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Version: 22.08.2023Industrial Training Final ReportAt<ZEN SOFTWARE CONSULTANTS SDN BHD><7076, 1ST FLOOR, JALAN KAMPUNG GAJAH,KAMPUNG GAJAH, 12200 BUTTERWORTH, PULAU PINANG>From <20 NOVEMBER 2023> To <28 JANUARY 2024>Prepared By<SHARLLEEN A/P RAJENDRAN><DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY><Ms KHEOH HOOI LENG>Faculty of Computing and Information TechnologyTunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology<PENANG BRANCH>2022/2023
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DeclarationThe report submitted herewith is a result of my own work. All information that has beenobtained from other sources had been fully acknowledged. I understand that plagiarismconstitutesabreachofUniversityrulesand regulations and would be subjected todisciplinary actions.Signature________________Sharlleen a/p RajendranDate (7/1/2024):1
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AcknowledgementsFirstly, I would like to express my gratitude towards my Company Internship Supervisor andalso the Manager of ZEN Software Consultants Sdn Bhd, Mr William Lau for giving me theopportunities to complete my internship in this company. His unwavering support and beliefsin my abilities have played a vital role in my personal and professional development.Apart from that, I also would like to extend a special thank you to my colleagues and seniorsfor their warm welcome. Their patience and willingness to lend a helping hand and shareknowledge to me have been invaluable. With their warm welcome and help, it has made theinternship experience more enjoyable and fulfilling.Besides, I also would like to thank my University Internship Coordinator, Mr Desmund andmy University Internship Supervisor, Ms Kheoh Hooi Leng for their guidance and supportduring the entire internship duration which has led me successfully to complete my internshipprogramme. Thisexperience has been incredibly valuable as it increases my knowledge inthe field of Information Technology.Last but not least, I also would like to thank my family and friends for supporting andencouraging me physically and mentally throughout the internship programme .2
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AbstractDuring my internship at Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd, I was placed within the ITdepartment, working under the guidance of my supervisor, Mr. William, and my senior, Mr.Syafiq. Throughout this period, my responsibilities primarily focused on providing bothonline and offline services for hardware and software for the clients of SME located inPenang on their accounting, invoicing , time attendance and payroll. Besides, my role alsoinvolved troubleshooting hardware issues onsite encountered by clients of Lau & Associates,an established group of chartered accountants. I was also tasked with performing servicerequests from the clients, such as backing up databases, exporting and importing databases,and resolving software errors. Furthermore, effective communication with clients was alsoanother task that I frequently got assigned. I was responsible for engaging with clients tounderstand the issues they faced and providing solutions remotely using tools like Anydesk.In conclusion, the biggest learning experience I gained from my internship was the invaluableknowledge and experience in troubleshooting different types of hardware and software issues.This hands-on experience has equipped me with a useful skill set that I can leverage in thefuturewhenencounteringsimilarchallenges.Overall,myinternshiphasbeenatransformative learning experience, providing practical insights into real-world IT scenariosand preparing me for future endeavours in the field.3
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Table of ContentsDeclaration................................................................................................................................1Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................2Abstract.....................................................................................................................................3Table of Contents......................................................................................................................4Chapter 1: Introduction...........................................................................................................11.1 Industrial Training Scheme............................................................................................11.2 Industrial Training Scopes..............................................................................................11.3 Background and Details of Company, Organisation and Industry and Missions ofCompany/Organisation.........................................................................................................21.3.1 Background of Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd..............................................21.3.2 Visions of Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd.....................................................21.3.3 Missions of Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd...................................................21.4 Structures of Organisation/Project.................................................................................21.5 Training Department......................................................................................................31.6 Training Personnel..........................................................................................................3Chapter 2: Projects..................................................................................................................4Chapter 3: Business Opportunities.........................................................................................53.1 Business Models, Business Objectives, Target Markets/Users and Business Activitiesof Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd.................................................................................53.2 Business Opportunities...................................................................................................53.3 Entrepreneur Skills.........................................................................................................6Chapter 4: Conclusions & Recommendations.......................................................................74.1 Conclusions....................................................................................................................74.2 Recommendations..........................................................................................................7References.................................................................................................................................9Endorsement by the company’s supervisor.........................................................................10Appendices..............................................................................................................................114
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Chapter 1: Introduction1.1 Industrial Training SchemeIndustrial training is a term which describes a university programme that provides practicaltraining within a time limit. The main focus of the course is to let students experience the realworld business practices and gain work experience. As a part of my Information Technologydiploma programme in Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology(TARUMT), I did a 11-week internship instead of 10 weeks which was required by theuniversity. The main purpose of me doing so is because the process to seek for the internshipin the listed company is competitive. Therefore,to stand out from the competitors from thesame field, I extended my internship 1 week as most of the companies are looking for at least3 months internship trainees. Apart from that, I also wish to learn more practical skills fromthe company. I officially started my internship from 20th November 2023 to 2nd February2024. At the end of the industrial training, I was able to learn and expand my knowledge inthe aspects of hardware and software.1.2 Industrial Training ScopesMy job title is technical and system support in Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd. I wasarranged to perform various tasks such as consulting clients and maintaining hardware andsoftware systems. In the consulting clients task, my obligation was to make sure that I repliedto the clients who requested help through Whatsapp as well as answering the calls for supportat the site. While performing this task, I learned to communicate with people in a professionalway as well as fulfilling their requests perfectly. Next, in maintaining hardware and softwaresystems tasks, my responsibilities was to provide full support to Lau & Associates, a group ofchartered accountants. My task is to resolve and troubleshoot both hardware and softwareissues such as servers, desktops and firewalls. Besides, I was also responsible for completingthe support request filled in by the client in the google form provided such as backing updatabases, restoring databases, year end closing of a company , import and export data. Asthis task involves the company's important data, therefore I am aware of the importance andalways make sure I have done this task perfectly.1
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1.3 Background and Details of Company, Organisation and Industry andMissions of Company/Organisation1.3.1 Background of Zen Software Consultants Sdn BhdZen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd is a private limited company with a 26-year history. Itwas established on January 20,1997 The company specialises in Accounting SoftwareConsultation, catering to affluent clients and offering software solutions for small andmediumenterprises(SMEs).Itprovidesservicesencompassing Accounting SoftwareTraining & Support, E-Commerce Consultancy, and IT hardware & software support.1.3.2 Visions of Zen Software Consultants Sdn BhdThe primary business objective of Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd is to deliver affordableand cost-effective IT consultation services.It aims to provide full-spectrum support inInformation Technology at competitive prices.1.3.3 Missions of Zen Software Consultants Sdn BhdThe mission at Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd is to facilitate the rapid growth of SMEs.It provides steadfast support to empower small and medium enterprises, fostering theirdevelopment in a dynamic business environment.1.4 Structures of Organisation/ProjectThe figure below is the structure of Zen Software Consultants Sdn BhdFigure 1.0 Organisation Chart of Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd2
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1.5 Training DepartmentIn this company, interns will be given a file folder which includes tutorial videos andinformation related to the company as well as solutions to solve issues that occurred. Theactivities of the training department which I was placed in are more towards learningtechnicalandsystemsupportsuchasservermaintenanceandsoftwaresystemmaintenance.There are a lot of things to learn in this company and it is crucial to have excellentcommunication skills and great problem-solving skills.1.6 Training PersonnelOne of the training personnel in this company is called Mr. William Lau. He acts as asupervisor who monitors mt behaviour and performance in office and while doing the taskgiven. The job position of Mr William in the company is manager. Besides, another trainingpersonnel who always guides me in the company is Mr Syafiq. He is in charge of guidinginterns of the IT department. He is willing to listen and always provides advice to me when Iencounter any problems during this internship.3
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Chapter 2: Projects2.1 Technical SupportAtZenSoftwareConsultants Sdn Bhd, the IT department is tasked with providingcomprehensive support services, offering both onsite and remote assistance to Lau &Associates, a group of chartered accountants. For SMEs companies in Penang, our support isprimarily conducted remotely. My role revolves around resolving software and hardwareissues, ensuring smooth operation and satisfaction for our clients.Lau & Associates clients utilise a Google form to submit service requests related to variousaccounting systems such as Million Accounting System, Autocount Accounting System,UBS, Master Software, and SQL Accounting System. These requests include databasebackup,restoration,import/exportoperations,andyear-endclosingprocedures.Thecompletion of these tasks is initiated upon clients' submission of the form to the ITdepartment. Additionally, clients will also request updating their software to the latestversions.Thus, I will use Anydesk to connect to them or go to their office to update theirsoftwares.Furthermore,myresponsibilitiesalsoincludeaddressinghardwareandnetwork-related issues at clients' offices. This includes troubleshooting printer problems,diagnosing network issues, and resolving PC-related concerns for accountants. As part ofserver and network management, I ensure continuous availability and standby status,promptly addressing any arising issues.In remote support for SMEs companies in Penang, effective communication with clients isparamount. My role involves understanding their issues and providing timely solutions. As Ican speak Mandarin and the clients are mostly Chinese, I also had to reply to messages aswell as pick up calls from the clients through Whatsapp. After understanding their issues, Iused AnyDesk to remote into their computer to solve the issues they faced relating to theaccounting softwares. Additionally, I take an active role in preventive IT support measures,proactively monitoring systems, and contributing to ongoing initiatives aimed at enhancingthe efficiency and effectiveness of IT services.In summary, my responsibilities cover a spectrum of IT support functions, from addressingsoftware and hardware issues to providing remote support for SMEs in Penang. Theexperience I gained related to hardware and software has widened my knowledge in IT.4
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Chapter 3: Business Opportunities3.1 Business Models, Business Objectives, Target Markets/Users andBusiness Activities of Zen Software Consultants Sdn BhdZen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd strategically targets Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) with its consultancy-based business model. The company aims to enhance theoperational efficiency of SMEs by providing services, including consulting, advisory, andimplementation services for a wide range of accounting software such as POS systems,billing systems, stock inventory systems, and payroll systems. In addition to its expertise inaccounting solutions, Zen Software Consultants also delivers total office networkingsolutions, computer hardware, and server software tailored to the specific needs of SMEs.Serving as a technical support hub for Million Business Software and AutoCount Software,the company offers both online and offline hardware and software support to ensure seamlessbusiness operations for its SME clients. Moreover, as a local agent for Time Attendancemachines and software, Zen Software Consultants is dedicated to delivering cutting-edgeworkforce management solutions tailored for the unique requirements of SMEs.3.2 Business OpportunitiesDuring my training, I observed that Zen Software staff are well-equipped with software andtools to complete their tasks. The software they frequently use is Million AccountingSoftware, a software that was developed to generate invoices and quotations. Additionally,Zen Software is integrated with Microsoft Office, allowing a seamless workflow andmultitasking between apps. This integration enhances efficiency and productivity among thestaff. The utilisation of these tools ensures a smooth and streamlined working environment,enabling the team to carry out their responsibilities with proficiency.5
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3.3 Entrepreneur Skills1.Communication Skills. I learned to communicate with clients in more polite andprofessional ways. I would convey the technical information in a clear andunderstandable manner to the client as well as providing solutions to them in a politeway.2.Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting Skills. I learned to solve problems by figuringout by myself without seeking help from others. I would start off searching theproblems from online resources to solve the problem. If I am unable to solve, I wouldthen seek help from my senior and supervisor.3.Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills. After receiving the tasks given, I will firststart off by trying to identify the root causes and then start off by choosing the mostoptimal way to solve the problem.The skills acquired during my industrial training program have significantly expanded myknowledge base, providing a broader perspective for the future. These newfound skills,especially in the communication skill,allow me to articulate information effectively whilealso being adept at receiving and understanding client concerns. Besides, my technical skillsallow me to engage in more hands-on experiences, adding a practical dimension to myexpertise. The ability to apply my technical skills allows for a more immersive approach totasks. Furthermore, my problem-solving skills have proven to be a valuable asset. Eachproblem faced becomes an opportunity for me to learn from mistakes, allow me skillenhancement and professional development.In conclusion, I am dedicated to continuouslyimproving and the acquisition of new skills to distinguish myself in the competitive field.This proactive approach aims not only to stand out but also to unlock latent talents, creatingopportunities to effectively tackle and resolve challenges that may arise in the future.6
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Chapter 4: Conclusions & Recommendations4.1 ConclusionsIndustrial training is the compulsory subject for the students in order to obtain a diploma inTunku Abdul Rahman University Of Management and Technology. Throughout the industrialtraining programme, it has widened my mind by the real world working environment. Thishas allowed me to gain valuable knowledge and experiences, building up a good relationshipwith people, communication skills and positive attitude. After the industrial training, Ilearned to work independently, developing my own working personality and mentality,mounting self motivation as well as self discipline during work. Engaging in the real-worldworking environment made me realise that the theories learned in university may not alwaysbe directly applicable in reality but can be adapted in various situations.I can conclude that this industrial programme is well organised as working independently iswhat I usually prefer during my diploma. However in the working life, teamwork is alsoimportant. I express my gratitude to Zen Software Consultants Sdn Bhd; my colleagues andsupervisor consistently provided me with opportunities to learn and experience new things.Their kindness is something I truly appreciate. In summary, I thoroughly enjoyed my11-week industrial training in this company.4.2 RecommendationsMy suggestions are as follows:I would recommend scheduling the industrial training program in the final semester of thecourse, which is Semester 6. This is because many companies prefer to hire students who cancontinue working after the internship, and they often reject those who can only work for lessthan 3 months. Additionally, diploma students may face rejections due to not meeting thecompany's skill requirements. Moreover, organising the industrial training program in the lastsemester has the advantage that some students may choose not to continue their degree. Afterthe industrial training, they could potentially sign a contract with the company, securing apermanent position and reducing the risk of unemployment after graduation.From my perspective, doing an internship in between semesters could burden students.Shifting from a study environment to a work environment and then back to a study7
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environment can impact the mood and motivation to study after working for a few months.During an internship, we return home after work to rest and relax without the worry ofassignments. Conversely, during university days, once we get home, we must immediatelyfocus on assignments and exams. Apart from that, the industrial training program in betweensemesters would also burden the students, where they need to focus on assignments, exams,finding an internship placement, and attending interviews during class days.8
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Endorsement by the company’s supervisorThe above is a true record of activities taken by the trainee during industrial training.Signature of Supervisor:Name of Supervisor:MR. WILLIAM LAUDate (dd/mm/yyyy):8/1/2024Company Stamp:10
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AppendicesNovember 2023 Monthly Report 2023 Monthly Report
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