Lincoln Technical Institute, Allentown**We aren't endorsed by this school
PN134L 134
Dec 19, 2024
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Chapter 16Lymphatic System The lymphatic systemFill in the blanks.1. _______Lymph______________________________ is a specialized fluid formed in the tissue spaces that will be transported by way of specialized vessels to eventually reenter the circulatory system.2. Blood plasma that has filtered out of capillaries into microscopic spaces between cells is called _________________Interstitial fluid____________________ _____________________________________.3. Tiny blind-ended tubes distributed in the tissue spaces are called _______Lymphatic______________________________ __________Capillaries___________________________.4. Lymph eventually empties into two terminal vessels called the ____Right________________________________ _________Lymphatic____________________________ ________Duct_____________________________ and the_________Thoracic____________________________ ___________Duct__________________________.5. The thoracic duct has an enlarged pouchlike structure called the ____Cisterna _________________________________ ______Chyli_______________________________.6. Lymph is filtered by moving through ____Lymph_________________________________ ____________Nodes_________________________, which are located in clusters along the pathway of lymphatic vessels.7. Lymph enters the node through one or more ____Afferent_________________________________ lymph vessels.1708. Lymph exits the node through one or more _______Efferent______________________________ lymph vessels.9. An abnormal condition in which tissues exhibit edema because of the accumulation of lymph is _______Lymphedema______________________________.10. Swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes is known as ________Lymphadenitis_____________________________.If you had difficulty with this section, review pages 430-433.ThymusTonsilsSpleenMatch each numbered description to one of the lymphatic system structures. Write the corresponding letter in theanswer blank.A. ThymusB. TonsilsC. Spleen__b_______ 11. Palatine, pharyngeal, and lingual are examples__c_______ 12. The largest lymphoid organ in the body__c_______ 13. Destroys worn-out red blood cells_ _a______ 14. Located in the mediastinum_c_______ 15. Serves as a reservoir for blood_ _a______ 16. T lymphocytes___a______ 17. Largest at pubertyIf you had difficulty with this section, review pages 434-435.The immune systemMatch each term on the left with its corresponding description on the right.
___c______ 18. Nonspecific immunity___a______ 19. Phagocytes___e______ 20. Specific immunity___b______ 21. Lymphocytes___d______ 22. ImmunizationA. Innate immunityB. Acquired immunityC. General protectionD. Artificial active immunityE. Memory171Immune system moleculesMatch each description with its related term. Write the corresponding letter in the answer blank.__C_______ 23. A type of very specific antibody produced from a population of identical cells__A_______ 24. Protein compounds normally present in the body__F_______ 25. Also known as antibody-mediated immunity__B_______ 26. Combines with antibody to produce humoral immunity__G_______ 27. Antibody__D_______ 28. The process of changing antibody molecule shape slightly to expose binding sites__H_______ 29. Chemicals released from cells to act as direct agents of innate, nonspecific immunity__E_______ 30. Inactive proteins in bloodA. AntibodiesB. AntigenC. MonoclonalD. Complement cascadeE. ComplementF. HumoralG. Combining siteH. CytokinesIf you had difficulty with this section, review pages 436-440.Immune system cellsCircle the correct answer.31. The most numerous cells of the immune system are the:A. monocytesB. eosinophilsC. neutrophilsD. lymphocytesE. complement32. The second stage of B-cell development changes a mature inactive B cell into a/an:A. plasma cellB. stem cellC. antibodyD. activated B cellE. immature B cell33. Which one of the following is activated last in the immune process?A. Plasma cellsB. Stem cellsC. AntibodiesD. Activated B cellsE. Immature B cells34. Which one of the following is part of the cell membrane of B cells?A. ComplementB. AntigensC. AntibodiesD. EpitopesE. None of the above35. Immature B cells have:A. four types of defense mechanisms on their cell membraneB. several kinds of defense mechanisms on their cell membraneC. one specific kind of defense mechanism on their cell membraneD. no defense mechanisms on their cell membrane36. Development of an active B cell depends on the B cell coming in contact with:A. complementB. antibodiesC. lymphotoxinsD. lymphokinesE. antigens37. The kind of cell that produces large numbers of antibodies is the:
A. B cellB. stem cellC. T cellD. memory cellE. plasma cell38. Just one of these short-lived cells that make antibodies can produce _2,000_________ of them per second.A. 20B. 200C. 2,000D. 20,00017239. Which of the following statements is not true of memory cells?A. They can secrete antibodiesB. They are found in lymph nodesC. They develop into plasma cellsD. They can react with antigensE. All of the above are true of memory cells40. T-cell development begins in the:A. lymph nodesB. liverC. pancreasD. spleenE. thymus41. B cells function indirectly to produce:A. humoral immunityB. cell-mediated immunityC. lymphotoxinsD. lymphokines42. T cells function to produce:A. humoral immunityB. cell-mediated immunityC. antibodiesD. memory cellsIf you had difficulty with this section, review pages 441-443.Hypersensitivity of the immune systemCircle the correct answer.43. The term allergy is used to describe (hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity) of the immune system to relatively harmless environmental antigens.44. Antigens that trigger an allergic response are often called (antibodies or allergens).45. (Anaphylactic shock or Urticaria) is a life-threatening condition.46. A common autoimmune disease is (lupus or SCID).47. Erythroblastosis fetalis is an example of (isoimmunity or autoimmunity).48. The antigens most commonly involved in transplant rejection are called (SCIDs or HLAs).If you had difficulty with this section, review pages 445-447.