+13469011127Programming Project-1In this assignment you will write a program that will read a data set from a file and compute the following descriptive statistics. The sample mean x¿=∑i=1nxinThe medianThe first and third quartileThe modeThe sample variance S2=∑i=1n(xi−x¿)2n−1The sample standard deviation S=√∑i=1n(xi−x¿)2n−1The range, maximum value in the dataset minus the minimum value of the data set. The requirements of this program are as follows:1)You will create a data file called data.txt. The file will have the following data in it.81 1 8 69 30 34 0 0 56 54 2 6 21 14 46 136 17 23 2 0 1 5 71 105 39 10 40 1 0 7 4 0 23 53 4 27 1 11 0 14 19 23 105 4 0 24 4 0 63 6Format the file so that each record in the file has one number.2)Your program will read in the data from data.txt, use the data to compute the statistics above and write the output to the html file called statreport.html.3)When you run your program you should the use command line arguments to pass in the data file name data.txt, and the name of the output file statreport .html4)Your program should have a method to compute each statistic listed above.5)You should have a method to read data from the file into an array. 6)You will need to sort the array to calculate some of the statistics. You should write a method to sort the array using the bubble sort, do not use the Arrays.sort feature to sort the array.7)Once you compute all the statistics you will open the stattreport.html file and build a statistics report as a hypertext markup language .html file. The file you create will look something like this.
+13469011127<!DOCTYPE html><html><body bgcolor="#F0F0F0" ><h1 style="text-align:center;">CSC-223 Project-1 </h1><h2 style="text-align:center;">Your name </h2><p> <br><br>The Data <br><br><pre> 81 1 8 69 30 34 0 0 56 54</pre><pre> 2 6 21 14 46 136 17 23 2 0</pre><pre> 1 5 71 105 39 10 40 1 0 7</pre><pre> 4 0 23 53 4 27 1 11 0 14</pre><pre> 19 23 105 4 0 24 4 0 63 6</pre><pre><br><pre> Descriptive Statistics </pre><br><pre> The mean of the data is 25.28 The Median of the data is 12.50 The Mode of the data is 0</pre><br><pre> The first quartilw of thr data is 2.00 The third quartile of the data is 39.50</pre><br><pre> The variance of thr data is 623.55 The standard deviation of the data is 24.9710</pre><br><pre> The range of thr data is 136.0 </pre><br></p></body>8)Once your program runs and generates the above html file you will go into a browser go to file->Open file and select your statreport.html file. Your report should look something like the below.9)Once you have completed your program upload the .java source file to Canvas.