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Dec 19, 2024
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About this AssignmentEmploymentlawisconstantlyevolvingandrespondingtotemporaryissues.Forthisassignment, you will be researching a contemporary employment law case decided by theUnited States Supreme Court. When considering what qualifies as a 'contemporary employmentlaw case', please consider a law case that raises a legal question (or questions) related to theworkplace and employer-employee relationships and that has been presented to the U.S.Supreme Court within the last 5 years. You will be preparing a case brief of the case youresearch.For help locating U.S. Supreme Court cases, see:●Supreme Court of the United States●JustiaYour case brief should be approximately 600-800 words (not including your Reference page) inlength. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Use distinctheadings to clearly identify each element (prompt) of your case brief.Case Brief PromptsYour case brief should include each of the following elements:Procedural History: What is the history of the selected case? What prior courts heard thecase? What were the rulings of the involved prior courts?Facts: What are the critical facts of the case? Identify the parties and the facts that wereconsidered in the Court's ultimate holding.Issues: What were the specific legal question(s) presented to the Court? Present the issues inclear and concise question format. If there were multiple legal questions, list each issueseparately.Holding (Decision): How did the Court answer the issues? What was the Court's final decisionwith respect to each issue?Court Rationale: Summarize the Court's reasoning. Why did the Court rule in the way that itdid? How (and why) did the Court arrive at its ultimate answers to the legal issues?Analysis: Share an original analysis and interpretation of the case and the Court's ruling. Whatis the case's significance? How has the case impacted our courts? How has the case impactedour government and/or our citizens? Do you agree with the Court's analysis?Using SourcesYou must use at least two credible sources and cite them using APA format. Identify any sourcein your Reference page. Any laws and legal cases used in the body of your paper must also beincluded in the References page.
Please include a mix of both primary and secondary sources. At least one of your sourcesshould be the case opinion.Primarysourcesarefirst-handaccountssuchasinterviews,advertisements,speeches,company documents, statements, and press releases published by the company in questionwithin the case you selected.Secondarysourcescomefrompeer-reviewedscholarlyjournals,suchastheAmericanBusiness Law Journal. You may use resources like JSTOR, Google Scholar, Cornell UniversityLaw School's Legal Information Institute and/or FindLaw to find articles from these journals andrelated case law. Secondary sources may also come from reputable websites with .gov, .edu, in the domain. (Wikipedia is not a reputable source, though the sources listed in Wikipediaarticles may be acceptable.)Reminders about using AIAI may be used as a tool to support your process for creating this assignment but may notcreate or write your assignment response for you. Plagiarized submissions will not be gradedand may result in disciplinary actions.All AI usage for this assignment must be properly cited and documented according to theguidelines in the How to Use & Cite AI Tools in College Saver Course Assignments article.In addition to in-text citations and inclusion in your Works Cited for the assignment, you mustsubmit a separate document as outlined in the Documenting and Attributing AI section of theabove article.It is important to fact-check any output you obtain using AI as it may produce inaccuracy ormisinformation.You are solely responsible for all submitted work that you provide with the use of AI.Do not input any confidential or personal information while using AI tools.