Cardiovascular HW

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BIO 140
Dec 18, 2024
Uploaded by BaronPrairieDog4619
CardiologyRoot:cardi/o (heart)Suffix:-logy (study of)Combining vowel:oVasoconstrictorRoot:vas/o (vessel)Suffix:-constrictor (one who constricts)Combining vowel:oPericarditisPrefix:peri- (around)Root:cardi/o (heart)Suffix:-itis (inflammation)Combining vowel:oPhlebotomyRoot:phleb/o (vein)Suffix:-tomy (incision, cutting)Combining vowel:oAngioplastyRoot:angi/o (vessel)Suffix:-plasty (surgical repair)Combining vowel:oEndocardiumPrefix:endo- (inside)Root:cardi/o (heart)Suffix:-um (structure or tissue)Combining vowel:oArteriosclerosis
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Root:arteri/o (artery)Suffix:-sclerosis (hardening)Combining vowel:oCoronaryRoot:coron/o (crown, circle)Suffix:-ary (pertaining to)ArrhythmiaPrefix:a- (without, absence)Root:rhythm/o (rhythm)Suffix:-ia (condition)Combining vowel:noneBradycardiaPrefix:brady- (slow)Root:cardi/o (heart)Suffix:-ia (condition)Combining vowel:oCyanosisRoot:cyan/o (blue)Suffix:-osis (condition, abnormal state)Combining vowel:oAngiogenesisRoot:angi/o (vessel)Suffix:-genesis (formation, creation)Combining vowel:oAortic StenosisRoot:aort/o (aorta)Suffix:-ic (pertaining to)
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Root:sten/o (narrowing)Suffix:-osis (condition, abnormal state)Combining vowel:oElectrocardiographyPrefix:electro- (electricity)Root:cardi/o (heart)Suffix:-graphy (process of recording)Combining vowel:oVenogramRoot:ven/o (vein)Suffix:-gram (record, image)Combining vowel:oDefinition CardiologyThe study of the heart and its functions, including the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.VasoconstrictorA substance or agent that narrows the blood vessels, increasing blood pressure.PericarditisInflammation of the pericardium, the membrane surrounding the heart.PhlebotomyThe process of making an incision into a vein, typically for blood collection or medical testing.AngioplastyA medical procedure to restore blood flow through a narrowed or blocked blood vessel, typicallyusing a balloon catheter.EndocardiumThe inner lining of the heart chambers and heart valves.
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ArteriosclerosisThe thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries, often due to the buildup of plaque.CoronaryPertaining to the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle.ArrhythmiaAn abnormal or irregular heartbeat, which can be too fast, too slow, or erratic.BradycardiaA slower than normal heart rate, typically fewer than 60 beats per minute in adults.CyanosisA bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes, usually caused by a lack of oxygen inthe blood.AngiogenesisThe formation of new blood vessels from existing ones, a critical process in growth, wound healing, and tumor development.Aortic StenosisA condition in which the aortic valve in the heart becomes narrowed, restricting blood flow fromthe heart to the rest of the body.ElectrocardiographyA test that records the electrical activity of the heart to detect abnormalities in heart rhythm and structure.VenogramA diagnostic imaging test that uses X-rays and a contrast dye to visualize veins, particularly to detect blockages or other issues in the veins.
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