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PHY 105
Dec 17, 2024
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Al-Rasheed Academy3122 Abbott Road, Orchard ParkNew York 14127 USASY: 2024-2025LESSON PLANGrade: 12thDATE: Nov.18-22 (Week1)Subject: PhysicsTopic/Title: Linear Momentum CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUMLesson #: 7.3MaterialsTextbook:Physics by James S. Walker, PearsonInteractive simulations (e.g., PhET Interactive Simulations)Computers or tablets for student useWhiteboard and markersStandardsHS-PS2-2: Use mathematical representations tosupport the claim that the total momentum of a systemof objects is conserved when there is no net force onthe system.Lesson Objectives1.Understand the principle of conservation ofmomentumand its application in closed systems.2.Analyze and solve problems related to theconservation of momentumin one-dimensional andtwo-dimensional systems.3.Differentiate between elastic and inelasticcollisionsin terms of momentum conservation.4.Apply mathematical formulas to calculatemomentumin various physical scenarios.5.Evaluatereal-lifeapplicationsofmomentumconservation principles.Procedures:Strategies/ActivitiesGraphic Organizer Think/Pair/ShareModeling Collaboration Discussion Question Learning StationsAssessment for LearningObservations Conversations Anecdotal Notes Work Samples Conference Checklist DiagnosticsAssessment as LearningSelf-assessment Peer-assessment Presentation Graphic
Al-Rasheed Academy3122 Abbott Road, Orchard ParkNew York 14127 USASY: 2024-2025IntroductionDay 1: Begin with a brief review of momentum and impulse.Introduce the concept of conservation of momentumwith a thought experiment (e.g., two ice skaters pushingoff from each other). Discuss how momentum isconserved in an isolated system.Instructional ContentDay 1: Define conservation of momentum. Use diagrams andexamples to illustrate momentum in isolated systems.Introduce equations related to momentum conservationand demonstrate problem-solving techniques.Day 2: Delve into elastic and inelastic collisions. Use virtualsimulations to visualize momentum conservation incollisions. Encourage students to relate these principlesto everyday phenomena, such as car crashes and sports.Instructional Strategies and Activities:Think-Pair-Share: Encourage students to discuss andsolve introductory problems on momentum conservationin pairs.Group Problem-Solving: Divide students into smallgroups. Assign each group a problem involvingmomentum conservation. Allow them to present theirsolutions to the class.Interactive Simulations: Use online resources tosimulate scenarios of momentum conservation. Have
Al-Rasheed Academy3122 Abbott Road, Orchard ParkNew York 14127 USASY: 2024-2025students predict outcomes before running simulations.Class Discussion: Discuss the implications ofmomentum conservation in large-scale events, such asspace travel.AssessmentFormative Assessment: Monitor student participationin discussions and group activities.Summative Assessment: Administer a quiz at the endof Day 2 covering key concepts and problem-solvingtechniques related to momentum conservation.ClosureReinforce the importance of the conservation of momentum in understanding physical interactions. Highlight key takeaways from the lesson and encourage students to consider how these principles apply to futuretopics.ReflectionAsk students to write a brief reflection on how theirunderstanding of momentum has evolved. Encouragethem to consider how this knowledge impacts theirperspective on physical phenomena.Homework or Follow-up:Assign problem sets from the textbook to reinforce theday's lessons. Encourage students to exploreadditional online simulations to deepen theirunderstanding.
Al-Rasheed Academy3122 Abbott Road, Orchard ParkNew York 14127 USASY: 2024-2025Notes: Adjust the pace of the lesson based on studentcomprehension.Consider integrating multimedia resources to enhanceengagement given the absence of physical laboratorymaterials.Prepared By: Najmah Sirad Ampa, LPT, MST (GenSci), MSciEd (Physics)