Week 12 group lab

CUNY New York City College of Technology**We aren't endorsed by this school
EET 3112
Electrical Engineering
Dec 19, 2024
Uploaded by GrandKomodoDragon2794
EET 3112 - Advanced Microcontroller and EmbeddedSystem DesignNew York City College Of TechnologyEET 3112 - Advanced Microcontroller and Embedded SystemDesignWeek # 12Group 1Danny Carchi MoraJahvonne AbramsBryan ArelanoReport Date: 12/2/24Instructor:Prof. Xinzhou Wei1
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EET 3112 - Advanced Microcontroller and EmbeddedSystem DesignTable of ContentsAbstract3Objective3Equipment3Procedures of the Experiment4Theory4Results of Measurements and Analyses5-32Conclusion33Reference332
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EET 3112 - Advanced Microcontroller and EmbeddedSystem DesignAbstract:This lab report explores the simulation of Analog-to-DigitalConversion (ADC) using Proteus Design Suite, a comprehensive tool forelectronic circuit simulation. ADCs are essential for converting analogsignals into digital data, enabling their integration with digital systemssuch as microcontrollers. The simulation demonstrates the principles ofADC operation, including sampling, quantization, and resolution. Avariable analog signal generator was used as the input source, and thedigital output was visualized using LEDs and an LCD display. Keyparameters such as resolution, sampling rate, and quantization errorwere analyzed to understand their impact on conversion accuracy. Thissimulation provides a practical framework for designing and testingADC-based circuits, offering insights into the interplay between analogsignals and digital systems.Objective:The objective of this lab is to implement a comparator anddemonstrate the concepts learned through Proteus.Equipment:Proteus3
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EET 3112 - Advanced Microcontroller and EmbeddedSystem DesignProcedures of the Experiment:CREATE A NEW PROJECT IN PROTEUSCONFIGURE THE PROJECT WIZARD-1CONFIGURE THE PROJECT WIZARD- 2Configure the project wizard- 3Configure the project wizard -4SELECT THE MICROCONTROLLER–PIC16F690Finish the project wizard configurationStart the source code tabEditing source codeBuild Project - Convert to Binary CodeSyntax Error from Compiler- Debug CodeBuild Project– Successfully passed compilerWork on the System SchematicPrepare components from libraryConfigure the MCU- Double Click PIC16F690Configure the MCU –Watchdog Timer & ClockSimulation ResultTheory:Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) play a critical role ininterfacing analog signals with digital systems. ADCs transform analoginput signals, such as voltage or current, into corresponding digitalvalues that can be processed by microcontrollers or digital circuits. Thissimulation focuses on understanding ADC functionality through a virtualdesign implemented in Proteus, a powerful software for electronic circuitdesign and simulation.4
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EET 3112 - Advanced Microcontroller and EmbeddedSystem DesignCode:5
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EET 3112 - Advanced Microcontroller and EmbeddedSystem DesignConclusion:The ADC simulation using Proteus successfully demonstrated thefundamental concepts of Analog-to-Digital Conversion, including signalsampling, quantization, and the influence of resolution on conversionaccuracy. The simulation highlighted the critical role of ADCs in bridginganalog and digital domains, providing a practical understanding of howanalog inputs are transformed into digital outputs. Through the use ofvirtual components, we observed the impact of key parameters such asresolution and sampling rate on the fidelity of the conversion. This labreinforced the importance of selecting appropriate ADC specifications forspecific applications and showcased the utility of Proteus as a powerfultool for designing and analyzing ADC-based circuits. The knowledgegained from this simulation lays a solid foundation for implementingADCs in real-world electronic systems.Reference:1) Week 12 PPT Lecture pdf under EET 3112 Content → LecturePPTs → “Week12”The source code listed above, are credited to Prof Wei whoprovided them to us for this lab experiment.33
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