Code of Ethics Section One: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to ClientsYellow- NASW Green- ACA Blue- CDCSection 1.1- Commitment to clientsDedication to client’s wellbeing and their interests. Well being to society or legal obligations supersedes this. Inform clients on intentions ACA- Primary responsibility A.1.aPrimary responsibility of counselors is to respect the dignity of clients and promote the welfare of clients CDC Section 1.G-Best interest of clients of clients is most important. May be contrary to what client thinks.Section 1.2- Self determination Autonomy. Encourage client’s self-determination and allow them to make their own decisions.ACA A.1.c-Clients and counselor work together in counseling plan for reasonable promise of success. Clients and counselors will regularly review and revise plans, respecting client’s freedom of choice.CDASection 1.3- Informed Consent
Provide informed consent to clients. Client gives permission to undertake intervention, after being informed of all risks, factors and alternatives.ACA Section A.2.a-Clients have the right to get or terminate services, and need adequate information about the process and the counselor. Informed consent can be written or given verbally, and is an ongoing process. CDC Section 1.4- Competence Social workers should be competent. Qualifications, ability and skill must be evident to practice effectively with clients.ACA C.4.a, b, c d, e, f -Counselors claim only professional qualification actually completed. Truthfully represent qualifications. Continuing education. Experience is truthful. Accurately represent accreditation. CDC 1 A, B All of section 6States the same thing Section 1.5- Cultural Competency and Social Diversity Understanding of culture. Understanding the strengths in all cultures. Acquiring and continuing education on cultures that can be applied to clients. Being sensitive to client’s cultures. Understanding the nature of oppression applied to clients based on culture or diversity.ACA C.2.a, E.5.b, E.8-
Multicultural competency is required across all counseling specialties. Being sensitive to other cultures and working with a diverse population is expected. Cultural and socioeconomic experience is considered when diagnosing mental disorders. Religions, sexual orientation, race, gender, disabilities, ethnic groups, and language preference is to be taken consideration. CDC ESection 1.6- Conflict of interestWorkers should avoid conflicts of interest. Personal interests and his or her professional responsibility should not cause a conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest may also occur when a worker is responsible to two or more clients whose interests are in conflict with each other. ACA A.8 If a counselor agrees to have multiple clients who have a relationship, the worker must clarify who the client is. If an issue of conflict arises the worker will clarify, adjust, or withdraw services.CDC Section 1.7- Privacy and Confidentiality Clients have the right to have their records private and confidential. Practitioners must maintain confidentiality with client records within their agency, and other outlets. Cannot share information without permission from client. Must inform clients of the confidentiality agreement.ACA All of section B
States the same thing, but also lists exceptions. These include Legal requirements, life ending decisions, and contagious diseases. It also talks about confidentiality when working with groups and families. Stating who the client is and discuss limitations of confidently in a group setting. CDCSection 1.8- Access to recordsWorkers should provide clients with reasonable access to records. Access should be limited only in when circumstances show evidence that access would cause serious harm to the client. Workers must document access request and reason for denial if denial is appropriate. When working with multiple clients, only information relevant to the client requesting documents will be presentedACA B.6.eStates the same thing. Also goes over the storage and disposal of records after services are terminated. Workers will store documents for a reasonable amount of time, in case future access is requested.CDCSection 1.9 Sexual relationshipsWorkers must not engage in sexual relationships with clients, or provide services to those they were previously in a sexual relationship with.ACA A.5. a, b, c, d, e
States the same thing. No sexual relationships with clients. Also mentions not giving services to friends or families. Has a time limit of five years before workers can engage in relationships withprevious clients.CDC 7A, B, C, DStates the same thing. Has a two-year waiting period.1.10 Physical contactSocial workers must not have any physical contact with clients when there is the potential of inflicting psychological harm on the clients. ACA Does not mention thisCDC Does not mention this 1.11 Sexual Harassment Workers will not sexually harass their clients.ACA C.6.aStates the same thing.CDC 1O, 7CStates the same thing.1.12 Derogatory language Workers will be respectful verbally and in writing. Workers will not use derogatory language ACA A.2.c
Workers will use clear language and take other cultures and language barriers into consideration.Will use no derogatory language.CDC 1PStates the same thing 1.13 Payment for servicesWorkers will set fair prices for their services. Workers should not accept goods as payment to avoid conflicts of interest. Workers will not try to get private pay when employers are insurance will cover services. ACA All of A.10States the same thing. Also mentions receiving gifts, and when and if it is acceptable and what factors to take into consideration when accepting.CDC1.14 Clients who lack decision making capacity If a client is deemed incapable of decision making, workers must make sure clients rights are not violated to the best of their abilities. Clients best interest should always be first.ACA All of B.5 Clients best interest must come first. Confidentiality and rights must not be violated to the best ofthe workers ability. Must check client’s level of understanding.1.15 Interruption of service
Workers should try to avoid interruption if possible. Workers should take factors into consideration when services are interrupted ACA CDC 1 NWorkers will not discontinue services unless, services are complete, the client requests it, referrals are made, or the client is given ample time to find new services. 1.16 Referral for servicesWorkers should refer to other professionals when the services are not serving the client fully or the worker thinks progress would be made better elsewhere. Workers will not accept payment forreferrals of no services are given.ACA A.11.a, b States the same thing. Also mentions referral based on personal beliefs.CDC 1 DStates the same thing 1.17 Termination of services Workers should terminate services to clients when goals have been achieved or such services are no longer necessary. Workers should refer if services are still needed, but not obtainable by worker client relationship. Workers should try to let clients know before termination happens.ACA A.11.cStates the same thing.
CDC 1 MStates the same thing.NASW Section Three: Ethical Responsibilities in Practice Settings Color codes are the same NASW 3.01 Supervision and Consultation Supervisors should be competent. Supervisors should set clear boundaries. Supervisors should not engage in dual relationships with anyone where the supervisor is in a position of power. Supervisors will evaluate trainees in a fair manner.ACA CDC States nothing NASW 3.02 Educating and Training Workers in the educator role should be knowledgeable in the area of instruction. Social workers evaluating students should do so in a fair and respectful manner. Dual relationships with studentsshould be avoided.ACA CDCNASW 3.03 Performance EvaluationWorkers in a position of power should evaluate fairly and in the manor the criteria are stated .ACA
CDCNASW 3.04 Client recordsShould record information correctly. Should protect client privacy, and only record information relative to the services. Keep records for an appropriate time frame for later client access.ACACDCNASW 3.05 BillingWorkers should have clear billing procedures, that accurately reflect the nature of services and who is to providing them.ACACDCNASW 3.06 Client TransferWorkers should consider clients needs when transferring to a new provider. Should discuss pros and cons with client to allow their input in regards to the transfer. Keep client’s best interests in mind.ACACDC-NASW 3.07 Administration
Administrators should advocate both for resources to meet client’s needs and for fair resource procedures. Maintain reasonable supervision and follow the Code of Ethics while overseeing the work environment ACACDCNASW 3.08 Continuing Education and Staff DevelopmentShould provide staff with continuing education tools and resources. Train and improve staff.ACACDCNASW 3.09 Commitments to EmployersWorkers should keep in mind and adhere to the commitments made to their employers. Should make sure that their employer’s policies are reflective of the Code of Ethics. Workers should accept jobs or place social work interns only in those places with fair policies. Work to rid the work place of discrimination.ACACDCNASW 3.10 Labor-Management DisputesWorkers may engage in organized unions, as long as it improves working conditions and improve services to clients. Should do so guided by the Code of Ethics and client’s well-being in mind.
ACACDCNASW Section Six: Social Workers’ Ethical Responsibilities to the Broader SocietyColor code is the same NASW 6.01 Social Welfare Workers should advocate for general welfare of society. From local to global agencies. Advocatefor living conditions and general welfare of people and for the fulfillment of basic human needs.ACACDCNASW 6.02 Public Participation Workers should encourage and assist public involvement in making social policies.ACACDCNASW 6.03 Public EmergenciesWhen emergencies happen, workers should provide services to the best of their ability. Workers are committed to helping when disasters happen to clients, they are providing services for.ACACDCNASW 6.04 Social and Political Action
Responsibility of a worker should include working with colleagues and clients to achieve social and political action. To get fair and equal access to resources and opportunities. Should support policies to improve the human condition and promote social justice, especially for those who are disadvantaged and vulnerable.ACACDC