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EDU 184
Computer Science
Dec 17, 2024
Uploaded by ChancellorScienceRhinoceros49
Maria LoFaroProfessor FergusonEdu 184Fingerplay Assignment5 Little LeavesFive little leaves on the tree next door,One fell off and then there were four,Four little leaves all over the tree,A bird pulled off one and then there were three,Three little leaves where the wind blew,One fell off and then there were two,Two little leaves sitting in the sun,A bug ate a leaf and now there is one,One little leaf in the tree all aloneThe wind blew and blew and now there are none!
Evaluation:a.) Describing how you attracted the children’s attention and introduced the song/fingerplayTo introduce the fingerplay, I mentioned how I noticed they were learning about fall andthe leaves changing colors. I gathered their attention by setting up the fall leaves tree I got,then placed it in front of them, and set it down in the middle. I also got fake leaves atMichaels and laminated cards to display each correlating number of leaves. For example,when it would say “Two little leaves sitting in the sun” I would hold up the card with thetwo leaves to help them visualize it.b.) Describe what happened during each presentation. Give as many details as you canremember. For example: How many participated? What did the children do? What did you do?During the first presentation, I noticed they seemed more hesitant to participate. I thinkthat this was because I was really nervous and they sensed that. However, the more we gotinto it the more they were engaged. They were very excited about the leaves and the tree,and could acknowledge the elements to the fingerplay. For example, they could easilyidentify the numbers if I held up the cards and counted with them. They also knew theseasonal words such as leaf, wind, blew, and tree. Most of the kids by the end were engagedand saying the words along with me. This was even more prevalent, during the second timeI did it with them. This time, they blew the leaves I handed out to them and wereacknowledging the different colors/texture. Additionally, they picked up on the wordseasier after already doing it and were able to participate more “flowfully” (if that makessense). Therefore, by this time around all the kids were participating and doing movementsthat coincided with the fingerplay.Examples:-Making a little sun with our hand by holding up five fingers-blowing the leaves with their mouth in an “o” shape-making a little bug to bite the leaf with our pointer fingerc.) Describe any problems or unexpected things that occurredThe only “problems” that occurred would be that they were definitely distracted byholding their leaves, as well as the lights on the fall tree I brought in. However, I would notconsider it a true problem because they were curious and interested at the same time.
d.) Describe any changes you will make when you present it again.The changes I would make would be:- wait to pass the leaves out to them individually until the second time-I also would not turn the tree lights on until after getting through the fingerplay*waiting for both of these would reduce distractibility and help recenter their focus*e.) After making the changes, describe what happened during your second presentation.I noticed it helped to tell them that they would have a turn to look at the tree and turn it onafter we were finished. I also told the kids to hold onto their leaves instead of blowing themout of their hands until after.