Paper Exercise 2 Figures (2)

University of Tulsa**We aren't endorsed by this school
FIN 4063
Dec 19, 2024
Uploaded by PrivateQuetzal4886
Earthquake hazard map: US 1@ ( % EXPLANATION ) Peak acceleration, expressed as a fraction of standard gravity (g} 0.07 Areas where suspected nontactonic 0.05 sarthquakes have been deleted 500 1,000 KILOMETERS 1 = el b - 5(‘10 l.[ll(l) MILES Ten-percent probability of exceedance in 50 years map of peak ground acceleration tp://
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Oklahoma Earthquakes - 1882 to Sep. 20, 2016; 08:00 CDT Magnitude -1.200000 - 1.000000 ° 1.000001 - 2.000000 2.000001 - 3.000000 3.000001 - 4.000000 4.000001 - 5.000000 ® 0 o 5.000001 - 5.800000 23140 Events as of date Data Sources: Earthquake information - Oklahoma Geophysical Observatory, Geologic Provinces - Northcutt, R.A. and Campbell, J.A.,1995, Geologic Provinces of Oklahoma - map and digital data: Oklahoma Geological Survey, Open File Report 5-95 Faults - Marsh, S., 2016. Comprehensive Fault Map of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geological Survey OF2-2016 / . 2 v 4 (o] o K (! ‘\‘) Nowata c // tidwa 7. s N T, A 99 : > r 3 9N N\ ! MW & . oo i Rogers > D’e_l_aware ° / eyes eo = (8) - ° e 9‘ \ H R ulsa = " . - - O, : et *' / todl ! & 7 re' -1 ° uige - - - ° A / I P Ty ° . ° °, o cintosh 5 | ! .. 2% ~ ‘\.4 - = ~ < > 2 %y 2 £ . e Cogy®heh - J imgn el & ((, . O e o4 . D ‘e&OF 4 in K ::% s Cfdctaw® 000 ; 2 ~.. o ° ° 0 25 50 100 WMH% e 0 25 S0 100 150 200 W<¢E e ey = [ RS Bryan Tapp, University of Tulsa, Sep. 20 2016
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WeorldBtlas.Com 7 : 'TECTONIC PLATES North Eurasian America Plate oy Arabian - Caribbea Plate Philippine e ey "N TR Indo-Australian Plate e Scotia Plate”™ Antarctica Plate
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Oklahoma Earthquakes - 2009 Cimarron Cimarron]Arch aver A | wa Be. H’p:adarko SH el Woods / / - Ottar B SRR 4 r.*"f Woodward % 3 i Delaware = M S % -‘3‘. Adair Roger Mills "% . Magnitude s %"‘40 0.00000 - 1.000000 © 1.000001 - 2.000000 2.000001 - 3.000000 © 3.000001 - 3.700000 50 Events (o] Data Sources: Earthquake information - Oklahoma Geophysical Observatory, complete data file. Geologic Provinces -Northcutt, R.A. and Campbell, J.A.,1995, Geologic Provinces of Oklahoma - map and digital data: Oklahoma Geological 0 Survey, Open File Report 5-95 m Kilometers
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Oklahoma Earthquakes - 2016 (2960 Events as of 9.20.2016; 08:00 CDT) 2016 Earthquakes 0.0-1.9 346 event 20-29 2106 events o o © 30-39 497 events @ 40-49 9 events 50-5.8 2 events As of date in 2015, 4672 events had been recorded in the OGS Catalog Data Sources: Earthquake information - Oklahoma Geological Survey Earthquake Catalog, Geologic Provinces -Northcutt, R.A. and Campbell, J.A.,1995, Geologic Provinces of Oklahoma - map and digital data: Oklahoma Geological Survey, Open File Report 5-95 Faults - Marsh, S., 2016, Comprehensive Fault Map of Oklahoma Geological Survey, Open File Report 2-2016 Basement wells - Campbell, J.A. and Weber, J.L., 2006, Wells drilled to basement in Oklahoma. OGS-SP-2006-1 Miles 0 25 50 100 150 200 W{>E Kilometers s Bryan Tapp, University of Tulsa, Sep. 20, 2016
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2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 120 Fairview M=5.1—> 18 -1 105 m'g Monthly injected saltwater volume [m®] Crescent M = 4.5 7y 1.6 --=-Normalized pressure rate 3 km below injection . Cherokee 190 g i Monthly number of induced earthquake (M > 3) M=4.7 . § ; Er Pawnee M=58 60 g1 E 1 / —145 8 Prague M= 5.6 , Maqdated - injection rate o) k= i + 0.8 \ Y 30 ) o 15 = 0.6 - . = 18 -O-C—l .~.~°~.- CC) 0.4 [ A A - - O = ! I S 8 il L 5 i Normalized pressure rate il 0.2 AL et 3 km below the injection interval o L=Z1 = | 1 1 | | | | | | 1 | 1 1 | | 1 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 Year M > 3) Monthly number of induced earthquakes (
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Hydraulic Fracking Well Brine Taken to Disposal Well > Disposal Well [ " | " | I Fracking Fluid :u \ Oil and Gas, plus : Y 7| Wastewater (Brine) | I | I, | I | » : | | | | | | | | | | | Al e I o P fi_}fi»[t}i{ ,'! J armatior Granite Basement Rock
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Z 1 T —-—-—= | T26N R1W T26N R1E T26N RZE, T26N R3E MR 5E Tzem T26N R7E / EPA Junisdiction : T25N R6E T25N R7E / T25N R1W T25N R1E T25N R2E T25N R3E T25N R4E T25N R5E /// Osage f % %/ \, KAW LAND'S CATTLE 13 SWD' ) ROCK RANGH 1-18 SWD Y T24N R7E 724N RIW T24N RIW T24N R1E T24N R2E T24N R3E T24N R4E MAT SWD 1-36 | a / A T23N R5E T23N R6E T23N R7E T23N R2W T23N R1W T23N R1E -T23N R2E SCROGGINS 1 SWD A LEFORCE 4 PAWCO 1-31SWD TRIGG (DONAHOE #1) 2= 1 FERGUSON 34-1D L& SCROGGINS 1-33SWD ,_,NDA;_,;] ROGERS,1-13D . 4 T22N R3E e 5%0 T22N RSE T22N R6E T22N R7E EQ Last 7 Days by wiLl 128 swp] NORMAN 127 SWD CARTM WHITE SWD"1 Faults Rl " Subject Wells N / st BIG IRON421N"TE.ISWD _ VOISE 1-10 SWD T22N R4E past7days = A }/ prefmag VOISE 1-10 SWD e -0.200000 - 1.000000 H. VOI%E 14-21N-1E 1ISWD Vi PEPPER CREEK 1SWD T21N R6E T21N R7E e 1.000001 - 2.000000 BONTRAGER 1-21X'SWD GEORGE 1-23 SWD T21N R3E TZANRIE A T21N RSE © 2.000001 - 3.000000 N, f A/ @ 3000001 - 3.500000 R AW'SEMAQ%'Z‘N;/‘E 1SwD \ (_) 3.500001 - 3.999999 129N Rat ! - = \JARGAS 3-20N-1E 1SWD "RAINS 5-20N-2E 1 SWD @ +.000000 - 4 500000 /| ~mpm GILBERT 1-17 SWD| NEWTON 17 SWD @ 500001 - 5610000 T20N R2E = W S Faults OF4-2015_WGS84 EASTOK 1-24 A DNAS > Lt T20N R6E T20N R7E <all other values> T20N R1E Y A T20N R3E DADDY DON 1-30 SWD Optimal VITEK 1-24 SWD A EASTOK-DRUMMOND 1-19 - CEDAR GROVE 21-20N-2E 1SWD T20N R4E =2 / Payne Date: 9/3/2016 : mm3 7/ awnee_5mile_Buffer —— \ T19N R8E awnee_Osage_County 25 5 10 15 20 25 30 Creet awnee_10mile_Buffer Miles T19N R7E T | ]
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September 2016 - Pawnee Earthguake * Check out USGS info about the quake: e ntensity
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