Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School, London**We aren't endorsed by this school
Dec 19, 2024
Uploaded by GrandGoosePerson1016
Investigating Mass Wasting In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Material Clay Water Saturation Slope: 30 Investigating Mass Wasting In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Material Water Saturation Slope: 20 Analysis Questions Effect: Most of the clay has come off slope Try again Analysis Questions Effect: Most of the clay has come off slope Try again In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Material Water Saturation Slope: 15 Effect: All of the clay has come off slope Try again
Investigating Mass Wasting Analysis Questions In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: Effect: Half of the gravel has come off slope « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Gravel Water Saturation Slope: 45 Try again Material Investigating Mass Wasting Analysis Questions In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: Effect: Most of the gravel has come off slope « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Gravel Water Saturation Material ye— Slope: 25 Try again 1 Investigating Mass Wasting Analysis Questions In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: Effect: All of the gravel has come off slope « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Water Saturation Slope: 20 Try again Material
Investigating Mass Wasting In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Material Water Saturation Slope: 55 Investigating Mass Wasting In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Material Water Saturation Slope: 35 Investigating Mass Wasting In this activity you will explore the interaction of the three factors that lead to mass wasting landslides: « the type of material « the slope of the material « the saturation of water in the material Select a material and a saturation level, then adjust the slope until you find the minimum slope angle that causes mass wasting. Record this in the table in the next tab. Reset and repeat until you have completed the table, then answer the analysis questions that follow. Material Water Saturation Slope: 25 Analysis Questions Effect: About a third of the layered material has come off slope Try again Analysis Questions Effect: About half of the layered material has come off slope Try again Analysis Questions Effect: Most of the layered material has come off slope Try again
Investigating Mass Wasting Analysis Questions As you conduct your experiments, record the results in the observation table. Your goal is to find the minimum slope angle that causes a mass wasting event under each of the nine conditions. When you have completed the table, answer the analysis questions that follow. Material L Minimum Slope at Minimum Slope at LOW Saturation MEDIUM Saturation HIGH Saturation Clay 30 20 15 Gravel 45 25 20 Layered 55 35 25 +/ Correct! Next — e — 1. a) What is the relationship between the minimum slope angle and saturation for each of the three materials? Student's Answer: Suggested Answer ~ The minimum slope angle needed to cause a mass wasting event declines as the saturation level increases from low to high. The more water there is in the sediments, the easier they will slide off the hill. Compare Answer Hide Answer 1. b) Explain why this relationship occurs. As the saturation of each material increases, the slope angle decreases. For clay, it is most prominent, as it has a very low « Student's Answer: Suggested Answer ~ The more water in the sediment, the less able it is to bind together by the force of friction. This makes it easier for it to flow downbhill at a lower slope angle. | think it's because more saturations means the wetter the material becomes, which can cause more slippage. v +« Previous Next —
2. Rank the three materials (clay, gravel, and layered) according to their ability to withstand mass wasting. The first should be the material most able to withstand mass wasting and the third should be the material least able to withstand mass wasting. Clay 3 v Layered 1 v Gravel 2 v + Correctl + Previous Next — Investigating Mass Wasting -~ Analysis Questions 3. Explain the role that particle size plays in determining minimum slope angle. No real correlation exists The larger the particle size, the less water it takes to overcome the force of friction holding them together The smaller the particle size, the less water it takes to overcome the force of friction holding them together The smaller the particle size, the more water it takes to overcome the force of friction holding them together +/ Correct! + Previous