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Dec 19, 2024
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P a g e | 1Name: Leroy harroldEfforts at peace period: 1 To understand why peace between Israel and Palestine’s has been hard to achieve one must learnof Israel’s and Palestine’s origins, explore, the philosophy of Zionism, understand the effects ofracism and religious fundamentalism The story of Israel goes as follows: “God” because the Jews were the chosen people wouldgift them with the land to which they’d call Israel. In genesis 15:18 it says “And thou shalt goto thy fathers in peace; thou shalt be buried in a good old age. But in the fourth generationthey shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full. And it came topass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking furnace, and aburning lamp that passed between those pieces. 18In the same day the LORD made acovenant with Abram, saying, unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egyptunto the great river, the river Euphrates:” Summing up the more mythical version of theorigin of Israel. Later supposedly affirmed his promise telling Joshua in Joshua 1:4” Fromthe wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land ofthe Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast” it’dbe impossible to find out if this is the origin of Israel what is true is that the Jews did havecontrol over what was known as the land of Israel thousands of years ago. However duelosses to more powerful groups such as the Romans Muslims etc Jews would lose completecontrol of the land for thousands of years only really reclaiming sovereignty of what wassupposed to be their nation in 1948. But for the thousands of years the Jews didn’t controlIsrael there were many conversions of Jews to their non-Jew rulers and exoduses made by theJews of the land of Israel in an effort to find a home they can rule; however Jews never
P a g e | 2completely dispersed from what they’d deem as their promised land. One of the territoriesthat the Jews would lose was the land of Palestine. In fact the name Palestine comes from theHebrew word Peleshet which means migrating or rolling.Zionism is a movement started by Theodore Herzl that sees the Jewish people more ofrace/ethnicity rather than a religious group, who deserve their own state for themselves. TheZionist philosophy would help in the choosing of Israel as being the safe haven and state for theJews after WW2. Since the Jewish people have some of the strongest ethnic ties to the land ofIsrael it only seemed to make since to put them somewhere their familiar. The Jews would jumpat the chance to reclaim the land of their ancestors. And so Israel would be formed.When Israel became a legally recognized state it angered the Arab powers in the region. On May14 1948 the Arabs powers attacked. But Israel would prove strong and win the war the Arabpowers initiated. This war showed Israel would be a major power in the region. This would bethe first of many conflicts Israel would have with its Arab neighbors throughout the 20thcentury.In 1967 Israel launched an attack against Egypt. Israel after winning the war they startedproclaimed that they simply acted in self-defense, arguing that Egypt’s activity showed thatEgypt planned to invade Israel meaning a preemptive strike against Egypt was necessary. Thisclaim of self-defense has been met with much scrutiny by Israel’s critics. The critics have citedhow even the U.S arguably Israel’s most loyal ally has found no evidence of a planned invasionof Israel by Egypt, and that even Yitzhak Rabim former chief of the general staff who served asthe chief during the war said the following “I do not believe Nasser (the leader of Egypt) wantedwar the two divisions he sent into Sinai on May 14 would not have been enough to unleash anoffensive against Israel. He knew it we knew it, we knew It.” due to the war Israel would gain
P a g e | 3control of many of Egypt’s occupied territories one the territories is the land of Palestine. Israelwould choose to occupy the land within Palestine for decades.The Infada was a movement to end the occupation. People of all stripes would come to fight forthe cause. To teens who threw rocks, to legal scholars, to peaceful protesters, to violentprotesters. The Infada lasted into the 90s. It would prove effective. International opinion wouldgo for a free Palestine. Israel would send delegates to meet with Palestine’s delegate in effort tofind a solution.Norway during one the peace talks would propose the Oslo peace accords. Which had Israelpartially withdraw from territory in Palestine that included the west bank and the Gaza strip.Yitzhak Rabim who was the prime minister of Israel during the peace talk agreed. He would beassassinated by a right wing Jew fundamentalist for his efforts at peace. Benjamin Netanyahu,Rabim’s successor and current prime minister of Israel although has stated his dislike for the dealhas promised that Israel would fulfill its side of the Oslo accords.When Israel withdrew from the Gaza strip and the West bank two things happened. The PalestineLiberation Organization, or more commonly referred to as the PLO would be the organizationthat would represent the west bank when Israel sought to discuss the management of the westbank and Hamas, an Islamist terror group originally built up by Israel to subvert the more secularPLO would be elected to power in Gaza.Hamas not long after being elected would launch poorly crafted rockets into Israel. They wouldcontinue to do this over the years. Even though there’s been some cease fires they’ve alwaysended with more violence. Israel has used Hamas’s attacks as justification for their continuedoccupation of Gaza. Critics of Israel have decried Israel’s treatment of Gaza under their
P a g e | 4occupation and have argued that Israel has done dissapornate responses to attacks by Hamas.Proclaiming that the disportionate number of number of civilians killed between the Israelis andthe Palestinians when Hamas attacks Israel is due to Israel not caring about killing civilians whenthey try to strike back against Hamas when Hamas attacks Israel. And cite how the UN has foundthat in 2020 Gaza may be uninhabitable. Israel’s supporters however have argued the dissportionis due to Hamas using civilians as human shields and Israel trying it’s best to protect its civiliansand have argued due to Hamas’s in Gaza power it’d be too risky to allow the materials necessaryto keep Gaza afloat. In the West Bank Israeli settlements have been built by religious Jews and evangelical Christiansand protected by Israel. The PLO has decried these settlements stating since the settlements areillegal under international law that they should be removed. Israel has mostly ignored the PLO’scomplaints on the matter. Infarct Israel approved the construction shortly before their last peaceproposal. The reason the settlements are built is due to the belief Palestine should belong to theJews because “God” promised the land to the Jews. And the knowledge that Israel would annexthe territory.There are three possible solutions to the conflict. The first is the two state solution which hasIsrael recognizing Palestine as a legitimate state and ending their occupation with the assurancethat Palestine won’t attack Israel. Supporters of this solution argue this is the only way everyonegets what they want and deserve. While critics of the two state solution cite polling of thePalestians that show a lot of them only supporting the solution due to them seeing it as a way toget strong enough to destroy Israel. But supporters of a two state solution have pointed outpolling that showed the vast majority of Palestinians find it essential or good for Israel andPalestine to be good neighbors if a two state solution is reached. In fact the US State Department
P a g e | 5has found quote "78 percent of Palestinians and 74 percent of Israelis believe a peace agreementthat leads to both states living side by side as good neighbors" is "essential or desirable".” asevidence that a two state solution being the best option.The second solution is the one state solution. The one state solution has Israel annexing Palestinemaking it apart of Israel. Supporters of this solution argue it’s the only way to be sure to findpeace and even secularize the Palestinians due to Israel having control over the education systemin this situation. Critics of the solution however have argued it’s simply a way to give up controlIsrael to the Muslims. Arguing that the Palestinian birth rate shows that combined with thealready Arabs in Israel the nation that was supposed to be for and ruled by Jews would beovertaken by the Muslims in the solution. Other critics have feared the possibility of an apartheidsystem being enacted to preserve Jewish control of Israel. The final possible and arguably most likely solution is simply ethnic cleansing of the Palestiniansand repopulating the land they inhabited with Jews. Supporters of this solution argue Jews areentitled to the land and so the current inhabitants of it must leave. Netanyahu has stated the dayhe won the election he quote “There are two free peoples living side by side in this small land,with good neighborly relations and mutual respect, each with its flag, anthem and government,with neither one threatening its neighbor's security and existence.” While this doesn’t show hesupports ethnic cleansing it does show that he wouldn’t be in favor two state deal combine thatand his refusal to stop the settlement expansions which inevitably lead to the eviction of the Arabtenets of the land they need for the settlements it seems to many he implicitly supports it. TheGOP front runner and presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump has argued Israel shouldcontinue expanding west. Critics of the solution have stated as a first world nation it would be
P a g e | 6appalling for Israel to annex territory for religious purposes. But so far even though they’vebroken numerous international laws Israel has suffered no sanctions.There’ve been nine total peace proposals.7 proposed by Israel 2 by the Palestinians. It wouldappear peace won’t come anytime in the near future. Work citations
P a g e | 7’s outdated history book.