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MATH 123
Dec 18, 2024
Uploaded by MasterHawkMaster1156
Think-Puzzle-Explore Country Category 1: FinlandCountry Category 2: IraqWhat you do you THINK you know about this population?After looking at the population pyramid I know that that male and female populationare even. Although it does show that female tend to live longer then male even though there are more males being born. Males. The pyramid also shows slow population growth.What you do you THINK you know about this population?I believe I know that the population between males and females are even according to the population pyramid. Similar to Finland more females are being born even though women tend to live longer. Males are the more dominant gender until age 39 when the women take over. The growth of the population also appears much faster.What PUZZLES you about this population?1.How does migration affect this population?2.What is the reason for the birth rate being slowed?3.What is the reason to the long life expectancy in Finland.4.Does the aging population of Finland affect there healthcare5.Why do women tend to live longer then men when their are more men being born?What PUZZLES you about this population?1.Does the repeated war in Iraq affectmale life expectancy.2.How does lack of education affect the population?3.What is the governments response to the population increase.4.Why are the. Life expectancies significantly shorter then Finland’s. 5.Is Iraq’s population increase positive or negative.What types of public policies should the government of this country EXPLORE What types of public policies should the government of this country EXPLORE
based on the composition of the population pyramid?The government should cater to their aging population since they have a high percentage of older people. They should make sure that healthcare is able to get foreveryone since the older generation needsmore help.Why?based on the composition of the population pyramid?In order for the government to be able to temper the population surge, they should offer free education to women to be able tohave careers and have a greater impact on society. This will give more women in Iraq the option of having a career instead of feeling like having many children is a necessity and all they can do.Why?