HLTWHS002 PPT.v1.0

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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Level 5, 85 Queen StreetMelbourne-3000, AustraliaEmail: info@ridge.edu.auPhone: 03 9620 7738RTO Code: 45472HLTWHS002Follow safe work practices for direct client care
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for direct client careFollow workplace policies and procedures for safe workpractices
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Your organisational policies should clarify:Objectives for the achievement of health and safety standardsDetails of the steps that should be taken to meet health and safetyaimsSchedules for the completion of health and safety objectivesDetails of how the policies should be reviewedThe specific responsibilities of managers and other staff members.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472You may have organisational procedures for:Dealing with aggressive and potentially dangerous behaviourOrganising evacuationsInspecting and monitoring the workplaceTraining and reviewing the knowledge of employees.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Legal responsibilitiesThorough research should be undertaken, to ensure that you are fullyaware of the relevant laws and practicesThe aim of your policies and procedures should be to eliminate orminimise the potential impact of hazards in the work placeSafe work practices may include the substitution of chemicals withless harmful alternatives and the isolation of areas where employeesare at considerable risk.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Employers must provide their staff with:Safe premisesSafe machinery and materialsSafe systems of workInformation, instruction, training and supervisionA suitable working environment and facilities.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Infection controlWhen you have identified infection risks, you must respond to themaccording to infection control policies that are based and Statelegislation, National Standards and local regulationsThink about how you can eliminate hazards, where reasonable – thiscould involve changing certain work methodsTake time to read through your organisation's policies and proceduresin relation to immunisation and infection control.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for direct client careIdentify existing and potential hazards in the workplace,report them to designated persons, and record themaccording to workplace procedures
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Identifying hazards and risksHealth and safety hazards may be apparent in numerous areas of thework environmentThere will different levels of risk associated with each of these hazardsYou are advised to carry out regular inspections and identify signs ofdangerSome hazards and long term risks may not be immediately obviousHowever, research can be undertaken and employees asked fordetails of any concerns.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472You may arrange the following consultations:Tool box talksProduction meetingsTeam meetingsRegular informal discussions.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Sources of risk to personal safety can include:Alcohol and/or drug useBehaviours of concernThere are risks associated with access to work (car parkingwould be an example), access to private homes, and theperformance of workIncident reports may be used to identify situations with a higherrisk of threat and client related. They may include informationregarding care plans and case management meetingsWorking new, isolated, and/or potentially unstableenvironments.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Workplace hazards:Biological hazards, including body fluids, contaminated food, soiledclothing and linen, clinical waste, syringes, and other 'sharps'Chemicals, such as toxic or hazardous substances, gases and liquidsunder pressure, and certain cleaning chemicalsElectrical hazards related to use of equipment and faulty wiringEquipment including suitability for purpose and fitness for use
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Workplace hazards:Personal threat, such as through behaviours of concern of clientsand/or visitorsWork organisation issues such as shift work or irregular hours/on callWork-related environment, such as underfoot, lighting, space, noise,air quality, furniture/fittings, and car parkingWork-related stress.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Different types of risk:Environmental: these are caused by threats in the physicalenvironment, such as trip hazards, fire hazards, contamination andother accidents. Potential hazards should be identified and minimisedwhenever possible.Client-based: this can range from clients becoming violent, or threatswhich may be made by someone in your care. There may be aninfection risk, or injury sustained while moving/helping a client.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Different types of risk:Staff-based: this can range from other staff being violent, unfit forwork, or negligent. Staff should be monitored and trained inpreparation for such events.People-based: this involves other people and can range from clients’families to the general public. This can cause numerous risks, frominfection, to a person’s dog being out of control.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Communication methods:Written:onotesomemosoemailsoreport formsVerbal:oface-to-faceophone callovoicemail.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for direct client careIdentify any client-related risk factors or behaviours ofconcern, report them to designated persons, and recordthem according to workplace procedures
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472These factors should be taken into consideration:The times at which there is a significant risk ofchallenging behaviourThe environments in which employees and customersare at the greatest riskThe arrangement and allocation of resources to helpemployees deal with aggressive behaviourOpportunities for training staff in the different ways ofminimising risk and overcoming challengingbehaviour.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Employees should know how to:Identify signs of behavioural change and aggressionMonitor and deal with various challenging scenarios in the workplaceNegotiate and establish reasonable limits in response to concerningbehavioursDecide which actions to take as a consequence of challengingbehaviour.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Deal with distressed and angry customers in the following ways:ApologiseSympathiseAccept responsibilityIdentify means of assistance.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Organisational procedures for managing risks include:Client assessment documents and care plansCommunication, consultation, and issue resolution proceduresHazard management documentsHazard and incident reporting and investigationHazard management policies and proceduresHuman resources management procedures, such as harassmentand grievance proceduresJob procedures and work instructions; including medicationspolicy and procedures.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Organisational procedures for managing risks include:Other related procedures; including waste management andsecurityPost incident/injury management; such as first aid, criticalincident debriefing, compensation, and return to workStrategies for reducing the amount of manual handling requiredand manual handling riskSupporting people with behaviours of concern.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Incidents or suspicions:Abuse:oassaultonegligenceoneglectStaff that are unfit for work:othrough drinkothrough drugsothrough tirednessothrough lack of training.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Incidents or suspicionsSexual misconduct:oinappropriate relationships with clientsosexual misconduct with clientsMissing residents.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472You can report workplace hazards:Verbally:oface to faceotelephone callWritten:omemoonotesoreport forms.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for direct client careFollow workplace policies and procedures to minimise risk
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Health and safety policiesHealth and safety policies may be created specific to your entireorganisation and the work carried out within separate departmentsYou should include details of how to manage the different workingenvironments for optimum safetyThere should also be details of the responsibilities designated todifferent members of the workforce.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Health and safety policiesEmployees with knowledge of various health and safety issuesshould contribute to the policiesHealth and safety policies should apply to various types ofwork and be written in accordance with the WHS ActMethods should be established for the identification andremoval of hazards in the workplaceIt is also important to produce response documentation,highlighting details of incident investigation, notification andways of dealing with emergencies.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472You may identify the following means of minimising risk:Ensuring that employees/customers aren’t exposed tohazardsDeveloping low risk work practicesProviding protective equipmentIntegrating care and treatment facilities within theworkplaceDiscussing risks with employees.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Hierarchy of risk control:Level One controls:oeliminate hazardsLevel Two controls:osubstitute the hazard with something saferoisolate the hazard from peopleouse engineering controlsLevel Three controls:ouse administrative controlsouse Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for direct client careIdentify and report incidents and injuries to designatedpersons according to workplace procedures
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472You should be aware of the following causes:FatigueStressSlipsTripsUnsecured objectsLiftingAggressive behaviourUnexpected collisions.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Dealing with incidentsYou should never attempt to deal with a serious issue, unless you’vebeen provided the necessary authorisation, or trainingYou should complete the tasks that you are trained for, in accordancewith your moral and legal responsibilities.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Reporting incidents and injuriesIt is important to take details of the incident date,time, and locationYou should also record the names of witnesses whomay be able to provide helpful informationIt is also important to comply with legislationregarding the report of serious incidents and injuriesThere will be different levels of investigation basedupon the likelihood of recurrence and the potentialimpact of similar events in the future.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for manual handlingFollow manual handling procedures and work instructions forminimising manual handling risk
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Work instructions may be:In a community languageIn EnglishProvided visually, e.g. video, WHS signs, symbols, and other pictorialpresentationsVerbalIncluding care plans associated with risk managementWritten.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Lifting a heavy object: Plan the liftHold the item close to youStand properlyHold/support the weight properlyDon’t bend your backDon’t twist.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for manual handlingIdentify manualhandling hazards andreport in line withworkplace procedures
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Manual handlingManual handling may be an unavoidable part your jobYou will be expected to account for heavy lifting risks and hazardsIt is essential to provide appropriate training for lifting and carryingitems in the workplaceWorkers must take responsibility for following instructions andguidance, for the purpose of avoiding injuries and accidents.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Different types of manual handling:Moving peopleCarrying manageable itemsMoving heavy or bulky itemsPostural movements.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Preventing injury and using assistive aidsYou should be aware that there are many dangers associated withmanual handlingThere are also a wide variety of injuries and accidents that occur as aresult of poor handling techniquesHowever, there is a good selection of equipment available for workersare required to lift and move heavy goods.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Suitable equipment in the care industry:Client hoistsSlide sheetsStanding liftersRiser/recliner bedsBath hoistsSlingsTransfer boards.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Suitable equipment in the care industry:TurntablesWheelchairsLifting cushionsOther manual handling assistive devices.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Control measures may entail:Changes to the load, or clientChanges to work organisation, or practicesChanges to workplace layoutMinimising amount of handlingProvision of equipmentTask-specific training.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for manual handlingApply control measures for minimising manual handling risk
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472The risk factor of manual handling activities can be influenced by:Duration and frequency of the taskEnvironmental conditionsForces exertedMovement undertakenPostures adopted.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Risk assessment tools:ChartsChecklistsScales of dangerQuestionnairesAnd similar.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for infection controlFollow standard precautions as part of own work routine toprevent the spread of infection
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Preventing the spread of infection Preventing the spread of infection should be a priority for all careproviders and health care professionalsPreventative practices should be maintained at all timesGood habits and routines will become second nature.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Standard precautions can include:Appropriate reprocessing and storage of reusable instrumentsAseptic techniquePersonal hygiene practices, especially washing and drying hands, suchas before and after client contactSafe disposal of sharps and other clinical waste.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Standard precautions can include:Safe handling of sharpsSurface cleaning and management of blood and body fluid spillsTechniques to limit contaminationUse of Personal Protective Equipment.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for infection controlRecognise situations when additional infection controlprocedures are requiredApply additional precautions when standardprecautions alone may not be sufficient to preventtransmission of infection
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Additional infection control measures may be required if:A staff member is sickA client is sickThere is an outbreak of a particularvirus, or similarA service user is known to have aserious infectious condition, suchas HIVYou are treating a client for aparticular illness.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Additional infection control measures may be required if:Your immune system is compromised for some reasonA condition has spread amongst the residentsThere is an outbreak of parasites in the buildingThere is a particularly vulnerable client.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Additional precautions may include:Additional use of Personal Protective EquipmentDedicated equipment for each client, or as appropriate to workfunctionSpecial ventilation requirements.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow safe work practices for infection controlIdentify risks of infection and report them according toworkplace procedures
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472You may be exposed to the following types of infection:Bacteria/germsVirusesSkin rashesContagious diseasesLice/parasitesFood poisoningCampylobacter.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Infections typically happen in one of several ways, such as:AirborneThrough skin contactThrough shared surfacesThrough bodily fluidsThrough wounds.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Good practice:Sterilising surfaces and equipmentWearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as glovesCovering your mouth when sneezing or coughingSeparating contagious peopleBeing aware of those who are sickWashing hands.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Infection may result from contact with the following sources:Food poisoningAnimalsFamily members/friends/associatesPoor housingPoor sanitation.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Contribute to safe work practices in the workplaceRaise WHS issues with designated persons according toorganisational procedures
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Rights and responsibilities for WHS:Employers and employees are subject to rights and responsibilities inthe workplaceThis is to ensure the safety of all people affected and to establishmutually beneficial working arrangementsIf employers provide a safe and supportive environment thenemployees can work in greater comfortThe employer will benefit, as people will spend less time away fromwork.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Employers must:Provide a safe workplaceProvide safe equipmentProvide:otrainingoinformationoSupervisionProvide adequate and suitable facilities, where requiredCheck and maintain WHS systems and proceduresProvide PPE, where required.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Employees must:Work safelyWear PPE, where requiredFollow safety procedures and requirementsNot destroy or compromise equipment and resourcesNot interfere with safety equipmentNot act in a way that compromises their own safety, or that ofcolleagues, clients, and the publicReport any WHS.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Workplace issues and concerns can be discussed with:ColleaguesSupervisorsManagers/team leaders.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Legislative requirements relating to WHS consultation and participation:National Work Health and Safety ModelCurrent relevant State/territory WHS legislationRelevant state/territory Manual Handling Code ofConduct.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Participate in workplace safety meetings, inspections and consultative activitiesParticipate in workplace safety meetings, inspections andconsultative activities
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Employees may participate in the following:Informal chats in the workplaceDiscussions during tours of the workplaceConversations about health and safety issues during general meetingsToolbox talksFocus groups.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Workplace inspectionsRoutine inspections should be carried out for the identification ofhazards and associated risks in the workplaceIt is also important to assess the work of employees and ensure thatthey are fulfilling their dutiesThe inspections should be carried out by employees with considerableknowledge of health and safety issues relevant to the areas that theyare assessing.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472These inspections may be carried out:Safety tours – Involving general evaluation of the workplaceSafety sampling – Conducting sampling of potentially dangerousareas and practicesSafety surveys – Asking employees for perspectives on health andsafetyIncident inspections – Assessing the workplace after a seriousinjury/illness or near miss caused by lack of care and concern forhealth and safety.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Follow upThere should be an opportunity to discuss the findings of workplaceinspectionsThe inspectors may agree to go away and draw up plans for follow upactionYou may lack the time or resources to implement all of the suggestedimprovementsHowever, you should keep a record of the findings and producereports for circulation among the workforce.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Consultations may include:Health and safety representatives – Designating personnel withresponsibility for consulting on the behalf of employees. They mayhighlight areas of concern, training requirements and demandedimprovementsHealth and safety committees – Employees and managers who cometogether for the analysis and improvement of WHS measures.Workers may enlist the support of union representatives for theseconsultations.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472You may use these forms of communication:Intranet bulletinsEmailTeam briefingsRegular newslettersVideo-conferencing.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Contribute to safe work practices in the workplaceContribute to the development and implementation of safeworkplace policies and procedures in own work area
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Participative arrangements can be:Documented issue resolution processesEasy access to relevant written workplace informationFormal and informal WHS meetingsHealth and safety committeesMeetings called by Health and Safety Representatives.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Participative arrangements can be:Other committees, such as consultative planning, and purchasingOther means and processes for raising requests and concerns as wellas contributing suggestions and reports to managementRegular information sessions (using clear and understandablelanguage) on existing or new WHS issuesTeam meeting and case management meetings.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Contribution in each instance may refer to:Attendance at meetingsBehaviour that contributes to a safe workingenvironment which includes following WHS proceduresIdentifying and reporting risks and hazardsInput to care plansListening to the ideas and opinions of others in the team.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Contribution in each instance may refer to:Recommendations on changes to work processes, equipment orpracticesSharing opinions, views, knowledge and skillsUsing equipment according to guidelines and operating manuals.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Your organisation may use these prompts for information:Moral and ethical obligationLegal obligationMandatory notificationOrganisation policyConsiderationRequest.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Your organisation may have the following systems and procedures:Training staffHaving a report/feedback systemFollowing the lawManual Handling Code of PracticeProviding lifting equipmentProviding PPETaking steps to prevent infection.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Your organisation may have the following systems and procedures:Abiding by the lawMeeting restrictions and legislationsWorking compliantlyMany more.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Reflect on own safe work practicesIdentify ways to maintain currency of safe work practices inregards to workplace systems, equipment and processes inown work role
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Monitoring and evaluating health and safetyIt is important to establish means of monitoring health and safetyand reviewing the effectiveness of measures over timeYou should consider the changing health and safety standards ofyour organisation in relation to the objectives that have been setout in your policiesQuestions should be asked if you are not making the expectedlevel of progressThere should be numerous categories related to health and safetywithin your organisation.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472You should create checklists specific to:The use of personal protective equipmentThe safety of different types of machineryThe storage of chemicals and other hazardous business itemsLevels of cleanliness and tidiness in the working environmentThe accumulation and removal of wasteThe safety of procedures carried out in the workplace.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Safety auditsIt may be deemed necessary to carry out a safety audit to ensure thatyour organisation is meeting the required standardsThis may be carried out by a group of suitably knowledge staffmembers or an external agencyIt will involve an analysis of your health and safety policies, workpractices and applicable legislationA report will be compiled detailing any areas of non-compliance andthe recommended steps for improved health and safety.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Equipment assessments should be based on:Manufacturer’s instructionsThe extent to which employees rely on equipmentEnvironmental impacts (accounting for the effects of temperature,corrosion and weathering)Understanding and skill shown when using the equipmentThe potential impact of breakdown and malfunctioning.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Measures include:Installing temporary guardingEnsuring safe accessProviding suitable protective clothing and accessoriesUsing equipment under supervisionArranging comprehensive training.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Ensuring the safety of work processesEmployees should be consulted for their perspectives on health andsafety issuesYour organisation should keep a record of any injuries or near missesthat occur as a result of dangerous activity in the workplaceIt will be necessary to identify the need for improvement and carryout essential corrective action.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Ensuring the safety of work processesYou should provide guidelines for the completion of high riskprocesses in the workplaceEmployees should be aware of the hazards and steps that should betaken for the assurance of safetyThese instructions should be updated in accordance with the updateand introduction of new work practicesYou may include details of appropriate PPE, essential process stepsand risk control methods.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Reflect on own safe work practicesReflect on own levels of stress and fatigue, and report todesignated persons according to workplace procedures
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Causes of stress and fatigue include:Workers placing themselves under undue amounts of pressure tomeet high standardsThe breakdown of relationships inside and outside the workplaceThe exertion of considerable physical effort over sustained periods oftimeThe level of mental effort required to complete work tasksEnvironmental factors.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Employees may experience these symptoms of stress and fatigue:Increased blood pressureChest painsPalpitationsStomach achesHeadachesSleep problemsFatigueUnusual behaviour.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Employees may experience these symptoms of stress and fatigue:Lack of concentrationDepressionAnxietyIrritabilityLack of confidence.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Negative impacts in the workplaceIt is an unfortunate truth that stress and fatigue can haveoverwhelmingly negative impacts in the workplaceEmployees who feel great pressure on a regular basis are unlikely tobe as productive as their colleaguesStress and fatigue may also result in failure to turn up for work,diminished standards, increased risks of injuries and illnesses, andpoor moraleStressed employees are likely to feel guilty and place increasingamounts of pressure on themselves.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Reporting proceduresIt is important for employees to be able to report instance of stressand fatigue at the earliest opportunityIf such problems are rapidly identified then there will be a goodchance of developing effective solutionsThere shouldn’t be any considerable fear regarding the consequencesof reporting stress and fatigueEmployees should be treated fairly, with the appropriate level ofrespect and dignity.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Organisational responsibilitiesSome employees may be reluctant to provide details of stress andfatigue due to concerns about job security and follow up actionHowever, employers should make it clear that such personalcharacteristics may have significant impacts in the workplaceAppropriate means of support should be established, so thatemployees are able to overcome problems and continue performingtheir duties.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Reflect on own safe work practicesParticipate inworkplace debriefing toaddress individual needs
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Debriefing in response to workplace incidentsThe risk of workplace incidents varies, depending on the nature of theorganisations and the level of care taken by employeesSuch events are bound to have a considerable impact on employeesMeetings and necessary support should be arranged for the benefit ofthe workforce.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472These measures may be agreed:Allowing time away from the workplace for recoveryCounselling within and outside the workplaceThorough assessment of the working environment, to avoid anyrecurrences.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Your organisation may adopt these strategies:Draw upon employee experiences to draw up a detailed account ofeventsAddress any questions and concernsEncourage open discussions about the incidentsIdentify immediate requirementsProvide information on the different means of supportOrganise further meetings for the purpose of assessing and evaluatingresponses.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Structure of incident debriefingThere should be general agreement regarding attendance atworkplace debriefingsSuch sessions may begin with details of the agreed measuresimplemented subsequent to a negative eventEmployees should be encouraged to air their views, without fear ofrecriminationIt will also be important to consider the results of follow up action inlight of agreed recovery objectives.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Other forms of debriefingDebriefing sessions aren’t always organised in response to workplaceincidentsMany businesses organise regular debriefings for the purpose ofassessing the risk and progression of projectsEmployees may be praised and rewarded for setting positive examplesin the workplace.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472Summative AssessmentsSummative assessments consist of:Skills assessmentKnowledge assessmentPerformance assessment.Your assessor will provide you with further guidance on how and whereto complete these assessments.
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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472FeedbackDid we meet our objectives?How did you find this session?Any questions?
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