes threat is moderate to high in the industry (Hanelt et al., 2020). Paid jobboards (for example, LinkedIn, Indeed), freelance platforms, and IT solutions movingthe functions of recruitment agencies are yet another form of recruitment. Thesesubstitutes can reduce recruitment expenses and shorten the time that it takes to selectcandidates. However, the fact that Robert Walters focuses on the higher endrecruitment services, executive recruitment as well as niche market recruitmentminimizes the threat of substitutes in the cardinal business stream of the company(Fuertes, 2020).Bargaining Power of SuppliersWhen it comes to supply chain management, the suppliers are the candidates.Suppliers’ bargaining power is moderate to high in industries where talents are scarcesuch as technology firms and finance. Where talent is sparse; competition for the few
15qualified candidates is rife, and thus such lucky candidates can storm the hiringcompany with outrageous demands for higher wages, and attractive fringe benefits.Nonetheless, Robert Walters eliminates this threat by its vast international network andopportunity to reach a vast pool of talents in many industries (Forrest, 2021).Bargaining Power of CustomersThe competitive forces in this industry can be concluded as moderately powerfulcustomers, or employers. From this aspect, clients can easily compare variousrecruitment firms to determine the best firm to hire, and their vast number of players inthe market (Elliott-Engel et al., 2024). Nonetheless, the specialized recruitmentservices, good reputation, and individual approach to each client give Robert Walters acompetitive advantage in enjoying the high level of clients’ loyalty and charging thehighest fees in the focused specialties.Industry RivalryThe competition among industries in the recruitment market is stiff. To be specific, thereare many worldwide contenders as well as many local Centre and small companies asmain contenders. But here, Robert Walters stands out as it specializes in qualityrecruitment, specialized recruitment, and the international market hence it faces stiffcompetition (Elliott-Engel et al., 2024).How external environment affects Competitive advantageTechnological factors include factors affecting business operations beyond the control offirms, such as economic fluency, political risk, and available technology affecting RobertWalters. The problem is that during economic crises, recruitment activity may be lowerthan in good years, and all technological opportunities open extra possibilities for actionthroughout the process. Market instabilities may hamper overseas businesses but onthe other note offer arising markets with high scarcity of human capital (Cartwright, Liuand Raddats, 2021).8. Discussion Measuring and Managing Competitive Advantages Influenced by Internal andExternal ForcesOn the internal environment, Robert Walters’ human capital is highly skilled, its brand isrespected, and it has highly developed technology on which its competitive advantage is
16built. The highly tailored recruitment services offered by the firm, with the support ofmarket knowledge, enabled the firm to occupy a niche market particularly in keysectors. However, its focus on human capital and the cost-intensive service model maypresent a problem of scalability and competition against automatics rivals. Moreover,there is often a problem of quality standardization for products and services acrossdifferent markets and regions (Benzaghta et al., 2021).On the outside end, the threat of new entrants (substitutes in this case being AI-basedrecruitment tools and job sites) and the increased bargaining power of clients due tomany recruitment vendors creates a threat to Robert Walters business model. However,there are threats the firm faces due to operation in the external environment; thesethreats include Nevertheless, factors such as well-established brand image more sothrough specialist services minimizes these forces. The state of the economy andpolitical stability of the country also influences recruitment demand, especially duringvolatile economic times globally.Strategic RecommendationsAs for the competitive strategic development for the company, the organization shouldexpand on diversification and market penetration. Venturing in new locations with risingdemand for recruitment (for instance Southeast Asia and Africa) would offer newsources of income. Moreover, the product portfolio could be extended, and AI-basedrecruitment solutions could be introduced to decrease expenses and enlarge thefarmer’s capacity to compete with digital-native HR services (Bao et al., 2023).Development of its presence on social media platforms and digital tools would also aidin absorbing the increasing popularity of virtual recruiting and the use of artificialintelligence in this sphere that would contribute to improvement of the company’sproductivity, and, at the same time, quality of the services provided.9. Conclusion Robert Walters has competitive advantages which include specialized human capitaland relatively well-established brand name and technological platforms. Nevertheless,some of the problems still include high operation costs and stiff competition amongmarkets. To sustain and build a stronger position in the global market competition, thecompany needs to actively perform market expansion, service extension, and apply the
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