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©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Level 5, 85 Queen Street
Melbourne-3000, Australia
Phone: 03 9620 7738
RTO Code: 45472
Follow safe work practices
for direct client care
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for direct
client care
Follow workplace policies and procedures for safe work
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Your organisational policies should clarify:
Objectives for the achievement of health and safety standards
Details of the steps that should be taken to meet health and safety
Schedules for the completion of health and safety objectives
Details of how the policies should be reviewed
The specific responsibilities of managers and other staff members.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
You may have organisational procedures for:
Dealing with aggressive and potentially dangerous behaviour
Organising evacuations
Inspecting and monitoring the workplace
Training and reviewing the knowledge of employees.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Legal responsibilities
Thorough research should be undertaken, to ensure that you are fully
aware of the relevant laws and practices
The aim of your policies and procedures should be to eliminate or
minimise the potential impact of hazards in the work place
Safe work practices may include the substitution of chemicals with
less harmful alternatives and the isolation of areas where employees
are at considerable risk.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Employers must provide their staff
Safe premises
Safe machinery and materials
Safe systems of work
Information, instruction, training and supervision
A suitable working environment and facilities.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Infection control
When you have identified infection risks, you must respond to them
according to infection control policies that are based and State
legislation, National Standards and local regulations
Think about how you can eliminate hazards, where reasonable – this
could involve changing certain work methods
Take time to read through your organisation's policies and procedures
in relation to immunisation and infection control.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for direct
client care
Identify existing and potential hazards in the workplace,
report them to designated persons, and record them
according to workplace procedures
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Identifying hazards and risks
Health and safety hazards may be apparent in numerous areas of the
work environment
There will different levels of risk associated with each of these hazards
You are advised to carry out regular inspections and identify signs of
Some hazards and long term risks may not be immediately obvious
However, research can be undertaken and employees asked for
details of any concerns.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
You may arrange the following consultations:
Tool box talks
Production meetings
Team meetings
Regular informal discussions.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Sources of risk to personal safety can include:
Alcohol and/or drug use
Behaviours of concern
There are risks associated with access to work (car parking
would be an example), access to private homes, and the
performance of work
Incident reports may be used to identify situations with a higher
risk of threat and client related. They may include information
regarding care plans and case management meetings
Working new, isolated, and/or potentially unstable
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Workplace hazards:
Biological hazards, including body fluids, contaminated food, soiled
clothing and linen, clinical waste, syringes, and other 'sharps'
Chemicals, such as toxic or hazardous substances, gases and liquids
under pressure, and certain cleaning chemicals
Electrical hazards related to use of equipment and faulty wiring
Equipment including suitability for purpose and fitness for use
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Workplace hazards:
Personal threat, such as through behaviours of concern of clients
and/or visitors
Work organisation issues such as shift work or irregular hours/on call
Work-related environment, such as underfoot, lighting, space, noise,
air quality, furniture/fittings, and car parking
Work-related stress.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Different types of risk:
: these are caused by threats in the physical
environment, such as trip hazards, fire hazards, contamination and
other accidents. Potential hazards should be identified and minimised
whenever possible.
: this can range from clients becoming violent, or threats
which may be made by someone in your care. There may be an
infection risk, or injury sustained while moving/helping a client.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Different types of risk:
: this can range from other staff being violent, unfit for
work, or negligent. Staff should be monitored and trained in
preparation for such events.
: this involves other people and can range from clients’
families to the general public. This can cause numerous risks, from
infection, to a person’s dog being out of control.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Communication methods:
report forms
phone call
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for direct
client care
Identify any client-related risk factors or behaviours of
concern, report them to designated persons, and record
them according to workplace procedures
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
These factors should be taken into
The times at which there is a significant risk of
challenging behaviour
The environments in which employees and customers
are at the greatest risk
The arrangement and allocation of resources to help
employees deal with aggressive behaviour
Opportunities for training staff in the different ways of
minimising risk and overcoming challenging
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Employees should know how to:
Identify signs of behavioural change and aggression
Monitor and deal with various challenging scenarios in the workplace
Negotiate and establish reasonable limits in response to concerning
Decide which actions to take as a consequence of challenging
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Deal with distressed and angry
customers in the following ways:
Accept responsibility
Identify means of assistance.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Organisational procedures for managing risks include:
Client assessment documents and care plans
Communication, consultation, and issue resolution procedures
Hazard management documents
Hazard and incident reporting and investigation
Hazard management policies and procedures
Human resources management procedures, such as harassment
and grievance procedures
Job procedures and work instructions; including medications
policy and procedures.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Organisational procedures for
managing risks include:
Other related procedures; including waste management and
Post incident/injury management; such as first aid, critical
incident debriefing, compensation, and return to work
Strategies for reducing the amount of manual handling required
and manual handling risk
Supporting people with behaviours of concern.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Incidents or suspicions:
Staff that are unfit for work:
through drink
through drugs
through tiredness
through lack of training.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Incidents or suspicions
Sexual misconduct:
inappropriate relationships with clients
sexual misconduct with clients
Missing residents.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
You can report workplace hazards:
face to face
telephone call
report forms.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for direct
client care
Follow workplace policies and procedures to minimise risk
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Health and safety policies
Health and safety policies may be created specific to your entire
organisation and the work carried out within separate departments
You should include details of how to manage the different working
environments for optimum safety
There should also be details of the responsibilities designated to
different members of the workforce.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Health and safety policies
Employees with knowledge of various health and safety issues
should contribute to the policies
Health and safety policies should apply to various types of
work and be written in accordance with the WHS Act
Methods should be established for the identification and
removal of hazards in the workplace
It is also important to produce response documentation,
highlighting details of incident investigation, notification and
ways of dealing with emergencies.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
You may identify the following
means of minimising risk:
Ensuring that employees/customers aren’t exposed to
Developing low risk work practices
Providing protective equipment
Integrating care and treatment facilities within the
Discussing risks with employees.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Hierarchy of risk control:
Level One controls:
eliminate hazards
Level Two controls:
substitute the hazard with something safer
isolate the hazard from people
use engineering controls
Level Three controls:
use administrative controls
use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for direct
client care
Identify and report incidents and injuries to designated
persons according to workplace procedures
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
You should be aware of the following
Unsecured objects
Aggressive behaviour
Unexpected collisions.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Dealing with incidents
You should never attempt to deal with a serious issue, unless you’ve
been provided the necessary authorisation, or training
You should complete the tasks that you are trained for, in accordance
with your moral and legal responsibilities.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Reporting incidents and injuries
It is important to take details of the incident date,
time, and location
You should also record the names of witnesses who
may be able to provide helpful information
It is also important to comply with legislation
regarding the report of serious incidents and injuries
There will be different levels of investigation based
upon the likelihood of recurrence and the potential
impact of similar events in the future.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for
manual handling
Follow manual handling procedures and work instructions for
minimising manual handling risk
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Work instructions may be:
In a community language
In English
Provided visually, e.g. video, WHS signs, symbols, and other pictorial
Including care plans associated with risk management
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Lifting a heavy object:
Plan the lift
Hold the item close to you
Stand properly
Hold/support the weight properly
Don’t bend your back
Don’t twist.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for
manual handling
Identify manual
handling hazards and
report in line with
workplace procedures
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Manual handling
Manual handling may be an unavoidable part your job
You will be expected to account for heavy lifting risks and hazards
It is essential to provide appropriate training for lifting and carrying
items in the workplace
Workers must take responsibility for following instructions and
guidance, for the purpose of avoiding injuries and accidents.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Different types of manual handling:
Moving people
Carrying manageable items
Moving heavy or bulky items
Postural movements.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Preventing injury and using assistive
You should be aware that there are many dangers associated with
manual handling
There are also a wide variety of injuries and accidents that occur as a
result of poor handling techniques
However, there is a good selection of equipment available for workers
are required to lift and move heavy goods.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Suitable equipment in the care
Client hoists
Slide sheets
Standing lifters
Riser/recliner beds
Bath hoists
Transfer boards.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Suitable equipment in the care
Lifting cushions
Other manual handling assistive devices.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Control measures may entail:
Changes to the load, or client
Changes to work organisation, or practices
Changes to workplace layout
Minimising amount of handling
Provision of equipment
Task-specific training.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for
manual handling
Apply control measures for minimising manual handling risk
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
The risk factor of manual handling
activities can be influenced by:
Duration and frequency of the task
Environmental conditions
Forces exerted
Movement undertaken
Postures adopted.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Risk assessment tools:
Scales of danger
And similar.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for
infection control
Follow standard precautions as part of own work routine to
prevent the spread of infection
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Preventing the spread of infection
Preventing the spread of infection should be a priority for all care
providers and health care professionals
Preventative practices should be maintained at all times
Good habits and routines will become second nature.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Standard precautions can include:
Appropriate reprocessing and storage of reusable instruments
Aseptic technique
Personal hygiene practices, especially washing and drying hands, such
as before and after client contact
Safe disposal of sharps and other clinical waste.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Standard precautions can include:
Safe handling of sharps
Surface cleaning and management of blood and body fluid spills
Techniques to limit contamination
Use of Personal Protective Equipment.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for
infection control
Recognise situations when additional infection control
procedures are required
Apply additional precautions when standard
precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent
transmission of infection
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Additional infection control
measures may be required if:
A staff member is sick
A client is sick
There is an outbreak of a particular
virus, or similar
A service user is known to have a
serious infectious condition, such
as HIV
You are treating a client for a
particular illness.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Additional infection control
measures may be required if:
Your immune system is compromised for some reason
A condition has spread amongst the residents
There is an outbreak of parasites in the building
There is a particularly vulnerable client.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Additional precautions may include:
Additional use of Personal Protective Equipment
Dedicated equipment for each client, or as appropriate to work
Special ventilation requirements.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow safe work practices for
infection control
Identify risks of infection and report them according to
workplace procedures
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
You may be exposed to the following
types of infection:
Skin rashes
Contagious diseases
Food poisoning
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Infections typically happen in one of several ways, such as:
Through skin contact
Through shared surfaces
Through bodily fluids
Through wounds.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Good practice:
Sterilising surfaces and equipment
Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as gloves
Covering your mouth when sneezing or coughing
Separating contagious people
Being aware of those who are sick
Washing hands.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Infection may result from contact with the following sources:
Food poisoning
Family members/friends/associates
Poor housing
Poor sanitation.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Contribute to safe work practices in
the workplace
Raise WHS issues with designated persons according to
organisational procedures
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Rights and responsibilities for WHS:
Employers and employees are subject to rights and responsibilities in
the workplace
This is to ensure the safety of all people affected and to establish
mutually beneficial working arrangements
If employers provide a safe and supportive environment then
employees can work in greater comfort
The employer will benefit, as people will spend less time away from
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Employers must:
Provide a safe workplace
Provide safe equipment
Provide adequate and suitable facilities, where required
Check and maintain WHS systems and procedures
Provide PPE, where required.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Employees must:
Work safely
Wear PPE, where required
Follow safety procedures and requirements
Not destroy or compromise equipment and resources
Not interfere with safety equipment
Not act in a way that compromises their own safety, or that of
colleagues, clients, and the public
Report any WHS.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Workplace issues and concerns can
be discussed with:
Managers/team leaders.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Legislative requirements
relating to WHS consultation
and participation:
National Work Health and Safety Model
Current relevant State/territory WHS legislation
Relevant state/territory Manual Handling Code of
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Participate in workplace safety
meetings, inspections and
consultative activities
Participate in workplace safety meetings, inspections and
consultative activities
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Employees may participate in the following:
Informal chats in the workplace
Discussions during tours of the workplace
Conversations about health and safety issues during general meetings
Toolbox talks
Focus groups.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Workplace inspections
Routine inspections should be carried out for the identification of
hazards and associated risks in the workplace
It is also important to assess the work of employees and ensure that
they are fulfilling their duties
The inspections should be carried out by employees with considerable
knowledge of health and safety issues relevant to the areas that they
are assessing.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
These inspections may be carried out:
Safety tours
– Involving general evaluation of the workplace
Safety sampling
– Conducting sampling of potentially dangerous
areas and practices
Safety surveys
– Asking employees for perspectives on health and
Incident inspections
– Assessing the workplace after a serious
injury/illness or near miss caused by lack of care and concern for
health and safety.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Follow up
There should be an opportunity to discuss the findings of workplace
The inspectors may agree to go away and draw up plans for follow up
You may lack the time or resources to implement all of the suggested
However, you should keep a record of the findings and produce
reports for circulation among the workforce.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Consultations may include:
Health and safety representatives – Designating personnel with
responsibility for consulting on the behalf of employees. They may
highlight areas of concern, training requirements and demanded
Health and safety committees – Employees and managers who come
together for the analysis and improvement of WHS measures.
Workers may enlist the support of union representatives for these
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
You may use these forms of
Intranet bulletins
Team briefings
Regular newsletters
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Contribute to safe work practices in
the workplace
Contribute to the development and implementation of safe
workplace policies and procedures in own work area
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Participative arrangements can be:
Documented issue resolution processes
Easy access to relevant written workplace information
Formal and informal WHS meetings
Health and safety committees
Meetings called by Health and Safety Representatives.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Participative arrangements can be:
Other committees, such as consultative planning, and purchasing
Other means and processes for raising requests and concerns as well
as contributing suggestions and reports to management
Regular information sessions (using clear and understandable
language) on existing or new WHS issues
Team meeting and case management meetings.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Contribution in each instance may
refer to:
Attendance at meetings
Behaviour that contributes to a safe working
environment which includes following WHS procedures
Identifying and reporting risks and hazards
Input to care plans
Listening to the ideas and opinions of others in the team.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Contribution in each instance may
refer to:
Recommendations on changes to work processes, equipment or
Sharing opinions, views, knowledge and skills
Using equipment according to guidelines and operating manuals.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Your organisation may use these
prompts for information:
Moral and ethical obligation
Legal obligation
Mandatory notification
Organisation policy
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Your organisation may have the
following systems and procedures:
Training staff
Having a report/feedback system
Following the law
Manual Handling Code of Practice
Providing lifting equipment
Providing PPE
Taking steps to prevent infection.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Your organisation may have the
following systems and procedures:
Abiding by the law
Meeting restrictions and legislations
Working compliantly
Many more.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Reflect on own safe work practices
Identify ways to maintain currency of safe work practices in
regards to workplace systems, equipment and processes in
own work role
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Monitoring and evaluating health and safety
It is important to establish means of monitoring health and safety
and reviewing the effectiveness of measures over time
You should consider the changing health and safety standards of
your organisation in relation to the objectives that have been set
out in your policies
Questions should be asked if you are not making the expected
level of progress
There should be numerous categories related to health and safety
within your organisation.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
You should create checklists specific to:
The use of personal protective equipment
The safety of different types of machinery
The storage of chemicals and other hazardous business items
Levels of cleanliness and tidiness in the working environment
The accumulation and removal of waste
The safety of procedures carried out in the workplace.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Safety audits
It may be deemed necessary to carry out a safety audit to ensure that
your organisation is meeting the required standards
This may be carried out by a group of suitably knowledge staff
members or an external agency
It will involve an analysis of your health and safety policies, work
practices and applicable legislation
A report will be compiled detailing any areas of non-compliance and
the recommended steps for improved health and safety.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Equipment assessments should be based on:
Manufacturer’s instructions
The extent to which employees rely on equipment
Environmental impacts (accounting for the effects of temperature,
corrosion and weathering)
Understanding and skill shown when using the equipment
The potential impact of breakdown and malfunctioning.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Measures include:
Installing temporary guarding
Ensuring safe access
Providing suitable protective clothing and accessories
Using equipment under supervision
Arranging comprehensive training.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Ensuring the safety of work processes
Employees should be consulted for their perspectives on health and
safety issues
Your organisation should keep a record of any injuries or near misses
that occur as a result of dangerous activity in the workplace
It will be necessary to identify the need for improvement and carry
out essential corrective action.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Ensuring the safety of work
You should provide guidelines for the completion of high risk
processes in the workplace
Employees should be aware of the hazards and steps that should be
taken for the assurance of safety
These instructions should be updated in accordance with the update
and introduction of new work practices
You may include details of appropriate PPE, essential process steps
and risk control methods.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Reflect on own safe work practices
Reflect on own levels of stress and fatigue, and report to
designated persons according to workplace procedures
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Causes of stress and fatigue
Workers placing themselves under undue amounts of pressure to
meet high standards
The breakdown of relationships inside and outside the workplace
The exertion of considerable physical effort over sustained periods of
The level of mental effort required to complete work tasks
Environmental factors.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Employees may experience these symptoms of stress and fatigue:
Increased blood pressure
Chest pains
Stomach aches
Sleep problems
Unusual behaviour.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Employees may experience these
symptoms of stress and fatigue:
Lack of concentration
Lack of confidence.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Negative impacts in the workplace
It is an unfortunate truth that stress and fatigue can have
overwhelmingly negative impacts in the workplace
Employees who feel great pressure on a regular basis are unlikely to
be as productive as their colleagues
Stress and fatigue may also result in failure to turn up for work,
diminished standards, increased risks of injuries and illnesses, and
poor morale
Stressed employees are likely to feel guilty and place increasing
amounts of pressure on themselves.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Reporting procedures
It is important for employees to be able to report instance of stress
and fatigue at the earliest opportunity
If such problems are rapidly identified then there will be a good
chance of developing effective solutions
There shouldn’t be any considerable fear regarding the consequences
of reporting stress and fatigue
Employees should be treated fairly, with the appropriate level of
respect and dignity.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Organisational responsibilities
Some employees may be reluctant to provide details of stress and
fatigue due to concerns about job security and follow up action
However, employers should make it clear that such personal
characteristics may have significant impacts in the workplace
Appropriate means of support should be established, so that
employees are able to overcome problems and continue performing
their duties.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Reflect on own safe work practices
Participate in
workplace debriefing to
address individual needs
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Debriefing in response to workplace incidents
The risk of workplace incidents varies, depending on the nature of the
organisations and the level of care taken by employees
Such events are bound to have a considerable impact on employees
Meetings and necessary support should be arranged for the benefit of
the workforce.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
These measures may be agreed:
Allowing time away from the workplace for recovery
Counselling within and outside the workplace
Thorough assessment of the working environment, to avoid any
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Your organisation may adopt these strategies:
Draw upon employee experiences to draw up a detailed account of
Address any questions and concerns
Encourage open discussions about the incidents
Identify immediate requirements
Provide information on the different means of support
Organise further meetings for the purpose of assessing and evaluating
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Structure of incident debriefing
There should be general agreement regarding attendance at
workplace debriefings
Such sessions may begin with details of the agreed measures
implemented subsequent to a negative event
Employees should be encouraged to air their views, without fear of
It will also be important to consider the results of follow up action in
light of agreed recovery objectives.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Other forms of debriefing
Debriefing sessions aren’t always organised in response to workplace
Many businesses organise regular debriefings for the purpose of
assessing the risk and progression of projects
Employees may be praised and rewarded for setting positive examples
in the workplace.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Summative Assessments
Summative assessments consist of:
Skills assessment
Knowledge assessment
Performance assessment.
Your assessor will provide you with further guidance on how and where
to complete these assessments.
©Ridge International College , RTO Code 45472
Did we meet our objectives?
How did you find this session?
Any questions?