Discovering Our Soil

Millcreek School**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 19, 2024
Uploaded by AdmiralFlowerCrane39
Name:________________________________Task 3: Discovering the Soils We Live OnPart 1:Click the following link to access the SoilWeb website: on the menu in the upper left, then choose “Zoom to Location” and put in Seckinger’s zipcode (30519). When the map loads up, find Seckinger High School (we are located off SardisChurch Road near 85) and click on the soil under the football field (ApB).Click on the name with the highest percentage, which should be Appling. Answer the followingquestions by clicking on the Soil Profiles and Hydraulic and Erosion Ratings links.Questions:1.How organic-rich is the topsoil here? (click on it to see a graph with percentage ororganic matter)This topsoil is not organic-rich, it is only 1.25% organic matter.2.What does this soil have more of: clay or sand? Or are they about equal (click oneach component and compare the two graphs)This soil has more sand than clay.3.What hydrologic groups (A, B, C or D) does this soil belong to?This soil belongs tohydrologic group A, Sandy Loam.4.Is there a risk of flash flooding for structures built on this soil?The risk of flashflooding is very low in this group.5.Click on the pH and find out if this soil is acid (below 7), neutral (exactly 7), oralkaline (above 7).The pH of this soil is 5.5 which is acidic.
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6.If you wanted to farm or garden on this soil, what should you add? (Adding limemakes soil more alkaline, adding peat moss makes it more acidic and mushroommanure makes it more organic-rich.) To garden on this soil, I would add lime andmushroom manure.Part 2:Click on the band of soil that runs through the forest above the stadium (Cfs). The namewith the highest percentage should be Chewacla. Answer the following questions by clicking onthe Soil Profiles and Hydraulic and Erosion Ratings links.Questions:7.How organic-rich is the topsoil here? (click on it to see a graph with percentage ororganic matter)The top soil is organic-rich at 2.5%.8.What does this soil have more of: clay or sand? Or are they about equal (click oneach component and compare the two graphs)This soil has more sand than clay as anaverage of soil depths.9.What hydrologic groups (A, B, C or D) does this soil belong to?This soil belongs tohydrologic group D (Clay Loam).10. Is there a risk of flash flooding for structures built on this soil?Yes, there is a risk offlash flooding due to high runoff and low infiltration and drainage.11. Click on the pH and find out if this soil is acid (below 7), neutral (exactly 7), oralkaline (above 7).The pH of this soil is 5.5 which makes it acidic.
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12. Would this be a better soil to farm or garden on than the Appling soil? Why or whynot?No, this is not a better soil to farm or garden than the Appling soil because the pH isthe same and the percent organic matter is not that different.
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Part 3:Put in your own zip code and click on the band of soil closest to your home. Answer thefollowing questions.Questions:13. What is the name of the main soil near you?Chateau Elan (30519) the main soil isMadison.14.How organic-rich is the topsoil here? (click on it to see a graph with percentage ororganic matter)This topsoil is not organic rich at 1.25% organic matter.15. What does this soil have more of: clay or sand? Or are they about equal (click oneach component and compare the two graphs)This soil has more sand than clay.16. What hydrologic groups (A, B, C or D) does this soil belong to?This soil is clay loamand it belongs to group D.17. Is there a risk of flash flooding for structures built on this soil?Yes, there is a risk offlash flooding due to high runoff.18. Click on the pH and find out if this soil is acid (below 7), neutral (exactly 7), oralkaline (above 7).The pH is 5.5 and is acidic.19. If you wanted to garden in your backyard soil, what should you add? (Remember:lime makes soil more alkaline, peat moss makes it more acidic, and mushroommanure makes it more organic-rich.)I would add lime and mushroom manure togarden in this soil.
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