Inglés examen enero1Aula virtual de Examen. UNED - copia
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31/1/2021Aula virtual de Examen. UNED virtual de Examen. UNEDExamen realizadoAsignatura: ENGLISH FOR CRIMINOLOGY 28/01/2021 18:30Estudiante: A continuación se muestra el examen- No se puede utilizar ningún tipo de material.- Puntuación de la prueba: 10 puntos (cada pregunta vale 1 punto). Se debe aplicar a la puntuación ±nal obtenida la ponderacióncorrespondiente según se haya entregado o no la PEC (ver guía).- Si por algún motivo justi±cado fuera necesario anular una pregunta del examen, se repartirá la puntuación de estaproporcionalmente entre el resto de preguntas. Este criterio será inamovible, ya que no se descuentan puntos por respuestaerrónea.- Al enmarcarse esta asignatura en una variante de inglés y un enfoque concretos, únicamente son válidas las respuestascontempladas como tales en los materiales integrantes de la asignatura.El valor de cada pregunta de test acertada es 1Sus respuestas a preguntas de test de test aparecen marcadas en verde claro si son correctas, en rojo si son incorrectas. Lassoluciones se muestran con un borde verde.Pregunta 1According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thecorrect option: “After this, the suspect is transported to the police station for questioning or to the county jail for__________”.AproceduresBbookingCbeing arrestedDphotographsPregunta 2According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose the nounform of the verb “to deprive”.AdeprivationBdeprativityCdepravationDdeprivityPregunta 3According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thecorrect meaning for the underlined word: “He regarded suppression of these as counter-productive, so he urged the governmentto sponsor rival groups of wholesome ballad singers”.Awith good meaningBwith good moralsCwith good music
31/1/2021Aula virtual de Examen. UNED good moodPregunta 4According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thecorrect option: “Due process is the principle that the government must respect all of the legal rights that are owed to a personaccording to the law of the _________”.AsoilBlandCrightsDbillsPregunta 5According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thecorrect option: “Before a person can be convicted ________ a crime it is necessary for the prosecution to prove both elements, i.e.:that a certain event or state of a±airs which is forbidden by the criminal law has been caused by the defendant’s conduct; and thatthe defendant’s conduct was accompanied by the necessary ________ to establish the o±ence.”Aof, mens reaBwith, mens reaCof, actus reusDwith, actus reusPregunta 6According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thecorrect option: “you are ________________ a party”.Acoming up on behalf ofBstaying in front ofCappearing on behalf ofDstanding up in front ofPregunta 7According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thecorrect option: “The ordinary courts are those regulated by the ____________________ [Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial] provided for inArticle 122 of the 1978 Constitution”.ABill/Act on the judiciaryBOrganic Law/Act on the Judiciary
31/1/2021Aula virtual de Examen. UNED del estudiante:<Sin observaciones>Observaciones del docente:<Sin observaciones>CAct Law/ Judicial LawDOrganic Law/The Power of the JudicialPregunta 8According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thefeature that is not characteristic of Legal English.AThe register of legal English (degree of formality) is very high, probably one of the most formal in allspecial languages.BIt may be detected in features like archaisms, prepositional phrases, or compound adverbs.CThe conceptual di²culty is sometimes increased by fragments in which there is a great lexicaldensity, which makes comprehension di²cult.DAnother formal feature is that it lacks euphemisms, they are never used.Pregunta 9According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thecorrect option: “Civil courts deal with disputes not explicitly assigned to another class of court. They can therefore be described as_______________ courts”.AhabitualBordinaryCcommonDnormalPregunta 10According to the materials studied in this subject and in the speci±c context in which the following appears, choose thecorrect option:“This Directive establishes minimum rules concerning the de²nition of _______________ ______________ and ____________ inthe area of attacks against information systems”.Acriminal o³enses, punishmentsBcriminal o³ences, sanctionsCpenal o³ences, sentencesDin´icting o³ences, ±nesVOLVER
31/1/2021Aula virtual de Examen. UNEDía General - Centros Tecnológicos de la UNED - Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes - Vicerrectorado de Personal Docente eInvestigador - Vicerrectorado de Tecnología - Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Digitalización - Vicerrectorado de Calidad - IUED -Centro de Prevención y Resolución de Con´ictos.Desarrollado en el Centro de la UNED Barbastro.Soporte: 91 398 68 00 Manual para docentes