Javi OOTI ACTOR Contract

Ozarks Technical Community College**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 18, 2024
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ACTOR CONTRACTThis contract is made betweenOzark Javier Nunez, hereafter referred to as Artist, andSmall UmbrellaTheatre Company.1.Artist is hired for the role ofDaniel Beauxhommeof Small Umbrella Theatre Company’sproduction(in Partnership with Black Arts Alliance)ofOnce on this Islandand agrees tofulfill this position to the best of their ability. Artist has made no agreement or other commitmentthat will or may prevent Artist’s performance of services required. Artist’s duties include (but arenot limited to) attendance and participation in all rehearsals, design and performance, adhere toall call times and meet off book deadlines, and working with Small Umbrella Theatre Company’sproducer to fulfill both parties’ goals for the production as mutually decided upon. Both SmallUmbrella Theatre Company staff and Artist agree to pursue a positive, supportive attitude at alltimes, and both parties will work as productively as possible to benefit the entire production.2.This agreement is reached in good faith, with the understanding that it may not be dissolvedexcept through mutual understanding, in the event of circumstances beyond the control of eitherparty. In such an event, the parties’ mutual liability will be limited to actual cost or expenseincurred directly due to the agreement's dissolution.3.Small Umbrella Theatre Company agrees to pay Artist for participation in Small UmbrellaTheatre Company’s production(in Partnership with Black Arts Alliance)ofOnce on thisIsland. For and in consideration of Artist’s service, Small Umbrella Theatre Company agrees topay Artist a stipend of$100.00. The stipend will be paid in full to the Artist on or by the last showof your production onSaturday, May 28. The Artist is being paid in consideration of thecompletion of the job asACTOR. Both parties agree that Artist is an independent contractor andis responsible for all taxes related to any stipend received from Small Umbrella TheatreCompany. Artist will be paid an independent contractor's fee and will not be put on the SmallUmbrella Theatre Company payroll, nor be considered a Small Umbrella Theatre Companyemployee.4.The production schedule covered by this contract will begin upon signing and will end onSaturday, May 28.Artist is required to attend all rehearsals during Tech Week unless otherwiseagreed upon. The schedule will be created by the Director with the approval of the ArtisticDirector. The schedule may change at Director’s discretion as long as the changes are mutuallyagreeable by all parties.5.Artist shall be entitled to a maximum of2 complimentary ticketswhich may be used for anyperformance. You must email Joe Rogers at joe.rogers@smallumbrellatheatre.orgat least 3 daysprior to reserve tickets.6.Artists hereby releases Small Umbrella Theatre Company from liability based on Artist’s solenegligence that results in any accident, illness, loss, damage, claim, liability or expense to Artistwhile on site of rehearsals, tech and/or performances; and Artist shall be solely responsible forArtist’s medical expenses caused by their sole negligence.7.Small Umbrella Theatre Company shall indemnify, defend, and hold Artist harmless from, againstand with respect to any and all losses, liabilities, demands, costs, damages, fees of any nature,
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including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees (collectively “Losses”), incurred by Artist, inany way arising from, resulting from, attributable to or incidental to the performance of Artist’sduties and responsibilities pursuant to this Agreement, including but not limited to Losses arisingfrom, resulting from, attributable to or incidental to Artist’s negligence or breach of thisAgreement.8.Insurance.Small Umbrella Theatre Company shall maintain at its cost and expense for theduration of this Agreement commercial general liability insurance, which insurance shall coverArtist (notwithstanding Artist’s status as an independent contractor) and not exclude SmallUmbrella Theatre Company’s indemnity obligation as set for in this paragraph 8. 9.Additionally, by signing this contract, Artist affirms that they have read the below informationalpacket with their complete job description and by their signature below agrees to fulfill all theresponsibilities listed in the job description.10.Paige Rogersrepresents that they are a person authorized to sign this agreement on behalf ofSmall Umbrella Theatre Company.Nondiscrimination Policy:Small Umbrella Theatre Company is committed to a ZERO TOLERANCE initiative in regards to anyform of harassment, discrimination or persecution in the workplace. It is expressly understood and agreedto between Small Umbrella Theatre Company and Artist the following:Small Umbrella Theatre Company believes in equal opportunity for independent contractors, volunteersand audience. Small Umbrella Theatre Company’s success depends on the effective utilization ofqualified people, regardless of their race, religion, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin,disability, veteran’s status or any other characteristic protected by law. We will not discriminate on thebasis of these characteristics in any action. Reasonable accommodations to ensure inclusions by allparticipants will be made at all Small Umbrella Theatre Company events. Small Umbrella TheatreCompany expects all participants in our productions to give this non-discrimination policy their fullsupport through leadership and personal example.Model Release:By signing this contract, the Artist grants Small Umbrella Theatre Company the right and permission tocopyright and/or use and/or publish photographs, videos or other recorded media of Artist as part of therehearsal and performance process of this production in which Artist may be included in whole or in partor composite or reproductions thereof in color or otherwise made through print media at their studios orelsewhere for art advertising, trade, online or any similar lawful purpose whatsoever.Artist hereby waives the right to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the advertising copy thatmay be used in connection with photographs of Artist.Job Description:Overall Artist’s Responsibilities & Expectations:Meeting all deadlines set forth by Small Umbrella Theatre Company.Observing all rules of the building and theatre management.Being on time.Communicating with the director, production manager, stage manager, and producers.Artist reports directly to the Director for artistic decisions and direction.Artist agrees to not rent, buy, borrow, or trade any item or service without permission from SmallUmbrella Theatre Company.A sincere commitment to facilitating a safe workplace environment for all with clearly reinforcedoutlets of communication.
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Actor’s Responsibilities & Expectations:Attend and participate in all rehearsals, design runs and performances according to the schedule.Meet all off book line dates, adhere to call times and communicate any scheduling issues withstage manager, director and/or company.Conduct themselves in a professional, supportive manner to the best of their abilities.Production Schedule:Final Production Schedule will be agreed upon by both Director, Stage Manager and Small UmbrellaTheatre Company. Below is an estimate of the schedule. It may change.Rehearsals are estimated to begin around Sunday, March 20 to Director and Stage Manager’sdiscretion.Dry Tech and Tech Week will be scheduled beginning Sunday, May 8 through Thursday, May 12to Director, Small Umbrella Theatre Company, Black Arts Alliance, and Stage Manager’sdiscretion.Preview Performance for production will be Thursday, May 12, 2022.Opening Night for production will be Friday, May 13, 2022.Performances will be Thursdays through Sundays from Friday, May 13-Saturday, May 28, 2022.Attendance is required for Celebration after RENT Performance on Saturday, May 7, 2022.By signing below, Artist hereby release Small Umbrella Theatre Company from liability in the event of anaccident, illness, loss, damage, claim, liability or expense resulting from the sole negligence of theDirector while on site of rehearsals and/or performances and will be personally responsible for medicalsituations should they arise.Additionally, by signing this contract, the Artist affirms that they have read the entire contract and agreeto fulfill all of the listed responsibilities.All the above has been agreed to on the date noted:Small Umbrella Theatre Company:______________________________________Date:______________Parent/Guardian:_________________________________________________________Date:__________Artist (minor):________________________________________________________Date:_____________Address:____________________________________City/State:______________Zip:________________Phone:________________________ E-mail:________________________________________________
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