3D Granny Squares

Polytechnic University of the Philippines**We aren't endorsed by this school
Electrical Engineering
Dec 18, 2024
Uploaded by MisaHee
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CONTENTSHOW TO USE THIS BOOKTHE SQUARESFOOD & DRINKDoughnutCoffee MugIce CreamCookieFried EggFried Egg Pot HolderIce LollyLattice Top PieWaffleCupcakeTeapotTeapot PincushionPizzaSweetFRUIT & VEGETABLESWatermelonAvocadoAppleApple CoastersOrange
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RaspberryCherriesCherry Envelope PouchKiwiPumpkinPineapplePineapple CushionStrawberriesStrawberry Towel TopperANIMAL MAGICSheepPigBunnyMouseLlamaLittle Llama BagDogRabbitCowAnimal Play CubeCatOwlChickenWILD BEASTSBearFlamingo
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PenguinLionFoxPandaUNDER THE SEAJellyfishWhaleSharkCrabTerrapinFishShellTurtleStarfishHOLIDAYSSun HatSunPalm TreeSandcastleFlip FlopsMINI BEASTSSpiderBeehiveButterflyDragonflyLadybird
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FrogSnailFLOWERSVintage FlowerSucculentLace FlowerFluffy FlowerGranny FlowerPopcorn FlowerLayered FlowerFlower PillowPeonyDahliaVioletViolet Wrist WarmersDaisyMandala FlowerRoseSunflowerMOTIFSGranny HeartDainty HeartDouble StarRainbowUnicornMoon
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TeddyDiamondCloudABSTRACTWobbly SquareBobbleSpikeCirclePopcornTextured GrannyTextured SquareCELEBRATIONSChristmas ElfBirthday CakeTurkeySanta's BeltRudolphPresentFestive WreathEaster EggsBaubleChristmas TreeTHE SKILLSSTITCH BASICSTECHNIQUES
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HOW TO USE THIS BOOKWelcome to the wonderful world of three-dimensional granny squares! These littlesquares of loveliness just took a turn for the more tactile, as Caitie Moore, CelineSemaan and Sharna Moore present a collection of a hundred designs, each with asurface element that makes them irresistibly 3D. You can mix and match as muchas you want to create impressive granny square blankets, or alternatively try someof the project ideas scattered throughout this book. Before you start, please readthe following advice and information.READING PATTERNS AND CHARTSThis book contains patterns for 100 granny squares and 10 projects. All of the square patternsare accompanied by coloured charts that show each individual layer of crochet to be made. Thecolours shown on the charts represent the different yarn colours used for the design, and acolour key is provided with each pattern to help you to identify the shades used (seeYarn Key).To follow the charts, refer to the symbol key (seeChart Symbols).BASIC KITAll you need for each granny square is some crochet hooks and yarn (seeYarn Key). Somesquares require a little stuffing, and you will also need a yarn needle for weaving in ends andadding embroidery details. For the projects you may need additional supplies, but these will belisted with the instructions. Always read through the instructions carefully, checking theassembly details and any additional materials list, before you start a particular square orproject to ensure that you have all of the required items.CROCHET HOOKSMetric sizes have been provided for crochet hooks throughout. Please refer to the followingconversion chart if your hooks are labelled with imperial or US sizes instead:
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MMIMPERIALUS2.75112/C3113.25103/D3.594/E3.755/F486/GTERMINOLOGYThe patterns in this book have all been written using US terms. If you are used to working withUK terms, then please note the following differences in stitch names:US TERMUK TERMsingle crochetdouble crochethalf double crochethalf treble crochetdouble crochettreble crochettreble crochetdouble treble crochetdouble treble crochettriple treble crochettriple treble crochetquadruple treble crochetYARN KEYAll of the granny squares and projects in this book use Paintbox Yarns Cotton DK range, whichfeatures 50g (1.75oz) balls in a wide range of colours. You don’t need to stick to the specifiedshades used for each design, but the following key has been provided to help you to identify thechosen colours in case you wish to replicate the design exactly:#COLOUR & CODE
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1Paper White (401)2Pure Black (402)3Champagne White (403)4Misty Grey (404)5Stormy Grey (405)6Slate Grey (406)7Granite Grey (407)8Vanilla Cream (408)9Light Caramel (409)10Soft Fudge (410)11Coffee Bean (411)12Bright Peach (412)13Tomato Red (413)14Rose Red (414)15Red Wine (416)16Melon Sorbet (417)17Mandarin Orange (418)18Blood Orange (420)19Banana Cream (421)20Daffodil Yellow (422)21Buttercup Yellow (423)22Mustard Yellow (424)23Pistachio Green (425)
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24Spearmint Green (426)25Slate Green (427)26Racing Green (428)27Lime Green (429)28Grass Green (430)29Evergreen (431)30Seafoam Blue (432)31Washed Teal (433)32Marine Blue (434)33Kingfisher Blue (435)34Duck Egg Blue (436)35Dolphin Blue (437)36Sky Blue (439)37Sailor Blue (440)38Dusty Rose (442)39Tea Rose (443)40Raspberry Pink (444)41Rich Mauve (445)42Pale Lilac (446)43Pansy Purple (448)44Candyfloss Pink (450)45Bubblegum Pink (451)
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46Lipstick Pink (452)47Ballet Pink (453)48Blush Pink (454)49Peach Orange (455)50Vintage Pink (456)CHART SYMBOLSPlease use the following key to identify the symbols in the crochet charts:Starting pointMagic ringChainSlip stitchSingle crochetHalf double crochetDouble crochetTreble crochetDouble treble crochetTriple treble crochetBack loopFront loopBack post
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Front postLoop stitchPuff stitchSpike stitchPicotsc2togsc3toghdc5togdc4togdc5togttr2tog3-dc-puff5-dc-puff7-dc-puff2-dc-popcorn3-dc-popcorn4-dc-popcorn
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5-dc-popcornBobbleABBREVIATIONSThe following abbreviations have been used for the patterns featured in this book:approxapproximatelyBLback loop/sBLOback loop/s onlybpdcback post double crochetbphdcback post half double crochetbpscback post single crochetbpslstback post slip stitchchchainch-spchain spacedcdouble crochetdc4togdouble crochet 4 togetherdc5togdouble crochet 5 togetherdtrdouble treble crochetFLfront loop/sFLOfront loop/s onlyfpdcfront post double crochetfpdtrfront post double treble crochetfphdcfront post half double crochet
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fpscfront post single crochetfpslstfront post slip stitchfptrfront post treble crochetfpttrfront post triple treble crochethdchalf double crochethdc5toghalf double crochet 5 togetherremremainingreprepeatRnd(s)round(s)RSright sidescsingle crochetsc2togsingle crochet 2 togethersc3togsingle crochet 3 togetherskskipslstslip stitchspspace(s)st(s)stitch(es)trtreble crochetttrtriple treble crochetttr2togtriple treble crochet 2 togetherWSwrong side
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DOUGHNUT12245DOUGHNUTWith a 4mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 22in BL of any Rnd 1 st. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 2: ch, 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst in first sc. [24sc]Fasten offColour 22.
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JoinColour 45in BL of any Rnd 2 st. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 2 sts:Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in initial dc.[36dc]Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next 2 sts, (2dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts) 11 times. [48dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 5: *slst in next 3 sts, sc in next st, 2hdc in next st, (hdc, sc) in next st**, rep from * to ** 7times. [24hdc, 16sc, 24slst]Fasten offColour 45.DOUGHNUT CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 22in BL of any Rnd 4 st of doughnut. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 4sts:Rnd 6: ch3, dc in st, dc in next 3 sts, (2dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts) 11 times, slst in initial dc.[60dc]Fasten offColour 22.JoinColour 1in BL of any Rnd 6 st. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 6 sts:
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Rnd 7: ch4, tr in st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdc innext 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts,sc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in first ch ofinitial ch4. [16tr, 16dc, 16hdc, 20sc, 4ch2]Rnd 8: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 17 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 17 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initialch3. [84dc, 4ch2]Rnd 9: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, ch2, (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in same ch-2-sp, hdc in next 21 sts,*(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** twice. [100hdc, 4ch2]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHARTFINISHINGEmbroider sprinkles using assorted colours.
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COFFEE MUG54531113SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 5, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, (3dc in ring, ch2) 3 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc, 4ch2]Rnd 2: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slstin third ch of initial ch3. [28dc, 4ch2]Rnds 3-6: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times,dc in rem sts to complete rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [92dc, 4ch2]
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Fasten offColour 5.JoinColour 45in any dc of Rnd 7.Rnd 7: ch, *sc in each st to ch-2-sp, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, sc inrem sts to complete rnd, slst in first sc. [100sc, 4ch]Fasten offColour 45.SQUARE CHARTCOFFEE CUPWithColour 31, ch10.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch to end, ch, turn. [9sc]Row 2: 3sc in first st, sc in next 7 sts, 3sc in last st, ch, turn. [13sc]Row 3: sc in each to st to end, ch, turn. [13sc]Rows 4-14: Rep Row 3. At end of last rep, do not turn; instead work sc all around sides andbottom of cup. [11sc down both sides, 10sc along bottom]
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Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 11to first st in Row 14.Row 15: ch, sc in each st to end, turn. [13sc]Row 16: ch, sc in each st to end, turn. [13sc]Fasten offColour 11.JoinColour 3to first st in Row 16.Row 17: *bobble in first st, (sc in next st, bobble in next st) 6 times. [7 bobbles, 6sc]Fasten offColour 3.COFFEE CUP CHARTHEARTWithColour 45, ch2.Row 1: (3dc, 3sc, ch2, 3sc, 3dc) in 2nd ch from hook, slst into ring to close. [6dc, 6sc, 2ch]Fasten offColour 45.
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HEART CHARTFINISHINGStitch heart onto coffee cup, and then stitch onto centre of square.
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ICE CREAM11454414SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third chof initial ch3. [36dc]Fasten offColour 45.
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JoinColour 44in BL of any st in Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 3 sts:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in corner sp. [44sts, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp, *dc in each st to next corner sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) incorner sp**, rep from * to ** twice, dc in each st to end, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 44.JoinColour 45in any st of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, *sc in each st to corner sp, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, sc inrem sts to complete rnd, slst in first sc. [100sc, 4ch]Fasten offColour 45.SQUARE CHART
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ICE CREAM FRILLJoinColour 45in FL of Rnd 3 of square, 8 sts down from top left-hand corner sp.Rnd 1: sc, *sk 1 st, 5dc in next st, sk 1 st, sc**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in same st as lastsc. [15dc, 4sc]Fasten offColour 45.CHERRY AND ICE CREAM FRILL CHARTCONEWithColour 11, ch6.Row 1: hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in each ch to end, turn. [4hdc]Row 2: 2hdc in first st, hdc in each st to end, turn. [5hdc]Rows 3-6: Rep Row 2. [9hdc]Fasten offColour 11.
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CONE CHARTCHERRYWithColour 14, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12tr]Fasten offColour 14.FINISHINGStitch cherry onto ice cream as shown. Stitch cone onto square under ice cream frill.
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COOKIE19911COOKIEWith a 4mm hook andColour 9, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third chof initial ch3. [36dc]Fasten offColour 9. Rep to make a second cookie.On RS of first cookie, make 10 random 3-dc-puffs withColour 11.
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Place cookies together with WS facing. Work sc in each st through both cookies to join.COOKIE CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 19in any st of Rnd 3 of joined cookies.Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in corner sp. [44sts, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp, *dc in each st to next corner sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) incorner sp**, rep from * to ** twice, dc in each st to end, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 9in any st of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, *sc in each st to corner sp, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, sc inrem sts to complete rnd. [100sc, 4ch]Fasten offColour 9.
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FRIED EGG121911SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 21, ch2.Rnd 1: 6sc in second ch from hook, slst in first sc. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch, 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst in first sc. [12sc]Rnd 3: ch, (2sc in next st, sc) 6 times, slst in first sc. [18sc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 9in BL of any st in Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 3 sts:
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Rnd 4: ch, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 6 times, slst in first sc. [24sc]Rnd 5: ch, (2sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) 6 times, slst in first sc. [30sc]Rnd 6: ch, (2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) 6 times, slst in first sc. [36sc]Rnd 7: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts; repfrom * twice more, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in corner sp. [44sts, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp, *dc in each st to next corner sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) incorner sp**, rep from * to ** twice, dc in each st to end, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 9-10: Rep Rnd 8. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 9.JoinColour 11in any st of Rnd 10.Rnd 11: ch, *sc in each st to corner sp, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, scin rem sts to complete rnd, slst in first sc. [100sc, 4ch]Fasten offColour 11.
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SQUARE CHARTEGG WHITEJoinColour 1in FL of any st in Rnd 3 of square.Rnd 1: ch, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 6 times, slst in first sc. [24sc]Rnd 2: ch, (2sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) 6 times, slst in first sc. [30sc]Rnd 3: ch, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 4 sts) 6 times, slst in first sc. [36hdc]Rnd 4: ch, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 5 sts) 6 times, slst in first sc. [42hdc]Rnd 5: ch, sc in next 4 sts, dc, 3dc in next st, dc, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next2 sts, dc, 3dc in next st, dc, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc, 3hdc in next st, hdc, sc innext 4 sts, hdc, 3hdc in next st, hdc, 3hdc in next st, hdc, sc in next 8 sts, slst in first sc. [10dc,20hdc, 22sc]Fasten offColour 1.
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FRIED EGG POT HOLDER911FRONT SQUAREFollow instructions for Fried Egg to make 1 complete square, omitting Rnd 11 from the squarepattern.BACK SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 9, make a magic ring,
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Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, *3dc in ring, ch2**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initialch3. [12dc, 4ch2]Rnd 2: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slstin third ch of initial ch3. [28dc, 4ch2]Rnds 3-6: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times,dc in rem sts to complete rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [92dc, 4ch2]Fasten offColour 9.FINISHINGPlace squares together with WS facing. JoinColour 11to last rnd of both squares, 5 sts awayfrom a corner sp on any side.Work sc in each st through both squares, working (sc, ch, sc) in each corner sp. Beforecompleting the rnd, ch20 (to form the loop), then slst to join.Fasten offColour 11.
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ICE LOLLY20132144511199ICE LOLLYWith a 4mm hook andColour 14, ch12.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch to end, turn. [11sc]Row 2: ch, sc in each st to end, turn. [11sc]
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Rows 3-8: Rep Row 2. [11sc]Fasten offColour 14.JoinColour 1in last st worked of Row 8.Rows 9-16: Rep Row 2. [11sc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 11in last st worked of Row 16.Rows 17-20: Rep Row 2. [11sc]Row 21: ch, sk first st, sc in each st to last st, sk last st. [9sc]Fasten offColour 11.Embroider sprinkles onto Rows 17-21 using assorted colours.LOLLY STICKJoinColour 9in fifth ch of foundation row of ice lolly.Row 1: ch6, dc in fourth ch, dc in next 2 ch, slst to eighth ch of start of ice lolly. [4dc]Fasten offColour 9.
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ICE LOLLY AND LOLLY STICK CHARTSQUAREWithColour 19, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, (3dc in ring, ch2) 3 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slstin third ch of initial ch3. [28dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 3: Rep Rnd 2. [44dc, 4ch-2]Attach base of ice lolly to one side of square as follows:Rnd 4: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, dc inedge st from base of ice lolly and next st from square together, (dc in next st from base of icelolly and next st from square) 10 times, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in rem sts to end of rnd,slst in third ch of initial ch3. [60dc, 4ch-2]
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Rnd 5: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, dcin rem sts to end of rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [76dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 6: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 45in any st of Rnd 6.Rnd 7: ch, *sc in each st to corner sp, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, sc ineach st to complete rnd. [100sc, 4ch]Fasten offColour 45.Stitch top of ice lolly to square.SQUARE CHART
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LATTICE TOP PIE1591PIEWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 15, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]
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Rnd 5: ch2, (2hdc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts) 10 times, hdc in last 3 sts, invisible join.[64hdc]Fasten offColour 15.JoinColour 9in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing sc.Rnd 6: sc in each st around, slst to close rnd. [64sc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 6 sts:Rnd 7: ch, sk 1 st, 5dc in next st, sk 1 st, (sc in next st, sk 1 st, 5dc in next st, sk 1 st) 15times, slst to close rnd. [96, 16 scallops]Fasten offColour 9.PIE CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 1with a standing tr in BL of any st in Rnd 6 of pie.Rnd 8: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]
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Rnd 9: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 10: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100, 4ch-3]Rnd 11: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHARTLATTICEWithColour 9, ch20.Row 1: hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in each ch to end. [18hdc]Fasten offColour 9. Rep to make a total of 6 lattice strips.
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Arrange 3 lattice strips evenly, in same direction, across pie. Stitch to secure in place at eitherend of each strip.Add next 3 lattice strips perpendicularly to first 3 strips and secure on one side only. Weavestrips together to form lattice and stitch in place.LATTICE CHART
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WAFFLE93014625SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 9, ch20.Row 1: dc in third ch from hook, dc in each ch to end of row. [19]Row 2: ch2, turn, dc in next st, (fpdc in next st, dc in next 2 sts) 5 times, fpdc in next st, dc inlast st. [19]Row 3: ch2, turn, dc in next st, (dc in next st, fpdc in next 2 sts) 5 times, dc in last 2 sts. [19]Rows 4-9: Rep Rows 2-3. [19]
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Row 10: Rep Row 2. [19]Row 11: ch2, turn, dc in each st to end of row. [19]Fasten off and rejoinColour 9at start of Row 11 between first and second sts with a standingsc.Rnd 12: sc between sts across row a further 17 times [18sc], ch2, turn work 90 degrees, sc inside of top row, 17sc evenly along same side [18sc along side], turn 90 degrees, ch2, scbetween each st along bottom edge [18sc along bottom], ch2, turn 90 degrees, sc in side ofbottom row, 17sc evenly along same side to top [18sc along side]. [72sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 9.JoinColour 30in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 12. All sts in this rnd, apart from those in corners, aremade in BL of Rnd 12 sts:Rnd 13: ch5, dc in ch-2-sp, dc in next 18 sts, *(dc, ch2, dc) in corner sp, dc in next 18 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch5. [80dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 14: ch3, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 20 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times omittinglast dc, slst to close rnd. [96dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 15: ch3, dc in next 2 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [112dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 30.
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SQUARE CHARTCREAM SWIRLWithColour 1, ch11.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch to end. [10sc]All sts in the following rows are made in BLO:Row 2: ch, turn, 2sc in next st, sc in next 7 sts, sc2tog over last 2 sts. [10sc]Row 3: ch, turn, sc2tog over first 2 sts, sc in next 7 sts, 2sc in next st. [10sc]Rep Rows 2-3 until piece measures approx 7cm tall.Fasten offColour 1.Form a tube by stitching first and last rows together with whip stitch.Weave yarn tail through sts at one open end of tube and pull closed. Rep on other side of tube.Gently squash tube flat to form cream swirl.
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CREAM SWIRL CHARTSTRAWBERRYWithColour 46, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 3sc in ring. [3sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st. [6sc]Rnd 3: sc in each st. [6sc]Rnd 4: (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) twice. [8sc]Rnd 5: sc in each st, slst to close rnd. [8sc]Fasten offColour 46. Using yarn tail, cinch open end of strawberry closed.STRAWBERRY CHARTSTRAWBERRY LEAFWithColour 25, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: (ch4, slst in ring) 3 times, pull ring tight to close. [3 leaves]Fasten offColour 25. Using yarn tail, stitch leaf to top of strawberry.STRAWBERRY LEAF CHART
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FINISHINGStitch strawberry to top of cream swirl and then attach to square as shown.
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CUPCAKE44314542CUPCAKEWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 44, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]
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Rnd 5: Fold circle in half and sc through both layers. [22sc]Fasten offColour 44.Add small whip stitches for sprinkles using assorted colours.CUPCAKE CHARTCUPCAKE FRILLSJoinColour 44to one end of flat edge of folded cupcake.The following scallops are worked across flat edge of semi-circle:First scallop: ch2, 5dc in outer edge of Rnd 4, slst in outer edge of Rnd 3. [ch2, 5dc, slst]Second scallop: 6dc in outer edge of Rnd 2, slst in outer edge of Rnd 1. [7]Third scallop: 6dc in outer edge of Rnd 1, slst in outer edge of Rnd 2. [7]Fourth scallop: 6dc in outer edge of Rnd 3, slst in outer edge of Rnd 4. [7]Fasten offColour 44.CUPCAKE FRILLS CHART
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CASEWithColour 42, ch9.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch to end. [8sc]All sts in the following rows are made in BLO:Row 2: ch, turn, slst in next st, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in last st. [8sc]Row 3: ch, turn, sc in each st. [8sc]Rows 4-9: Rep Rows 2-3. [8sc]Row 10: Rep Row 2. [8sc]Fasten offColour 42. Using yarn tail, stitch case to back of cupcake as shown.CASE CHARTCHERRYWithColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 8sc in ring, slst in first sc. [8sc]Fasten offColour 45. Using yarn tail, stitch cherry to top of cupcake.CHERRY CHARTSQUARE
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With RS of cupcake facing, joinColour 31to outer edge of Rnd 5 on right-hand side ofcupcake. Join yarn in back of stitch and make a standing dc in same st.All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 1: (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 10 times, dc in next st [end of top of cake], dc in each stdown side of case [last dc will be in slst], 4dc in first ch at bottom, 2dc in next ch, 4dc in nextch, 2dc in next ch, 4dc in last ch, dc in each ch up side of case, slst to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 31and rejoin in last dc before first 4-dc cluster from Rnd 1 with a standingtr.Rnd 2: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 3: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 4: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 5: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 31.
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TEAPOT301SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 30, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd.[64dc]
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Fasten offColour 30.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHARTTEAPOT
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WithColour 30, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch, 2sc in each st, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Rnd 3: ch, (sc in next st, 2sc in next st) to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [18sc]Rnd 4: ch, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24sc]Rnd 5: ch, (sc in next 3 sts, 2sc in next st) to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [30sc]Rnd 6: ch, (2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [36sc]Rnd 7: ch, (sc in next 5 sts, 2sc in next st) to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [42sc]Rnd 8: ch, (2sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts) to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [48sc]Rnds 9-12: ch, sc in each st. [48sc]Fasten offColour 30.Embroider flowers and leaves on side of teapot using assorted colours. Add a few Frenchknots to flowers and back stitch around top of teapot.TEAPOT CHARTSPOUTWithColour 30, make a magic ring.
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Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 2: ch, sc in each st. [6sc]Rnd 3: ch, sc in each st. [6sc]Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog twice. [6sc]Rnd 5: ch, sc in each st. [6sc]Rnd 6: ch, 2sc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts. [9sc]Rnd 7: ch, sc in each st. [9sc]Rnd 8: ch, sc in next 3 sts, sc2tog twice, 2sc in next 2 sts. [9sc]Rnd 9: ch, sc in each st. [9sc]Rnd 10: ch, sc in next 3 sts, 2hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts. [12]Fasten offColour 30.KNOBWithColour 30, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc, pull ring closed. [5sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st. [10sc]Rnd 3: sc in each st. [10sc]Rnd 4: sc2tog 5 times. [5sc]Stuff lightly. Fasten offColour 30.
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KNOB CHARTHANDLEWithColour 30, ch15.Row 1: hdc in second ch from hook, hdc in next st, sc in next 5 sts, slst in each ch to end ofrow. [14]Fasten offColour 30.HANDLE CHARTFINISHINGAttach teapot to square, whip stitching in BL of teapot and outer edge of Rnd 5 of square.Leave a gap to lightly stuff teapot and then stitch closed.Attach spout and knob to teapot. Attach bottom of handle to teapot, curl top of handle so thatopen end is pointing downwards and secure in place.
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TEAPOT PINCUSHION83SQUAREWithColour 8, work Rnds 1-5 of square for Teapot.Fasten offColour 8and rejoin in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Work Rnd 6 of square for Teapot.Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch, (sc, ch2, 2sc) in ch-2-sp, *sc in next 17 sts, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84sc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 8and rejoin in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7 with a standing dc.Rnd 8: (dc, picot, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, (slst in next 2 sts, (hdc, dc, hdc) in next st) 6 times,slst in next 3 sts, *(2dc, picot, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, (slst in next 2 sts, (hdc, dc, hdc) in next st)6 times, slst in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [88, 4 picot]Fasten offColour 8.TEAPOTWithColour 3, follow instructions for Teapot to make 1 complete teapot, spout, knob andhandle.FINISHINGAttach teapot, spout, knob and handle to square following instructions for Teapot.
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PIZZA202219131529PIZZAWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 20, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd.[64dc]Fasten offColour 20and joinColour 9in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing hdc.All sts in this rnd are made in FLO:Rnd 6: hdc in each st, slst to close rnd. [64hdc]Rnd 7: ch2, hdc in each st. [64hdc]Fasten offColour 9.PIZZA CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 1in BL of any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 8: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]
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Rnd 9: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 10: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 11: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 1.Fold crust in half, towards centre of pizza. Using yarn tail, sew open edge of crust to outeredge of Rnd 5 with whip stitches.UsingColour 22, add single long stitches from outer edge of Rnd 5 to centre of pizza to divideinto 6 slices.SQUARE CHARTTOMATOESWithColour 13, make a magic ring,
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Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Fasten offColour 13.Rep to make a total of 3 tomatoes withColour 13and 3 tomatoes withColour 15. Stitch ontopizza as shown.TOMATO CHARTPEPPERSWithColour 29, ch4.Rnd 1: sk first ch, 2sc in each st. [6sc]Fasten offColour 29.Rep to make a total of 3 peppers. Stitch in place on pizza.PEPPER CHART
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SWEET1423138SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 42, ch2.Rnd 1: (sc, hdc, dc) in second ch from hook, pull working loop and remove hook, joinColour31in second ch with a standing sc, (hdc, dc) in same st, pull working loop and remove hook.Rnd 2: working in a spiral, insert hook inColour 42loop and tighten, 2dc in next 3 sts, pullworking loop and remove hook, insert hook inColour 31loop, 2dc in next 8 sts, pull workingloop and remove hook.Rnd 3: insert hook inColour 42loop, 2dc in next 5 sts, pull working loop and remove hook,insert hook inColour 31loop, 2dc in next 15 sts, pull working loop and remove hook.
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Rnd 4: insert hook inColour 42loop, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 12 times, hdc in next 3 sts,sc in next 2 sts, slst in next st, pull working loop and remove hook, insert hook inColour 31loop, dc in next 11 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 2 sts, slst in next st. [44]Fasten offColours 42and31.JoinColour 1in BL of any st of Rnd 4 with a standing dc. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 5: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [64dc]Rnd 6: ch6, tr in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep. [116, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 1.
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SQUARE CHARTWRAPPERJoinColour 38in fourth dc of Rnd 4 of sweet, before ch-sp in Rnd 6 of square, with a standingsc.Row 1: sc in next 7 sts. [8sc]Row 2: ch8, sc in second ch from hook and sc in each ch to end of row, slst in next base st.[7sc]All sts in the following rows are made in BLO:Row 3: ch, sk 1, sc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 2 sts. [7]Row 4: ch, turn, sc in next 7 sts, anchor with slst in base sc. [7]Rep Rows 3-4 until every base sc is anchored.Fasten offColour 38.Rep on opposite side to create a second wrapper.
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WATERMELON4627252412WATERMELONWith a 4mm hook andColour 46, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third chof initial ch3. [36dc]
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Fasten offColour 46.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch, sc in same st, sc in each st, slst in first sc. [36sc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 25in any st of Rnd 4.Rnd 5: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, join to top of ch3 with a slst, slst in next st, slst in corner sp. [44sts, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 25.JoinColour 27in FLO of any st in Rnd 4.Rnd 9: ch, sc in same st, sc in next 3 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) 8 times. [44sc]Fasten offColour 27.WithColour 2, embroider 6 random stitches in Rnd 2 of watermelon to create pips.WATERMELON CHARTSQUARE
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JoinColour 24in any corner sp of Rnd 5 of watermelon.Rnd 6: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp, dc in each st to next corner sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) incorner sp, dc in each st to next corner sp**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst in third ch ofinitial ch3. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 7-8: Rep Rnd 6. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 24.SQUARE CHART
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AVOCADO27114324AVOCADO STONEWith a 4mm hook andColour 11, ch4, slst in first ch to make circle.Rnd 1: 8hdc in circle, slst in first hdc to join, working over top of 8hdc, 8dc in circle [8hdc, 8dc]Fasten offColour 11.
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AVOCADO STONE CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 11in circle of avocado stone.Rnd 2: working over top of 8hdc from Rnd 1 of avocado stone, 18dc in circle, working over topof 8dc from Rnd 1 of avocado stone, slst in first dc to join. [18dc]Fasten offColour 11.JoinColour 27in any st of Rnd 2.Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, 2hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 12 sts, 2hdc in next 2 sts, 2dc in nextst, slst to join. [4dc, 8hdc, 12sc]Rnd 4: ch4, tr in same st, 2dc in next st, dc, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, (2sc, sc in next4 sts) twice, hdc in next 2 sts, dc, 2dc in next st, 2tr in last st, slst to join. [4tr, 6dc, 4hdc, 16sc]Fasten offColour 27and joinColour 24in first st of Rnd 4.Rnd 5: ch, 2sc in first st, sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, 2sc in next st, sc innext 8 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) 3 times, 2sc in next st, sc in last 2 sts. [36sc]Fasten offColour 24.JoinColour 43in ninth st from where you joined last rnd.Rnd 6: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, 2dc in next st, ch2, (dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next 5 sts, hdc, dc, 2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr innext st, dc, hdc, sc in next 5 sts, 2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc, sc in next 4 sts, hdc,dc in last st. [44]Fasten offColour 43and rejoin in any ch-2-sp.
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Rnd 7: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to third ch of starting ch, slst toch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 8-9: Rep Rnd 6. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 43.JoinColour 27in any st of Rnd 9.Rnd 10: ch, *sc in each st to corner sp, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, scin rem sts to complete rnd. [100sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 27.SQUARE CHART
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APPLE315331127SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 3, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Fasten offColour 3.JoinColour 15in any st of Rnd 4 with a slst. Shape bottom of apple as follows:Rnd 5: sc in next st, (dc, tr) in next st, (tr, dc) in next st, (dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next 2 sts) 9times, dc in next st, (dc, tr) in next st, (tr, dc) in next st, sc in next st, slst to close rnd. [67]Fasten offColour 15.JoinColour 33in ninth st before last sc of Rnd 5 with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd are madein BLO:Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts, sksc, dc in same st as starting slst from Rnd 4, sk sc, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc innext 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, scin next 5 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from *to ** twice omitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp **, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 33.WithColour 11, embroider 2 seeds on either side of Rnd 1.
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SQUARE CHARTLEAVESWithColour 27, ch6.Row 1: slst in second ch from hook, sc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, slst inlast st, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, ch, slst in first foundation ch, (hdc, dc) innext st, (dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st, slst in last st. [14]Fasten offColour 27.Rep to make a total of 2 leaves. With indent at bottom of apple, stitch leaves side by side attop of apple.LEAF CHARTSTALKWithColour 11, ch6.
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Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch to end of row. [5sc]Fasten offColour 11. Stitch stalk in place between leaves.STALK CHART
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APPLE COASTERS332729APPLEFollow instructions for Apple to make 1 complete apple, 2 leaves and 1 stalk.To make a green apple, replaceColour 15withColour 27and make leaves inColour 29.
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SQUAREWithColour 33, work Rnd 6 of square for Apple.Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch, (sc, ch2, 2sc) in ch-2-sp, *sc in next 17 sts, (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2sc, ch2, 2sc) in last rep. [84sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 33.FINISHINGAttach leaves and stalk to square following instructions for Apple.
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ORANGE1174927ORANGEWith a 4mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch2, 7hdc in ring, slst in second ch of initial ch2. [8hdc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 17in any st of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: ch2, hdc in same st, 2hdc in each st to end, slst in second ch of initial ch2. [16hdc]
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Rnd 3: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next st, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next st) 7 times, slst insecond ch of initial ch2. [24hdc]Rnd 4: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next 2 sts, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts) 7 times, slst inFL of second ch of initial ch2. [32hdc]All sts in this rnd are made in FLO:Rnd 5: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next 3 sts, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 3 sts) 7 times, slst insecond ch of initial ch2. [40hdc]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 1in first st of Rnd 5.Rnd 6: ch, sc in first 5 sts, fpttr around Rnd 1 hdc (sc in next 5 sts, fpttr around Rnd 1 hdc) 7times, slst in first sc. [8fpttr, 40sc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 49in any fpttr of Rnd 6.Rnd 7: ch, sc in first 3 sts, 2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, *sc in next 3 sts, 2sc in next st, sc innext 2 sts**, rep from * to ** 6 times, slst in first sc. [56sc]Fasten offColour 49.JoinColour 17in any st of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, sc in same st, sc in next 6 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts) 7 times, slst in firstsc. [64sc]Fasten offColour 17.
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ORANGE CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 27in BL of any st of Rnd 4. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 9: ch8, dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next st, *dc in next st, ch5, dc innext st, hdc in next st, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch ofinitial ch8. [8dc, 8hdc, 16sc, 4ch-5]Rnd 10: slst in first ch-5-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch5, 3dc) in same sp, dc in next 3 sts, ch2, sk next 2sts, dc in next 3 sts, *(3dc, ch5, 3dc) in next ch-5-sp, dc in next 3 sts, ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc innext 3 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [48dc, 4ch-5, 4ch-2]Rnd 11: slst in first 2 sts, slst in next ch-5-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch5, 3dc) in same sp, dc in next 2 sts,ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in ch-2-sp, dc in next 2 sts, ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc innext 2 sts, *(3dc, ch5, 3dc) in same sp, dc in next 2 sts, ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts,2dc in ch-2-sp, dc in next 2 sts, ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slstto close rnd. [64dc, 4ch-5, 8ch-2]Rnd 12: slst in first 2 sts, slst in next ch-5-sp, ch, *(2sc, ch2, 2sc) in ch-5-sp, sc in next 5 sts,2sc in next ch-2-sp, sc in next 6 sts, 2sc in next ch-2-sp, sc in next 5 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times. [96sc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 12.Rnd 13: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 4 times. [104sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHART
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RASPBERRY1946255SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 46, ch6, slst in first ch to make circle.Rnd 1: ch, (puff locking with a ch, ch) 8 times in circle, slst in first puff to close rnd. [8 puffs]Rnd 2: ch, (puff, ch, puff) in each ch-1-sp, slst in first puff. [16 puffs]Rnd 3: slst in ch-1-sp, ch, (puff in ch-1-sp, 2 puffs between next pair of puffs) 8 times, slst toclose rnd. [24 puffs]Fasten offColour 46.
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JoinColour 19between any pair of puffs in Rnd 3.Rnd 4: (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same sp, sk 3 puffs, ch2, 2sc between next pair of puffs, sk 3puffs, ch2, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) between next pair of puffs, sk 3 puffs, ch2, 2dc between next pairof puffs, ch2, sk 3 puffs**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [4-(3dc, ch2, 3dc)-sp, 4 2dc-groups]Rnd 5: slst in next 2dc, slst in corner sp, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same sp, *3dc in next ch-2-sp***, 3dc in next ch-2-sp, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next corner sp**, rep from *to ** to end of rndending last rep at ***, slst to close rnd. [4 3dc-groups per side]Rnds 6-7: slst in 2dc, slst in corner sp, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp, *3dc between next 23dc groups**, rep from * to ** to corner sp, ((3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp, ***3dc between next2 3dc groups****, rep from *** to **** to corner sp)) 3 times, slst in ch3 to close rnd. [6 3dc-groups per side]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 5in any corner sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, *(sc, ch, sc) in corner sp, sc in every st to next corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times,slst to close rnd. [20sc per side]Fasten offColour 5.
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SQUARE CHARTLEAVESWithColour 25, ch6.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, 5dc in last st, turn to workon other side of foundation ch, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in last st, slst to close row.[14]Fasten offColour 25. Rep to make a total of 2 leaves.Stitch leaves onto square, overlapping top of raspberry.LEAF CHART
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CHERRIES342715SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 34, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc, (ch3, 3dc) 3 times, ch3, slst to close rnd. [12dc, 4ch-3-sp]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in next 2 sts, (2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, *dc in next 3 sts, (2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [28dc, 4 ch-3-sp]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next 4 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 7 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 5dc, slst to close rnd. [44dc, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 34and rejoin in any ch-3-sp of Rnd 3 with a standing dc.
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Rnd 4: (dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, *sk 1 st, dc in next 3 sts, join and change toColour 15, 7-dc-puff in next st, ch, change toColour 34, dc in next 2 sts, change toColour 15, 7-dc-puff in nextst, ch, change toColour 34, dc in next 3 sts, (2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last (2dc, ch3, 2dc), slst to close rnd. [48dc, 8 puffs, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 15.Rnd 5: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 5 sts, dc in top of first cherry,dc in next 2 sts, dc in top of second cherry, dc in next 5 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times omittinglast 2dc, slst to close rnd. [72dc, 4ch-3-sp]Rnd 6: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 18 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc, slst to close rnd. [88dc, 4ch-3-sp]Rnd 7: ch3, dc in next 5 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 22 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 6dc, slst to close rnd. [104dc, 4ch-3-sp]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next 7 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 26 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 8dc, slst to close rnd. [120dc, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 34.
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SQUARE CHARTSTALKSJoinColour 27to top of cherry with slst, ch3, sc between 2 cherries in top of Rnd 7 of square,ch3, slst in second cherry.Fasten offColour 27. Rep for each pair of cherries.
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STALKS CHARTLEAVESWithColour 27, ch4.Row 1: sk 1 st, sc in next st, dc in next st, slst in last st, ch, turn to work on other side offoundation ch, slst in next st, dc in next st, slst in last st. [6]Fasten offColour 27. Rep to make a total of 8 leaves.Attach 1 leaf to either side of each cherry stalk.LEAF CHART
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CHERRY ENVELOPE POUCH31SQUAREWork Rnds 1-8 of square for Cherries, replacingColour 34withColour 31, and replacing allch-3-sp with ch-2-sp.Rnd 9: ch2, hdc in next 9 sts, *(hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 30 sts**, rep from *to ** twice, (hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc) in next ch-2-sp, hdc in next 20 sts, slst to close rnd. [140]Fasten offColour 31.
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STALKSFollow instructions for Cherries to add stalks to the square.LEAVESFollow instructions for Cherries to make 8 complete leaves.Attach 1 leaf to either side of each cherry stalk.FINISHINGWith WS of square facing, fold 3 corners toward centre of square. Join in BLO using a yarnneedle.Stitch a button where 3 corners meet. Button should fit through ch-2-sp on corner of flap.
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KIWI19227104544KIWIWith a 4mm hook andColour 19, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch2, 7hdc in ring, slst in second ch of initial ch2. [8hdc]Rnd 2: ch2, hdc in same st, 2hdc in each st to end of rnd, slst in second ch of initial ch2.[16hdc]Fasten offColour 19.
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JoinColour 2in BL of any Rnd 2 st. All sc in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 2 sts:Rnd 3: ch, 2sc in same st, tr in next st, (2sc in next st, tr in next st) 7 times. [8tr, 16sc]Fasten offColour 2.JoinColour 27in any tr of Rnd 3.Rnd 4: ch, *sc in tr, sc in next sc, dc in FL of Rnd 2 st, sc in next sc**, rep from * to ** 7 times,slst to close rnd [8dc, 24sc]Rnd 5: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next 3 sts, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 3 sts) 7 times, slst inFL of second ch of initial ch2. [40hdc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 6: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next 4 sts, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 4 sts) 7 times, slst insecond ch of initial ch2. [48hdc]Rnd 7: ch, 2sc in same st, sc in next 5 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts) 7 times. [56sc]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 10in any st of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, 2sc in first st, sc in next 6 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts) 7 times. [64sc]Fasten offColour 10.
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KIWI CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 45in any st of Rnd 5. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 9: standing dc in first st, ch5, dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next st, (sc2tog across next2 sts) twice, sc in next st, hdc in next st, *dc in next st, ch5, dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc innext st, (sc2tog across next 2 sts) twice, sc in next st, hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice,slst to close rnd. [8dc, 8hdc, 8sc, 8sc2tog, 4ch-5]Rnd 10: slst in next ch-5-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch5, 3dc) in same sp, dc in next 3 sts, ch2, sk next 2sts, dc in next 3 sts, *(3dc, ch5, 3dc) in next ch-5-sp, dc in next 3 sts, ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc innext 3 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [48dc, 4ch-5, 4ch-2]Rnd 11: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-5-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch5, 3dc) in same sp, dc in next 2 sts,ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in ch-2-sp, dc in next 2 sts, ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc innext 2 sts, *(3dc, ch5, 3dc) in next sp, dc in next 2 sts, ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, 2dcin ch-2-sp, dc in next 2 sts, ch2, sk next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst toclose rnd. [64dc, 4ch-5, 8ch-2]Rnd 12: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-5-sp, ch, *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-5-sp, hdc in next 5sts, 2hdc in next ch-2-sp, hdc in next 6 sts, 2hdc in next ch-2-sp, hdc in next 5 sts**, rep from *to ** 3 times. [96hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.
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JoinColour 44in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 12.Rnd 13: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [104sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 44.SQUARE CHART
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PUMPKIN1882611SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 18, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]
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Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 st, slst to close rnd.[64dc]Fasten offColour 18.JoinColour 8in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2-sp]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3-sp]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 8.Place a stitch marker in FL of st below third sc of any side in Rnd 6. This is centre of pumpkin,where stalk will be attached.On opposite side of square, place a stitch marker in FL of st below third sc in Rnd 6. This isbottom of pumpkin.
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SQUARE CHARTPUMPKIN EDGINGRemove first stitch marker and joinColour 18in FL of top of pumpkin with a slst.Rnd 10: slst in next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next 2 sts,tr in next 4 sts, 2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, slst in next5 sts, remove second marker, slst in next st, slst in next 4 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3sts, dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next 2 sts, tr in next 4 sts, 2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 3 sts, hdc innext 3 sts, sc in next 2 sts, slst in next 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [72]Fasten offColour 18.Add pumpkin ridge details in back stitch withColour 11, following rnds as shown.
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PUMPKIN EDGING CHARTSTALKWithColour 11, ch6.Row 1: slst in second ch from hook, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st, dc in next st. [5]Row 2: ch, turn, blo-hdc in next 2 sts, blo-sc in next st, blo-slst in last 2 sts. [5]Fasten offColour 11. Stitch stalk in place at top of pumpkin.STALK CHARTSPIRALWithColour 26, ch10.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, 2sc in same st, 3sc in each st to end of row. [27]Fasten offColour 26. Stitch spiral onto side of stalk as shown.
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PINEAPPLE322127SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 21, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, 2tr in each of next 2 sts, 2dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in each ofnext 2 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next st) 8 times, sc in last st, slst to close rnd. [36 sts]Fasten offColour 21.
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JoinColour 32in hdc of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 3 sts:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, join to third ch of starting ch, slst in next dc, slst in next corner ch-2-sp.[44, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at starting ch, slst innext dc, slst to third ch of starting ch, slst to ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 32.SQUARE CHARTPINEAPPLE EDGINGJoinColour 21in FL of any st in Rnd 3 of square. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 3sts.Rnd 8: ch, (sc, ch) in each st, slst to close rnd. [36sc, 36ch-1]
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Fasten offColour 21.PINEAPPLE EDGING CHARTSMALL LEAVESWithColour 27, ch7.Row 1: hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in each ch to end of row. [5hdc]Fasten offColour 27.Rep to make a total of 3 leaves. Stitch to top of pineapple as shown.SMALL LEAF CHARTLARGE LEAFWithColour 27, ch8.Row 1: hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in each ch to end of row. [6hdc]
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Fasten offColour 27.Stitch leaf to top of pineapple.LARGE LEAF CHART
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PINEAPPLE CUSHION21481927SQUAREWork Rnds 1-6 of square for Pineapple, replacingColour 32withColour 48.Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 19in any st of Rnd 6.Rnd 7: ch, *sc in each st to corner sp, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, sc ineach st to end, slst to close rnd. [84sc, 4ch-1]
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Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 21in FL of any st in Rnd 3.Rnd 8: ch, (sc, ch) in each st, slst to close rnd. [36sc, 36ch-1]Fasten offColour 21.Rep to make a total of 9 squares.LEAVESFollow instructions for Pineapple to make 27 small leaves and 9 large leaves.Stitch 3 small leaves and 1 large leaf to top of each pineapple as shown.ASSEMBLYPlace 2 squares together, with WS facing, and slst through BL of both squares on 1 side. Joinanother square to make a row of 3, and rep to make 3 rows of 3 squares. Place 2 rowstogether, with WS facing, and slst through BL of both rows along 1 long side. Rep to join finalrow to make a grid of 9 squares.BORDERJoinColour 19in any outer st of the 9-square grid.Rnd 1: *dc in each st and ch-sp to corner sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3times, dc in each st to end, slst to close rnd. [284sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 27in any st of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: Rep Rnd 1. [300sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 27.FINISHINGUse fabric to sew an envelope backing to reverse of cushion, and stuff with cushion pad.
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Alternatively, you could make 1 large granny square to back your cushion. Ensure that youleave a hole to insert cushion pad, then crochet over hole.
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STRAWBERRIES31428SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 3, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc, (ch2, 3dc) 3 times, ch2, slst to close rnd. [12dc, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 2: ch3, *dc in next 2 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc**, rep from * to ** 3 times omittinglast dc, slst to close rnd. [28dc, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 3: ch2, *join and change toColour 14, 5hdc in next st, change toColour 3, hdc in next 3sts, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in next sp, hdc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last hdc,slst to close rnd. [60hdc, 4ch-2-sp]Fasten offColours 3and14.
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JoinColour 3in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 3 with a standing hdc.Rnd 4: (hdc, ch3, 2hdc) in same sp, *sk 1 st, hdc in next 4 sts, join and change toColour 28,hdc5tog, ch, change toColour 3, hdc in next 4 sts, sk 1 st, (2hdc, ch3, 2hdc) in next sp**, repfrom * to ** 3 times omitting last (2hdc, ch3, 2hdc), slst to close rnd. [48hdc, 4ch, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 28.Rnd 5: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 6 sts, dc in ch on top of berry,dc in next 6 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last 2dc, slst to close rnd. [68dc, 4ch-2-sp]Fasten offColour 3and rejoin in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 5 with a standing hdc.Rnd 6: (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in same sp, *sk 1 st, hdc in next 3 sts, join and change toColour 14,5hdc in next st, change toColour 3, hdc in next 8 sts, change toColour 14, 5hdc in next st,change toColour 3, hdc in next 3 sts, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in next sp**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting last (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc), slst to close rnd. [112hdc, 4ch-2-sp]Fasten offColour 14.Rnd 7: ch2, sk next st, *(2hdc, ch3, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, sk 1, hdc in next 4 sts, join and change toColour 28, hdc5tog, ch, change toColour 3, hdc in next 8 sts, change toColour 28, hdc5tog,ch, change toColour 3, hdc in next 4 sts, sk 1**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last 3hdc,slst to close rnd. [80hdc, 8ch, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 28.Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next 2 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 6 sts, dc in in ch on top ofberry, dc in next 8 sts, dc in ch on top of berry, dc in next 6 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting last 3dc, slst to close rnd [104dc, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 9: ch2, hdc in next 4 sts, *(2hdc, ch3, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 26 sts**, rep from * to** 3 times omitting last 5 sts, slst to close rnd. [120hdc, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 3.
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328TRIANGLEWork Rnds 1-7 of square for Strawberries.Fasten offColours 3and28.Fold square in half diagonally to form a triangle.JoinColour 3in a ch-3-sp along fold of triangle with a standing sc. This rnd is worked throughboth sides of triangle:Rnd 8: sc in next 5 sts, sk 1 st, sc through top of both berries, sc in next 8 sts, sc through topof both berries, sc in next 6 sts. [21sc]Rnd 9: ch, turn, (sk 1 st, 5dc in next st, sk 1 st, sc in next st) 5 times, slst into last st. [31]Rep Rnds 8-9 for other side of triangle.Fasten offColour 3.Cut a wooden skewer to match length of bottom of triangle and insert to improve stability.STRAPWithColour 3, ch36.Row 1: sk 2 sts, hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in each st to end of row. [34hdc]Fasten offColour 3.HANDLEWithColour 3, ch36.Row 1: sk 2 st, hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in each st to end of row. [34hdc]Row 2: ch2, turn, hdc in next 2 sts, ch2, sk 2 sts, hdc in each st to end of row. [32hdc, 2ch]
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Row 3: ch2, hdc in next 30 sts, 2hdc in ch-2-sp, hdc in last 2 sts. [34hdc]Fasten offColour 3.FINISHINGAttach strap to either end along bottom of triangle.Stitch handle and button in place as shown.
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SHEEP3724SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 7, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Fasten offColour 7.JoinColour 3with a standing dc in any st of Rnd 3.
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Rnd 4: 5-dc-popcorn in same st, *ch2, sk st, 5-dc-popcorn in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, ch2, slst in back of first popcorn to close rnd. [13 popcorns, 13ch-2-sp]Rnd 5: slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, 4-dc-popcorn in same st, *ch2, 5-dc-popcorn in next ch-2-sp**,rep from * to ** to end of rnd, ch2, slst in back of first popcorn to close rnd. [13 popcorns,13ch-2-sp]For this rnd, sts are worked in both ch-2-sp and top of popcorn sts from previous rnd:Rnd 6: ch3, 2-dc-popcorn in same st, ch2, 3-dc-popcorn in ch-2-sp, ch2, *3-dc-popcorn in backof popcorn from previous rnd, ch2, 3-dc-popcorn in ch-2-sp, ch2**, rep from * to ** 7 times, sknext popcorn, 3-dc-popcorn in ch-2-sp, rep from * to ** twice, 3-dc-popcorn in back of lastpopcorn, ch2, sk ch-2-sp, slst in back of first popcorn to close rnd. [24 popcorns, 24ch-2-sp]Fasten offColour 3.JoinColour 24in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 6 with a standing tr. For this rnd the ch-2-sp counts as ast. Only work 1 st in ch-2-sp, unless otherwise instructed:Rnd 7: (ch3, tr) in same sp, *dc in next popcorn, hdc in next ch-sp, sc in next 7 sts, hdc in nextch-2-sp, dc in next popcorn st, (tr, ch3, tr) in next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting(tr, ch3, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [52, 4ch-3]Rnd 8: slst in ch-3-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp, *dc in next 13 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) innext ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last (2dc, ch2, 2dc), slst to close rnd. [68dc,4ch-2]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-sp, dc in next 17 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting last 2dc, slst to close rnd. [84dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 10: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 24.Embroider eyes and nose onto sheep’s face withColour 3.
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SQUARE CHARTLEGSWithColour 7, ch8.Row 1: hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in rem 5 sts. [6hdc]Fasten offColour 7. Rep to make a total of 2 legs.Stitch legs between Rnds 5 and 6 of sheep, 1 popcorn apart.LEG CHARTEARSWithColour 7, ch4.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, hdc in third and fourth ch from hook. [3]Fasten offColour 7. Rep to make a total of 2 ears.
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Stitch ears on either side of sheep’s face, 5 popcorns apart.EAR CHART
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PIG481452PIGWith a 4mm hook andColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, (2dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third chof initial ch3. [36dc]Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in same st, sc in next 2 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 11 times. [48sc]
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All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 5: slst in next 22 sts, sc in next st, hdc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st,hdc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, slst in next 10 sts, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st, (hdc, dc) innext st, (dc, hdc) in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next st, slst in next 2 sts. [4dc, 8hdc, 6sc,34slst]Fasten offColour 48.SQUAREJoinColour 1in BL of fourth st in Rnd 4 of pig with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd are made inBL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 6: tr in same st as standing tr, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next4 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd.[16tr, 8dc, 16hdc, 16sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 14sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 14 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [72dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 18sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 18 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [88dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 9: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 22 sts**, repfrom * to ** 4 times, slst in initial sc. [96sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.Rnd 10: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in next ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [104sc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.Embroider eyes usingColour 2.
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SQUARE CHARTEARSJoinColour 45in sixth st of Rnd 5. All sts in this rnd are made in Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 1: slst in st, ch7, slst in second ch from hook, slst in next ch, sc in next ch, hdc in next ch,dc in next ch, tr in next ch, sk next st, slst in next st. [1tr, 1dc, 1hdc, 1sc, 2slst]Sk next 5 sts and rep Rnd 1 to make second ear.Fasten offColour 45.Slightly fold each ear down and sew in place.
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PIG AND EARS CHARTSNOUTWith a 3mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch, 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 3sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, 3sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts. [10sc]Rnd 3: sc in next st, 3sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts, 3sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, slst in initialsc. [14sc]Fasten offColour 45.Embroider nostrils usingColour 2and sew snout onto square.SNOUT CHART
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BUNNY5148233834202732SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 5, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]
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Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18sc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd.[64dc]Fasten offColour 5.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, 2ch, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2-sp]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 23in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7 with a standing sc.Rnd 8: (sc, ch3, 2sc) in same ch-sp, *((ch, sk st, sc) in next st) 10 times, ch, sk st, (2sc, ch3,2sc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last (2sc, ch3, 2sc), slst to close rnd. [56sc,44ch-1-sp, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 23.JoinColour 1in any ch-3-sp of Rnd 8 with a standing dc.Rnd 9: (2dc, ch3, 3dc) in same sp, *2dc in each ch-1-sp to next ch-3-sp, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) innext ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last (3dc, ch3, 3dc), slst to close rnd. [112dc,4ch-3-sp]Rnd 10: ch2, hdc in next 2 sts, *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-3-sp, hdc in next 28 sts**, rep from * to** 3 times omitting last 3hdc, slst to close rnd. [128hdc, 4ch-2-sp]
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Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHARTEARSWithColour 48, ch10.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each st to end of row. [9sc]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 5at end of Row 1.Row 2: ch, turn, sc in FL of next 8 sts, 5dc in FL of next st, sk turning ch, sc in FL of next 9 sts.[22]Row 3: ch, turn, sc in each st to end of row. [22sc]Fasten offColour 5. Rep to make a total of 2 ears.Pinch bottom of each ear and sew closed. Attach both ears to bunny’s face along outer edge ofRnd 4, approx 8 sts apart.
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EAR CHARTMUZZLEWithColour 3, ch5.Rnd 1: sk first ch, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in last ch, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, scin next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch. [12]Rnd 2: sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, slst to close rnd.[16]Fasten offColour 3.Attach muzzle to bunny’s face as shown. Embroider eyes on either side of muzzle withColour2.MUZZLE CHARTNOSEWithColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 2sc, 2dc, 2sc, 2dc, slst to close rnd. [8]Fasten offColour 48.Attach nose to top of muzzle on bunny’s face.NOSE CHART
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FLOWERSWithColour 38, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: (ch3, slst into ring) 4 times. [4ch3, 4slst]Fasten offColour 38.Rep to make a total of 2 flowers withColour 38and 1 flower withColour 34.Add flower centres by creating knots usingColour 20. Attach flowers to square as shown.FLOWER CHARTLEAVESWithColour 27, ch4.Row 1: hdc into second ch from hook, dc into next st, slst into last st. [3]Fasten offColour 27. Rep to make a total of 3 leaves.Stitch leaves around flowers on square as shown.LEAF CHART
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MOUSE5474812SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 5, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18sc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]
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Fasten offColour 5.JoinColour 47in any st of Rnd 4 with a standing dc. This rnd is worked entirely in BLO:Rnd 5: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 11 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [64]Fasten off and rejoinColour 47in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3-sp]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 47.
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SQUARE CHARTNOSEWithColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [5sc]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: 2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, 2sc in next st, sc in next st, slst to close rnd. [7sc]Rnd 3: 2sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts, slst to close rnd. [8sc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 5in any st of Rnd 3.Rnd 4: (2sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) twice, slst to close rnd. [10sc]Rnd 5: (2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) twice, slst to close rnd. [12sc]
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Rnd 6: (2sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts) twice, slst to close rnd. [14sc]Fasten offColour 5.Attach nose just below centre of mouse’s face.Embroider eyes on either side of nose, approx 7 sts apart, withColour 2.NOSE CHARTINNER EARSWithColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Fasten offColour 48. Rep to make a total of 2 inner ears.INNER EAR CHARTOUTER EARSWithColour 5, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st, slst to close rnd. [12sc]
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Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [18sc]Rnd 4: *2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24sc]Fasten offColour 5. Rep to make a total of 2 outer ears.OUTER EAR CHARTFINISHINGPlace 1 inner ear on top of 1 outer ear and stitch together. Rep for second ear.Stitch ears onto either side of head as shown, in line with ch-sp from Rnd 8.
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LLAMA1945122052LLAMA BODYWith a 4mm hook andColour 19, ch10.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch to end of row, ch, turn. [9sc]Row 2: 2sc in first st, sc in next 7 sts, 2sc in last st, ch, turn. [11sc]Rows 3-9: sc in each st to end of row, ch, turn. [11sc]
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Row 10: sc in next 3 sts, ch, turn. [3sc]Rows 11-14: Rep Row 10. [3sc]Row 15: sc in next 3 sts, ch3, turn. [3sc, 3ch]Row 16: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 4 sts, ch, turn. [5sc]Rows 17-18: sc in each st, ch, turn. [5sc]Row 19: sc in next 2 sts, ch, turn. [2sc]Row 20: Rep Row 19. [2sc]Fasten offColour 19.Embroider an eye onto head withColour 2as shown.LLAMA LEGSJoinColour 19in bottom left corner of foundation ch of llama body.Row 1: ch, sc, ch, turn. [2sc]Rows 2-5: sc in next 2 sts, ch, turn. [2sc]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 19in bottom right corner of foundation ch of llama body and rep Rows 1-5 tocreate second leg. Fasten offColour 19.
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LLAMA BODY AND LEGS CHARTBLANKETWithColour 12, ch4.Rnd 1: 2dc in fourth ch from hook, ch2, *(3dc, ch2) in same ch**, rep from * to ** twice, slst totop of ch4 to close rnd. [4 3dc-groups]Fasten offColour 12.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: ch3, 2dc in same sp, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next 2 ch-2-sps, 3dc in last ch-2-sp. [6 3dc-groups]Fasten offColour 45.BLANKET CHARTSQUARE
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WithColour 5, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, (3dc in ring, ch2) 3 times, join to top of ch3. [12dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, jointo top of ch3. [28dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 3-6: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times,dc in each st to end, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 5.SQUARE CHARTFINISHINGStitch llama body onto centre of square and stitch blanket onto llama body as shown.WithColour 20, make 4 tiny tassels on bottom of blanket.WithColour 19, make 4 tassels on top right corner of llama body for tail.
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LITTLE LLAMA BAG1119220LLAMAFollow instructions for Llama to make 1 complete llama body, replacingColour 19withColour11.Embroider an eye onto head withColour 2as shown.Follow instructions for Llama to add llama legs, replacingColour 19withColour 11.Follow instructions for Llama to make 1 complete blanket.SQUARE
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Work Rnds 1-6 of square for Llama, replacingColour 5withColour 19.Rnds 7-8: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, dc in each st toend, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [124dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19. Rep to make a total of 2 squares.ASSEMBLYStitch llama body onto front square and stitch blanket onto llama as shown.WithColour 20, make 4 tiny tassels on bottom of blanket.WithColour 11, make 4 tassels on top right corner of llama body for tail.Place both squares together. JoinColour 19in ch-2-sp at top left corner of Rnd 8 through bothsquares. Work through both squares all around to join 3 sides of bag.Rnd 9: sc in same sp as join, sc in every st to next ch-2-sp, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in everyst to next ch-2-sp, (sc, ch, sc) in next ch-2-sp, sc in every stitch to next ch-2-sp, sc in next ch-2-sp. [99sc, 2ch-1]Fasten offColour 19.HANDLEJoinColour 19in ch-2-sp at top right corner of Rnd 8 of front square.The following rnds are worked around tops of both squares. Place a stitch marker at start ofeach rnd:Row 1: sc in each st and ch-2-sp to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [64sc]Rnds 2-6: Rep Rnd 1. [64sc]Rnd 7: sc in next 10 sts, ch12, sk 12 sts, sc in next 20 sts, ch12, sk 12 sts, sc in next 10 sts,slst to close rnd. [40sc, 2ch-12]Rnd 8: sc in each st and ch to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [64sc]Rnd 9: Rep Rnd 8. [64sc]
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Fasten offColour 19.FINISHINGCut 36 strands ofColour 19, each measuring approx 15cm (6in) and use two strands of yarnfor each fringe.Fold strands in half. Use a yarn needle to thread 2 folded strands of yarn through st at leftbottom corner of bag, pull yarn through loop, sk 1 st, *work another fringe, sk 1 st**, rep from *to ** to opposite corner at bottom of bag.Trim fringe to desired length.
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DOG10208248SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 10, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3 toclose rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst in third ch ofinitial ch3 to close rnd. [44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 st, slst in third ch of initialch3 to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 10.JoinColour 20in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 20.
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SQUARE CHARTMUZZLEWithColour 8, ch5.Rnd 1: sk first ch, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in last ch, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, scin next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch. [12sc]Rnd 2: sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts. [16sc]Rnd 3: sc in next 5 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, (hdc, sc) in next st, slst in next 3 sts, (sc, hdc) in nextst, 2sc in next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts. [22]Rnd 4: sc in next 6 sts, 2sc in next 3 sts, 2hdc in next st, sc in next st, slst in next 3 sts, sc innext st, 2hdc in next st, 2sc in next 3 sts, slst in next 3 sts. [30]Continue to shape muzzle with bridge of nose as follows:Row 1: slst in next st, ch, sc in next 3 sts. [3sc]Row 2: ch, turn, sc in next 3 sts. [3sc]
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Row 3: ch, turn, sc in next 3 sts. [3sc]Row 4: ch, turn, 2sc in next st, sc in next st, 2sc in next st. [5sc]Row 5: ch, turn, sc in each st to end of row. [5sc]Row 6: ch, 2sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, 2sc in next st. [7sc]Fasten offColour 8.MUZZLE CHARTEARSInColour 8, ch5.Rnd 1: sk first ch, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in last ch, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, scin next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch. [12sc]Rnd 2: sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts. [16sc]Rnd 3: sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next st, 3dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st, slst in next 5 sts. [17]Fasten offColour 8. Rep to make a total of 2 ears.EAR CHARTNOSE
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WithColour 2, ch5.Rnd 1: sk first ch, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in last ch, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, scin next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch. [12sc]Rnd 2: sc in next 4 sts, slst in next st. [5]Fasten offColour 2.NOSE CHARTTONGUEWithColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc in ring, pull tight but do not slst to close rnd. [5sc]This makes a small semi-circle. Fasten offColour 48.TONGUE CHARTFINISHINGStitch nose onto muzzle.Stitch muzzle in place on square, with top of bridge of nose touching outer edge of Rnd 5.Embroider eyes on either side of nose withColour 2.Stitch ears on either side of head, and stitch tongue in place as shown.
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RABBIT5135483432SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 5, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd.[64dc]Fasten offColour 5.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, 2ch, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 35in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7 with a standing sc.Rnd 8: (sc, ch3, 2sc) in same ch-sp, *((ch, sk st, sc) in next st) 10 times, ch, sk st, (2sc, ch3,2sc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last (2sc, ch3, 2sc), slst to close rnd. [56sc,44ch-1, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 35.JoinColour 1in any ch-3-sp of Rnd 8 with a standing dc.Rnd 9: (2dc, ch3, 3dc) in same sp, *2dc in each ch-1-sp to next ch-3-sp, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) innext ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last (3dc, ch3, 3dc), slst to close rnd. [112sc,4ch-3]Rnd 10: ch2, hdc in next 2 sts, *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-3-sp, hdc in next 28 sts**, rep from * to** 3 times omitting last 3hdc, slst to close rnd. [128hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.
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SQUARE CHARTEARSWithColour 48, ch10.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each st to end of row. [9sc]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 5at end of Row 1.Row 2: ch, turn, sc in FL of next 8 sts, 5 dc in FL of next st, sk turning ch, sc in FL of next 9 sts.[22]Row 3: ch, turn, sc in each st to end of row. [22sc]Fasten offColour 5. Rep to make a total of 2 ears.Pinch bottom of each ear and sew closed. Attach both ears to rabbit’s face along outer edge ofRnd 4, approx 8 sts apart.
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EAR CHARTMUZZLEWithColour 3, ch5.Rnd 1: sk first ch, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in last ch, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, scin next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch. [12sc]Rnd 2: sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, slst to close rnd.[16sc]Fasten offColour 3.Attach muzzle to rabbit’s face as shown. Embroider eyes on either side of muzzle withColour2.MUZZLE CHARTNOSEWithColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 2sc, 2dc, 2sc, 2dc, slst to close rnd. [8]Fasten offColour 48.Attach nose to top of muzzle on rabbit’s face.NOSE CHART
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BOW TIEWithColour 34, ch12.Row 1: sk ch, hdc in next 11 sts. [11hdc]Row 2: ch, turn, hdc in each st to end. [11hdc]Rows 3-4: Rep Row 2. [11hdc]Fasten offColour 34.Cut a length ofColour 34measuring approx 30cm (12in). Pinch top and bottom of bow tietogether at centre and wind yarn around it a few times to hold shape. Secure at back.Attach bow tie to bottom of rabbit’s face as shown.BOW TIE CHART
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COW102448872SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 10, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]
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Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3 toclose rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst in third ch ofinitial ch3 to close rnd. [44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst in third ch of initialch3 to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 10.JoinColour 24in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close. rnd [68, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2-sp]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, * (2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3-sp]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch3]Fasten offColour 24.
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SQUARE CHARTMUZZLEWithColour 8, ch5.Rnd 1: sk first ch, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in last ch, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, scin next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch. [12sc]Rnd 2: sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts. [16sc]Rnd 3: (sc in next 5 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts) twice, sc in next 2 sts. [20sc]Rnd 4: (sc in next 8 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts) twice. [24sc]Continue to shape bridge of nose as follows:Row 1: ch, sc in next 4 sts. [4sc]Row 2: ch, turn, sc in next 4 sts. [4sc]Row 3: ch, turn, sc in next 4 sts. [4sc]Row 4: ch, turn, 2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, 2sc in next st. [6sc]
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Row 5: ch, turn, sc in each st to end of row. [6sc]Row 6: ch, turn, 2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next st. [8sc]Row 7: ch, turn, sc in each st to end of row. [8sc]Row 8: ch, turn, sc in each st to end of row. [8sc]Row 9: ch, turn, sc2tog, sc in next 4 sts, sc2tog. [6sc]Row 10: ch, turn, sc2tog, sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog. [4sc]Fasten offColour 8.Embroider two nostrils onto nose withColour 48.MUZZLE CHARTHORNSUsingColour 7, ch5.Row 1: sk 1 st, sc in next st, 2hdc in next 2 sts, hdc in last st. [6]Fasten offColour 7. Rep to make a total of 2 horns.HORN CHARTINNER EARS
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WithColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc in ring. [5sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st, slst to close rnd. [10sc]Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [15sc]Fasten offColour 48. Rep to make a total of 2 inner ears.INNER EAR CHARTOUTER EARSWithColour 10, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Rnd 3: *2sc in next st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [18sc]Rnd 4: *sc in next 2 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24sc]Fasten offColour 10. Rep to make a total of 2 outer ears.OUTER EAR CHARTFINISHINGStitch muzzle in place on square. Embroider eyes on either side of muzzle withColour 2.
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Place 1 inner ear on top of 1 outer ear and stitch together. Pinch circles in half, with inner circleon inside, and stitch through both layers on one edge to hold cone shape. Rep for second ear.Stitch ears onto either side of head, and stitch horns in place.
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392027131183228SQUARE 1: CATFollow instructions for Cat (Rnds 1-5) to make 1 complete cat with 2 ears.Follow instructions for Cat to make 1 muzzle and 1 nose. Assemble and embroider detailsfollowing instructions for Cat.SQUARE 2: DOGWork Rnds 1-5 of square for Dog.Follow instructions for Dog to make 1 muzzle, 1 nose, 1 tongue and 2 ears. Assemble andembroider details following instructions for Dog.SQUARE 3: COWWork Rnds 1-5 of square for Cow.Follow instructions for Cow to make 1 muzzle, 2 horns and 2 ears. Assemble and embroiderdetails following instructions for Cow.SQUARE 4: PENGUINWork Rnds 1-5 of square for Penguin.Follow instructions for Penguin to make 2 flippers, 1 beak, 2 feet, 2 cheeks and 1 tummy.Assemble and embroider details following instructions for Penguin.SQUARE 5: CRAB
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Work Rnds 1-5 of square for Crab, replacingColour 13withColour 18.Follow instructions for Crab to make 2 legs, 2 pincers, 2 eyes and 2 eye stalks. Assemble andembroider details following instructions for Crab.SQUARES 1-5: ASSEMBLYJoin the colour specified below in any of the 4 sts that will eventually form the corner, with astanding dc. This dc counts as first dc in Rnd 1 below:Square 1 (Cat):Colour 39. Square 2 (Dog):Colour 20. Square 3 (Cow):Colour 27. Square 4(Penguin):Colour 31. Square 5 (Crab):Colour 32.All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 1: *(dc, tr, dc) in corner st, dc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdc in next 2sts, dc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [72]Rnd 2: ch3, *(dc, tr, dc) in tr, dc in next 17 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last dc, slstto close rnd. [80]Rnd 3: ch2, hdc in next st, (hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc) in tr, hdc in next 19 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2hdc, slst to close rnd. [96]Fasten off.SQUARE 6: SHEEPWork Rnds 1-6 of square for Sheep.JoinColour 28in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 6 of square with a standing st. This rnd is worked in bothch-2-sp and back of popcorn:Rnd 7: *(dc, tr, dc) in ch-2-sp, 2dc in next popcorn, dc in next ch-2-sp, 2hdc in next popcorn, scin next 5 sts, 2hdc in next popcorn, dc in next ch-2-sp, 2dc in next popcorn**, rep from * to ** 3times, slst to close rnd. [72]Rnd 8: ch3, *(dc, tr, dc) in tr, dc in next 17 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last dc, slstto close rnd. [80]
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Rnd 9: ch2, hdc in next st, *(hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc) in tr, hdc in next 19 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2hdc, slst to close rnd. [96]Fasten offColour 28.Follow instructions for Sheep to make 2 legs and 2 ears. Assemble and embroider detailsfollowing instructions for Sheep.FINISHINGPlace 2 squares together, with WS facing, and joinColour 1through corner tr of both squareswith a standing sc.Rnd 1: sc in each st (through both squares) along one edge, ending in dc just before corner tr.[24]Fasten offColour 1. Rep to join a total of 4 squares in a row. Join squares at end of rowtogether withColour 1to make a ring.Join square at top of ring withColour 1using sc. Insert foam block into cube and join lastsquare to finish.
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CAT54234827CATWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 5, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3 toclose rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst in third ch ofinitial ch3 to close rnd. [44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst in third ch of initialch3 to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 5.FIRST EARJoinColour 5in any st of Rnd 5 of cat with a slst.Row 1: sc in FL of next 6 sts. [6sc]Row 2: ch, turn, sc2tog, sc2tog, sc2tog. [3sc]Row 3: ch, turn, sc2tog, sc in next st. [2sc]Row 4: ch, turn, sc2tog. [1sc]Fasten offColour 5.SECOND EARJoinColour 5in Rnd 5 of cat with a slst, 8 sts apart from first ear.Rep Rows 1-5 of first ear to complete second ear.Fasten offColour 5.
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CAT AND EARS CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 42in BL of second sc at base of first ear with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd aremade in BLO:Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 42.
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SQUARE CHARTMUZZLEWithColour 3, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd. [12sc]Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd. [18sc]Rnd 4: *sc in next 2 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24sc]Fasten offColour 3.MUZZLE CHART
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NOSEWithColour 48, ch4.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 2 sts. [3sc]Row 2: ch, turn, sc3tog. [1sc]Fasten offColour 48.Stitch nose onto muzzle.NOSE CHARTFINISHINGStitch muzzle in place, just below centre of cat’s face.Embroider eyes onto cat’s face withColour 2.Embroider mouth and ear details withColour 48.Embroider three whiskers on either side of muzzle withColour 7.
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OWL445112221SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 44, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Fasten offColour 44.JoinColour 5in any st of Rnd 2.
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Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 5.JoinColour 11in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst to third ch of starting ch, slst in next st, slst to ch-2-sp. [16dc, 16hdc,12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at initial ch3, slst tothird ch of starting ch, slst in next st, slst to ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 11.JoinColour 44in any st of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, *sc in each st to corner sp, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, sc ineach st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [100sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 44.
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SQUARE CHARTEARSJoinColour 5in FL of fourth st before start of Rnd 3, with a standing sc. All sts are worked inFL in this row.Row 1: sc in next st, 3dc in next st, sc in next 5 sts, 3dc in next st, sc in next 2 sts. [15]Fasten offColour 5.EARS CHART
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EYESWithColour 2, ch2.Rnd 1: 6sc in second ch from hook, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Fasten offColour 2.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: 2sc in each st around, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Fasten offColour 1.Rep to make a total of 2 eyes.Stitch eyes onto owl’s head in centre of square as shown.EYE CHARTFINISHINGEmbroider beak onto owl’s head and feet onto bottom of owl’s body withColour 22as shown.WithColour 44make two small tassels in central dc at top of owl’s ears on each side.
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CHICKEN2119142SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 21, ch2.Rnd 1: 6sc in second ch, join with slst. [6sc]Rnds 2-3: ch, sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 4.
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Rnd 5: ch3, dc in same st, *dc in next st, 2dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to last st, dc in lastst, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 6: ch3, dc in same st, *dc in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to last 2 sts, dc inlast 2 sts, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Rnd 7: ch3, dc in same st, *dc in next 3 sts, 2dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to last 3 sts, dc inlast 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [30dc]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in same st, *dc in next 4 sts, 2dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to last 4 sts, dc inlast 4 sts, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 9in any st of Rnd 8. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 9: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst to third ch of starting ch to close rnd. [16dc, 16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 10: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, 1dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twiceending last rep at initial ch, slst to third ch of starting ch, slst in next st, slst to ch-2-sp. [60dc,4ch-2]Rnds 11-12: Rep Rnd 10. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 9.
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SQUARE CHARTCOMBJoinColour 14in FL of Rnd 8 of square, 2 sts from top left corner sp in Rnd 8. All sts in thisrow are worked in FLO:Row 1: sc, 5dc in next st, sc in next st, 7dc in next st, sc in next st, 5dc in next, sc in next st.[17dc, 4sc]Fasten offColour 14.WADDLEJoinColour 14in FL of Rnd 8 of square, 3 sts from bottom left corner sp. All sts in this row areworked in FLO:Row 1: sc, 3dc in next st, sc, 3dc in next st, sc. [6dc, 3sc]Fasten offColour 14.
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COMB AND WADDLE CHARTFINISHINGWithColour 2, make 2 crochet bobble sts in Rnd 6, on either side of chicken’s beak, to createeyes as shown.
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BEAR1048192BEARWith a 4mm hook andColour 10, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, (2dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third chof initial ch3. [36dc]Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in st, sc in next 2 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 11 times. [48sc]
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All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 5: slst in next 4 sts, sk next st, 6dc in next st, sk next st, slst in next 8 sts, sk next st, 6dcin next st, sk next st, slst in next 30 sts. [12dc, 42slst]Fasten offColour 10.BEAR CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 48in BL of fifth st made in Rnd 4 of bear with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd aremade in BL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 6: tr in same st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc innext 2 sts, dc in next st, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc innext 4 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in initial tr. [16tr, 8dc,16hdc, 16sc, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 7: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 14sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 14 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [72dc, 4ch-2-sp]Rnd 8: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 18sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 18 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [88dc, 4ch-2-sp]
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Rnd 9: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 22 sts**, repfrom * to ** twice. [96sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.Rnd 10: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in next ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [104sc,4ch-2-sp]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHARTINNER EARSWith a 3.5mm hook andColour 9, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 3sc in ring. [3sc]Fasten offColour 9. Rep to make a total of 2 inner earsSew inner ears onto each of bear’s ears on square.
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INNER EAR CHARTSNOUTWith a 3.5mm hook andColour 9, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd. [12sc]Rnd 3: sc, 3sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts, 3sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts. [16sc]Rnd 4: sc in next 2 sts, 3sc in next st, sc in next 7 sts, 3sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts. [20sc]Fasten offColour 9.SNOUT CHARTNOSEWith a 3.5mm hook andColour 2, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Fasten offColour 2.NOSE CHARTFINISHINGSew nose onto bear’s snout and attach snout to centre of square.
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Embroider eyes and mouth onto bear’s face withColour 2.
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FLAMINGO452721322481SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in second ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]
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Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, invisible join to close rnd. [26dc]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 27with a standing dc in any st of Rnd 3. This rnd is worked in BLO:Rnd 4: (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 21in any st of Rnd 4 with a standing dc.Rnd 5: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 32in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 32.
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SQUARE CHARTHEAD AND NECKWithColour 45, ch14.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 11 sts, 7dc in last st to form head, slst in next chon underside of foundation ch. [20]Fasten offColour 45.HEAD AND NECK CHARTBEAKWithColour 2, ch5.Row 1: slst in second ch from hook, sk next st, sc in next st, hdc in last st. [3]Fasten offColour 2.
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Stitch beak onto flamingo’s head.BEAK CHARTWINGWithColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [12]Rnd 3: hdc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, 2dc in next st, join and change toColour 48, picot,2dc in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, slst in next st. [15 around edge, picot]Fasten offColours 45and48.WING CHARTSTRAIGHT LEGWithColour 45, ch12.Row 1: slst in second ch from hook, slst in rem 10 sts, ch2 to create foot. [11slst, ch2]Fasten offColour 45.STRAIGHT LEG CHARTBENT LEGWithColour 45, ch11.Row 1: slst in second ch from hook, slst in next 2 sts, sk 2 sts, slst in next 5 sts. [8slst]
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Fasten offColour 45.BENT LEG CHARTFINISHINGWithColour 1, make a large whip stitch where beak joins head.Embroider eye onto flamingo’s head withColour 2.Pin head and neck in place on square (making sure to add a little curve) and attach.Stitch top of straight leg to bottom of flamingo’s body and secure bottom of leg in place. Stitchtop of bent leg next to top of straight leg and stitch bottom of bent leg to lower half of straightleg as shown.Stitch wing in place in centre of square, leaving tip unattached.
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PENGUIN634144222SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 6, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in first st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3 toclose rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst in third ch ofinitial ch3 to close rnd. [44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst in third ch of initialch3 to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 6.JoinColour 34in circle with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in same st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close. [100dc, 4ch-3Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 34.
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SQUARE CHARTTUMMYWithColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st. [12sc]Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd. [18sc]Rnd 4: *2sc in next st, sc in next 2 st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd. [24sc]Rnd 5: *sc in next 3 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd. [30sc]Rnd 6: *2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [36sc]Fasten offColour 1.
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TUMMY CHARTFLIPPERSWithColour 6, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc in ring. [5sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd. [10sc]Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd. [15sc]Rnd 4: *2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [20sc]Rnd 5: ch, fold circle in half and sc in each st around curve, through both sides of circle. [10sc]Fasten offColour 6. Rep to make a total of 2 flippers.FLIPPER CHARTCHEEKSWithColour 44, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [5sc]Fasten offColour 44. Rep to make a total of 2 cheeks.
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CHEEK CHARTBEAK AND FEETWithColour 22, ch3.Row 1: sk st, sc in next st, 2sc in last st. [3sc]Fasten offColour 22. Rep to make a total of 3 pieces (1 for beak and 2 for feet).BEAK AND FOOT CHARTFINISHINGStitch penguin’s tummy in place on square, with outer edge of circle touching outer edge of Rnd5 and top of circle touching outer edge of Rnd 2.Stitch beak onto square, just above tummy, and add cheeks on either side of penguin’s beak.Embroider eyes on either side of penguin’s beak withColour 2.Stitch 2 feet next to each other below penguin’s tummy.Stitch 2 flippers in place on either side of penguin’s tummy.
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LION22171112LIONWith a 4mm hook andColour 22, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, (2dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third chof initial ch3. [36dc]Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in st, sc in next 2 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 11 times. [48sc]
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Fasten offColour 22.JoinColour 17in any st of Rnd 4. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 5: slst in st, sk next st, 5dc in next st, sk next st, (slst in next st, sk next st, 5dc in next st,sk next st) 11 times. [60dc, 12slst]Fasten offColour 17.LION CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 1in BL of sixth st made in Rnd 4 with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd are made inBL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 6: tr in same st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc innext 2 sts, dc in next st, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc innext 4 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [16tr, 8dc,16hdc, 16sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 14sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 14 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [72dc, 4ch-2]
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Rnd 8: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 18sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 18 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [88dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 9: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 22 sts**, repfrom * to ** 3 times. [96sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 17in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.Rnd 10: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in next ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts,**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [104sc,4ch-2-sp]Fasten offColour 17.SQUARE CHARTNOSEUsing a 3.5mm hook andColour 11, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch, 6sc in ring. [6sc]
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Fasten offColour 11.Sew nose onto centre of square.Embroider eyes on either side above lion’s nose withColour 2.NOSE CHARTEARSUsing a 3.5mm hook andColour 17, make a magic ring. This row is worked on WS:Row 1: ch, 4sc in ring, turn. [4sc]Fasten offColour 17and joinColour 22.Row 2: ch2, hdc in same st, 2hdc in each st to end of row. [8hdc]Fasten offColour 22. Rep to make a total of 2 ears.Slightly fold ears and sew in place on square.EAR CHARTCHEEKSWith a 3.5mm hook andColour 1, ch5.Row 1: dc4tog in third ch from hook, sc in next ch, bobble in next ch. [2 bobbles, 1sc]Fasten offColour 1.Sew cheeks onto centre of square as shown.Embroider mouth from bottom of nose to beneath cheeks withColour 11.
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FOX12271192FOXWith a 4mm hook andColour 12, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, (2dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third chof initial ch3. [36dc]Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in st, sc in next 2 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 11 times. [48sc]
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All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 5: slst in next 8 sts, place stitch marker in third slst, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st, (hdc,dc) in next st, ch, (dc, hdc) in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, slst in next 16 sts, sc innext 2 sts, hdc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, ch, (dc, hdc) in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next 2sts, slst in next 8 sts, place stitch marker in first slst. [4dc, 8hdc, 8sc, 32slst, 2ch]Fasten offColour 12.EARSJoinColour 12in a marked st in Rnd 5 of fox. All sts in this row are made in Rnd 5 sts:Row 1: sc in st, sc in next 5 sts, turn. [6sc]Row 2: ch, sc2tog across next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog across next 2 sts, turn. [2sc2tog,2sc]Row 3: ch, (sc2tog across next 2 sts) twice, join and change toColour 2, turn. [2sc2tog]This rnd is worked on WS:Row 4: ch, sc2tog across next 2 sts, turn. [1sc2tog]Row 5: ch, sc. [1sc2tog]Fasten offColours 12and2.Starting in the rem marked st in Rnd 5 of fox, rep Rows 1-5 to make second ear.
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FOX AND EARS CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 27in BL of sixth st made in Rnd 4 of fox. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 4sts:Rnd 6: 2tr in st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc in next 2sts, dc in next st, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [16tr, 8dc, 16hdc,16sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 14sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 14 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [72dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 18sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 18 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [88dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 9: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 22 sts**, repfrom * to ** 4 times. [96sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.
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Rnd 10: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in next ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [104sc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHARTCHEEKSUsing a 3.5mm hook andColour 19, make a magic ring.Row 1: ch3, 6dc in ring, turn. [7dc]This row is worked on WS:Row 2: ch3, dc in same st, *dc in next st, 2dc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, turn. [11dc]Row 3: ch2, hdc in same st, *hdc in next st, 2hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** 4 times. [17hdc]Fasten offColour 19. Rep to make a total of 2 cheeks.Sew cheeks onto fox’s face.
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CHEEK CHARTNOSEUsing a 3.5mm hook andColour 2, ch4.Row 1: 4dc in fourth ch from hook, take loop off hook and insert from front to back in third ch ofinitial ch3, place dropped loop on hook and pull through, ch1. [1 popcorn]Fasten offColour 2.Sew nose onto square.Embroider eyes onto square withColour 2.NOSE CHART
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PANDA1312PANDAWith a 4mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, (2dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 11 times, slst in third chof initial ch3. [36dc]Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in st, sc in next 2 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 11 times. [48sc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4 sts:
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Rnd 5: slst in next st, slst in next 20 sts, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, 2dcin next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next 2 sts, slst in next 10 sts, sc in next 2 sts, (hdc, dc) innext st, (2dc) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next 2 sts, slst in next st. [8dc,6hdc, 8sc, 32slst]Fasten offColour 1.EARSJoinColour 2in third st made in Rnd 4 of panda.Rnd 1: slst in st, sk next st, 6dc in next st, sk next st, slst in next st, fasten offColour 2, sknext 6 sts, rejoinColour 2in next st, slst in st, sk next st, 6dc in next st, sk next st, slst in nextst. [12dc, 4slst]Fasten offColour 2.PANDA AND EARS CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 31in BL of sixteenth st made in Rnd 4 of panda with a standing tr. All sts in this rndare made in BL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 6: tr in same st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc innext 2 sts, dc in next st, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc innext 4 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in initial tr. [16tr, 8dc,16hdc, 16sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 14sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 14 sts,**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch
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of initial ch3. [72dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 18sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 18 sts,**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [88dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 9: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 22 sts**, repfrom * to ** 3 times, slst in initial sc. [96sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.Rnd 10: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in next ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 4 times. [104sc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHARTEYE PATCHESUsing a 3mm hook andColour 2, ch2.
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Rnd 1: 6sc in second ch from hook. [6sc]Rnd 2: sc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st, slst in next st. [7]Fasten offColour 2. Rep to make a total of 2 eye patches.Embroider small pupils onto eye patches withColour 1.Stitch eye patches onto panda’s face as shown.Embroider nose and mouth details beneath panda’s eye patches withColour 2.EYE PATCH CHART
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JELLYFISH483942312JELLYFISHWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3 toclose rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd[44dc]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 39in FL of any st of Rnd 4 with a standing dc. All sts in this row are made in FLO:Row 5: 2dc in same st, 3dc in next 11 sts. [36dc]Fasten offColour 39.JoinColour 42in any st of Rnd 4 with a standing dc. In this rnd, sts that fall below frill aremade in BLO:Rnd 6: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 42.JELLYFISH CHARTSQUAREWith frill of jellyfish pointing downwards, joinColour 31with a standing tr, in sixteenth dc fromstart of frill.Rnd 7: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]
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Rnd 8: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 10: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 31.SQUARE CHARTTENTACLE 1WithColour 48, ch12.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next st, 2sc in next 2 sts, sk 2 sts, sc in next st, sk st,sc in next 3 sts. [10sc]Fasten offColour 48. Rep to make a total of 4 tentacles.
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TENTACLE 1 CHARTTENTACLE 2WithColour 42, ch10.Row 1: slst in second ch from hook, slst in each ch to end of row. [9slst]Fasten offColour 42. Rep to make a total of 3 tentacles.TENTACLE 2 CHARTFINISHINGArrange tentacles under jellyfish’s frill, alternating between tentacle 1 and 2 as shown. Turnsome tentacles over so that they curve in different directions. Stitch the top of each tentacle inplace.Embroider eyes on outer edge of Rnd 2 of jellyfish withColour 2, approx 7 sts apart.
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WHALE35343322SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 35, make a magic ring,Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 35.
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JoinColour 34in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 st**, repfrom * to ** twice, slst in third ch of starting ch, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [16dc, 16hdc,12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, 1dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in nextch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp** rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at initial ch3, slstin third ch of starting ch, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-8: Rep Rnd 5. [108dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 34.JoinColour 3in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8.Rnd 9: ch, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp, *sc in each st to next ch-2-sp, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp**, repfrom * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [116sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 3.SQUARE CHART
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UPPER TAILJoinColour 35to right-hand lower quarter of body in st shown on chart.Row 1: ch7, sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next st, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next 2 sts, sk 3 stson main body, slst to next st on main body. [6]Fasten offColour 35.UPPER TAIL CHARTLOWER TAILWithColour 35, ch6.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, hdc, dc in next 2 sts, 6dc in last st, turn to work on otherside of foundation ch, dc in next 2 sts, hdc, sc, join with slst. [14]Fasten offColour 35. Rep to make a total of 2 lower tail sections.
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LOWER TAIL CHARTSPRAYWithColour 3, ch3.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook and next st, ch, turn, sc in each st to end of row, ch4, sc insecond ch from hook, 3sc in next ch, sc in next ch, sc in next sc, sc, ch4, sc in second ch fromhook, 3sc in next ch, sc in next st, join with slst. [12sc on top row]Fasten offColour 3.Stitch spray above whale’s body on square.SPRAY CHARTLARGE BUBBLEWithColour 32, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to join. [12dc]Fasten offColour 32.LARGE BUBBLE CHARTSMALL BUBBLEWithColour 32, ch2.Row 1: 6sc in second ch from hook, slst to join. [6sc]
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Fasten offColour 32.SMALL BUBBLE CHARTFINISHINGStitch upper and lower tail sections to end of whale’s body on square as shown.Stitch large and small bubbles onto square next to whale’s head.Embroider eye and mouth onto whale’s face withColour 2.
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SHARK14332SHARKWith a 4mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 5dc, join and change toColour 4, 6dc, change toColour 1, slst in third ch of initialch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, (2dc in next st) 5 times, change toColour 4, (2dc in next st) 6times, change toColour 1, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 5 times, change toColour 4, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 6 times, change toColour 1, slst in third ch of initial
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ch3. [36dc]Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in st, sc in next 2 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 5 times, change toColour4, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 6 times. [48sc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 5: slst in next st, ch6, slst in second ch from hook, sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, dc in nextch, tr in next ch, sk next 2 sts, slst in next 20 sts, ch6, slst in second ch from hook, sc in nextch, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, tr in next ch, sk next 2 sts, slst in next 12 sts, ch4, slst insecond ch from hook, sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, slst in next 11 sts. [2tr, 2dc, 3hdc, 3sc,44slst]Fasten offColours 1and4.Embroider eyes, mouth and gills onto shark withColour 2.SHARK CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 33in BL of 31st st made in Rnd 4 of shark with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd aremade in BL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 6: tr in same st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, hdc innext 2 sts, dc in next st, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc innext 4 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [16tr, 8dc,16hdc, 16sc, 4ch-2]
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Rnd 7: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 14sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 14 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [72dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 18sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 18 sts,**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third chof initial ch3. [88dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 9: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 22 sts**, repfrom * to ** 3 times. [96sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 33.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.Rnd 10: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in next ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts,**, rep from * to ** 4 times. [104sc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHART
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CRAB133212SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 13, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst in third ch ofinitial ch3 to close rnd. [44dc]
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Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd.[64dc]Fasten offColour 13.JoinColour 32in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 32.
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SQUARE CHARTRIGHT PINCERWithColour 13, make a magic ring.Row 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Row 2: ch, turn, 2sc in each st. [12sc]Row 3: ch, turn, slst in next 2 sts, (sc in next st, 2sc in next st) 3 times, hdc in next st, (hdc, dc)in next st, 2dc in next 2 sts. [18]Row 4: ch, turn, slst in next 11 sts, ch8, turn, sk 1 ch, sc in next 5 ch, hdc in last 2 ch, slst innext st at base of ch, slst in next 7 sts. [5sc, 2hdc, 19slst]Fasten offColour 13.
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RIGHT PINCER CHARTLEFT PINCERWithColour 13, make a magic ring.Rnds 1-2: Rep Rnds 1-2 of Right Pincer. [12sc]Rnd 3: ch2, turn, dc in same st, 2dc in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, hdc in next st, (sc in next st,2sc in next st) 3 times, sc in next st, slst in last st. [18]Rnd 4: ch, turn, slst in next 6 sts, ch8, turn, sk 1 st, sc in next 5 sts, hdc in last 2 sts, slst innext st at base of ch, slst in next 11 sts. [5sc, 2hdc, 18hdc]Fasten offColour 13.LEFT PINCER CHARTLEGSJoinColour 13on outer edge of Rnd 5 of square, halfway up side of circle, with a slst.Rnd 1: *ch7, turn, sk st, sc in next 2 sts, sk st, sc in next 3 sts, slst in next st of Rnd 5 tosecure leg, slst in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 times, until you have 4 legs. [5sc per leg]Fasten offColour 13.
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JoinColour 13on outer edge of Rnd 5 of square, halfway up opposite side of circle, with aslst. Rep Rnd 1 to create another 4 legs.LEGS CHARTEYE STALKSWithColour 13, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Rnd 3: ch5, turn, sk st, sc in next 4 sts, slst to close rnd. [16sc]Fasten offColour 13. Rep to make a total of 2 eye stalks.EYE STALK CHARTEYESWithColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc, slst to close rnd. [5sc]Rnd 2: sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [5sc]
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Fasten offColour 1. Rep to make a total of 2 eyes.Embroider eye detail withColour 2.EYE CHARTFINISHINGStitch left and right pincers in place, along outer edge of Rnd 4 of square.Stitch eyes onto centre of eye stalks and stitch eye stalks in place along outer edge of Rnd 4 ofsquare.Embroider mouth under eye stalks withColour 1.
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TERRAPIN28272232SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 28, ch4, slst to make ring.Rnd 1: ch3, dc in same st, ch, (2dc, ch) 5 times, slst to close rnd. [6 sets of 2dc, 6ch-1]Fasten offColour 28.JoinColour 27in any ch-1-sp of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: ch3, 2dc in same ch-1-sp, ch, (3dc in next ch-1-sp, ch) 5 times, slst to close rnd. [6sets of 3dc, 6ch-1-sp]
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Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 28in initial ch3 of first set of 3dc in Rnd 2.Rnd 3: ch, sc in same st, sc in next 2 sts, working over ch in Rnd 2, work 2dc in second groupof 2dc in Rnd 1 directly below, (sc in next 3 sts from Rnd 2, working over ch in Rnd 2, work 2dcin second group of 2dc in Rnd 1 directly below) 5 times, slst to close rnd. [18sc, 12dc]Fasten offColour 28.JoinColour 27in any st of Rnd 3.Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in first st, sc in next 4 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) 5 times, slst to closernd. [36sc]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 22in any st of Rnd 4. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 5: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst into third ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [16dc, 16hdc,12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 6: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at initial ch3, slst inthird ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: Rep Rnd 6. [76dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 22.JoinColour 32in any corner sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: Rep Rnd 6. [92dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 9: ch, *(sc, ch, sc) in corner sp, sc in each st to next corner sp**, rep from * to ** to end,slst in first sc. [100sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 32.
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SQUARE CHARTHEADJoinColour 28in bottom right corner of square as shown.Row 1: sc in next 5 sts, ch, turn. [5sc]Row 2: sc in each st to end of row, ch, turn. [5sc]Row 3: sc, hdc, dc, hdc, sc. [5]Fasten offColour 28.LEGS AND TAILJoinColour 28to square, 5 sts from base of terrapin’s head.Rnd 1: *ch4, hdc in second ch from hook, hdc in next ch, join in next st with a slst, fasten offColour 28**, sk 4 sts, rejoinColour 28, rep from * to **, sk 4 sts, rejoinColour 28, ch4, sc insecond ch from hook, sc in next 2 ch, slst to next st, fasten offColour 28, sk 4 sts, rejoinColour 28, rep from * to **, sk 4 sts, rejoinColour 28, rep from * to **. [2hdc per leg, 3sc fortail]
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Fasten offColour 28.HEAD, LEGS AND TAIL CHART
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FISH27323140124313SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 27, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]
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Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 32in any st of Rnd 4 with a standing dc.Rnd 5: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 32.JoinColour 31in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst in first tr. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 31.
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SQUARE CHARTTAILWithColour 40, ch6.Row 1: slst in second ch from hook, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next st, dc in next st. [5]Row 2: ch, turn, sc in FL of next 4 sts, slst. [5]Row 3: ch, turn, slst in BL of next st, sc in BL of next 2 sts, hdc in BL of next st, dc in BL of nextst. [5]Row 4: ch, turn, sc in FL of next 4 sts, slst. [5]Row 5: ch, turn, slst in BL of next st, sc in BL of next 2 sts, hdc in BL of next st, dc in BL of nextst. [5]Fasten offColour 40.
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TAIL CHARTSIDE FINWithColour 40, ch4.Row 1: slst in second ch from hook, sc in next st, hdc in last st. [3]Row 2: ch, turn, sc in FL of next 2 sts, slst in FL of last st. [3]Row 3: ch, turn, slst in BL of next st, sc in BL of next st, hdc in BL of last st. [3]Fasten offColour 40.SIDE FIN CHARTLIPSWithColour 13, ch4.Row 1: sk 1 st, hdc in next st, slst in next st, hdc in next st. [3]Fasten offColour 13.LIPS CHARTEYEWithColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc, slst to close rnd. [5sc]Fasten offColour 1.
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Embroider pupil in centre of eye withColour 2.EYE CHARTSCALESWithColour 43, ch5, slst to make ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 4dc in ring, ch, 5dc in ring. [1 scale]This rnd sets up posts for next row of scales:Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, ch, dc in ring sp from Rnd 1, ch, 2dc in third ch of ch3 from Rnd 1.[2 double posts, 1 single post]Rnd 3: 5bpdc in st at bottom of first post on right from Rnd 1, ch, 5bpdc in back of same st,slst in top of centre single post from Rnd 1, 5bpdc in st at bottom of left hand post from Rnd 1,ch, 5bpdc in back of same st, slst to top of left hand post. [2 scales]This rnd sets up posts for last row of scales:Rnd 4: (ch3, dc) in same st, ch, dc in centre of scale below, ch, 2dc in single dc-post of Rnd 2,ch, dc in centre of scale below, ch, 2dc at outer edge of scale below. [3 double posts, 2 singleposts]Rnd 5: 5bpdc in st at bottom of first post on right from Rnd 4, ch, 5bpdc in back of same st,slst in top of next post from Rnd 4, (5bpdc in st at bottom of next post from Rnd 4, ch, 5bpdc inback of same st, slst to top of next post) twice. [3 scales]Fasten offColour 43.SCALES CHART 1
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SCALES CHART 2SCALES CHART 3FINISHINGStitch scales onto square, lining up with outer edge of Rnd 4.Stitch tail onto square, slightly tucked underneath scales.Stitch side fin, eye and lips in place on square as shown.
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SHELL121931SHELLWith a 4mm hook andColour 12, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 2sc, 2hdc, 8dc in ring. [12]All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 2: 2sc in next 4 sts, 2dc in next 6 sts, 2tr in next 2 sts. [8sc, 12dc, 4tr]Rnd 3: 2tr in next 8 sts. [16tr]Fasten offColour 12.
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SHELL CHARTCIRCLEWithColour 19, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to join. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to join. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to join. [36dc]Fasten offColour 19.Place shell on top of circle, joinColour 12to right most st in Rnd 3 where shell fully overlapscircle, through both pieces and sc around edge to secure together.Fasten offColour 12.CIRCLE CHART
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SQUAREJoinColour 31in any st on outer edge of joined circles. All sts in this round are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst into third ch of initial ch3 to join, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [16dc,16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at initial ch3, slst intothird ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [60sc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 31.SQUARE CHART
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TURTLE29112833272SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 29, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch, 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Fasten offColour 29. JoinColour 11in any st of Rnd 2 with a standing sc.
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Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [18sc]Fasten offColour 11. JoinColour 28in any st of Rnd 3 with a standing sc.Rnd 4: *sc in next 2 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24sc]Fasten offColour 28. JoinColour 29in any st of Rnd 4 with a standing sc.Rnd 5: *sc in next 3 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [30sc]Fasten offColour 29. JoinColour 11in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing st.Rnd 6: *sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [36sc]Fasten offColour 11. JoinColour 29in any st of Rnd 6 with a standing sc.Rnd 7: *sc in next 3 sts, fptr in Rnd 2 st directly below, sk st, sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, repfrom * to ** 5 times, skipping 1 sc in Rnd 2 between each fptr, slst to close rnd. [42]Fasten offColour 29. JoinColour 28in any st of Rnd 7 with a standing sc.Rnd 8: *sc in next 6 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [48sc]Rnd 9: ch2, *hdc in next 7 sts, 2hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close.[54hdc]Fasten offColour 28. JoinColour 11in any st of Rnd 9 with a standing sc.Rnd 10: sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [54sc]Fasten offColour 11. JoinColour 29in Rnd 10, 1 st to right of fptr in Rnd 7, with a standingsc.Rnd 11: *fptr in fptr directly below in Rnd 7, sk st, sc in next 8 sts**, rep from * to ** 5 timesomitting last sc, slst to close rnd. [54sc]Rnd 12: ch, sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [54sc]Fasten offColour 29. JoinColour 33in BL of any st of Rnd 12 with a standing sc. All sts inthis rnd are made in BLO:
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Rnd 13: *2sc in next st, sc in next 5 sts**, rep from * to ** 8 times, work 1 more sc in last st,slst to close rnd. [64sc]Fasten off and rejoinColour 33in any st of Rnd 13 with a standing tr.Rnd 14: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts,hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 15: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc 4ch-2]Rnd 16: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 17: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 33.SQUARE CHART
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HEADWithColour 27, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc in ring. [5sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end. [10sc]Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end. [15sc]Rnd 4: *2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** to end. [20]Rnds 5-6: sc in each st to end. [20sc]Rnd 7: *sc in next 2 sts, sc2tog**, rep from * to ** to end. [15]Rnd 8: *sc2tog, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end, slst to join. [10sc]Fasten offColour 27.Stuff head lightly, and stitch eye details withColour 2. Attach head to one side of turtle’s shell.HEAD CHARTFRONT FLIPPERSWithColour 27, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end. [12sc]Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end. [18sc]
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Rnd 4: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to closernd. [24sc]Rnd 5: Fold circle in half, ch, sc in each st around curved edge. [12sc]Fasten offColour 27. Rep to make a total of 2 front flippers.Stitch front flippers onto either side of turtle’s head.FRONT FLIPPER CHARTSBACK FLIPPERSWithColour 27, make a magic ring.Rnds 1-3: Rep Rnds 1-3 of Front Flippers. [18sc]Rnd 4: Rep Rnd 5 of Front Flippers. [9sc]Fasten offColour 27. Rep to make a total of 2 back flippers.Stitch back flippers opposite turtle’s head, approx 7 sts apart.BACK FLIPPER CHARTS
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STARFISH123218SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 18, ch4.Rnd 1: 19dc in fourth ch from hook, slst to close rnd. [20dc]Fasten offColour 18.JoinColour 32in BL of any st in Rnd 1. All sts in this rnd are worked in BLO:Rnd 2: (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same st, ch3, sk 4 sts, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next st, ch3, sk 4sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [4 6-dc corner groups]Fasten off and rejoinColour 32in any corner sp of Rnd 2.
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Rnd 3: (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, 3dc in next sp, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, 3dc in nextsp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [3 3dc-groups per side]Rnd 4: slst in next 2 sts, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp, 3dc between each group of 3dc inprevious rnd to corner sp, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp, 3dc between each group of 3dc inprevious rnd to corner sp**, rep from * to ** to end, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [4 3dc-groupsper side]Rnds 5-7: Rep Rnd 4. [7 3dc-groups per side]Fasten offColour 32.JoinColour 18in any corner sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp, sc in each st to next corner sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times,slst to close rnd. [92sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 18.SQUARE CHARTSTARFISH
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JoinColour 18in any dc of Rnd 1 of square.Rnd 1: *ch6, sc in second ch from hook, hdc, dc, 2tr, sk next 3 sts, slst in next st**, rep from *to ** 4 times. [5, 6ch per point]Fasten offColour 18.JoinColour 12in any st of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: sc in each st and ch to end of rnd, slst to join. [55sc]Fasten offColour 12.STARFISH CHART
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SUN HAT94834HATWith a 4mm hook andColour 9, ch2.Rnd 1: 6sc in second ch from hook, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Rnd 3: sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Rnds 4-6: Rep Rnd 3. [12sc]Fasten offColour 9.JoinColour 48in any st of Rnd 6.
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Rnd 7: Rep Rnd 3. [12sc]Fasten offColour 48.HAT CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 34in any st of Rnd 7 of hat. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 8: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Rnd 9: 3ch, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Rnd 10: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst into third ch of starting ch to join, slst into ch-2-sp. [16dc, 16hdc,12sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 34.JoinColour 48in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 10.Rnd 11: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in nextch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at initial ch3, slstin third ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 12: Rep Rnd 11. [76dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 34in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 12.
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Rnd 13: Rep Rnd 11 omitting last 2slst. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 34.JoinColour 9in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 13.Rnd 14: ch, *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times,slst to close rnd. [100sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 9.SQUARE CHARTHAT BASEJoinColour 9in FL of any st in Rnd 7 of hat.Rnd 1: 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Fasten offColour 9.
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HAT BASE CHARTBOWWithColour 48, ch7.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 5 sts. [6sc]Fasten offColour 48.Wrap a long strand ofColour 48around centre of bow, pull tight and secure in place.Stitch bow onto hat as shown.BOW CHART
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SUN21171313945SUNWith a 4mm hook andColour 21, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch2, 9hdc in ring, slst in second ch of initial ch2. [10hdc]Rnd 2: ch2, hdc in same st, 2hdc in each st to end of rnd, slst in second ch of initial ch2.[20hdc]
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Rnd 3: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next st, *2hdc in next st, hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** 8times, slst in second ch of initial ch2. [30hdc]Rnd 4: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next 2 sts, *2hdc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to** 8 times, slst in second ch of initial ch2. [40hdc]Rnd 5: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next 3 sts, *2hdc in next st, hdc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to** 8 times. [50hdc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 17in FL of any Rnd 5 st. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 6: sc in st, (hdc, dc) in next st, ch2, (dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st, slst in next st, *sc innext st, (hdc, dc) in next st, ch2, (dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st, slst in next st**, rep from * to** 8 times, slst in initial sc. [20dc, 20hdc, 20sc, 10slst, 10ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in next 2 sts, (slst, ch, slst) in next ch-2-sp, slst in next 3 sts, slst over Rnd 6 slstand in FL of Rnd 5 st, *slst in next 3 sts, (slst, ch, slst) in next ch-2-sp, slst in next 3 sts, slstover Rnd 6 slst and in FL of Rnd 5 st**, rep from * to ** 8 times. [90slst, 10ch]Fasten offColour 17.SUN CHARTSQUARE
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JoinColour 1in BL of any st in Rnd 5 of sun with a standing dc. All sts in this rnd are made inBL of Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 8: dc in same st, dc in next 4 sts, *2dc in next st, dc in next 4 sts**, rep from * to ** 8times, slst in first dc. [60dc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 31in any st of Rnd 8 with a standing tr.Rnd 9: tr in same st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdcin next 3 sts, dc in next 2 sts, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in initial tr.[16tr, 16dc, 24hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 10: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 17 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 17 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initialch3. [84dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 39in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 10. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 11: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [92sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 11. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 12: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 23 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [100sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.
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PALM TREE2432311LEAVESWith a 4mm hook andColour 24, ch2.Rnd 1: 8sc in second ch from hook, slst to close rnd. [8sc]Rnd 2: *ch8, hdc in second ch from hook, hdc, tr in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, slst in next sc**,rep from * to ** 4 times, slst to close rnd. [5 leaves]Fasten off and rejoinColour 24in BL of any st in Rnd 1. This rnd is worked on WS:Rnd 3: *ch3, sk st, slst in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [4 loops]
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Fasten offColour 24.LEAVES CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 32in any loop in Rnd 3 of leaves.Rnd 1: ch3, 5dc in loop, (6dc in next loop) 3 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end ofrnd. [36dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [16dc, 16hdc,12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 4: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc, dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in nextch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slstin next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: Rep Rnd 4. [76sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 32.JoinColour 3in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 5.Rnd 6: rep Rnd 4. [92dc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 3.Secure palm leaves onto square by stitching tips in place.SQUARE CHARTTRUNKWithColour 11, ch8.Row 1: hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in each ch to end of row. [6hdc]Row 2: ch, turn, sk first st, hdc in next 4 sts. [4hdc]Row 3: ch, turn, hdc in next 4 sts. [4hdc]Row 4: ch, turn, sk first st, hdc in next 3 sts. [3hdc]Row 5: ch, turn, hdc in next 3 sts. [3hdc]Row 6: Rep Row 5. [3hdc]Fasten offColour 11.
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Sew trunk onto bottom of square as shown.TRUNK CHART
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SANDCASTLE22219318SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 9, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, *3dc in ring, ch2**, rep from * to ** twice, join to top of ch3. [12dc,4ch-2]Rnd 2: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, jointo top of ch3. [28dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 3-6: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times,dc in rem sts to complete rnd, join to top of ch3. [92dc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 9.JoinColour 21in any st of Rnd 6.Rnd 7: ch, sc in each st to ch-2-sp, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst toclose rnd. [100sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 21.SQUARE CHARTSANDCASTLEWithColour 22, ch17.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch to end, ch, turn. [16sc]Rows 2-10: sc in each st to end of row, ch, turn. [16sc]Row 11: sc in next 4 sts, ch, turn. [4sc]Rows 12-13: rep Row 11.Fasten offColour 22.
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JoinColour 21in last st of Row 13.Rows 14-15: ch2, join to top of Row 13 by working sc in next 4 sts, ch3, turn, sc in second chfrom hook, sc in each st to end of row, ch, turn. [8sc]Row 16: sc in each st to end of row. [8sc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 22to fourth st from end on other side of Row 10.Rows 17-22: rep Rows 11-16. [8sc]Fasten off and rejoinColour 22in seventh st from start of Row 10.Row 23: sc in next 4 sts, ch, turn. [4sc]Rows 24-25: Rep Row 23. [4sc]Fasten offColour 22.Stitch castle to centre of square.SANDCASTLE CHARTFLAGWithColour 3, ch5.Fasten offColour 3.JoinColour 18in end of ch.
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Row 1: sc in next 3 ch, ch, turn, sc in next 3 sts. [3sc]Fasten offColour 18.Attach flag to top of sandcastle.FLAG CHARTDOORWithColour 21, ch5.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 3 ch, ch, turn. [4sc]Row 2: sc in each st to end, ch, turn. [4sc]Row 3: Rep Row 2. [4sc]Fasten offColour 21.Attach door to bottom of sandcastle.DOOR CHART
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FLIP FLOPS123231SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 31, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, *3dc in ring, ch2**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initialch3. [12dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slstin third ch of initial ch3. [28dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 3-6: ch3, *dc in each st to ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times,dc in rem sts to complete rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [92sc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 31.SQUARE CHARTFLIP FLOPSWithColour 12, ch9.Rnd 1: 3sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 3 ch, hdc, dc in next 2 ch, 6dc in last ch, turn towork on other side of foundation ch, dc in next 2 sts, hdc, sc in next 3 sts, join with slst. [21]Rnd 2: ch, 2sc in next 3 sts, sc in next 7 sts, 2sc in next 4 sts, sc in next 7 sts, join with slst.[28sc]Rnd 3: ch, sc in BL of each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [28sc]Fasten offColour 12. Rep to make a total of 2 flip flops.
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FLIP FLOP CHARTSTRINGSWithColour 32, ch14.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 5 ch, 3sc in next ch, sc in next 6 ch. [15sc]Fasten offColour 32. Rep to make a total of 2 strings.Stitch strings to top of each flip flop as shown.Attach both flip flops to centre of square.STRING CHART
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SPIDER72712SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 7, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3 toclose rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Fasten offColour 7.JoinColour 27in any st of Rnd 4 with a standing dc. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 5: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 st, slst in first dc. [64dc]Rnd 6: ch5, tr in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch5 to close. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 27.
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SQUARE CHARTHEADWithColour 7, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Fasten offColour 7.HEAD CHART
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LEGSJoinColour 7to outer edge of Rnd 4 of square with a slst, lined up with a ch-sp from Rnd 6.Rnd 1: *ch12, sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 3 sts, sk 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, slst in nextst of Rnd 4 to secure leg, slst in next 2 sts of Rnd 4**, rep from * to ** 3 times, until you have 4legs. [9sc per leg]Fasten offColour 7.JoinColour 7to outer edge of Rnd 4 of square with a slst, lined up with a ch-sp from Rnd 6 onopposite side.Rep Rnd 1 to create another 4 legs.Fasten offColour 7.LEGS CHARTEYESWithColour 1, make a magic ring.
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Rnd 1: 5sc, slst to close rnd. [5sc]Fasten offColour 1. Rep to make a total of 2 eyes.Embroider a pupil onto each eye withColour 2.Stitch eyes onto spider’s head.EYE CHARTFINISHINGStitch head onto spider’s body, with top of head touching outer edge of Rnd 2 of square.Stitch a line from back of spider to top edge of square withColour 1.
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BEEHIVE32121910SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 3, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc, (ch2, 3dc) 3 times, ch2, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close. [12dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in next 2 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to **twice, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd. [28dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next 4 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 7 sts**, rep from * to **twice, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in last 2 sts, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.
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[44dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 4: ch3, dc in next 6 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 11 sts**, rep from * to **twice, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in last 4 sts, slst to close rnd. [60dc, 4ch-2]Fasten off and rejoinColour 3in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 4 with a standing dc.Rnd 5: (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *sk st, dc in next 6 sts, join and change toColour 21, 5dc innext st, change toColour 3, dc in next 6 sts, sk st, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to** twice, dc in next 15 sts, fasten offColour 21, slstColour 3in first st to close rnd. [82dc,4ch-2]Rnd 6: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, sk st, dc in next 7 sts, join and change toColour 2, fpdc in next 5 sts, change toColour 3, dc in next 7 sts, sk st**, rep from * to **twice, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 17 sts, fasten offColour 2, slst in third ch of initialch3 to close. [92dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, sk st, dc in next 8 sts, change toColour 21, dc5tog, ch, change toColour 3, dc in next 8 sts, sk st**, rep from * to ** twice,(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 19 sts, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close. [90dc, 3ch,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 21.Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next 4 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 10 sts, 2dc in top ch of bee,dc in next 10 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts, slst toclose rnd. [109dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 3.
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SQUARE CHARTWINGSWithColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: sc, hdc, 3dc, hdc, sc, pull tight, slst to close rnd. [7]Fasten offColour 1. Rep to make a total of 6 wings.Stitch a wing on either side of each bee.WING CHARTBEEHIVEWithColour 9, ch13.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each st to end of row. [12sc]
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Row 2: ch, turn, sc in FL of each st to end of row. [12sc]Row 3: ch, turn, sc in BL of each st to end of row. [12sc]Row 4: Rep Row 2. [12sc]Row 5: Rep Row 3. [12sc]Row 6: Rep Row 2. [12sc]Row 7: Rep Row 3. [12sc]Row 8: ch, turn, sc2tog in FL over next 2 sts, sc in FL of next 8 sts, sc2tog in FL over last 2sts. [10sc]Row 9: ch, turn, sc2tog in BL over next 2 sts, sc in BL of next 6 sts, sc2tog in BL ove next 2sts. [8sc]Row 10: ch, turn, sc2tog in FL over next 2 sts, sc in FL of next 4 sts, sc2tog in FL over next 2sts. [6sc]Row 11: ch, turn, sc2tog in BL over next 2 sts, sc2tog in BL over next 2 sts. [3sc]Fasten offColour 9.Embroider door onto beehive withColour 10.Stitch beehive onto centre of square.BEEHIVE CHART
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BUTTERFLY4849451244BUTTERFLYWith a 4mm hook andColour 48, ch4.Rnd 1: (dc ch) in fourth ch from hook, *(2dc, ch) in same st**, rep from * to ** 6 times, slst toclose rnd. [18dc, 8ch-1]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 49in any ch-1-sp of Rnd 1 with a standing dc.
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Rnd 2: (ch2, 2dc) in same ch-1-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in every ch-1-sp to end, slst to close rnd.[32dc, 8 ch-2-sp]Fasten offColour 49.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 2 with a standing dc.Rnd 3: 6dc in same ch-2-sp, sk 2dc, sc in sp between 2dc-groups, *7dc in ch-2-sp, sk 2dc, scin sp between 2dc-groups**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [8 7dc-groups,8sc]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 12in any st of Rnd 3.Rnd 4: sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [64sc]Fasten offColour 12.Fold piece in half to make butterfly shape.WithColour 45, ch16. Fasten off.WithColour 45, ch12. Fasten off.Tie knot on each end of chain, pull tight and close knot.Wrap long ch around centre of butterfly’s body, catching smaller ch at top. Attach to butterfly asshown.
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BUTTERFLY CHARTSSQUAREJoinColour 44at top right wing of butterfly with a standing dc, into sc at fold point.Rnd 1: (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same st, ch3, 2dc into st behind butterfly’s head, ch3, (3dc, ch2, 3dc)in sc at top left wing, ch3, 2dc in sc between next 2 7dc-groups, ch3, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in centreof bottom left 7dc-group, ch3, 2dc in sc behind tail, ch3, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in centre of bottomright 7dc-group, ch3, 2dc in sc between 7dc-groups, ch3, join to first dc, slst in next 2 dc, slst inch-2-sp. [32dc, 8ch-3, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same ch-2-sp, 3dc in each of next 2 ch-3-sp, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) inch-2-sp, 3dc in each of next ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** to end of row, slst to close rnd. [16 3dc-groups]Rnds 3–5: slst in next 2 dc, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch2, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, 3dc between 3dc-group of previous rnd to corner, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, 3dc between 3dc-groups inprevious rnd to corner**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst in first dc. [28 3dc-groups]Fasten offColour 44.JoinColour 45in any st of Rnd 5.
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Rnd 6: ch, sc in each st, (sc, ch, sc) in each corner sp to complete rnd. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.SQUARE CHART
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DRAGONFLY433331SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 43, make a magic ring,Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring. [12dc]Fasten offColour 43.JoinColour 33in any st of Rnd 1. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]
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Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slst in next dc, slst in ch-2-sp. [44, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slst innext dc, slst in ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 6: Rep Rnd 5. [76dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 33.SQUARE CHARTWINGSJoinColour 43in FL of Rnd 1 of square at top of rnd.Rnd 1: sc in next 3 sts, *ch12, dc in third ch from hook, dc in next 7 ch, hdc in next 2 ch, slst tonext st of Rnd 1**, rep from * to **, sc in next 4 sts, rep from * to ** twice, sc in last st. [10sts
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per wing]Fasten offColour 43.WINGS CHARTBODYWithColour 31, ch16.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 8 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 3 sts, 4dc inlast st, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, dc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next9 sts, 2sc in turning ch, join. [34]Fasten offColour 31.ANTENNAEJoinColour 31on one side of head at top of dragonfly’s bodyRow 1: ch4, sc in second ch from hook.
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Fasten off and rejoinColour 31on other side of dragonfly’s head. Rep Row 1 to make secondantenna.Fasten offColour 31.Sew body onto centre of square at an angle as shown.BODY AND ANTENNAE CHART
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LADYBIRD72729142LADYBIRDWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 7, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3 toclose rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst in third ch ofinitial ch3 to close rnd. [44dc]The following rows shape the ladybird’s head and antennae. All sts in these rows are made inFLO:Row 5: ch, sc in next st, hdc in next st, dc in next st, 2tr in next st, 2tr in next st, dc in next st,hdc in next st, sc in next st, slst in next st. [11]Row 6: ch, turn, slst in next 5 sts, ch4, slst in second ch from hook, slst in next 2 sts down ch,slst in base of ch, slst in next 2 sts across top of head, ch4, slst in second ch from hook, slst innext 2 sts down ch, slst in base of ch, slst in next 5 sts. [20slst, 2ch-4]Fasten offColour 7.LADYBIRD CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 27in BL of any st of Rnd 4 of ladybird with a standing dc. All sts in this rnd aremade in BLO:Rnd 1: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst in third ch of initial ch3to close rnd. [64dc]Fasten offColour 27.With head of ladybird at top of square, joinColour 29in Rnd 1 with a standing tr, 2 sts to leftof edge of head. This forms top left hand corner of square.
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Rnd 2: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 3: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 4: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 5: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 29.SQUARE CHARTWINGSWithColour 14, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]
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Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3 toclose rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: Fold circle in half, ch, sc in each st around semi-circle through both sides. [12sc]Fasten offColour 14. Rep to make a total of 2 wings.WING CHARTSSPOTSWithColour 2, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 4sc, pull tight, slst to close rnd. [4sc]Fasten offColour 2. Rep to make a total of 6 spots.SPOT CHARTFINISHING
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Stitch 3 spots onto each wing.Stitch top of each wing below ladybird’s head on both sides.
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FROG27311248SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 27, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]
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Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd.[64dc]Fasten offColour 27. JoinColour 31to Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 31.SQUARE CHART
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BACK LEGSWithColour 27, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end. [12sc]Rnds 3-5: sc in each st to end. [12sc]Rnd 6: (sc2tog, sc in next 4 sts) twice. [10sc]Rnds 7-8: sc in each st to end. [10sc]Rnd 9: (sc2tog, sc in next 3 sts) twice. [8sc]Rnds 10-12: sc in each st to end. [8sc]Rnd 13: (sc2tog, sc in next 2 sts) twice. [6sc]Rnd 14: (sc2tog, sc in next st) twice. [4sc]Rnd 15: sc in each st to end. [4]Fasten offColour 27. Rep to make a total of 2 back legs.Stitch back legs in place on square, with bottom of legs angled slightly inwards.FEETWithColour 27, ch6.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts. [5]Row 2: ch, turn, dc in FL of next 2 sts, hdc in FL of next 2 sts, sc in FL of last st. [5]Fasten offColour 27. Rep to make a total of 2 feet.Attach feet to bottom of each back leg, pointing outwards.
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FOOT CHARTFRONT LEGSWithColour 27, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 4sc in ring. [4sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd. [8sc]Rnds 3-4: sc in each st to end of rnd. [8sc]Rnd 5: (sc2tog, sc in next 2 sts) twice. [6sc]Rnds 6-8: sc in each st to end of rnd. [6sc]Rnd 9: hold both sides of open end together, sc in next 2 sts through both sides. [2sc]Rnd 10: ch4, slst in second ch from hook, slst in next 2 ch, slst back in base of ch. [4slst]Rnd 11: ch5, slst in second ch from hook, slst in next 3 ch, slst back in sc at bottom of leg.[5slst]Rnd 12: ch4, slst in second ch from hook, slst in next 2 ch, slst back in next sc at bottom of leg.[4slst]Fasten offColour 27. Rep to make a total of 2 front legs.Stitch front legs, side by side, on either side of Rnd 1 of square.EYELIDSWithColour 27, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 9dc, pull tight, slst to close rnd. [10dc]Fasten offColour 27. Rep to make a total of 2 eyelids.
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EYELID CHARTEYESWithColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, pull tight, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Fasten offColour 1. Rep to make a total of 2 eyes.Embroider pupils onto eyes withColour 2. Place eyes onto eyelids and secure in place.Attach assembled eyes to head, approx 5 sts apart. Stitch bottom half of eyelid to head.Embroider mouth onto frog’s head below eyes withColour 48.EYE CHART
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SNAIL32314542SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 32, make a magic ring,Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 32.
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JoinColour 31in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slst in next dc, slst in ch-2-sp. [44sts, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at initial ch3, slst inthird ch of initial ch3, slst in next dc, slst in ch-2-sp. [60sc, 4-ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 31.Embroider 3 French knots on centre of square withColour 42as shown.SQUARE CHARTBODYWithColour 45, ch4.
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Join in fifth st down from corner sp on left side of Rnd 3 of square with an sc, All sts in this rndare made in FL of Rnd 3 of square:Row 1: sc in next 18 sts. [19sc, 4ch]Row 2: ch, turn, sc in next 23 sts. [23sc]Row 3: ch, turn, sc in next 20 sts, hdc in next st, 3dc in next st, hdc in last st. [25]Fasten offColour 45.ANTENNAEJoinColour 45in top of snail’s head.Row 1: ch4, slst in third ch. [1slst, 4ch]Fasten offColour 45. Rep to make a total of 2 antennae.Attach antennae to square and snail’s head.BODY AND ANTENNAE CHART
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VINTAGE FLOWER451721127313839FLOWERWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch, work 8sc in ring, slst in FL of initial sc. [8sc]All sts in this rnd are made in FLO:
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Rnd 2: ch3, slst in same st, *(slst, ch3, slst) in next st**, rep from * to ** 6 times. [16slst, 8ch-3]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 17in any st of Rnd 2. This rnd is worked on WS in leftover Rnd 1 BLO:Rnd 3: 2 loop sts in each st to end of rnd. [16 loops]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 21in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in FLO:Rnd 4: 2tr in st, tr in next st, (2tr in next st, tr in next st) 7 times, slst in BL of initial tr. [24tr]All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 3, also working though BL of corresponding Rnd 4 trmade in FL of same Rnd 3 st.Rnd 5: ch, 2sc in same st, sc in next st, (2sc in next st, sc in next st) 7 times. [24sc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 5.Rnd 6: sc in next st, ch3, sk 2 sts, (sc in next st, ch3, sk 2 sts) 7 times, slst in initial sc. [8sc,8ch-3]Rnd 7: *ch2, 7tr in next ch-3-sp, ch2, slst in next sc**, rep from * to ** 7 times. [56tr, 8slst,16ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.
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FLOWER CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 27in any sc of Rnd 6.Rnd 8: (bpslst around Rnd 6 sc, ch4) 8 times, slst in initial bpslst. [8bpslst, 8ch-4]Rnd 9: slst in next ch-4-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, dc, ch2, dc, ch2) in ch-4-sp**, rep from * to ** 7times, slst in initial sc. [16dc, 8sc, 24ch-2]All sts in this rnd are made in ch-sp only:Rnd 10: slst in ch-2-sp, ch, *sc in ch-2-sp, ch2, (dc, ch2, dc) in next ch-2-sp, ch2, sc in next ch-2-sp, ch2**, rep from * to ** 7 times, slst in first sc. [16dc, 16sc, 32ch-2]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 31in ch-2-sp between any 2dc sts in Rnd 10 with a standing dc. This counts asfirst dc in next rnd. All sts in this rnd are made in ch-sp only:Rnd 11: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, ch3, sk next ch-2-sp, sc in next ch-2-sp, ch3, sk next ch-2-sp, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, sk next ch-2-sp, sc in next ch-2-sp, ch3, sk next ch-2-sp**, repfrom * to ** 3 times, slst in first dc. [24dc, 8sc, 4slst, 16ch3, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 31.
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JoinColour 38in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 11 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.All sts in this rnd are made in ch-sp only:Rnd 12: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, ch3, (sc in next ch-3-sp, ch3) 4 times**, rep from * to ** 3times, slst in first dc. [24dc, 16sc, 20ch3, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 38.JoinColour 39in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 12 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.All sts in this rnd are made in ch-sp only:Rnd 13: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, 3dc in next 5 ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst infirst dc. [84dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.SQUARE CHART
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SUCCULENT23105SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 23, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close rnd.[18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Fasten offColour 23.JoinColour 10in any st of Rnd 3 with a slst.
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Rnd 4: ch3, 3-dc-puff in same st, (ch2, 3-dc-puff in next st) 25 times, ch2, slst in first puff ofrnd to close. [26 3-dc-puffs, 26ch-2]Rnd 5: slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, 4-dc-popcorn, (ch2, 4-dc-popcorn in next st) 25 times, ch2,slst to close rnd. [26 4-dc-popcorns, 26ch-2]Fasten offColour 10.JoinColour 5in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 5 with a standing tr. In this rnd, ch-2-sp are considered ast.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, 2dc in next st, 2hdc in next st, sc in next 5 sts, hdc innext 2 sts, 2dc in next st, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting(tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst in third ch of initial ch3 to close. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3-sp]Fasten offColour 5.
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SQUARE CHARTSUCCULENTJoinColour 23to any sc in outer edge of Rnd 1 of square.Rnd 1: *slst, hdc in same st, ch, (hdc, slst) in next st**, rep from * to ** twice to make a total of3 petals, slst to close rnd. [3 petals, each with 2slst, 2hdc, 1ch]Fasten off and rejoinColour 23in a post that is in line with tallest point of any petal from Rnd 1with a standing st. This rnd is worked around posts of dc from Rnd 2 of square.Rnd 2: *sc in next st, (hdc, dc, picot) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st**, rep from * to ** 5 times tomake a total of 6 petals, slst in first sc of rnd to close. [6 petals, each with 1sc, 2hdc, 2dc, 1picot]Fasten off and rejoinColour 23in a post that is in line with tallest point of any petal from Rnd 2with a standing st. This rnd is worked in outer edge of Rnd 2 of square. Fold Rnd 2 petalsdownwards to see more clearly.Rnd 3: *(hdc, dc) in next st, (dc, picot, dc) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st**, rep from * to ** 5times to make a total of 6 petals, slst to close rnd. [6 petals, each with 2hdc, 4dc, 1 picot]
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Fasten off and rejoinColour 23in a post that is in line with tallest point of any petal from Rnd 3with a standing sc. This rnd is worked in outer edge of Rnd 3 of square.Rnd 4: sc in next 21 sts, sc2tog in next 2 sts, slst to close rnd. [24sc]Rnd 5: (ch, hdc) in same st, (2dc, picot, 2dc) in next st, (hdc, sc) in next st, *(sc, hdc) in nextst, (2dc, picot, 2dc) in next st, (hdc, sc) in next st**, rep from * to ** 6 times, slst to close rnd.[8 petals, each with 2sc, 2hdc, 4dc, 1 picot]Fasten offColour 23.SUCCULENT CHART
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LACE FLOWER21444519SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 21, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring. [12dc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 44in FL of any st in Rnd 1. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 2: (slst, ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in each st to end of rnd. [12dc, 24slst, 24ch-3]Fasten offColour 44.
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JoinColour 45in BL of any st in Rnd 1. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 3: (slst, ch6, ttr2tog, ch6, slst) in each st to end of rnd. [12ttr2tog, 24slst, 24ch-6]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 19in any ttr2tog of Rnd 3.Rnd 4: *sc in ttr2tog, ch4**, rep from * to ** 11 times. [12sc, 12ch-4]Rnd 5: *slst in next sc, ch3, (2dc, 2hdc) in next ch-4-sp, sk next sc, 5sc in next ch-4-sp, sk nextsc, (2hdc, 2dc) in next ch-4-sp, ch3**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [16dc, 16hdc,20sc, 8ch-3, 4slst]Rnd 6: slst in next ch-3-sp, ch, sc in same ch-3-sp, *hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, ch3, sknext 2 sts, slst in next st, ch3, sk next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next ch-3-sp, ch6, sc in next ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [16dc, 16hdc, 8sc,4ch6, 8ch-3, 4slst]Rnd 7: ch2, hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next ch-3-sp, ch4, sc in next ch-3-sp, hdc in next 5 sts, 7hdcin next ch-6-sp, *hdc in next 5 sts, sc in next ch-3-sp, ch4, sc in next ch-3-sp, hdc in next 5 sts,7hdc in next ch-6-sp**, rep from * to ** twice. [68hdc, 8sc, 4ch-4]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 44in fourth hdc in any 7hdc-group from Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in fourth hdc in 7hdc-group, ch, sk next st, (sc, ch, sk next st) 3 times,(sc in next st, ch) 3 times in ch-4-sp, (sc in next st, ch, sk next st) 4 times**, rep from * to ** 4times. [52sc, 48ch, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 44.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8.Rnd 9: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sk next st, ch, (sc in next ch, sk next st, ch) 12 times**, repfrom * to ** 3 times. [56sc, 4ch-2, 52ch]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 19in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.
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Rnd 10: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sk next st, ch, (sc in next ch, sk next st, ch) 13 times**,rep from * to ** 3 times. [60sc, 4ch-2, 56ch]Fasten offColour 19.SQUARE CHART
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FLUFFY FLOWER3931272117451SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 39, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch, 8sc in ring, slst in FL of initial sc. [8sc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 1 sts:
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Rnd 2: (ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in st, *(slst, ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in next st**, rep from * to ** 6 times.[8dc, 16slst, 16ch3]Fasten offColour 39.JoinColour 31in BL of any Rnd 1 st with a standing dc. All sts in this rnd are made in BL ofRnd 1 sts:Rnd 3: dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst in FL of initial dc. [16dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 3 sts:Rnd 4: (ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in st, *(slst, ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in next st**, rep from * to ** 14 times.[16dc, 32slst, 32ch-3]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 27in BL of any Rnd 3 st with a standing dc. All sts in this rnd are made in BL ofRnd 3 sts:Rnd 5: dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** 6 times, slstin FL of initial dc. [24dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 6: (ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in st, *(slst, ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in next st**, rep from * to ** 22 times.[24dc, 48slst, 48ch-3]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 21in BL of any Rnd 5 st with a standing dc. All sts in this rnd are made in BL ofRnd 5 sts:Rnd 7: dc in same st, dc in next 2 sts, *2dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** 6times, slst in FL of initial dc. [32dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 7 sts:Rnd 8: (ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in st, *(slst, ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in next st**, rep from * to ** 30 times.[32dc, 64slst, 64ch-3]
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Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 17in BL of any Rnd 7 st with a standing dc. All sts in this rnd are made in BL ofRnd 7 sts:Rnd 9: dc in same st, dc in next 3 sts, *2dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 6times, slst in FL of initial dc. [40dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 9 sts:Rnd 10: (ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in st, *(slst, ch3, dc, ch3, slst) in next st**, rep from * to ** 38times. [40dc, 80slst, 80ch-3]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 45in BL of any Rnd 9 st with a standing tr. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd9 sts:Rnd 11: 2tr in same st, ch2, 3tr in next st, sk next 2 sts, (3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts) twice,*3tr in next st, ch2, 3tr in next st, sk next 2 sts, (3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts) twice**, rep from *to ** twice, slst in initial tr. [24tr, 24dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 12: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same ch-2-sp, sk next 3sts, (4dc in next st, sk next 3 sts) 3 times, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next ch-2-sp, sk next 3 sts, (4dcin next st, sk next 3 sts) 3 times**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [72dc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 12.Rnd 13: ch, *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 18 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times.[88hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.
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GRANNY FLOWER393127121171345FLOWERWith a 4mm hook andColour 39, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, work 15dc in ring. [16dc]Fasten offColour 39.
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JoinColour 31in any sp between 2 sts in Rnd 1 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc inRnd 2. All sts in this rnd are made in st sp only:Rnd 2: (dc in st sp, ch) 16 times. [16dc, 16ch1]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 27in any ch-sp with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 3. All sts in thisrnd are made in ch-sp only:Rnd 3: (2dc in ch-1-sp) 16 times. [32dc]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 1in sp between any pair of 2-dc groups with a standing sc. This counts as first scin Rnd 4.Rnd 4: *sc in sp between dc pair, ch3, sk 2dc**, rep from * to ** 15 times, slst in initial sc.[16sc, 16ch-3]Rnd 5: slst in next ch-3-sp, ch, *sc in ch-3-sp, sk sc, 7tr in next ch-3-sp, sk sc**, rep from * to** 7 times, slst in initial sc. [56tr, 8sc]Fasten offColour 1.FLOWER CHARTSQUARE
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JoinColour 21around any sc of Rnd 4 of flower.Rnd 6: *bpslst around Rnd 4 sc, ch3**, rep from * to ** 15 times, slst in initial bpslst. [16bpslst,16ch-3]Rnd 7: slst in next ch-3-sp, ch4, (2tr, ch2, 3tr) in same ch-3-sp, (3dc in next ch-3-sp) 3 times, *(3tr, ch2, 3tr) in next ch-3-sp, (3dc in next ch-3-sp) 3 times**, rep from * to ** twice, slst infourth ch of initial ch4. [24tr, 36dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 17in any ch-2-sp with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 8.Rnd 8: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, sk next 3 sts, (3dc in next st sp, sk next 3 sts) 4 times**,rep from * to ** 3 times. [72dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 13in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 9.Rnd 9: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, sk next 3 sts, (3dc in next st sp, sk next 3 sts) 5 times**,rep from * to ** 3 times. [84dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 13.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.Rnd 10: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [92sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.
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POPCORN FLOWER2114517273139SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 21, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch2, 7hdc in ring, slst in second ch of initial ch2. [8hdc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 1.
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Rnd 2: ch3, popcorn in st, ch2, (popcorn in next st, ch2) 7 times, slst in initial popcorn. [8popcorns, 8ch2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 2.Rnd 3: ch, (3sc in ch-2-sp, fpsc around popcorn) 8 times, slst in initial sc. [24sc, 8fpsc]Rnd 4: *slst in next st, sk next st, 5dc in fpsc, sk next st**, rep from * to ** 7 times, slst in initialslst. [40dc, 8slst]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 17around first dc of any 5-dc group with a bphdc. This counts as first bphdc inRnd 5.Rnd 5: *bphdc around each of 5dc sts, sc over Rnd 4 slst and in corresponding st of Rnd 3**,rep from * to ** 7 times, slst in initial bphdc. [40bphdc, 8sc]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 21in any sc of Rnd 5 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 6.Rnd 6: *7dc in sc, sk next 2 sts, slst in next st, sk 2 sts**, rep from * to ** 7 times, slst in initialdc. [56dc, 8slst]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 27in first dc of any 7dc-group in Rnd 6 with a bphdc. This counts as first bphdc inRnd 7.Rnd 7: *bphdc around each of 7dc sts, sc over Rnd 6 slst and in Rnd 5 st**, rep from * to ** 7times, slst in initial bphdc. [56bphdc, 8sc]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 1in any sc with a standing tr. This counts as first tr in Rnd 8. All sts in this rnd aremade in BLO:
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Rnd 8: *(tr, ch, tr, ch, tr, ch2, tr, ch, tr, ch, tr) in sc, sk next 3 sts, sc in next st, hdc in next 2sts, dc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next st, sk next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times,slst in initial tr. [24tr, 12dc, 16hdc, 8sc, 16ch-1, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 31in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 9.Rnd 9: *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, (sk next st, 2dc in next ch-1 sp) twice, sk st, dc in next 9sts, sk st, (2dc in next ch-1 sp, sk next st) twice, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst in first dc. [84dc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 39in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 10.Rnd 10: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst ininitial hdc. [100hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.SQUARE CHART
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LAYERED FLOWER21145393127INNER FLOWERWith a 4mm hook andColour 21, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch, work 8sc in ring, slst in first sc. [8sc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 1in any st of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: *(slst, ch3, puff, ch3, slst) in each st around. [16ch3, 8 puffs, 16slst]
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Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 45in any st of Rnd 1 with a slst, placing the st to the right of puff from Rnd 2. Thiscounts as first slst in Rnd 3.Rnd 3: *slst in next Rnd 1 st {working over Rnd 2 slst}, 3sc in ch-3-sp, fpsc around puff, 3sc inch-3-sp, slst in same Rnd 1 st {working over Rnd 2 slst}**, rep from * to ** 7 times. [48sc,8fpsc, 16slst]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 39in any fpsc of Rnd 3 with a slst. This counts as first slst in Rnd 4. All sts in thisrnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: *slst in fpsc, ch3, sk 2 sts, slst in 2 sts across 2sc on either side of Rnd 3 slsts, ch3, sk2 sts**, rep from * to ** 7 times, slst in initial slst. [16slst, 16ch-3]Rnd 5: slst in next ch-3-sp, ch3, (dc, hdc, sc) in same sp, (sc, hdc, 2dc) in next ch-3-sp, *(2dc,hdc, sc) in next ch-3-sp, (sc, hdc, 2dc) in next ch-3-sp**, rep from * to ** 6 times. [32dc, 16hdc,16sc]Fasten offColour 39.INNER FLOWER CHARTOUTER FLOWERJoinColour 31in any slst from Rnd 4 of inner flower with a bpslst. This counts as first bpslst inRnd 6.Rnd 6: (bpslst around slst from Rnd 4, ch4) 8 times, slst in initial bpslst. [8bpslst, 8ch-4]
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Rnd 7: slst in next ch-4-sp, ch, *(hdc, dc, 2tr, ch, 2tr, dc, hdc) in ch-4-sp**, rep from * to ** 7times, slst in first slst. [32tr, 16dc, 16hdc, 8ch-1]Fasten offColour 31.OUTER FLOWER CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 1in any bpslst from Rnd 6 of outer flower with a bpslst. This counts as first bpslstin Rnd 8.Rnd 8: (bpslst around Rnd 6 bpslst, ch5) 8 times, slst in initial bpslst. [8bpslst, 8ch-5]Rnd 9: slst in next ch-5-sp, ch4, (2tr, ch3, 3tr) in same ch-5-sp, 3dc in next ch-5-sp, *(3tr, ch3,3tr) in next ch-5-sp, 3dc in next ch-5-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in fourth ch of initial ch4.[24tr, 12dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 10: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-3-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same ch-3-sp, sk next 3sts, (3dc in next st sp, sk next 3 sts) twice, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-3-sp, sk next 3 sts, (3dc innext st sp, sk next 3 sts) twice**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [48dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 11: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same ch-2-sp, sk next 3sts, (3dc in next st sp, sk next 3 sts) 3 times, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, sk next 3 sts, (3dc innext st sp, sk next 3 sts) twice**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [60dc,4ch-2]Rnd 12: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same ch-2-sp, sk next 3sts, (3dc in next st sp, sk next 3 sts) 4 times, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, sk next 3 sts, (3dc innext st sp, sk next 3 sts) 4 times**, rep from * to ** twice. [72dc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 27in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 12 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in Rnd 13.Rnd 13: *(2hdc, ch, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 18 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [88hdc,4ch-1]Fasten offColour 27.SQUARE CHART
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FLOWER PILLOW1451721273139SQUARE 1: BOTTOM LEFTFollow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square, replacingColour 45withColour 21,Colour 39withColour 17,Colour 31withColour 45andColour 27withColour39.SQUARE 2: MIDDLE LEFT
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Follow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square, replacingColour 45withColour 27,Colour 39withColour 31,Colour 31withColour 39andColour 27withColour45.SQUARE 3: TOP LEFTFollow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square, replacingColour 39withColour 17andColour 31withColour 21.SQUARE 4: BOTTOM CENTREFollow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square using original colours.SQUARE 5: MIDDLE CENTREFollow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square, replacingColour 45withColour 17,Colour 39withColour 21,Colour 31withColour 27andColour 27withColour31.SQUARE 6: TOP CENTREFollow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square, replacingColour 45withColour 31,Colour 31withColour 45andColour 27withColour 17.SQUARE 7: BOTTOM RIGHTFollow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square, replacingColour 45withColour 31,Colour 39withColour 27,Colour 31withColour 21andColour 27withColour17.SQUARE 8: MIDDLE RIGHTFollow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square, replacingColour 45withColour 39,Colour 39withColour 45,Colour 31withColour 17andColour 27withColour21.SQUARE 9: TOP RIGHTFollow instructions for Layered Flower to make 1 complete square, replacingColour 45withColour 21,Colour 39withColour 27andColour 27withColour 39.
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ASSEMBLYSew 9 squares together in a grid through BL of each pair of sts as shown to make panel.BORDERJoinColour 1in any corner ch-sp of 9-square panel with a standing hdc. This counts as firsthdc in Rnd 1.Rnd 1: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner ch-sp, (hdc in next 22 sts, hdc in next 2 ch-sp, hdc in nextch-2-sp) twice, hdc in next 22 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst in initial hdc. [296hdc, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same ch-2-sp, sk next 2 sts,(3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts) 24 times, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next ch-2-sp, sk next 2 sts, (3dc innext st, sk next 2 sts) 24 times**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [312dc,4ch-2]Rnd 3: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch, (3hdc in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 78 sts) 4 times.[324hdc]Fasten offColour 1.FINISHINGSew panel to front of pre-made cushion cover to finish.
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PEONY20444519SQUAREStarting with a 4mm hook andColour 20, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Fasten offColour 20.JoinColour 44in any st of Rnd 1. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [24dc]Fasten offColour 44.
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JoinColour 45in any st of Rnd 2. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [36dc]Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, join to third ch of starting ch with a slst. [12dc, 12hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 19in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 4.Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at initial ch3, slst inthird ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, (sc, ch, sc) in first ch-2-sp, *sc in each st to next ch-2-sp, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp**,rep from * to ** to end of rnd omitting (sc, ch, sc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 45.
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SQUARE CHARTINNER PETALSJoinColour 44in FL of Rnd 1 of square.Rnd 1: sc in first st, *(hdc, 3dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rndomitting sc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [6 petals, 6sc]Fasten offColour 44.OUTER PETALSJoinColour 44in FL of Rnd 2 of square.Rnd 2: sc in first st, *(hdc, 2dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rndomitting sc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [12 petals, 12sc]Fasten offColour 44.
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DAHLIA4048192044SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 40, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Fasten offColour 40.JoinColour 48between any 2 dc of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: ch3, (1 puff, ch) between each pair of dc from last rnd, slst to close rnd. [12 puffs,12ch-1]
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Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 19in any st of Rnd 2. In this rnd the ch-1-sps count as sts:Rnd 3: *2sc in first st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to join. [36sc]All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst in next ch-2-sp. [16dc,16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice ending last rep at initial ch3, slst tothird ch of initial ch3, slst in next st, slst to ch-2-sp. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 20in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, (sc, ch, sc) in first ch-2-sp, *sc in each st to next ch-2-sp, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp**,rep from * to ** to end of rnd omitting (sc, ch, sc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 20.
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SQUARE CHARTINNER PETALSJoinColour 20in FL of any st in Rnd 3 of square.Rnd 1: *(2sc in next st, ch, sk st) 4 times, sc in next st, ch**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slstto close rnd. [36sc, 20ch-1]Fasten offColour 20.OUTER PETALSJoinColour 48in any ch-1-sp of Rnd 1 of inner petals.Rnd 1: *(sc, ch4) in next ch-1-sp, (sc, ch2) in next ch-1-sp**, rep from * to ** 9 times, slst infirst sc. [10ch-4, 10ch-2]Rnd 2: slst in ch-4-sp, 7dc in every ch-4-sp and sc in every ch-2-sp to end of rnd, slst to closernd. [10 7-dc groups, 10sc]Fasten offColour 48.
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JoinColour 44in any first dc of 7-dc groups in Rnd 2.Rnd 3: sc in same st, sc in next 2 sts, *(sc, ch, sc) in next st, sc in next 3 sts, 1 spike st in nextsc**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [8sc per petal, 1 spike st between eachpetal]Fasten offColour 44.INNER AND OUTER PETALS CHART
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VIOLET424323INNER FLOWERWith a 4mm hook andColour 42, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Fasten offColour 42.JoinColour 43in any st of Rnd 1.Rnd 2: *sc in first st, (hdc, 4dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rndomitting sc in last rep. [6 petals, 6sc]Fasten offColour 43.
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INNER FLOWER CHARTOUTER FLOWERJoinColour 42in BL of any sc from Rnd 2 of inner flower. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 3: *ch4, slst in next sc**, rep from * to ** 4 times, ch4. [6slst, 6ch-4]Rnd 4: (sc, hdc, dc, 3tr, dc, hdc, sc) in each ch-4-sp to end of rnd, slst in first sc. [6 petals]Fasten offColour 42.OUTER FLOWER CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 42in any sp between petals in Rnd 4 of outer flower. All sts in this rnd are made inBLO:Rnd 5: ch5, sk 1 petal, slst to far side of second petal, ch5, slst to far side of third petal, ch5,sk 1 petal, slst to far side of fifth petal, ch5, slst to close rnd. [4ch-5]Fasten offColour 42.JoinColour 23in any ch-5-sp of Rnd 5 with a standing dc.
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Rnd 6: (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same sp, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next ch-5-sp**, rep from * to ** twice. [23dc-groups per side]Rnd 7: slst in each st to corner ch-2-sp, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same sp, 3dc in next ch-2-sp, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner ch-2-sp, 3dc in next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst toclose rnd. [3 3dc-groups per side]Rnd 8: slst in each st to corner ch-2-sp, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same sp, 3dc in sp betweennext 2 3dc-groups, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner ch-2-sp, 3dc in sp between next 2 3dc-groups**,rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [4 3dc-groups per side]Rnds 9-11: Rep Rnd 8, adding 1 extra group of 3dc on each side of rnd. [7 3dc-groups perside]Fasten offColour 23.SQUARE CHART
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VIOLET WRIST WARMERS4323MITTEN FRONTFollow instructions for Violet to make 2 complete squares.You can make mittens bigger or smaller by adding or reducing rnds.MITTEN BACKWith a 4mm hook andColour 23, make a magic ring,
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Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, *3dc in ring, ch2**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initialch3. [12dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: slst in next 2 sts, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) innext ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [2 3dc-groups per side]Rnd 3: slst in next 2 sts, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, 3dc in sp between next2 3dc-groups, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next ch-2-sp, 3dc in sp between next 2 3dc-groups, **, repfrom * to ** twice, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [3 3dc-groups per side]Rnds 4-7: Rep Rnd 3, adding 1 extra group of 3dc on each side of rnd. [7 3dc-group per side]Fasten offColour 23. Rep to make a total of 2 mitten backs.ASSEMBLYPlace 1 mitten front on top of 1 mitten back, with RS facing, and slst squares together on 1side.Open out folded panel and joinColour 43to top corner.Row 1: sc in each dc and ch-2-sp across both squares, ch, turn. [50sc]Row 2: ch3, dc in each rem st across both squares, ch2, turn. [50dc]Row 3: ch3, dc in BL of each rem st to end of row, ch2, turn. [50dc]Row 4: ch, sc in each st to end of row. [50sc]Fasten offColour 43.Fold mitten in half, with WS facing, and sew sides together, leaving a hole for thumb.JoinColour 43to bottom corner of mitten, sc in each dc and ch-2-sp along bottom of mittens,and fasten off. [50sc]Rep with other mitten front and back pieces to make second mitten.
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DAISY201272844SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 20, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to end of rnd. [12dc]Fasten offColour 20.JoinColour 1in BL of any st of Rnd 1 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 2. Allsts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 2: 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]
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Rnd 3: (ch3, 2dc) in sp between 2dc-groups, 3dc between each 2dc-group from Rnd 2 to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 27between any 3dc-group of Rnd 3 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc inRnd 4.Rnd 4: (dc, ch, dc) in same sp, ch2, *(dc, ch, dc) in next sp between 3dc-groups, ch2**, repfrom * to ** 10 times, slst in first dc. [24dc, 12ch-2-sp, 12ch-1]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 28in any ch-1-sp of Rnd 4 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 5.Rnd 5: *3dc, ch2, 3dc in same sp, ch2, 3hdc in next ch-1-sp, ch2, 3hdc in next ch-1-sp, ch2**,rep from * to ** 3 times, slst in first dc. [24dc, 24hdc, 16ch-2]Fasten offColour 28.JoinColour 44in ch-2-sp of Rnd 5.Rnd 6: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp,dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in next dc, slst in ch-2-sp, rep Rnd 6. [76dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 28.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: Rep Rnd 6. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 27in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8.Rnd 9: ch, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp, *sc in each st to next ch-2-sp, (sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp**, repfrom * to ** to end of rnd omitting (sc, ch, sc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 27.
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SQUARE CHARTPETALSJoinColour 1in FL of any st in Rnd 1 of square.Rnd 1: *(sc, hdc, 2dc) in same st, (2dc, hdc, sc) in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slstin first sc. [6 petals]Fasten offColour 1.
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MANDALA FLOWER4517212731139FLOWERWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: work beginning popcorn in ring, ch2, (popcorn, ch2) 5 times, slst in first popcorn. [6popcorns, 6ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 17in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 1 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 2.
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Rnd 2: (5dc in ch-2-sp, fpslst around popcorn) 6 times. [30dc, 6fpslst]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 21in third dc of any 5dc-group from Rnd 2 with a slst. This counts as first slst inRnd 3.Rnd 3: (slst in third dc of 5dc-group, ch8) 6 times, slst to close rnd. [6slst, 6ch-8]Rnd 4: slst in next ch-8-sp, ch, (13sc in ch-8-sp, sk slst) 6 times, slst in first sc. [78sc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 27in FL of last sc of any 13sc-group from Rnd 4. All sts in this rnd are made inFLO:Rnd 5: *slst in last sc of 13sc-group, (slst in next st, sk next st, 5hdc in next st, sk next st) 3times**, rep from * to ** 5 times. [90hdc, 24slst]Fasten offColour 27.FLOWER CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 31in BL of seventh sc of any 13sc-group from Rnd 4 with a standing bpsc. Thiscounts as first sc in Rnd 6. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 4 sts:
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Rnd 6: *sc in seventh sc of 13sc-group, ch6, sk 5 sts, sc2tog across next 2 sts, ch6, sk 5sts**, rep from * to ** 5 times, slst in initial slst. [6sc, 6sc2tog, 12ch-6]Rnd 7: slst in next ch-6-sp, ch, (9sc in ch-6-sp) 12 times, slst in first sc. [108sc]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 1in fifth sc of any 9sc-group from Rnd 7 with a standing tr. This counts as first stin Rnd 8.Rnd 8: *(2tr, ch3, 2tr) in fifth sc of 9sc-group, ch4, sk 8 sts, sc in next st, ch6, sk 8 sts, sc innext st, ch4, sk 8 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst in first tr. [16tr, 8sc, 4ch3, 8ch4, 4ch-6]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 39in any ch-3-sp of Rnd 8 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in Rnd 9.Rnd 9: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-3-sp, hdc in next 2 sts, 5hdc in next ch-4-sp, hdc in next st,7hdc in next ch-6-sp, hdc in next st, 5hdc in next ch-4-sp, hdc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times. [108hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.
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ROSE4514INNER ROSEWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, ch5.Rnd 1: *(dc, ch) in fifth ch from hook**, rep from * to ** 6 times, slst to close rnd. [8dc, 8ch-1-sp]Rnd 2: (ch2, 2dc, hdc) in first ch-1-sp, (hdc, 2dc, hdc) in each rem ch-1-sp to end of rnd, slstto close rnd. [8 petals]Fasten offColour 45.
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INNER ROSE CHARTOUTER ROSEJoinColour 45in last st of Rnd 2 of inner rose. This rnd is worked on WS:Rnd 3: slst halfway up each st to middle st of first petal, *ch3, slst halfway up middle st of nextpetal**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd. [8ch-3]This rnd is worked on RS in ch-3-sps from Rnd 3:Rnd 4: (ch2, 5dc hdc) in first ch-3-sp, (hdc, 5dc, hdc) in each rem ch-3-sp to end of rnd, slst toclose rnd. [8 petals]This rnd is worked on WS:Rnd 5: slst halfway up each st to middle st of first petal from Rnd 4, ch4, *slst halfway upmiddle st of next petal, ch4**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [8ch-4]Fasten offColour 45.OUTER ROSE CHARTSQUARE
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JoinColour 14in any ch-4-sp of Rnd 5 of outer rose.Rnd 1: (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in first ch-4-sp, *3dc in next ch-4-sp, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next ch-4-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, 3dc in last ch-4-sp, slst to close rnd. [36dc, 3ch-2]Rnd 2: slst in next 2 sts, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same ch-2-sp, *3dc in spbetween 3dc-group to next corner sp, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice,3dc in sp between 3dc-groups to end, slst to close rnd. [48dc, 3ch-2]Rnd 3: Rep Rnd 2. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 4-5: slst in each st to ch-2-sp, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp, *dc ineach st to next corner sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst toclose rnd omitting last (2dc, ch2, 2dc).Fasten offColour 14.SQUARE CHART
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SUNFLOWER22119SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 2, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, *1 puff in space between 2 dc, ch, skip 1 dc**, rep from * to ** to end, slst to closernd. [12 puffs, 12ch-1]Rnd 3: slst into ch-1-sp, (ch3, 2dc) in same sp, ch, sk 1 puff, *3dc in ch-1-sp, ch, sk 1 puff**,rep from * to ** to end, slst to close rnd. [36dc, 12ch-1]Fasten offColour 2.JoinColour 21in any st of Rnd 3.
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Rnd 4: ch, sc in each dc and ch-1-sp to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [48sc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 19in BL of any st of Rnd 4. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 5: ch3, dc in same st, *ch2, 2dc in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts,hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st, 2dc in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting final 2dc on lastside, slst to close rnd. [24dc, 16hdc,16sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 6: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2 sp**, rep from * to ** twiceending last rep at starting ch, slst to close rnd. [72dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: Rep Rnd 6. [88dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.SQUARE CHARTPETALSJoinColour 21to FL of Rnd 4 of square.
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Rnd 1: ch3, dc in same st, *ch3, skip 1 st, 2dc in next st, ch, skip 1 st, 2dc in next st**, repfrom * to * to end of rnd omitting last 2dc, slst to close rnd. [48dc, 12ch-1, 12ch-3]Rnd 2: slst in next st, slst in ch-3-sp, (ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same ch-3-sp, sc in ch-1-sp, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-3-sp, sc in ch-1-sp**, rep from * to ** to end, slst to close rnd. [12 petals,12sc]Fasten offColour 21.PETALS CHART
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GRANNY HEART4517212731139HEARTWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc, ch, (3dc, ch) 3 times in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc, 4ch]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 17in any ch-1-sp of Rnd 1 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 2.
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Rnd 2: *(3dc, ch, 3dc) in ch-1-sp, sk next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[24dc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 21in any ch-1-sp of Rnd 2 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in Rnd 3.Rnd 3: *(4dc, ch, 4dc) in ch-1-sp, sk next 3 sts, 3dc in next st sp, sk next 3 sts**, rep from * to** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [48dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 21.Place stitch marker in seventh dc of first (4dc, ch, 4dc) and again in seventh dc of next (4dc,ch, 4dc).JoinColour 27in FL of st where first stitch marker was placed. All sts in this rnd are made inFLO:Rnd 4: slst in same st, sk next 2 sts, 7dc in next st, sk next 2 sts, slst in next st. [7dc, 2slst]Fasten off and rejoinColour 27in st where second stitch marker was placed.Rep Rnd 4. Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 31in FL of Rnd 3, in corner ch that is closest to first Rnd 4 slst. Work slsts in thisrnd in FLO:Rnd 5: *slst in ch, sk next 2 sts, dc in slst, 2dc in next 7 sts, dc in slst, sk next 2 sts**, rep from* to ** once, slst in next ch. [32dc, 3slst]Fasten offColour 31.
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HEART CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 1in BL of second dc from any Rnd 3 3dc-group of heart with a standing tr. Thiscounts as the first tr in Rnd 6. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 6: *(3tr, ch2, 3tr) in st, sk next 2 sts, 3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts, 3hdc in ch, sk next 2 sts,3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [24tr, 24dc, 12hdc,4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same sp, sk next 3 sts,(3dc in next st sp, sk next 3 sts) 4 times, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, sk next 3 sts, (3dc in nextst sp, sk next 3 sts) 4 times**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [72dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: slst in next 2 sts, slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in same sp, sk next 3 sts,(3dc in next st sp, sk next 3 sts) 5 times, *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, sk next 3 sts, (3dc in nextst sp, sk next 3 sts) 5 times**, rep from * to ** twice. [84dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 39in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in Rnd 9.Rnd 9: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to closernd. [100hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.
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DAINTY HEART48451938HEARTWith a 4mm hook andColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in FL of third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FLO:Rnd 2: ch3, (tr, dc) in next st, 3dc in next st, hdc in next st, (hdc, sc) in next st, sc in next st,(sc, ch, sc) in next st, sc in next st, (sc, hdc) in next st, hdc in next st, 3dc in next st, (dc, tr) innext st, ch2, slst in slst. [2tr, 8dc, 4hdc, 6sc, 1ch-3, 1ch-2]Fasten offColour 48.
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HEART CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 45in BL of first st from Rnd 1 of heart with a standing dc. This counts as first dc inRnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 3: 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Rnd 4: ch2, hdc in same st, hdc in next st, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next st) 11 times, slst toclose rnd. [36hdc]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 19in first st made in Rnd 4.Rnd 5: *sc in st, ch2, sk next st, (dc, ch2, dc) in next st, ch2, sk next st**, rep from * to ** 8times. [18dc, 9sc, 27ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 38in ch-2-sp from last (dc, ch2, dc) made in Rnd 5.Rnd 6: ch3, *popcorn in ch-2-sp, ch, sk next st, dc in next ch-2-sp, ch, dc in next st, ch, dc innext ch-2-sp, ch, sk next st**, rep from * to ** 8 times, slst to close rnd. [27dc, 9 popcorns,36ch-1]Fasten offColour 38.JoinColour 19in the first ch-1-sp after any popcorn in Rnd 6 with a standing tr. This counts asfirst tr in Rnd 7. All sts in this rnd are made in ch-sp only:Rnd 7: *(2tr, ch2, 2tr) in ch-sp, 2dc in next 3 ch-sp, (dc, hdc) in next ch-sp, (hdc, dc) in next ch-sp, 2dc in next 3 ch-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [16tr, 56dc, 8hdc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 48in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in Rnd 8.Rnd 8: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 20 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [96hdc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp.Rnd 9: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [104sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.SQUARE CHART
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DOUBLE STAR1317212713639INNER STARWith a 4mm hook andColour 13, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch4, (dc, ch) 9 times, slst in third ch of initial ch4. [10dc, 10ch]Place stitch marker in BL of third ch of initial ch4. All sts in this rnd are made in FLO:Rnd 2: *slst in next ch-sp, sk st, (hdc, dc, ch, dc, hdc) in next ch-sp, sk st**, rep from * to ** 4times, slst to close rnd. [10dc, 10hdc, 5ch-1]
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Fasten offColour 13.JoinColour 17in any ch-1-sp of Rnd 2 with an sc. This counts as first sc in Rnd 3. Sk all slstsin this rnd.Rnd 3: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-1-sp, bpsc around each of next 4 sts**, rep from * to ** 4 times.[10sc, 20bpsc, 5ch-2]Fasten offColour 17.INNER STAR CHARTOUTER STARJoinColour 21in st where stitch marker was placed in Rnd 1 of inner star with a standing dc.This counts as first dc in Rnd 4. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 4: (2dc in st, 2dc in next ch st) 10 times, slst in FL of initial dc. [40dc]Place stitch marker in BL of initial dc. All sts in this rnd are made in FLO:Rnd 5: ch5, tr in same st, (dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st, slst in next 2 sts, sc in next st, (hdc,dc) in next st, (tr, dtr) in next st, ch, *(dtr, tr) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, sc in next st, slst innext 2 sts, sc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, (tr, dtr) in next st, ch**, rep from * to ** 3 times.[10dtr, 10tr, 10dc, 10hdc, 10sc, 10slst, 5ch-1]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 27in any ch-sp of Rnd 5 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in Rnd 6.Rnd 6: *(hdc, ch2, hdc) in ch-1-sp, bphdc around each of next 5 sts, sk 2 sts, bpdc aroundeach of next 5 sts**, rep from * to ** 4 times. [50bphdc, 10hdc, 5ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 27.OUTER STAR CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 1in st where stitch marker was placed in Rnd 4 of outer star with a standing hdc.This counts as first hdc in Rnd 7. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 7: hdc in st, hdc in next st, dc in next st, *(tr, ch2, tr) in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next 2sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** twice, (tr, ch2, tr) in nextst, dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [8tr, 8dc, 16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: slst in next 3 sts, slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 11 sts, *(2dc,ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 11 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [60dc,4ch-2]Rnd 9: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 15 sts, *(2dc,ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in next 15 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [76dc,4ch-2]Rnd 10: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 19 sts**, rep from* to ** 3 times. [84sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.
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JoinColour 36in any ch-2-sp with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in Rnd 11.Rnd 11: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [100hdc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 36.JoinColour 39in any ch-2-sp with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in Rnd 12.Rnd 12: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, bphdc around each of next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times. [16hdc, 100bphdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.SQUARE CHART
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RAINBOW43936272117131SQUAREWith a 3mm hook andColour 4, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch2, hdc in same st, 2hdc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24hdc]
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Fasten offColour 4.JoinColour 39in first st made in Rnd 2 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.Rnd 3: 2hdc in st, hdc in next st, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next st) 5 times, fasten offColour 39and joinColour 4, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next st) 6 times, slst to close rnd. [36hdc]Fasten offColour 4.JoinColour 36in first st made in Rnd 3 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.Rnd 4: hdc in st, hdc in next st, 2hdc in next st, (hdc in next 2 sts, 2hdc in next st) 5 times,fasten offColour 36and joinColour 4, (hdc in next 2 sts, 2hdc in next st) 6 times, slst to closernd. [48hdc]Fasten offColour 4.JoinColour 27in first st made inRnd 4with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in nextrnd.Rnd 5: 2hdc in st, hdc in next 3 sts, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 3 sts) 5 times, fasten offColour 27and joinColour 4, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 3 sts) 6 times, slst to close rnd.[60hdc]Fasten offColour 4.JoinColour 21in first st made inRnd 5with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in nextrnd.Rnd 6: hdc in st, hdc in next 3 sts, 2hdc in next st, (hdc in next 4 sts, 2hdc in next st) 5 times,fasten offColour 21and joinColour 4, (hdc in next 4 sts, 2hdc in next st) 6 times, slst to closernd. [72hdc]Fasten offColour 4.JoinColour 17in first st made inRnd 6with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in nextrnd.Rnd 7: 2hdc in st, hdc in next 5 sts, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 5 sts) 5 times, fasten offColour 17and joinColour 4, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 5 sts) 6 times, slst to close rnd.
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[84hdc]Fasten offColour 4.JoinColour 13in first st made inRnd 7with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in nextrnd.Rnd 8: hdc in st, hdc in next 5 sts, 2hdc in next st, (hdc in next 6 sts, 2hdc in next st) 5 times,fasten offColour 13and joinColour 4, (hdc in next 6 sts, 2hdc in next st) 6 times, slst to closernd. [96hdc]Rnd 9: ch, sc in same st, sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, dc in next 3 sts, tr in next 2 sts,ch2, *tr in next 2 sts, dc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, sc in next 6 sts, hdc in next 4 sts, dc innext 3 sts, tr in next 2 sts, ch2**, rep from * to ** twice, tr in next 2 sts, dc in next 3 sts, hdc innext 4 sts, sc in next 3 sts, slst in initial sc. [16tr, 24dc, 32hdc, 24sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 10: ch3, dc in next 11 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to **twice, dc in next 12 sts. [112dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 4.JoinColour 4in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 10.Rnd 11: ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 28 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [120sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 4.
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SQUARE CHARTCLOUDSWith a 4mm hook andColour 1, ch6.Rnd 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch, turn to work on other side offoundation ch, sc in next 3 ch, 2sc in next ch, slst in initial sc. [12sc]Rnd 2: 4hdc in next st, (slst in next st, 4hdc in next st) 5 times. [24hdc, 6slst]Fasten offColour 1. Rep to make a total of 2 clouds.Attach the clouds to the bottom of each end of the rainbow.CLOUD CHART
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UNICORN14220404412219SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring,Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]
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Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 42in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [16dc, 16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, 1dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twiceending last rep at starting ch, slst to close rnd. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 42.SQUARE CHARTMUZZLE
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WithColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: sc in next 3 sts, slst in same st as last sc. [3sc]Fasten offColour 1.MUZZLE CHARTEARSWithColour 1, ch6.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc, hdc in next 3 ch. [3hdc, 2sc]Fasten offColour 1. Rep to make a total of 2 earsEAR CHARTHORNJoinColour 20in top of Rnd 3 of square.Rnd 1: ch6, sc in second ch from hook, sc, hdc, dc in next 2 sts, sk st, slst to next st. [2dc,1hdc, 2sc]Fasten offColour 20.
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HORN CHARTFLOWERSWithColour 40, ch5, slst in first st to make a ring.Rnd 1: ch, (dc, slst in ring) 5 times. [5 petals]Fasten offColour 40. Rep to make a total of 3 flowers, with one each inColour 40,Colour 44andColour 12.FLOWER CHARTFINISHINGAttach muzzle to unicorn’s face and stitch ears on either side of horn.Stitch flowers to top of head between ears as shown.Embroider eyes and nostrils onto head withColour 2.Make small tassels withColour 19. and attach on either side of unicorn’s face.
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MOON20235SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 20, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 20.JoinColour 2in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:
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Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [16dc, 16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 2.JoinColour 35in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 4.Rnd 5: (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 35.SQUARE CHARTCIRCLEWithColour 2, ch3.Rnd 1: 5hdc in third ch from hook, slst to close rnd. [6hdc]
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Rnd 2: ch3, hdc in same st, 2hdc in every st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [12hdc]Rnd 3: ch3, hdc in same st, *hdc in next st, 2hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** to last st, hdc inlast st, slst to close rnd. [18hdc]Rnd 4: ch3, hdc in same st, *hdc in next 2 sts, 2hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** to last 2 sts,hdc in last 2 sts, slst to close rnd. [24hdc]Rnd 5: ch3, hdc in same st, *hdc in next 3 sts, 2hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** to last 3 sts,hdc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [30hdc]CIRCLE CHARTSTARWithColour 35, ch2.Rnd 1: 10hdc in second ch from hook, slst to close rnd. [10hdc]Rnd 2: *ch4, slst in second ch from hook, sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, sk next st from Rnd 1,slst in next st**, rep from * to ** 4 times. [5 points]Fasten offColour 35.Stitch star onto circle, and stitch circle onto square as shown.
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TEDDY114492SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 11, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 11.
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JoinColour 44in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [16dc, 16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slstto close rnd. (60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 44.JoinColour 11in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: ch, *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 timesending last rep at initial ch, slst to close rnd. [100sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 11.SQUARE CHART
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EDGING AND EARSJoinColour 11yarn in FL of left-hand corner in Rnd 3 of square. All sts in this rnd are made inFLO:Rnd 1: ch, sc in same st, ch, sc, 8dc in same st, (sc, ch) in next 25 sts, 8dc in next st, (sc, ch)in each st to end of rnd. [2 8dc-groups, 34dc, 32ch-1]Fasten offColour 11.EDGING AND EARS CHARTNOSEWithColour 9ch4, 9dc in fourth ch from hook, slst to join.Fasten offColour 9. Stitch nose onto teddy’s face.WithColour 2, embroider details onto nose and 2 small eyes onto teddy’s face above nose.
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DIAMOND45441749212027313938DIAMONDWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, *3dc, ch2**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [12dc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 44in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 1 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.Rnd 2: *(hdc, ch2, hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to closernd. [20hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 44.JoinColour 17in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 2 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 3: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, sk next 2 sts, 3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts**, rep from * to **3 times, slst to close rnd. [36dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 49in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 3 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.Rnd 4: *(hdc, ch, hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 9 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[44hdc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 49.JoinColour 21in FL of any ch st with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd. All stsin this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 5: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-1-sp, sk next 2 sts, (3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts) 3 times**, repfrom * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [60dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 20in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 5.Rnd 6: ch, *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp, bpsc around each of next 15 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times,slst to close rnd. [60bpsc, 8sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 20.
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DIAMOND CHARTSQUAREJoinColour 27in BL of sixth hdc of Rnd 4 of diamond on any side with a standing tr. Thiscounts as first tr in next rnd. All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 7: (3tr, ch2, 3tr) in st, sk next 2 sts, 3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts, 3hdc in next ch-1-sp, sknext 2 sts, 3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts, *(3tr, ch2, 3tr) in st, sk next 2 sts, 3dc in next st, sknext 2 sts, 3hdc in next ch-1-sp, sk next 2 sts, 3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts**, rep from * to **twice, slst to close rnd. [24tr, 24dc, 12hdc, 4ch-2]Rnd 8: slst in next 2 sts, sist in next ch-2-sp, ch, *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 15 sts**,rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [68sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 31in in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 9: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, sk next 2 sts, (3dc in next st, sk next 2 sts) 5 times**, repfrom * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [84dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 39in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.
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Rnd 10: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst toclose rnd. [100hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.JoinColour 38in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 10 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in nextrnd.Rnd 11: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, bphdc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst toclose rnd. [16hdc, 100bphdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 38.SQUARE CHART
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CLOUD332521SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 3, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]Rnd 3: ch2, hdc in same st, *hdc in next st, 2hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** to last st, hdc inlast st, slst to close rnd. [36hdc]Fasten offColour 3.
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JoinColour 32in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [16dc, 16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twiceending last rep at initial ch3, slst to close rnd. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 32.SQUARE CHARTLARGE CLOUDJoinColour 3in FL of top right-hand corner in Rnd 3 of square with a standing dc. This countsas first dc in next rnd.Rnd 1: dc, 2dc in next st, dc, hdc, sc, 2sc in next st, hdc, dc in next 3 sts, 2hdc in next st, hdcin next 2 sts, 2sc in next st, 2dc in next st, 2tr in next 2 sts, 2dc in next st, 2sc in next st, sc in
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next 12 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, 2sc in next st, slst to close rnd. [46]Fasten offColour 3.LARGE CLOUD CHARTLIGHTNING BOLTWithColour 21, ch8.Row 1: hdc in third ch from hook, hdc in each st to end of row. [6hdc]Fasten offColour 21. Rep to make a total of 2 lightning bolts.Stitch lightning bolts across large cloud as shown.LIGHTNING BOLT CHARTSMALL CLOUDWithColour 5, ch8.Rnd 1: 3sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 5 sts, 3sc in last st, turn to work on other side offoundation ch, sc in next 5 sts, slst in first sc to close rnd.Rnd 2: ch, sc in same st, *6dc in next st, sc in next st, 6dc in next st, sk next st, sc in next st,sk next st, 6dc in next st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd omitting final sc, slst toclose rnd.
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Fasten offColour 5.Attach small cloud on top of lightning.SMALL CLOUD CHART
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WOBBLY SQUARE1393127211713SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch4, (3dc, ch) twice, 2dc, slst in BL of third ch of initial ch4. [12dc, 4ch-1]All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 2: slst in next ch-1-sp, ch3, (dc, ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in BL of third ch of initial ch3. [28dc, 4ch-1]
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All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 2 sts.Rnd 3: slst in next st, slst in next ch-1-sp, ch3, (dc, ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 7 sts, *(2dc,ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 7 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in BL of third ch of initial ch3.[44dc, 4ch-1]All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 3 sts:Rnd 4: slst in next st, slst in next ch-1-sp, ch3, (dc, ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 11 sts, *(2dc,ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 11 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in BL of third ch of initial ch3.[60dc, 4ch-1]All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 4 sts:Rnd 5: slst in next st, slst in next ch-1-sp, ch3, (dc, ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 15 sts, *(2dc,ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 15 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in BL of third ch of initial ch3.[76dc, 4ch-1]All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 6: slst in next st, slst in next ch-1-sp, ch3, (dc, ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 19 sts, *(2dc,ch, 2dc) in ch-1-sp, dc in next 19 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in BL of third ch of initial ch3.[92dc, 4ch-1]All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 6 sts:Rnd 7: slst in next st, slst in next ch-1-sp, ch, *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-1-sp, sc in next 23 sts**, repfrom * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [100 sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 1.
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SQUARE CHARTRIDGESJoinColour 39in FL of any ch-1-sp in Rnd 1 of square. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd1 sts:Rnd 8: *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-1-sp, sc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [20sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 39.JoinColour 31in FL of any ch in Rnd 2 of square. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 2sts:Rnd 9: *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-1-sp, sc in next 7 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [36sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 27in FL of any ch in Rnd 3 of square. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 3sts:Rnd 10: *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-1-sp, sc in next 11 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [52sc, 4ch-1]
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Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 21in FL of any ch in Rnd 4 of square. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 4sts:Rnd 11: *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-1-sp, sc in next 15 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [68sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 17in FL of any ch in Rnd 5 of square. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 5sts:Rnd 12: *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-1-sp, sc in next 19 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [84sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 13in FL of any ch in Rnd 6 of square. All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 6sts:Rnd 13: *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-1-sp, sc in next 23 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times. [100sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 13.
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BOBBLE121491745SQUAREWith a 3.5mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch, work 8sc in ring, slst to close rnd. [8sc]Rnd 2: ch, (sc, ch2, sc) in same st, sc in next st, *(sc, ch2, sc) in next st, sc in next st**, repfrom * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [12sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 21in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 2. This rnd is worked on WS:
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Rnd 3: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, bobble in next st, sc in next st, bobble in next st**, rep from *to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [12sc, 8 bobbles, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 3 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 4: *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 5 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[36dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 49in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 4. This rnd is worked on WS:Rnd 5: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, (bobble in next st, sc in next st) 4 times, bobble in next st**,rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [24sc, 20 bobbles, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 49.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 5 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 6: *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 11 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to closernd. [60dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 17in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 6. This rnd is worked on WS:Rnd 7: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, (bobble in next st, sc in next st) 7 times, bobble in next st**,rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [36sc, 32 bobbles, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 8: *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 17 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to closernd. [84dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8. This rnd is worked on WS:
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Rnd 9: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, (bobble in next st, sc in next st) 10 times, bobble in next st**,rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [48sc, 44 bobbles, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 9.Rnd 10: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 23 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[100sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHART
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SPIKE1413627211713SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst in BL of third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 2: ch2, hdc in same st, (2hdc in next st) 11 times, slst to close rnd. [24hdc]
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Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 41in any st of Rnd 2 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd. Allsts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 3: *hdc in st, hdc in next st, dc in FL of Rnd 1 st**, rep from * to ** 11 times, slst to closernd. [12dc, 24hdc]Fasten offColour 41.JoinColour 36in any dc of Rnd 3 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd. All stsin this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: *dc in dc, dc in next st, tr in FL of Rnd 2 st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** 11 times,slst to close rnd. [12tr, 36dc]Fasten offColour 36.JoinColour 27in any tr of Rnd 4 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd. Allsts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 5: *hdc in tr, hdc in next 2 sts, fptr around Rnd 3 dc, hdc in next st**, rep from * to ** 11times, slst to close rnd. [12fptr, 48hdc]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 21in any fptr of Rnd 5 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd. All stsin this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 6: *dc in fptr, dc in next 2 sts, fptr around Rnd 4 tr, dc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** 11times, slst to close rnd. [12fptr, 60dc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 17in any fptr of Rnd 6 with a standing tr. This counts as first tr in next rnd. All stsin this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 7: *(tr, ch2, tr) in fptr, tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 3 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [16tr,16dc, 24hdc, 20sc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 13in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 8: *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 6 sts, fptr around Rnd 6 fptr, sk next st, dc in next2 sts, fpdtr around Rnd 5 fptr, sk next st, dc in next 2 sts, fptr around Rnd 6 fptr, sk next st, dcin next 6 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [4fpdtr, 8fptr, 80dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 13.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 9: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 23 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[100sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHART
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CIRCLE4517212731391SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch2, 9hdc in ring, slst in FL of second ch of initial ch2. [10hdc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 2: ch, 2sc in same st, (2sc in next st) 9 times, slst to close rnd. [20sc]
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Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 17in BL of any Rnd 1 st with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd. Allsts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 1 sts:Rnd 3: 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst in FL of initial dc. [20dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 3 sts:Rnd 4: ch, 2sc in same st, sc in next st, (2sc in next st, sc in next st) 9 times, slst to close rnd.[30sc]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 21in BL of any Rnd 3 st with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd. Allsts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 3 sts:Rnd 5: 2dc in st, dc in next st, (2dc in next st, dc in next st) 9 times, slst in FL of initial dc.[30dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 6: ch, 2sc in same st, sc in next 2 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) 9 times, slst toclose rnd. [40sc]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 27in BL of any Rnd 5 st with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd. Allsts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 5 sts:Rnd 7: 2dc in st, dc in next 2 sts, (2dc in next st, dc in next 2 sts) 9 times, slst in FL of initial dc.[40dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 7 sts:Rnd 8: ch, 2sc in same st, sc in next 3 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) 9 times, slst toclose rnd. [50sc]Fasten offColour 27.
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JoinColour 31in BL of any Rnd 7 st with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd. Allsts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 7 sts:Rnd 9: 2dc in st, dc in next 3 sts, (2dc in next st, dc in next 3 sts) 9 times, slst in FL of initial dc.[50dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FL of Rnd 9 sts:Rnd 10: ch, 2sc in same st, sc in next 4 sts, (2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) 9 times. [60sc]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 39in BL of any Rnd 9 st with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.All sts in this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 9 sts:Rnd 11: 2hdc in st, hdc in next 4 sts, (2hdc in next st, hdc in next 4 sts) 9 times, slst to closernd. [60hdc]Fasten offColour 39.JoinColour 1in BL of any Rnd 11 st with a standing tr. This counts as first tr in next rnd. All stsin this rnd are made in BL of Rnd 11 sts:Rnd 12: 2tr in st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc innext 3 sts, dc in next 2 sts, *2tr in next st, ch2, 2tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 3 sts,sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 3 sts, dc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst in initial tr. [16tr,16dc, 24hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 13: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same ch-2-sp, dc in next 17 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 17 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 14: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, ch2, (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in same ch-2-sp, hdc in next 21sts, *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd.[100hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.
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POPCORN484512231SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 48, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, (3dc, ch2) 3 times, slst to close rnd. [12dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 48.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 1 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 2: *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, ch, sk next st, 3-dc-popcorn in next st, ch, sk next st**, repfrom * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [16dc, 4 popcorn, 4ch-2, 8ch-1]
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Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 2 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.In this rnd, sk all ch-1-sp:Rnd 3: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 2 sts, fptr around skipped st from Rnd 1,fphdc around popcorn, fptr around skipped st from Rnd 1, hdc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times, slst to close rnd. [8fptr, 32hdc, 4fphdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 22in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 3 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 4: *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next st, ch, sk next st, 3-dc-popcorn in next st, ch, sknext st, dc in next 3 sts, ch, sk next st, 3-dc-popcorn in next st, ch, sk next st, dc in next st**,rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [36dc, 8 popcorns, 4ch-2, 16ch-1]Fasten offColour 22.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 4 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.In this rnd, sk all ch-1-sp:Rnd 5: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 3 sts, (fptr around skipped st from Rnd 3,fphdc around popcorn, fptr around skipped st from Rnd 3, hdc in next 3 sts) twice**, rep from *to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [16fptr, 52hdc, 8 fphdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 31in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 5 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 6: *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next st, ch, sk next st, 3-dc-popcorn in next st, ch, sknext st, (dc in next 4 sts, ch, sk next st, 3-dc-popcorn in next st, ch, sk next st) twice, dc in nextst**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [56dc, 12 popcorns, 4ch-2, 24ch-1]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 6 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.In this rnd, sk all ch-1-sp:
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Rnd 7: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 3 sts, (fptr around skipped st from Rnd 5,fphdc around popcorn, fptr around skipped st from Rnd 5, hdc in next 4 sts) twice, fptr aroundskipped st from Rnd 5, fphdc around popcorn, fptr around skipped st from Rnd 5, hdc in next 3sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [24fptr, 72hdc, 12fphdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.JoinColour 45in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 27 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[116sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.SQUARE CHART
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TEXTURED GRANNY451317212731391SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: work beginning popcorn in ring, ch2, (3-dc-popcorn, ch2) 3 times, slst to close rnd. [4popcorns, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.
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JoinColour 13in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 1 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 2: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [24dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 13.JoinColour 17in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 2 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 3: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, ch, sk next 3 sts, 3-dc-popcorn in st sp, ch, sk next 3 sts**,rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [24dc, 4 popcorns, 4ch-2, 8ch-1]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 21in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 3 with a beginning popcorn. This counts as first 3-dc-popcorn in next rnd.Rnd 4: *(3-dc-popcorn, ch2, 3-dc-popcorn) in ch-2-sp, ch, sk next 3 sts, 3dc in next ch-1-sp, skpopcorn, 3dc in next ch-1-sp, ch, sk next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[24dc, 8 popcorns, 4ch-2, 8ch-1]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 27in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 4 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.Rnd 5: *3hdc in ch-2-sp, sk popcorn, 3dc in next ch-1-sp, sk next 3 sts, (3tr, ch3, 3tr) in next stsp, sk next 3 sts, 3dc in next ch-1-sp, sk popcorn**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[24tr, 24dc, 12hdc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 31in any ch-3-sp of Rnd 5 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 6: *(3dc, ch2, 3dc) in ch-2-sp, ch, sk next 3 sts, 3-dc-popcorn in st sp, ch, sk next 3 sts,3dc in st sp, sk next 3 sts, 3dc in st sp, ch, sk next 3 sts, 3-dc-popcorn in st sp, ch, sk next 3sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [48dc, 8 popcorns, 4ch-2, 16ch-1]Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 39in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 6 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.
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Rnd 7: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, hdc in next 3 sts, hdc in next ch-1-sp, fphdc aroundpopcorn, hdc in next ch-1-sp, hdc in next 6 sts, hdc in next ch-1-sp, fphdc around popcorn, hdcin next ch-1-sp, hdc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd. [80hdc, 8fphdc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 22 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[96sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.SQUARE CHART
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TEXTURED SQUARE4513172127391SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 45, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, (3dc, ch2) 3 times, slst to close rnd. [12dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 13any ch-2-sp of Rnd 1 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.
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Rnd 2: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, fpdc around each of next 3 sts, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in nextch-2-sp, bpdc around each of next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** once, slst to close rnd. [16hdc,6fpdc, 6bpdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 13.JoinColour 17in first ch-2-sp made in Rnd 2 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc innext rnd.Rnd 3: *(hdc, ch2, hdc) in ch-2-sp, bpdc around each of next 7 sts, (hdc, ch2, hdc) in next ch-2-sp, fpdc around each of next 7 sts**, rep from * to ** once, slst to close rnd. [8hdc, 14fpdc,14bpdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 17.JoinColour 21in first ch-2-sp made in Rnd 3 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc innext rnd.Rnd 4: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, fpdc around each of next 9 sts, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in nextch-2-sp, bpdc around each of next 9 sts**, rep from * to ** once, slst to close rnd. [16hdc,18fpdc, 18bpdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 21.JoinColour 27in first ch-2-sp made in Rnd 4 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc innext rnd.Rnd 5: *(hdc, ch2, hdc) in ch-2-sp, bpdc around each of next 13 sts, (hdc, ch2, hdc) in next ch-2-sp, fpdc around each of next 13 sts**, rep from * to ** once, slst to close rnd. [8hdc, 26fpdc,26bpdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 27.JoinColour 31in first ch-2-sp made in Rnd 5 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc innext rnd.Rnd 6: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, fpdc around each of next 15 sts, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in nextch-2-sp, bpdc around each of next 15 sts**, rep from * to ** once, slst to close rnd. [16hdc,30fpdc, 30bpdc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 31.JoinColour 39in first ch-2-sp made in Rnd 6 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc innext rnd.Rnd 7: *(hdc, ch2, hdc) in ch-2-sp, bpdc around each of next 19 sts, (hdc, ch2, hdc) in next ch-2-sp, fpdc around each of next 19 sts**, rep from * to ** once, slst to close rnd. [8hdc, 38fpdc,38bpdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 39.JoinColour 45in first ch-2-sp made in Rnd 7 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc innext rnd.Rnd 8: *(2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in ch-2-sp, fpdc around each of next 21 sts, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in nextch-2-sp, bpdc around each of next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** once, slst to close rnd. [16hdc,42fpdc, 42bpdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 45.JoinColour 1in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 8 with a standing hdc. This counts as first hdc in next rnd.Rnd 9: *(sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst to close rnd.[116sc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.
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CHRISTMAS ELF93251522112SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 9, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times. slst to close rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd.[64dc]Fasten offColour 9. JoinColour 3in any Rnd 5 st with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in next st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in same st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 3.
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SQUARE CHARTNOSEWithColour 9, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: sc in each st to end. [6sc]Rnd 3: sc in each st to end, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Fasten offColour 9. Stuff lightly and attach to centre of square.Stitch nose to centre of square. Embroider eyes on either side of nose withColour 2.Embroider mouth along outer edge of Rnd 3 of square withColour 15.NOSE CHARTHAT
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WithColour 25, ch3.Row 1: hdc in third ch from hook, ch. [2hdc]Row 2: turn, hdc in next st, 2hdc in last st, ch. [3hdc]Row 3: turn, hdc in each st to last st, 2hdc in last st, ch. [4hdc]Rows 4-11: Rep Row 3. [12hdc]Row 12: ch, dc in same st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 6 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, 2dc in last st.[13]Fasten offColour 25. JoinColour 15in last st of Row 12.Row 13: ch2, dc in same st, hdc in next st, sc in next 3 sts, slst in next 3 sts, sc in next 3 sts,hdc in next st, dc in last st. [13]Fasten offColour 15.Stitch hat in place on top of elf’s head. Fold top of hat down and secure in place as shown.HAT CHARTEARSWithColour 9, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]
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Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end. [12sc]Rnd 3: hdc in next st, (hdc, dc) in next st, (2dc, picot, 2dc) in next st, (dc, hdc) in next st, hdc innext st, slst in next st to end rnd. [10, picot]Fasten offColour 9. Rep to make a total of 2 ears.Stitch ears on either side of hat.EAR CHARTBELLWithColour 22, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Fasten offColour 22. Stitch bell to tip of hat.BELL CHARTBEARDWithColour 11, ch5, slst to make ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 4dc in ring, ch, 5dc in ring. [1 beard loop]This rnd sets up posts for next row of beard loops:Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, ch, dc in ring sp from Rnd 1, ch, 2dc in third ch of ch3 from Rnd 1.[2 double posts, 1 single post]Rnd 3: 5bpdc around first dc-post from Rnd 2, ch, 5dc around next dc-post, slst in single dc-post, 5bpdc around first dc-post, ch, 5dc around next dc-post. [2 beard loops]
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Fasten offColour 11. Attach beard to bottom of elf’s head.BEARD CHART 1BEARD CHART 2
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BIRTHDAY CAKE42193211452220SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 42, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 11dc in ring, slst to close rnd. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, dc in same st, 2dc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24dc]
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Rnd 3: ch3, dc in same st, dc in next st, *2dc in next st, dc in next st**, rep from * to ** to endof rnd, slst to close rnd. [36dc]Fasten offColour 42.JoinColour 19in any st of Rnd 3. All sts in this rnd are made in BLO:Rnd 4: ch3, dc in same st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2sts, *2dc in next st, ch2, 2dc in next st, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 3 sts, hdc in next 2 sts**,rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd. [16dc,16hdc, 12sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 5: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next ch-2-sp, dc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** twice, slstto close rnd. [60dc, 4ch-2]Rnds 6-7: Rep Rnd 5. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 32in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 7.Rnd 8: *(sc, ch, sc) in ch-2-sp, sc in each st to next ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst toclose rnd. [100sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 32.
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SQUARE CHARTCUPCAKE CASEWithColour 11, ch11.Row 1: dc in fourth ch from hook, dc in each st to end of row, ch2, turn. [9dc]Row 2: 2dc in first st, dc in next 7 sts, 2dc in last st, ch2, turn. [11dc]Row 3: dc in each st to end of row, ch2, turn. [11dc]Row 4: 2dc in first st, dc in next 9 sts, 2dc in last st. [13dc]Fasten offColour 11.JoinColour 42in last st of Row 4.Row 5: sc in each st to end of row, ch, turn. [13sc]Row 6: sc in first st, *3hdc in next st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of row. [18hdc,7sc]Fasten offColour 42.
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CUPCAKE CASE CHARTCANDLEWithColour 45, ch6.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each st to end. [5sc]Row 2: ch, sc in each st to end. [5sc]Row 3: As Row 2. [5sc]Fasten offColour 45.CANDLE CHARTFLAMEWithColour 22, ch2.Rnd 1: (sc, hdc, dc, hdc, sc) in second ch from hook, pull tight, slst to close rnd. [5]Fasten offColour 22.FLAME CHARTFINISHINGEmbroider sprinkles onto top of cupcake withColours 32, 45and20.
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Stitch candle and flame on top of cupcake.Stitch cupcake case to square as shown.
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TURKEY10121681122215INNER FEATHERSWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 10, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]
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Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FLO of Rnd 3:Rnd 4: ch, *sk 1 st, 5dc-shell in next st, sk st, sc in next st**, rep from * to ** 4 times. [5 shells,6sc]Fasten offColour 10.INNER FEATHERS CHARTCENTRE FEATHERSJoinColour 12with a standing dc in BL at start of first shell from Rnd 4. All sts in this rnd aremade in BLO of Rnd 3:Rnd 5: (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FLO of Rnd 5:Rnd 6: ch, (sk st, 5dc in next, sk st, sc in next st) 9 times. [9 shells, 10sc]Fasten offColour 12.
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CENTRE FEATHERS CHARTOUTER FEATHERSJoinColour 16with a standing dc in BL at start of first shell from Rnd 6. All sts in this rnd aremade in BLO of Rnd 5:Rnd 7: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [64dc]All sts in this rnd are made in FLO of Rnd 7:Rnd 8: ch, (sk st, 5dc in next st, sk st, sc in next st) 14 times. [14 shells, 15sc]Fasten offColour 16.OUTER FEATHERS CHARTSQUARE
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JoinColour 8with a standing tr in BL of Rnd 7, between 9th and 10th shells counting fromright.Rnd 9: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 10: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 11: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 12: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 8.SQUARE CHARTBODY
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WithColour 11, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end. [12sc]Rnd 3-5: sc in each st to end. [12sc]Rnd 6: (sc2tog, sc in next 4 sts) twice. [10sc]Rnd 7: sc2tog to end of rnd. [5sc]Rnd 8: 3sc in each st to end. [15sc]Rnds 9-15: sc in each st to end of rnd. [15sc]Flatten open end of turkey body and hold both sides together, sc through both sides.Fasten offColour 11.BODY CHARTFINISHINGEmbroider eyes onto turkey’s head withColour 2.Embroider a beak and two feet onto turkey withColour 22.
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Cut a length ofColour 15, approx 15cm long. Secure on back of body and thread from back tofront in corner of beak. Insert needle back into same hole and slowly pull yarn through to backto form a loop. When loop is correct size, hold it firmly and secure on back of turkey’s body.Stitch body onto square, leaving head loose.
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SANTA’S BELT142122SQUAREWith a 4mm hook andColour 14, ch27.Row 1: (RS) sc in second ch from hook, sc in next 25 ch, turn. [26sc]Row 2: ch, sc in each st to end of row, turn. [26sc]Row 3: ch, sc in each st to end of row, turn. [26sc]Rows 4-11: (Rep Rows 2-3) 4 times. [26sc]Fasten offColour 14.
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JoinColour 2at end of Row 11. All sts in this row are made in FLO:Row 12: (WS) ch, sc in each st to end of row, turn. [26sc]Rows 13-16: ch, sc in each st to end of row, turn. [26sc]Fasten offColour 2.JoinColour 14at end of Row 16. All sts in this row are made in BLO:Row 17: (RS) ch, sc in each st to end of rnd, turn. [26sc]Row 18: ch, sc in each st to end of rnd, turn. [26sc]Row 19: ch, sc in each st to end of rnd, turn. [26sc]Rows 20-28: Rep Row 19. [26sc]Fasten offColour 14.JoinColour 1in last st made in Row 28.Rnd 1: sc in st, ch2, *work 26sc evenly down side, ch2, sc in next 26 sts, ch2**, rep from * to** twice, sc in next 25 sts, slst in initial sc. [104sc, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: slst in next ch-2-sp, ch2, (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in same ch-2-sp, hdc in next 26 sts, *(2hdc,ch2, 2hdc) in next ch-2-sp, hdc in next 26 sts**, rep from * to ** twice, slst to close rnd.[120hdc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 1.
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SQUARE CHARTBUCKLEWithColour 22, ch14, slst in first ch to make a loop.Rnd 1: ch, 2hdc in same ch, ch, 2hdc in next ch, hdc in next 2 ch, 2hdc in next ch, ch, 2hdc innext ch, hdc in next ch, 2hdc in next ch, ch, 2hdc in next ch, hdc in next 2 ch, 2hdc in next ch,ch, 2hdc in next ch, hdc in next ch. [22hdc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 22.Sew beginning ch of buckle onto centre of square.BUCKLE CHART
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RUDOLPH1025111582SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 10, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]
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Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]Rnd 5: ch3, (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd.[64dc]Fasten offColour 10.JoinColour 25in any st of Rnd 5 with a standing tr.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 25.
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SQUARE CHARTANTLER MAIN STEMWithColour 11, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnds 2-9: sc in each st to end. [6sc]Fasten offColour 11. Rep to make a total of 2 main stems.Stuff lightly and stitch open end of main stem closed.ANTLER MAIN STEM CHART
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ANTLER SIDE STEMWithColour 11, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc in ring. [5sc]Rnds 2-4: sc in each st to end. [5sc]Fasten offColour 11. Rep to make a total of 2 side stems.Stuff lightly and attach 1 side stem about half way up each main stem to create 2 antlers.ANTLER SIDE STEM CHARTNOSEWithColour 15, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 5sc in ring. [5sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end. [10sc]Rnd 3: sc in each st to end, slst to close rnd. [10sc]Fasten offColour 15.NOSE CHARTMUZZLEWithColour 8, ch5.Rnd 1: sk first ch, sc in next 3 ch, 3sc in last ch, turn to work on other side of foundation ch, scin next 3 ch, 3sc in next ch. [12sc]
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Rnd 2: sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts, sc in next 4 sts, 2sc in next 2 sts. [16sc]Rnd 3: (sc in next st, 2sc in next st) 8 times. [24sc]Rnd 4: (sc in next st, 2sc in next st) 12 times. [36sc]Fasten offColour 8.MUZZLE CHARTEARSWithColour 10, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc in ring. [6sc]Rnd 2: sc in each st to end. [6sc]Rnd 3: (2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts) twice. [8sc]Rnd 4: sc in each st to end. [8sc]Rnd 5: (2sc in next st, sc in next 3 sts) twice. [10sc]Rnd 6: sc in each st to end. [10sc]Rnd 7: (2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts) twice. [12sc]Rnd 8: sc in each st to end. [12sc]Rnd 9: sc2tog to end of rnd. [6sc]Fasten offColour 10. Rep to make a total of 2 ears.
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EAR CHARTFINISHINGStitch muzzle and nose in place on square.Embroider eyes on either side of muzzle (on outer edge of Rnd 2 of square) withColour 2.Fold each ear in half lengthways and stitch through bottom of ear to hold shaping.Attach antlers to top of head, approx 9 sts apart.Stitch ears in place, one below each antler.
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PRESENT13840SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 40, ch16.Row 1: sk 2 ch, hdc in next st, hdc in each st to end of row. [14]Rows 2-12: ch, hdc in each st to end of row. [14hdc]The rest of the square is worked in rnds:Rnd 13: ch2, sc in same st, sc in each sc along top of square, (ch2, sc) in corner, *turn work90° to right and work along next side of square, sc 12 sts evenly along edge, (sc, ch2, sc) incorner st**, rep from * to ** once omitting last corner, slst in first corner to close. [56dc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten offColour 40.JoinColour 38in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 13 with a standing dc. This counts as first dc in next rnd.Rnd 14: *(dc, ch2, dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in BL of next 14 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times, slst toclose rnd. [64dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 15: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 16 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times, omitting last (2dc, ch2, 2dc), slst to close rnd. [80dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 16: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 20 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2 sts, slst to close rnd. [96dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 17: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 24 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4 sts, slst to close rnd. [112dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 38.SQUARE CHARTRIBBON DETAILSRibbon detail around present is created using surface crochet:
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WithColour 1, make a slip knot.Holding yarn at back of work, insert hook (from front to back) into stitch where you would liketo start surface crochet (halfway across each side of square).Place slip knot onto hook and draw it to front of work, so loop is at front and working yarnremains at back.Insert hook in next st, pull up a loop and work a slst.Continue to work slst across present.Fasten offColour 1. Rep for second row of detail.BOWWithColour 1, ch22, slst into first ch to join into ring.Rnd 1: sc in each st to end of rnd, making sure not to twist ring. It is helpful to use a stitchmarker to mark beginning of rnd. [22]Rnd 2: (slst in next 3 sts, sc in BL of next 8 sts) twice. [22]Rnds 3-5: Rep Rnd 2, slst in next st. [22]Fasten offColour 1.The slsts will have created a narrowing in 2 sides of ring. Press these sides together and wrapyarn tail tightly around bow. Use both of yarn tail to secure shape of bow.Attach bow to top of present on square.BOW CHART
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FESTIVE WREATH1261528SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 1, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Fasten offColour 1.
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JoinColour 26in any st of Rnd 3 with a standing 3-dc-puff. This counts as first 3-dc-puff innext rnd.Rnd 4: 3-dc-puff in same st, (ch2, 3-dc-puff in next st) 25 times, ch2, slst in first puff of rnd toclose. [26 3-dc-puffs, 26ch-2-sp]Rnd 5: slst in next ch-2-sp, ch3, *(4-dc-popcorn, ch2) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 6 timesomitting last ch on last popcorn, join and change toColour 15, (4-dc-popcorn, ch2) in next 2ch-2-sp omitting last ch of last popcorn, change toColour 26, (4-dc-popcorn, ch2) in next 6 ch-2-sp omitting last ch on last popcorn, change toColour 15, (4-dc-popcorn, ch2) in next 2 ch-2-sp omitting last ch of last popcorn, change toColour 26, (4-dc-popcorn, ch2) in next 7 ch-2-spomitting last ch on last popcorn, change toColour 15, (4-dc-popcorn, ch2) in each of last 2 ch-2-sp, slst to close rnd. [26 4-dc-popcorns, 26ch-2-sp]Fasten offColours 26and15.JoinColour 1in in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 5 with a standing tr. In this rnd, note that you may beworking in a ch-2-sp which is also considered a st for this rnd.Rnd 6: (ch2, tr) in same st, *tr in next st, 2dc in next st, 2hdc in next st, sc in next 5 sts, hdc innext 2 sts, 2dc in next st, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting(tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 1.
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SQUARE CHARTHOLLY LEAVESWithColour 28, ch6.Row 1: slst in the second ch from hook, (sc in next st, picot, slst in next st) twice, ch, turn towork on other side of foundation ch, (slst in next st, sc in next st, picot) twice, slst in last st, ch.[4sc, 6slst, 2 picot]Fasten offColour 28. Rep to make a total of 6 holly leaves.Stitch holly leaves in place on square as shown.HOLLY LEAF CHART
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EASTER EGGS3482034493823SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 3, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc, ch2, (3dc, ch2) 3 times, pull tight, slst to close rnd. [12dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 2: ch2, dc in next 2 sts, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 3 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times, omitting last 3dc, slst to close rnd. [28dc, 4ch-2]
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Fasten off and rejoinColour 3in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 2 with a standing dc.Rnd 3: (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp, *sk st, dc in next 2 sts, join and change toColour 48, 5dc innext st, change toColour 3, dc in next 2 sts, sk st, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to** 3 times omitting last (2dc, ch2, 2dc), slst to close rnd. [52dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColours 3and48.JoinColour 3in any ch-2-sp of Rnd 3 with a standing dc.Rnd 4: (ch2, dc) in same sp, *sk st, dc in next 3 sts, join and change toColour 20, fpdc aroundnext 5 sts, change toColour 3, dc in next 3 sts, sk st, (dc, ch2, dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to** 3 times omitting last (dc, ch2, dc), slst to close rnd. [52dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 20.Rnd 5: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp, *sk st, dc in next 3 sts, join and changetoColour 34, dc5tog over fpdc from previous rnd, ch, change toColour 3, dc in next 3 sts, skst, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last (2dc, ch2, 2dc), slst toclose rnd. [44dc, 4ch, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 34.Rnd 6: ch3, sk st, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *sk st, dc in next st, join and change toColour49, 5dc in next st, change toColour 3, dc in next 2 sts, dc in top of egg, sk ch, dc in next 2 sts,change toColour 49, 5dc in next st, change toColour 3, dc in next st, sk st, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) inch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last (2dc, ch2, 2dc) and dc, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Fasten offColour 49.Rnd 7: slst in next 2 sts, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *sk st, dc in next 2 sts,join and change toColour 38, fpdc in next 5 sts, change toColour 3, dc in next 5 sts, changetoColour 38, fpdc in next 5 sts, change toColour 3, dc in next 2 sts, sk st, (2dc, ch3, 2dc) inch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last (2dc, ch3, 2dc), slst to close rnd. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 38.Rnd 8: slst in next st, slst in ch-2-sp, (ch3, dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 4 sts, join andchange toColour 23, dc5tog, ch, change toColour 3, dc in next 5 sts, change toColour 23,
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dc5tog, ch, change toColour 3, dc in next 4 sts, (2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting (2dc, ch3, 2dc), slst to close rnd. [76dc, 4ch-3, 8ch]Fasten offColour 23.Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch2, 2dc), dc in next 6 sts, 2dc in top of egg, sk ch, dc in next5 sts, 2dc in top of egg, sk ch, dc in next 6 sts**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting last 2dc, slstto close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 3.SQUARE CHART
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BAUBLE3731522SQUAREWith a 2.75mm hook andColour 37, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: ch3, 3dc in each of next 5 sts, 2dc in last st, slst to close rnd. [18dc]Rnd 3: ch3, dc in next st, (dc in next st, 2dc in next st) 8 times, slst to close rnd. [26dc]Rnd 4: ch3, (2dc in next st, 2dc in next st, dc in next st) 8 times, 3dc in last st, slst to close rnd.[44dc]
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Fasten offColour 37.JoinColour 3in any st of Rnd 4 with a standing dc.Rnd 5: (2dc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts) 10 times, dc in last 3 sts, slst to close rnd. [64dc]Rnd 6: ch6, tr in same st, *tr in next st, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 5 sts, hdcin next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next st, (tr, ch2, tr) in next st**, rep from * to ** 3 timesomitting (tr, ch2, tr) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [68, 4ch-2]Rnd 7: slst in ch-2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, *dc in next 17 sts, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** 3 times omitting (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in last rep, slst to close rnd. [84dc,4ch-2]Rnd 8: ch3, dc in next st, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-2-sp, dc in next 21 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 2dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [100dc, 4ch-3]Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next 3 sts, *(2dc, ch3, 2dc) in ch-3-sp, dc in next 25 sts**, rep from * to ** 3times omitting last 4dc in last rep, slst to close rnd. [116dc, 4ch-3]Fasten offColour 3.SQUARE CHART
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BAUBLEWithColour 37, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: 6sc, slst to close rnd. [6sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [12sc]Rnd 3: *sc in next st, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [18sc]Rnd 4: *2sc in next st, sc in next 2 sts**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [24sc]Rnd 5: *sc in next 3 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [30sc]Rnd 6: *2sc in next st, sc in next 4 sts**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [36sc]Rnd 7: *sc in next 5 sts, 2sc in next st**, rep from * to ** to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [42sc]Rnd 8: 2sc in next st, sc in each st to end of rnd, 2sc in last st. [44sc]Rnds 9-10: sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [44sc]Fasten offColour 37.Embroider a snowflake onto bauble withColour 1as shown.BAUBLE CHARTHANGERWithColour 5, make a magic ring.
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Rnd 1: 4sc, pull tight, slst to close rnd. [4sc]Rnd 2: 2sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [8sc]Rnd 3: sc in BL of each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [8sc]Rnd 4: sc in each st to end of rnd, slst to close rnd. [8sc]Fasten offColour 5.HANGER CHARTFINISHINGPin bauble onto centre of square and attach, stitching through BL of bauble and outer edge ofRnd 4 of square. Leave a gap of approx 5cm, lightly stuff bauble and stitch gap closed.Cut a length ofColour 22approx 20cm long and secure to inside of hanger. Using a yarnneedle, pull yarn through centre of Rnd 1 of hanger, insert needle back into same hole andslowly draw yarn back down until you reach desired length of loop. Secure yarn inside hangerand fasten offColour 22.Stitch hanger on top of bauble.
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CHRISTMAS TREE2511195TREEWith a 4mm hook andColour 25,ch18.Row 1: sc in second ch from hook, sc in each ch to end, ch, turn. [17sc]Row 2: sk first st, sc in each st to end of row, ch, turn. [16sc]Row 3: sk first st, sc in each st to end of row, ch turn. [15sc]Rows 4-15: Rep Row 3. [3sc]Fasten offColour 25.
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TRUNKJoinColour 11in eighth st from the left side at bottom of tree.Row 1: sc in same st, sc in next 2 sts, ch, turn. [3sc]Rows 2-3: Rep Row 1 omitting last turning ch. [3sc]Fasten offColour 11.TREE AND TRUNK CHARTSQUAREWithColour 19, make a magic ring.Rnd 1: ch3, 2dc in ring, ch2, (3dc in ring, ch2) 3 times, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [12dc]Rnd 2: ch3, *dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** to lastch-2-sp, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [28dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 3: ch3, *dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** to lastch-2-sp, dc in rem sts to complete rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [44dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 4: Rep Rnd 3. [60dc, 4ch-2]
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Join and crochet through bottom of Christmas tree and into one side of square in this rnd:Rnd 5: ch3, *dc in each st to next ch-2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch-2-sp**, rep from * to ** to lastch-2-sp, dc in rem sts to complete rnd, slst in third ch of initial ch3. [76dc, 4ch-2]Rnd 6: Rep Rnd 3. [92dc, 4ch-2]Fasten offColour 19.JoinColour 5in any st of Rnd 6.Rnd 7: ch, *sc in each st to corner sp, (sc, ch, sc) in corner sp**, rep from * to ** to completernd, sc in rem sts, slst to close rnd. [100sc, 4ch-1]Fasten offColour 5.SQUARE CHARTBAUBLESWithColour 19, ch2,Rnd 1: 6sc in second ch from hook, slst to join. [6sc]
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Fasten offColour 19. Rep to make a total of 2 baubles inColour 19and 3 baubles inColour5.Stitch all baubles onto tree as shown, and stitch tree to square.BAUBLE CHART
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STITCH BASICSIn this section you’ll find instructions and diagrams for all of the stitches andtechniques featured in this book. Refer to the front of the book (seeHow to UseThis Book) for more information on the terminology, symbols and abbreviationsused for these patterns.MAGIC RINGWith the tail end of the yarn hanging down, make a loop and hold it securely between twofingers (1). Insert the hook into the loop and pull the yarn through (2), make a chain stitch tosecure, and begin making stitches inside the loop (3). When you have finished pull the tail totighten the loop (4). Slip st into the first stitch to join.
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SLIP KNOTMake a loop with the tail end of the yarn hanging down. Insert the hook or your fingers into theloop and pull the working yarn through (5). Pull to tighten and place onto hook (6).CHAINPlace the yarn over the hook (7) and pull through the loop (8).
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SLIP STITCHInsert the hook into the stitch, place the yarn over the hook (9) and pull through both the stitchand loop on the hook (10).SINGLE CROCHETInsert the hook into the stitch, place the yarn over the hook and pull through the stitch so thattwo loops are on the hook (11). Place the yarn over the hook again and pull through both loopson the hook (12).HALF DOUBLE CROCHETPlace the yarn over the hook and insert the hook into the stitch (13). Yarn over and pull up aloop, so that three loops are now on the hook. Yarn over and pull the yarn through all three
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loops on the hook (14).DOUBLE CROCHETPlace the yarn over the hook and insert the hook into the stitch (15). Yarn over and pull throughthe stitch, so that three loops are left on the hook (16). Yarn over and pull through the first twoloops on the hook, so that two loops are left on the hook. Yarn over and pull through theremaining two loops.TREBLE CROCHETWrap the yarn over the hook twice and insert the hook into the stitch (17). Yarn over and pullthrough the stitch. Yarn over and pull through the first two loops on the hook, so that there arethree loops left on the hook (18). Yarn over and pull through the first two loops on the hook
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again, so that there are two loops left on the hook. Yarn over again and pull through theremaining two loops.DOUBLE TREBLE CROCHETFollow the same process as the treble crochet, but wrap the yarn three times over the hookbefore inserting it into the stitch (19). Yarn over and pull through 2 loops each time, until youhave 1 loop left on your hook.TRIPLE TREBLE CROCHETFollow the same process as the treble crochet, but wrap the yarn four times over the hookbefore inserting it into the stitch (20). Yarn over and pull through 2 loops each time, until youhave 1 loop left on your hook.
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SINGLE CROCHET 2 TOGETHERInsert the hook into the first stitch, place the yarn over the hook and pull a loop through thestitch, two loops are now on the hook (21). Insert the hook into the second stitch, place theyarn over the hook and pull a loop through the stitch, three loops are now on the hook (22).Place the yarn over the hook and pull through all three loops on the hook.SINGLE CROCHET 3 TOGETHERFollow the instructions for single crochet 2 together until there are three loops on the hook (22),now insert the hook into the third stitch, place the yarn over the hook and pull a loop through thestitch, four loops are now on the hook. Place the yarn over the hook and pull through all fourloops on the hook.HALF DOUBLE CROCHET 2 TOGETHERPlace the yarn over the hook and insert the hook into the first stitch (23). Place the yarn overagain and pull a loop through the stitch, three loops are now on the hook (24). Place the yarnover the hook and insert the hook into the second stitch (25). Yarn over the hook and pullthrough the stitch, five loops are now on the hook (26). Yarn over and pull through all five loopson the hook.
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HALF DOUBLE CROCHET 5 TOGETHERFollow the instructions for half double crochet 2 together until there are five loops on the hook(26), now *place the yarn over the hook and insert the hook into the third stitch, place the yarnover the hook and pull a loop through the stitch, seven loops are now on the hook; repeat from* into the fourth and fifth stitch in the same way, ten loops are now on the hook. Place the yarnover the hook and pull through all ten loops on the hook.DOUBLE CROCHET 2 TOGETHERPlace the yarn over the hook and insert the hook into the first stitch (27). Yarn over and pull aloop through the stitch, three loops are now on the hook (28). Yarn over and pull through thefirst two loops on the hook, two loops are now on the hook (29). Yarn over and insert the hookinto the second stitch (30). Yarn over and pull through the stitch, four loops are now on thehook (31). Yarn over and pull through the first two loops on the hook, three loops are now onthe hook (32). Yarn over and pull through all three loops on the hook.
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DOUBLE CROCHET 4 TOGETHERFollow the instructions for double crochet 2 together up until the final yarn over (32), now *placethe yarn over the hook and insert the hook into the third stitch, place the yarn over the hook andpull a loop through the stitch, five loops are now on the hook, yarn over and pull through the firsttwo loops on the hook, four loops are now on the hook. Repeat from * into the fourth stitch, youshould now have five loops on the hook. Place the yarn over the hook and pull through all fiveloops on the hook.DOUBLE CROCHET 5 TOGETHERFollow the instructions for double crochet 4 together up until the last yarn over, now place theyarn over the hook and insert the hook into the fifth stitch, place the yarn over the hook and pulla loop through the stitch, seven loops are now on the hook, yarn over and pull through the firsttwo loops on the hook, you should now have six loops on the hook. Place the yarn over thehook and pull through all six loops on the hook.TRIPLE TREBLE CROCHET 2 TOGETHERWrap the yarn four times over the hook and insert into the first stitch, yarn over and pull throughthe stitch, five loops are on the hook, (yarn over and pull through two loops) three times, twoloops are left on the hook, yarn over the hook four times and insert the hook into the secondstitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch, six loops are now on the hook, (yarn over and pullthrough two loops) three times, three loops are left on the hook, yarn over and pull through allthree loops on the hook.
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TECHNIQUESSTANDING SCPlace a slip knot on the hook, insert hook into stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over andpull through both loops on hookSTANDING HDCPlace a slip knot on the hook, yarn over, insert hook into stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop,yarn over and pull through all three loops on hookSTANDING DCPlace a slip knot on the hook, yarn over, insert hook into stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop,yarn over and pull through first two loops, yarn over and pull through last two loopsSTANDING TRPlace a slip knot on the hook, yarn over twice, insert hook into stitch, yarn over and pull up aloop, yarn over and pull through two loops three times.RIGHT / WRONG SIDEWhen crocheting in rounds it is important to be able to distinguish which side of the crochetedpiece is the right side. This is especially true when you are asked to work in the front or backloops of a stitch.On the right or front side there are little ‘V’s that appear (1). The wrong or back side hashorizontal lines which are called back bumps or back bars (2).
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FRONT LOOPThe front loop of a stitch is the loop closest to you. If the crochet pattern says to work in frontloops only (FLO) you will work your stitches into just this front loop (3).BACK LOOPThe back loop is the loop furthest away from you. If the crochet pattern says to work in backloops only (BLO) you will work your stitches into just this back loop (4).FRONT POST SLIP STITCHWorking on the WS, insert the hook around the post of the stitch, from front to back and up tothe front again (5), yarn over and pull up a loop (6), then pull that loop all the way through.
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BACK POST SLIP STITCHWorking on the RS, insert the hook around the post of the stitch, from back to front, then outthe back again (7), yarn over and pull up a loop, then pull that loop all the way through (8).FRONT POST SINGLE CROCHETInsert the hook from front to back to front around the post of the stitch (9). Yarn over and pullup a loop, yarn over and pull yarn through 2 loops on the hook (10).
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FRONT POST HALF DOUBLE CROCHETPlace the yarn over the hook and insert the hook from front to back to front around the post ofthe stitch. Yarn over and pull up a loop, 3 loops are now on the hook. Yarn over and pull theyarn through all 3 loops on the hook.FRONT POST DOUBLE CROCHETWork as for Double Crochet inserting the hook from front to back to front around the post ofthe stitch instead of into it.FRONT POST TREBLE CROCHETWork as for Treble Crochet inserting the hook from front to back to front around the post of thestitch instead of into it.FRONT POST DOUBLE TREBLE CROCHETWork as for Double Treble Crochet inserting the hook from front to back to front around thepost of the stitch instead of into it.FRONT POST TRIPLE TREBLE CROCHETWork as for Triple Treble Crochet inserting the hook from front to back to front around the postof the stitch instead of into it.BACK POST SINGLE CROCHETInsert the hook from back to front to back around the post of the stitch (11). Yarn over and pullup a loop, yarn over and pull yarn through 2 loops on the hook (12).
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BACK POST HALF DOUBLE CROCHETWork as for Half Double Crochet inserting the hook from back to front to back around the postof the stitch instead of into it.BACK POST DOUBLE CROCHETWork as for Double Crochet inserting the hook from back to front to back around the post ofthe stitch instead of into it.BOBBLE STITCHYarn over, insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop (13). Continue yarningover and pulling through loops in the same stitch until you have a total of 6 loops on your hook(14). Yarn over and pull through all 6 loops at once (15).
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PICOT STITCHCh3, insert the hook from right to left under the front loop and bottom vertical bar of previouslymade chain (16), yarn over and pull through all loops on the hook (17).BEGINNING POPCORN STITCHFor a 5-dc-popcorn, pull the yarn through the stitch and make a chain to join, then ch3 (18), 4dcin same st (19), remove the hook from the loop and insert hook from front to back through thetop of initial ch-3, replace the loop onto the hook (from the last dc), yarn over and pull throughboth loops on the hook (20).
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POPCORN STITCHWork desired number of stitches in same st (e.g. for 2-dc-popcorn, work 2dc, and for 5-dc-popcorn, work 5dc), remove hook from last dc and insert it, from front to back, in top of first dcof popcorn st, insert hook in loop from last dc, yarn over and pull through both loops on thehook (21and22).SPIKE STITCHInsert the hook into the indicated stitch, pull up a loop to the height of the working row, yarnover and pull through both loops on the hook.LOOP STITCH
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Wrap the yarn from front to back over the index finger of the hand holding the yarn. Insert thehook into the next stitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch. With the loop still on your finger,yarn over and pull it through the two loops on the hook.PUFF STITCHYarn over and insert into the stitch, yarn over and pull up a long loop (23), (yarn over and insertinto the same stitch, yarn over and pull up a long loop) twice more (24), yarn over and pullthrough all seven loops on hook (25), ch to close puff.For a 3-dc-puff, (yarn over and insert into stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pullthrough two loops) three times, yarn over and pull through all four loops on hook, ch to closepuff.For a 5-dc-puff, work as for a 3-dc-puff working the repeated section five times. The final yarnover will be through six loops.For a 7-dc-puff, work as for a 3-dc-puff working the repeated section seven times. The finalyarn over will be through eight loops.
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FINISHINGJOINING YARNInsert the hook into the indicated stitch, wrap the yarn around the hook and pull it through thestitch, yarn over the hook and pull through to secure (26).FASTENING OFFCut the yarn and pull the yarn tail through the last loop on your hook.INVISIBLE FASTEN OFFWhen you fasten off invisibly you get a smooth even edge. Cut the yarn and pull the yarn tailthrough the last stitch. Thread the yarn tail onto a yarn needle, insert the needle, from front toback, into the next stitch. Now insert the needle back into the same stitch that the yarn tail iscoming out of, but into the back loop only, and pull gently (27). Weave the tail end into thewrong side of the fabric and cut the excess (28).WEAVING IN ENDS
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Using a tapestry needle, weave all loose yarn ends through the back of your work into stitchesof the same colour where possible. Keep checking the right side to ensure they do not showthrough too much. Pull slightly once complete before cutting fairly close to the final position.BLOCKINGPin your items to size using rust-proof pins and steam lightly with an iron. Do not touch yourwork with the iron but hover over it giving blasts of steam. Leave to dry completely beforeremoving the pins.
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DESIGNERSCAITIE MOOREwww.thoresbycottage.com@thoresbycottageCaitie is the maker, crafter and crochet designer behind the blog and online store ThoresbyCottage. She lives in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa with her family and fur-friend,Lily Buttons. With a background in science and zoology, much of the inspiration for herwhimsical amigurumi and home décor is drawn from the colors and shapes found in nature.CELINE SEMAANwww.craftycc.com@crafty_ccCeline is a crochet designer based in Australia. She loves to create modern and bright crochetprojects, and is well known for this signature style. She will avoid the camera at all costs, soyou’re very unlikely to see a photo of her. However, she has a 6 year old cat named Archie whooccasionally makes an appearance on her Instagram feed.SHARNA MOOREwww.sweetsharna.com@sweet_sharnaSharna studied textiles at college and has always been an avid crafter. Her passion for crochethas grown significantly over the years, so it felt very natural for her to start designing her ownpatterns and sharing them on social media. She finds inspiration everywhere, especially duringspringtime with all of the pretty coloured blossoms in the air.
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THANKSThe publisher and designers would like to thank Love Knitting for kindly supplying the yarn usedfor all of the granny squares and projects shown in this book.www.loveknitting.com
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A DAVID AND CHARLES BOOK© David and Charles, Ltd 2019David and Charles is an imprint of David and Charles, Ltd1 Emperor Way, Exeter Business Park, Exeter, EX1 3QSText and Designs © Caitie Moore, Sharna Moore and Celine Semaan 2019Layout and Photography © David and Charles, Ltd 2019First published in the UK and USA in 2019Caitie Moore, Sharna Moore and Celine Semaan have asserted their right to be identified asauthors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission inwriting from the publisher.Readers are permitted to reproduce any of the designs in this book for their personal use andwithout the prior permission of the publisher. However, the designs in this book are copyrightand must not be reproduced for resale.The authors and publisher have made every effort to ensure that all the instructions in the bookare accurate and safe, and therefore cannot accept liability for any resulting injury, damage orloss to persons or property, however it may arise.Names of manufacturers and product ranges are provided for the information of readers, withno intention to infringe copyright or trademarks.A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.ISBN-13: 978-1-4463-0743-4 paperbackISBN-13: 978-1-4463-7829-8 EPUBContent Director: Ame VersoSenior Commissioning Editor: Sarah CallardManaging Editor: Jeni HennahProject Editor: Carol IbbetsonDesign Manager: Anna Wade
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Designer: Ali StarkPhotographer: Jason JenkinsCharts and Illustrations: Kuo Kang ChenProduction Manager: Beverley RichardsonDavid and Charles publishes high-quality books on a wide range of subjects. For moreinformation visitwww.davidandcharles.com.Layout of the digital edition of this book may vary depending on reader hardware and displaysettings.
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