
University of Alberta**We aren't endorsed by this school
Computer Science
Dec 17, 2024
Uploaded by CountHamster2880 2024-12-04 CMPUT 201 Final Exam Study Guide Basics * The exam will be closed book. You are expected to solve this exam without using any course material, notes, or external assistance. * You are allowed to have a hand-written cheat sheet that you have prepared before the exam. You cannot use a cheat sheet prepared by another student; you must prepare your own. Your cheatsheet is limited to two letter-size pages (on a single side each), or one two-sided physical letter size sheet. Only handwritten notes are allowed, any (edited) images on the cheat sheet will result in its confiscation during the exam * This exam is worth 30% of your final grade. * Coverage: Ch 1-17,Ch18.1-18.5 (only the parts covered in class), Ch19 - Ch20.1-20.2, Ch22, Ch24.1 as well as any additional topics covered in class or in the labs. Any material from lectures, quizzes, or labs is fair game. All material covered in the term can be tested, the final exam is comprehensive. * The exam will be in the form of a scantron (part 1), and a physical exam booklet (part 2) where you write your answers directly in the booklet. * |f you have any questions during the exam, please raise your hand and the instructor/TA will come answer your question. Only typos or unclear instructions will be addressed during the exam. The instructor & TAs reserve the right not to answer your question. If unsure, state your assumptions clearly and proceed. Overview of Main Topics This is just a quick list of main topics. It is not comprehensive. Anything covered in class can be asked in the final. ® linux commands. Examples: Is, mv, rm, touch, input/output redirection * input/output: printf, scanf, file and process input/output * main function, argc and argv * loops ® selection statements * preprocessor directives #include, #define, #ifdef etc. * types of variables and expressions * pointers and addresses * one-dimensional arrays * multi-dimensional arrays * pointers and arrays, including pointer arithmetic * program organization (scope, storage duration etc.) * FILE Pointers strings and string library functions * ASCII representation of characters ® structs, unions, and enumerations ¢ program organization and breaking down code into modules ¢ keywords like const and typedef * dynamic memory allocation: mallocg, callog, realloc, free * dynamic arrays
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