Requirements - Reflection Paper #1

University of Winnipeg**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 19, 2024
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IL 1408 - Indigenous Languages Contact & ChangeRequirements for Reflection Paper #1 (10%)Students will submit a 2 page paper reflecting on any of the topics discussed during Week 1 &2. Topics discussed will include: What do we know about language? Why are languagesimportant? What do we know about the Indigenous languages of Manitoba? How are language& culture connected for Indigenous people? You will reflect on what was discussed/read in classand make your own personal connections.Due Date:10 AM on May 17/24(submit via Nexus)This reflection paper is worth 10%. The purpose is to encourage the exploration of ideas, andexpression of opinion as opposed to summarizing the opinions of others. Thisis not a readingassignment, summary or formal essay. This is your opportunity to explore, challenge, and reflecton your own thoughts about what we are learning in class.Requirements:Reflections are due on May 17/24 at 10 AMPlease review late submission policy in the syllabusReflections must be no longer than 2 pages (not including Title page & Reference page)Please use Times New Roman 12pt font for entire paperPlease include a Title page & Reference page (using APA formatting)Please use APA citation style (*see “Resources” in our Nexus classroom for help)Reflection Paper #1 is a response to:any of the class discussions/videos from Weeks 1 & 2the assigned readings for Weeks 1 & 2you must include at least one citation (this can be from the required readings,class discussion, course lecture, etc.)Reflection Ideas:If you need help getting started, here are some sample prompts:Reflect on the difficulty of translating Indigenous languages into English. What can belost in translation? Why would that be important? Have you ever experienced thisyourself (if you speak multiple languages or communicate with others who have adifferent first language than you)?Reflect on language loss and how that limits/or changes the transmission ofculture/knowledge/history etc. Who does that affect and how? What would it feel like tonot be able to speak the language your grandparents or community speak?Reflect on how Indigenous languages connect to the land. How or why is that important?Not important? Do you have an experience or connection to land and language? Areplace names different if they’re translated? What gets lost if place names are changed?You are free to come up with your own ideas to reflect on, based onyourconnections to thereadings/videos & class discussions. Only pick one topic to reflect on.
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