Thristan Lundy - WHP Unit 5 Industrialization Intro Questions
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Dec 19, 2024
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World History Project: Unit 5 IndustrializationWatch the video linked here to introduce unit 5 and talk about industrialization in the context ofworld history that we’ve studied so far.Before you watch: what do you already know about industrialization? Make a bullet point listbelow of everything you think you know about it.●Industrialization is the process of transforming an economy based on agricultureand handicrafts into an economy based on machine manufacturing and industry.●- It began in Europe in the 18th century and spread to other parts of the world inthe 19th and early 20th centuries.●- It led to changes in society which included urbanization, the rise of the factorysystem, and the growth of the working class.Video Questions:1.02:03What argument does this video make about production of goods immediately priorto the Industrial Revolution?A: The video argues that before the Industrial Revolution, goods were producedin small-scale, localized settings, often within the home or workshops.2.02:20What big change does this video argue was the foundation of industrialization?A: The video argues that the big change that was the foundation ofindustrialization was the invention and widespread use of the steam engine, whichallowed for the mechanization of production.3.03:03According to the video, how did industrialization change our sense of community?A: According to the video, industrialization changed our sense of community bybreaking down traditional social structures and creating a new capitalist classsystem based on wealth and ownership.4.05:52According to the data presented in the video, what happened to exports, labor,and CO2 emissions when states industrialized?A: According to the data presented in the video, when states industrialized,exports and labor increased exceptionally, while CO2 emissions also rose a lot.5.09:24According to the video, what made Britain’s rapid industrialization possible? Whatevidence does the video use?A: According to the video, Britain's rapid industrialization was made possible bycombining factors which included access to capital, a large labor force, and afavorable political and legal climate. The video provides evidence such as the
growth of British cities, the development of transportation infrastructure, and theexpansion of international trade to support this argument.