IBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz Attempt review

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Information Systems
Dec 19, 2024
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IBM Sterling Data Exchange Level1 QuizYou must receive a score of 75% or higher on the quiz to completethe course.Started onThursday, December 19, 2024, 3:51 PMStateFinishedCompleted onThursday, December 19, 2024, 4:12 PMTime taken20 mins 52 secsFeedbackCongratulations, you passed the quiz forIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1!Question 1CorrectPoints out of 1.00What is the IBM Sterling Data Exchange solution componentthat integrates all complex Business-to-Business (B2B) andElectronic Data Interchange (EDI) processes across trading-associate communities on a single gateway?File GatewayTransformation Extender AdvanceControl CenterB2B IntegratorBackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 2IncorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 3CorrectPoints out of 1.00In the current business environment, mergers and acquisitionshave hit new highs, disrupting business-to-business (B2B)workflows. According to McKinsey & Company, what is thepercent increase in mergers and acquisitions?There was a 42% increase in mergers and acquisitionsyear-over-year in 2021.There was a 24% increase in mergers and acquisitionsyear-over-year in 2021.There was a 75% increase in mergers and acquisitionsyear-over-year in 2021.There was a 40% increase in mergers and acquisitionsyear-over-year in 2021.How would you explain the bene±ts of consolidating to onemanaged ±le transfer platform to a new client?Consolidation allows clients to gain a complex enterprisesoftware solution to integrate all business partners.Consolidation allows clients to send ±les at higher uploadand download speeds.Consolidation allows clients to realize all the bene±ts thatan IBM Sterling Data Exchange solution provides.Consolidation allows clients to automate complexenterprise software into one platform, lowering thetotal cost of ownership.BackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 4CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 5CorrectPoints out of 1.00What IBM Sterling Data Exchange capability is found in boththe Business-to-Business (B2B) Gateway package and theSecure File Transfer package?Connect DirectTransformation Extender AdvanceFile GatewayB2B IntegratorA client discusses plans to self-manage the IBM Sterling DataExchange solution. The client would like IBM support as theyget set up. Does IBM offer services to support clients with thissolution?Yes. IBM can provide a Sterling Technical Account Managerto assist clients with set up.No. IBM provides user-friendly online information for clientset up.Yes. IBM Technology Lifecycle Support Services areavailable to clients that select a software-as-a-service(SaaS) solution.Yes. IBM Expert Labs and managed services canprovide additional support to clients.BackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 6CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 7CorrectPoints out of 1.00A prospective client is specifically interested in using IBMSterling Data Exchange to simplify microservices deploymentand speed up the deployment of new applications. Whichstage of the client’s business-to-business (B2B) lifecycle arethey most likely to be in?The ‘Scale’ stageThe ‘Audit’ stageThe ‘Develop and Integrate’ stageThe ‘Operate’ stageYou are meeting with a potential client’s Chief InformationOf±cer (CIO). According to the “State of the CIO, 2022” report,what are likely to be the most common challenges faced by thisstakeholder?Security management, modernizing the business, andreducing quality assurance costsSecurity management, modernizing infrastructure andapplications, and reducing errorsManaging the information technology (IT) infrastructure,reducing the number of private clouds, and moving topublic cloudsModernizing applications, securing data, and reducingcostsBackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 8CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 9CorrectPoints out of 1.00When clients implement new technology, they want to knowthe total cost of ownership (TCO) once implemented. What is atypical TCO reduction for clients that consolidate using IBMSterling Data Exchange?35% to 40% reduction in TCO10% to 15% reduction in TCO20% to 30% reduction in TCO50% to 60% reduction in TCOClients have realized increased productivity by consolidating onan IBM Sterling Data Exchange solution. What percentage haveclients noted they increased productivity?Between 40% and 60%Between 60% and 80%Between 20% and 40%Between 10% and 20%BackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 10CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 11CorrectPoints out of 1.00After winning new corporate clients and growing market share,Scotiabank’s Global Transaction Banking Payments andProducts division was concerned that processing largerpayment volumes rapidly, securely, and cost-effectively wouldbe a challenge. What results did Scotiabank achieve once theyimplemented an IBM Sterling solution?A 22% increase in productivity year-over-year and 33%lower total cost of ownershipA 32% increase in productivity year-over-year and 30%lower total cost of ownershipA 42% increase in productivity year-over-year and 33%lower total cost of ownershipA 52% increase in productivity year-over-year and 33%lower total cost of ownershipA client wants to streamline their Business-to-Business (B2B)data exchange platform’s total cost of ownership (TCO). Whatcapability can IBM Sterling Data Exchange provide to make thisa reality?IBM Sterling Data Exchange can automate management of±le transfer endpoints.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can ensure edge security.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can consolidate the ±letransfer platform.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can automate infrastructurescaling.BackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 12CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 13CorrectPoints out of 1.00A client wants to maximize their internet technology’s agilityand responsiveness. What capability can IBM Sterling DataExchange provide to make this a reality?IBM Sterling Data Exchange can consolidate the ElectronicData Interchange (EDI) platform.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can ensure edge security.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can automateinfrastructure scaling.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can consolidate the ±letransfer platform.In which stage of the client’s business-to-business (B2B)lifecycle does IBM Sterling Data Exchange provide the bene±tof fast and accurate ±xes for common vulnerabilities andexposures?The ‘Operate’ stageThe ‘Develop and Integrate’ stageThe ‘Upgrade’ stageThe ‘Patch’ stageBackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 14CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 15CorrectPoints out of 1.00With a Business-to-Business (B2B) Gateway bundle, clients canselect a solution component that provides flexible modernmapping and transformation designed to enable and automateuniversal data transformation. What IBM Sterlign DataExchange solution component provides these capabilities?File GatewayTransformation Extender AdvanceSecure File Transfer (SFT)Secure ProxyA client is interested in an IBM Sterling Data Exchangesoftware-as-a-service (SaaS) solution but would like to managethe environment themselves. Does IBM offer this ability toclients?Yes. IBM Sterling Data Exchange software as-a-serviceSaaS provides clients with a self-managed experience.However, this is only available when licensed together withIBM TRIRIGA Application Suite.No. IBM Sterling Data Exchange software-as-a-serviceSaaS provides clients with an IBM-managed solution.There is no self-managed option.No. IBM Sterling Data Exchange offers a self-managedoption, but only for on-premises deployments.Yes. IBM Sterling Data Exchange software-as-a-serviceSaaS provides clients with the ability to select eitherself-managed or IBM-managed options.BackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 16CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 17IncorrectPoints out of 1.00A client describes that their main dif±culty relates to thegrowing amount of personnel that is needed to managefragmented infrastructure and systems. What businesschallenge do they want to solve?They want to normalize and correlate data points.They want to modernize and automate applications.They want to reduce costs and increase ef±ciency.They want to secure and govern infrastructure.You’re talking to a client who proudly shared the enormousgrowth of offerings they experienced as they expanded intonew markets during the pandemic. They go onto express thedifficulties they have been experiencing onboarding the slewof new suppliers and distributors that have been (and will be)part of this expansion strategy. What IBM Sterling DataExchange solution component would help this client solve thischallenge?IBM Sterling Partner Engagement ManagerIBM Sterling Secure File Transfer (SFT)IBM Sterling Supply Chain Business Network (SCBN)IBM Sterling Transformation ExtenderBackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 18CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 19CorrectPoints out of 1.00As you meet with information technology (IT) leaders, it iscritical to understand the key Business-to-business (B2B)challenges they are struggling with today. What is one key B2Bchallenge that IT leaders are speci±cally concerned about?Rapid growth rate of digital business transactionsConsolidation of technology companiesNot enough storage available with their Cloud ObjectStorage (COS) providerRapid growth rate of electric vehicle technologiesA prospective client is searching for a business-to-business(B2B) integration platform that will provide them greatervisibility. What visibility bene±ts can they expect from an IBMSterling Data Exchange solution?Clients can expect to have end-to-end insight, at thedocument, transaction, and business levels.Clients can expect to have end-to-end insight at thetransaction and business levels, but not at the documentlevel.Clients can expect to have end-to-end insight at thetransaction level, but not at the document or businesslevels.Clients can expect to have end-to-end insight at thedocument level, but not at the transaction or businesslevels.BackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 20CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 21CorrectPoints out of 1.00A client wants to reduce security risks. What capability can IBMSterling Data Exchange provide to make this a reality?IBM Sterling Data Exchange complies with evolvingdata exchange standards.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can proactively identifyransomware attacks before they occur.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can identify malware with99.999% precision.IBM Sterling Data Exchange can automate management of±le transfer endpoints.What are the key bene±ts of an IBM Sterling Data Exchangesolution?AI, containerization, domain expertise, and hybrid cloudcapabilityEcosystem breadth, ef±ciency, lowest cost, andreliability/securityDomain expertise, connectivity, flexibility, visibility, andreliability/securityAI, containerization, futureproo±ng, and hybrid cloudcapabilityBackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 22CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 23CorrectPoints out of 1.00If a client were to purchase IBM Sterling Data Exchange using afully managed software-as-a-service (SaaS) deployment model,what aspects would IBM be responsible for?IBM would manage the client’s day-to-day ±le exchanges.IBM would provide a dedicated resource to troubleshootthis client's IBM Cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)deployment.IBM would manage this software's patches andupgrades.IBM would manage the client’s on-premises infrastructure.What does the phrase ‘zero trust’ mean?It means that neither internal nor external entities canbe implicitly trusted without veri±cation.It means that external entities cannot be implicitly trustedwithout veri±cation. Only internal entities and systems areconsidered secure.It means that every data ±le must conform to the AES-256encryption standard.It means that a given ±le is likely to be malware.BackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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Question 24CorrectPoints out of 1.00Question 25CorrectPoints out of 1.00Li & Fung needed a more robust business-to-business (B2B)infrastructure to handle massive volumes of transactions duringChina’s Singles’ Day for its logistics business. What results didLi & Fung achieve with an IBM Sterling solution?Li & Fung handled 32% more units year-over-year toaccommodate fast-growing Singles’ Day transactionvolumes.Li & Fung handled 50% more units year-over-year toaccommodate fast-growing Singles’ Day transactionvolumes.Li & Fung handled 62% more units year-over-year toaccommodate fast-growing Singles’ Day transactionvolumes.Li & Fung handled 82% more units year-over-year toaccommodate fast-growing Singles’ Day transactionvolumes.The IBM Sterling Data Exchange solutions consists of severalindividual Business-to-Business (B2B) collaboration solutions.What IBM Sterling Data Exchange solution component providesa uni±ed ±le transfer platform to share and track the movementof mission-critical information within an enterprise, as well asacross a network of trading associates?B2B GatewayControl CenterSecure ProxySecure File Transfer (SFT)BackNext12/19/24, 11:12 PMIBM Sterling Data Exchange Level 1 Quiz: Attempt review
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